Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: What's the song playing when Austin is blowing up the Fembots?

Answer: I Touch Myself by the DiVinyls.

Grumpy Scot

Question: If Peter Pan says that the Lost Boys fell out of their prams and weren't claimed in 7 days so they were sent to Neverland. This would make them infants. Why then are they like 7-12 years old if Neverland doesn't make you age?

Answer: It's not that you never age, it's that you never grow up, i.e. pass into puberty and become an adult.


Question: I've heard that the cast is entirely British, except for one American. Who is the American? These ALL seem like British actors or actresses to me.

Answer: While she is known as a British actress, Zoe Wannamaker (Madam Hooch) was born in the United States. Another American that makes an appearance in the film is Verne Troyer (Mini-Me from the "Austin Powers" films), who plays Griphook the Goblin.

Cubs Fan

Question: A baseball writer discovers Stan Ross never actually had 3000 hits because in one game in 1982 he had three hits counted twice. He says the game was called for a curfew and finished later. Does anyone know of any major league baseball game called for curfew, or any other time limit?

Answer: On May 12, 1972, the Milwaukee Brewers and the Minnesota Twins played 21 innings to a 3-3 tie before the 1 AM curfew. Play resumed the next day before the regularly scheduled game. Milwaukee scored in the top of the 22nd to win 4-3. In the regular game that followed, Minnesota won 4-3 in 15 innings.


Question: What species is Darth Maul? Is he just a human severely disfigured by the dark side? Is that just make up to make himself look scary? Or is he some strange type of being?

Answer: He is a Zabrak, a alien species. See:


Question: I don't understand the scene with Austin and the fembots, how are the fembots exploding?

Answer: They have been programmed to kill Austin. But he is so sexy that he is turning them against their programming. So they blow up as their computerised brains cannot take it.

Soylent Purple

Answer: "All I Know" by Art Garfunkel.

Question: At the end, does Shirley go back to her old life or does she stay?

Answer: Shirley stays. You can see that she has found herself and has fallen in love with herself and the life she created. After a life changing moment like that, she realises she can never go back again. She simply doesn't want to. At the end as she watches her husband walk toward her, you see that she observes him from a different perspective. She feels compassion, and she feels sorry for him even mentioning she hopes he stays a while to feel the sun on his face. You can sense the compassion she has for him in a more detached way and in that moment, you know without a doubt that she stays.

Answer: My thoughts are he stays for a while, loves it, so they fall in love again and stay together in Greece.

Answer: That's what you're meant to be left wondering. I get the feeling that she will eventually go back to her life in England but her husband will have to do some serious listening first about the changes that have to be made.

Question: When Rachel is laying on the couch in Harlan's basement and Ray is holding her hand, she shows him a medal that she won. What did she win it for?

Answer: She was showing him a third place ribbon that she won at a horse show.


Season 1 generally

Question: Does the main twist at the end actually make any sense? Could Nina really have been working against Jack and is there any subtle evidence of this earlier on? It seemed to me like the ending was chosen because it was the most shocking, but the least logical. Some examples of Nina trying to hinder Jack or just acting suspiciously would be appreciated.

Answer: The producers actually decided on this twist half way through the season. I'm unsure about the upcoming season five, but in the past, the writing team have only written six or seven episodes at a time and then deciding where to go next whilst filming. An example of Nina acting suspiciously would be when she left Kim and Teri at the safehouse fairly soon before it was attacked. Although it seemed that she left due to Teri's realisation that it was Nina who was seeing Jack during their separation, this has been cited as a red herring - more likely is that she left them and told the bad guys where they were.

Question: There's an "abort" dial Tom Hanks looks at once as they are taking off and once when the engine shuts off. What would happen if he turned the abort dial?

