Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: If Scar chose Kovu, why is Kovu not the same age as Simba? Instead, he's the same age as Kiara, but Kiara is born only after Scar's death. Even if Scar chose Kovu say, a week prior to his death, Kovu would still be older than Kiara, and Scar would likely have had the pride of Outland lionesses at his back, rather than the Hyenas that killed him. Instead, the only lionesses we see are the Prideland lionesses. If Scar was able to lead the outlanders as their king with Zira at his side, I'm rather confused about his desire for Pride rock in the first place.

Lizzie Turley

Answer: It's since been revealed that Zira completely made up the bit about Scar choosing Kovu as his successor. Any errors or plot holes can thus be chalked up to that.

Chosen answer: The Kovu age discrepancy, and the lack of outlander support for Scar during his Pridelands rule, are plot holes, pretty much unavoidably created by the very story in this sequel.


Answer: Perhaps Zira had just got pregnant with him and Scar had no choice but to select the unborn cub to be the new leader if it was male, and he was lucky that it was. He might have guessed that Simba would come back some time and he made this decision in a panic, forgetting about anyone else. Nala would get pregnant with Kiara around this time and she and Simba were seen possibly mating (though well hidden by Disney) during the love song in the first movie. Some time may have passed since this moment, meaning she could give birth around the same time as Zira. One more thing is that baby Kiara is a lot chubbier than Simba was, so the ceremony could be a bit late and she is a bit older than people think at that moment.

The Builders - S1-E2

Question: After Manuel has been punched by the builder, there is a close-up of the telephone receiver, and we hear Basil say something that ends in "thank you very much." What does Basil say?

Answer: Basil says "Well done, Manuel, thank you very much."


Question: In Godfather Part 2 Michael was convinced Fredo was the traitor in his family. Who opened the drapes in his bedroom, certainly not the nimble handed Fredo who couldn't hold a gun when his father was being gunned down. Who killed the 2 assassins after Michael told Rocco he wants them alive? If Fredo was the only traitor, as Michael said, can we really accept the premise that Fredo was capable of killing those two men? Fredo says to Michael "I got involved because Johnny Ola said you were being hard on the negotiations," letting in assassins to the compound doesn't fit with "being hard on the negotiations." It all doesn't make sense, can someone explain?

Answer: Fredo was not directly involved in the assassination attempt on Michael, nor did he know about it. He was duped by Ola and Roth into believing that they only wanted his help because Michael was being difficult during negotiations. Fredo was offered a large sum of money in exchange for some inside information that was then used to set up the assassination attempt. It's unknown who opened the drapes, how the assassins got in or who killed them, but it was not Fredo.


Answer: The assassins were probably killed by another member of Roth's crew that infiltrated the compound that night. That other member was probably instructed to kill the assassins after the deed was done to "tidy things up."

Question: Why did Ocean's team leave the drill behind at Van der Woude's house? Was it to tip Isabel off about the Night Fox's involvement in the stealing of the document?

Answer: Isabel was going to find out they had been there anyway. There was no reason to hide their tracks by taking the drill back with them. The drill was going to be left behind anyway, it didn't have any purpose anymore.


Question: Why did Freddy Fernandez stop being Daniel's friend after Johnny won the fight at the beach? It's not like Freddy Fernandez would have done any better, since he has no knowledge in karate.

Answer: Because any friend of Daniel's is likely to be an enemy of Johnny's. Simple matter of self-preservation.


Answer: Freddy's friends made fun of Freddy for befriending a loser like Daniel. After the fight, Freddy's friend says, "You sure pick cool people to be friends with, Freddy. Where did you find this guy?"

Question: When Nick goes to the restaurant when it is closed for the day and night, and Nick has tried to explain everything to Joanna, then she has to answer the phone, why does the camera zoom in on a pair of sunglasses at the far end of the bar?


Chosen answer: It's not the sunglasses. It's the matches. Nick is acting as though he is coming closer to Joanna to get a pack of matches, which she then notices he already has. She realises that he is trying to eavesdrop on her conversation, and although she was previously buying his apology her demeanor changes drastically once she is finished with the phone call.

Oh my gosh, thank you! One of my favourite movies, yet I didn't get this scene.

Answer: They are zooming in on the lighter not the sunglasses. He approaches her to pretend he needs matches in order to overhear who she is speaking with, she notices the lighter and that he didn't need to move from his seat, he already had a way to light his cigarette.

Question: What was the point of showing us the living-room doors opening, then closing, after Ruth has gone to bed, leaving Charles and Elvira alone?


Show generally

Question: Assuming that Moonbase Alpha is on the side facing the Earth (which is seen on the horizon over the base in the pilot episode "Breakaway"), making travel to it and back easier, and the nuclear waste on the far side, away from Earth, wouldn't the explosion propel the moon towards the Earth, thereby dooming Alpha to certain destruction?

Movie Nut

Answer: Not necessarily - The gravitational fields of Earth and the Sun could have deflected the moon away from the solar system.


Question: What happened to the other Redcoats who were in the canoes during the escape from the ambush? By the time they send the canoes over the waterfall and retreat to the cave, only the six of them are left.

Answer: Major Hayward is supporting one of the soldiers as they enter the cave. After they make their way down the rocks, he puts the soldier down on the ground. The other soldier appears to be killed by one of Magua's gang.

Question: After the raid on his farm and he has buried his wife and son, where did he get the ammunition (powder, caps and balls) to do all the practising with, as they would have burned up in the fire and the lead balls would have melted?

Answer: At first, the story advances very rapidly, essentially giving the audience a primer lesson on Josey's angry motivation; so, many minute details aren't explored, such as where he acquired his ammunition. We might conjecture that Josey had a separate out-building, called a "powder house" (which was common in that era) where gunpowder and shot was kept for safety reasons. If he did, that raises the question of why the raiders didn't ransack and burn his powder house as well.

Charles Austin Miller

Question: I remember a scene in the movie where a female crew member tell the captain that she always tried to get him to look at her, then she said something like, "look at me" and unzips her suit to reveal something like flesh eating bacteria. But I don't find it in the movie. Was that in a remake or in some other movie? There is a scene like that in a Star Trek episode, but that is not what I am referring to.

Answer: This is most likely the 2000 horror movie "Sideshow." A group of high school students go to a circus and one of the side show performers has the ability of opening her skin to reveal to the audience her internal organs. She uses this ability to seduce and kill one of the students.

Fun With Veal - S6-E4

Question: When Glen Dumont (as Mike) calls Stan's house to try and negotiate with the boys, he and Cartman exchange words, and at one point Cartman says "Don't have a Dad, Mike. Not going to work." My question is, why does Cartman say he doesn't have a Dad when he found out in Season 2 that his mum was his dad? Sure to him, Liane is only his mum, but she's also his Dad (at this point at least since it's not until Season 14 that he finds out Liane isn't his dad too, and that someone else is).

Answer: Cartman spent several years thinking that Liane was his mother, and apparently continues to view her that way. Just as someone who learns that a parent or sibling is not biological, often feels that the person is still their parent/sibling. Also, Cartman probably doesn't tell everyone he meets that Liane is actually his father. It's not their business, he doesn't feel comfortable sharing, it's not relevant to the situation at hand, etc.

Answer: In a rare moment of enlightenment for him, Cartman thinks of his mother just as his mother.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Why didn't Jack and Wang run to Jack's truck instead of the basement in the alley after the gang fight?

Answer: Because the battle between the Chang Sing and Wing Kong was between them and the truck.

Grumpy Scot

Halloween: Part 1 - S1-E4

Question: One thing I do not understand is this... "if" the souls of the deceased (that die within the walls of "Murder House") are trapped there for eternity then how does the maid get to go see her mother (obviously off premises) and Tate get to meet up with Dr. Harmon for coffee for his appointment?


Chosen answer: Because on Halloween, the souls of The Dead are said to roam the Earth. That includes those souls that are trapped within the walls of the "Murder House".


Question: Why didn't the police come looking for Allie in Graham's apartment? Some detectives should've been looking for her since Sam died early that morning.

Answer: Because his body hadn't been found yet, It was still early in the morning.

Of course, his body had been found - it was all over the news.

Question: Joy says if she's not in headquarters Riley can't be happy. But Sadness isn't in headquarters either, and Riley is sad throughout the movie. Is there a logical explanation for this, or is this a plot hole?


Chosen answer: Riley isn't sad. She's depressed. They are different states of emotion.

Greg Dwyer

Question: There are three filming locations that I haven't been able to identify. All three have been falsely identified on numerous sites. I'm heading to Sicily next month, and would like to shoot some images of them, if I can find them. All three are from The Godfather Part II. 1. Don Ciccio's villa. As seen early in the film, when Vito's mother is killed, and he escapes. Then seen later, when Vito returns as an adult to kill Don Ciccio. No, it is not Castello degli Schiavi, as commonly believed. 2. The Corleone train station. Also used twice in the film. First, for Vito's arrival, as an adult, and later, for his departure. It is obviously a small country train station, with the signs changed. 3. The olive oil mill/facility of Don Tommasino. This is where young Michael, in his fathers arms, makes such a cute face when he tastes an olive. I'm a teacher, using the trilogy in my classes, and would love to present some photos to my students, so any help would be appreciated.

Erik Christiansen

Question: How is Mark communicating with the crew members through his headset when he is in the MAV? Why didn't they do that to begin with, instead of doing the alphabet thing with earth?

Answer: The same storm that marooned Watney destroyed the Hab's communications dish. The Hab couldn't directly communicate with Earth. The MAV had a communications system built in that was fully functional. How could he do that to begin with when the MAV at Ares 4 was 3200km from the Hab at Ares 3?

Grumpy Scot

Question: When the whole gang is inside Starkiller Base and are planting the bombs, why isn't the building shaking? Dust or bits of whatever falling? The rebel X-wing squadron is right outside, shooting the very building they're in.

Answer: The reason they're planting the bombs is that the resistance fighters aren't able to do enough damage. The facility is too well insulated from the attack, so they need to damage it from the inside.

Question: Deadpool spends his whole movie killing dozens of people trying to find Francis. But did anyone else know that his real name was Francis, or just knew him as Ajax?

Answer: No and I think that was the joke. He was angry at that whole system so taking out everyone who worked for Francis was probably just him warming up for Francis. What possibly proves this is when he finally gets to 'Agent Smith' he actually asks "where is your boss?" He doesn't say Francis to him.

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