Answer: The launch escape system, the 'spike' mounted above the command module, would fire a set of four thrusters designed to pull the command module away from the rest of the launch vehicle. Pitch thrusters fire to move the command module laterally, in order to avoid the possibility of the module being hit by the oncoming launch vehicle, or to prevent the module from landing in a dangerous location in the event of a launchpad fire. Once these thrusters have done their job, the escape system jettisons and the module lands using the onboard parachutes. The above describes what happens when the control is rotated in the counter-clockwise direction indicated by the control's legend. If the control is instead rotated in the clockwise direction then control of the rocket passes from the computers built into the Saturn V rocket (later jettisoned with the stages) to the computers built into the command module proper. This control was never used in an Apollo launch.


Question: Is the young green alien who is cheering on Anakin at the pod races the same one who confronts Han Solo in Episode 4?

Answer: Technically it wasn't, but during principal photography of the movie, it indeed was meant to be the same creature (Greedo). In one of the deleted scenes, the green alien picks a fight with Anakin, accusing him of cheating to win the pod race. Qui-gon warns young Greedo that he'll get into trouble if he keeps picking fights, and sure enough, he is blasted to pieces by Han Solo in Episode IV (again, that was the original plan). However, since the scene never made it into the movie, we are just left to assume it's an alien of the same race.

Matty Blast

Answer: No his name is Wald, and he is of the same race. The deleted scene shows them together, but the Wald says be careful or one day you'll get yours.

Kevin l Habershaw

Question: Who plays the guard that beats Adam Sandler with the baton? He looks familiar. He's also in the cafeteria scene - he attempts to hit Adam but he blocks it and then the guard says "You're gonna regret that" (or something to that effect).

Answer: The actor who plays him is William Fichtner, and he has appeared in many other films such as Armageddon, The Perfect Storm and Black Hawk Down.


Question: In the book, Jude marries Vile Richard and Uncle Geoffrey is discovered to be gay and has a 'toy boy'. These are two major story-lines in the book, and to the films, because Jude is Bridget's best friend and Uncle Geoffrey is made out be be a sex/woman mad freak, so why were they dropped? And also, could we therefore see the story-lines in a possible third movie?

Answer: These storylines were probably cut out because they focus on secondary characters other than Bridget, which are usually the first things to go in movie adaptions of novels. Even if they had been included, it wouldn't have been more than a passing mention.


Question: How did Kevin kill Goldie without leaving a mark on her?

Answer: Seeing how quiet and skilled at killing Kevin is, it is not unlikely that he managed to creep up and, while clamping a hand over her mouth, inserted a syringe with a fast-working poison. Another, more cinematic, possibility is that he used his martial arts skills to strike certain pressure points with his fingertips, killing her instantly.


Question: In the trivia section it is mentioned that you may get a surprise reading the warnings on the beginning scenes of the DVD. I haven't got the DVD so can anyone tell me what the surprise is?

Answer: It's at the cinema it happens. The message as it appears onscreen is exactly as follows: "The following PEEVIEW has been assproved for immature audiences only. If you can read this you are too close. Pee Pee Poopy Boogers Farts Butthole.We thought it would be funny to put this here. Kiss our asses and take it off pause."


Question: Is it ever explained how Adrian Brody's character can jump to 2007?

Answer: No. The concept of how the jacket and the drawer is left a mystery to the audience.

Question: Whats the deal with the moving staircases? Wouldn't they make all the students late for classes?

Answer: Hogwarts is a highly magical place with many oddities built into it; the staircases are one of those, but most are reasonably predictable in how and when they move. The students simply have to learn the patterns to avoid problems.


Answer: For about two minutes. In the last showdown in the cave he sneaks a coin out of the chest when nobody is looking, because he knows he will have to fight Barbossa, and the only way he can stand a chance is to be as invulnerable as him. It is therefore necessary for Jack to be cursed and an undead while the fight is going on.


Answer: It is one of two things, one being his inability to achieve or maintain an erection while they are going at it, and the second is premature ejaculation, both of which Ross would be mortified about.

Super Grover

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