Question: Near the beginning of the movie, the man in charge of the WOPR is explaining to the President's advisor that the WOPR has already fought WW3, as a game, many times over. Why wouldn't the WOPR have already learned that Global Thermonuclear War would be unwinnable, as it learned near the end of the movie?
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
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Question: Multi part question:1. Does this one ignore Seed Of Chucky? 2. Why did Tiffany change her appearance from Seed Of Chucky once human? 3. Why not have Brad Dourif's voice come out of the Nica character's mouth?
Answer: Well in Bride Of Chucky, unless that was a dye job, she had black hair. Here she's blonde.
She simply decided to dye her hair back to blonde. Human Tiffany was originally blonde in "Bride of Chucky," and she also dyed her doll-hair blonde when she turned into a doll. The only time she has dark hair is at the end of "Seed of Chucky" when she possesses Jennifer Tilly. But like I said... she simply decided to dye her hair blonde again in the meantime. She was also blonde in "Curse of Chucky." There's no real significance to it... she probably just wanted to have hair like she used to have.
Thank you, my bad. You're one of the sharpest people on this site. You should work for them.
Answer: 1) No, this film does not ignore "Seed of Chucky." While references to it are minimal, it is still considered official canon with the series. 2) I don't really understand how she changed her appearance. She still looks like Jennifer Tilly. You may need to elaborate on that. 3) In the context of the film, it's because he's taken over her Nica's body and is currently using her vocal cords to speak.
Question: When the Braddocks are interviewed by reporters prior to Jim's biggest fight, one reporter asks Mae how she feels that he will be facing a boxer who has killed two people in the ring. Why do you think the reporter asks her that question rather than Jim Braddock.
Answer: It's typical for reporters to ask someone who is married to a notable person how they feel about their spouse. It gives a different slant and perspective to their story. Other reporters have probably asked Jim for his reaction, or he had publicly made statements to that affect, so asking again provides nothing new.
Question: When Deadpool dislocates both of Francis' arms near end of film how comes the villain seemingly cries out in pain? I thought he had made it very clear earlier in the film that he doesn't feel pain any more, of any kind.
Answer: He seems to yelp a little bit, but I just chalked it up to being a combination of him struggling with Deadpool and also being more exasperated than anything else. Plus sure, he may not feel the pain, but he'd still recognize that having his arms broken/dislocated is a very bad thing since it puts him at a disadvantage in the right. So he could just be reacting out of frustration. I'd probably yelp or scream too if I was in that situation even if I didn't feel pain.
Question: When Gary Seven received the three ID cards from the computer, one ID is for the police homicide department. However, this ID card is not used. What was the reason for issuing it?
Answer: It's not explained. However, Gary Seven was originally supposed to be a character in a separate TV show. A pilot was filmed, but the show never materialized. Footage from the pilot was later incorporated into the Star Trek episode, "Assignment Earth." Presumably, some of the footage that was used didn't fully relate to or explain the revised plot, creating inconsistencies. Also, at the end, Spock tells Seven that he and his new team have, "many interesting experiences ahead of them." That could indicate the unused I.D. was intended for a future purpose.
Question: Kaffee is explaining the plea deal where they would only spend six months in prison. Dawson explains that they won't accept the deal because that would mean they would be pleading guilty and would likely be dishonorably discharged. Even if the "conduct unbecoming" charge were dropped, as per the deal, wouldn't the judge likely order a DD anyway because their actions resulted in the death of a Marine? And wouldn't a smart lawyer, like Kaffee, know this and explain it to them?
Answer: As part of the deal offered by Ross, the "conduct unbecoming" isn't being's the ONLY charge the government will pursue, which, if they were found guilty, would carry a two year sentence (which Kaffee estimates will translate to six months). This is why Dawson wants to go to court, to prove their innocence and avoid a DD...during the trial, of course, they are found guilty of conduct unbecoming anyway. If all the charges were dropped, or if they were found innocent of all the charges, there would be no reason for them to be dishonorably discharged, as they would not be guilty of any crime.
"I'll knock it down to involuntary manslaughter. Two years." - Ross offering the plea deal to Kaffee.
Question: How didn't Syndrome already know that Bob or Mr. incredible married Elastigirl? There is a computer with all the information about superheroes, so he would surely know this. I know that her location was unknown, but they were married before supers were made illegal and Incrediboy (his alias 15 years prior) was his biggest fan.
Answer: They got married as their secret identities, only their fellow superheroes knew it was Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl that got married, no fans. Syndrome also already wasn't a fan of him anymore and stopped following him.
What about the message that Mirage sent to Bob Parr? In it, she calls him Mr. Incredible and then says that his secret is safe. Since Mirage knows that Bob is Mr. Incredible and works for Syndrome, wouldn't that mean he knows Bob and Mr. Incredible are the same guy too?
Sure, Mirage personally recognized Mr. Incredible in the car with Frozone, who they were tracking. But they didn't make the connection yet that his wife is a super as well. In time they might have, but the focus was on Mr. Incredible right away, since that was Syndrome's number 1 super to find and test the robot on.
Question: At the end we learned that Laurel murdered her husband but how did she not remember that if she was the killer all along?
Question: When the soldiers were taking the mutants to the containment center by the train, Kurt shouts towards the soldiers "Your kid was right about us. We could help you." What does he mean "your kid"? (01:26:45)
Chosen answer: Four minutes earlier, one of the MCU soldiers walks past Kurt and says to him "My kid used to be a fan" (of the X-Men). So later on, Kurt yells to the same soldier "Your kid was right about us. We could help you!", meaning that he and the other mutants can be trusted to help them fight the D'Bari attackers.
Question: I've noticed that every episode has scenes where the camera is swaying a little, suggesting the camera was handheld or resting on the cameraman's shoulder. Is there a reason for filming this way, instead of just using a steadicam? It doesn't really add any sense of style to the show.
Answer: As the other answer indicated, it is a common filming technique used to achieve various visual effects. Handheld cameras can create a deliberate sense of movement that follows a movie's action. A cameraperson can physically move in much closer to an actor, creating a more intimate connection between the character and the audience. It can also reflect a character's movement from their vantage point, and can be used to create a greater sense of realism with an edgier, less-rehearsed, or a documentary-style feel.
Answer: It is a style of filming a scene, a style of camerawork. In your opinion it doesn't add anything, but they do it for that purpose.
Question: How did Quinton get so bloody at the end, and why did he turn evil?
Answer: They dropped him into a cube below, he hit his head and it was cut open, later as he recovered it got smeared all over him. He went crazy, cabin fever. He couldn't cope with the psychological trauma from everything that was going on, the stress, claustrophobia, being in danger.
Question: Where was Marion Crane's house?
Answer: Marion lived in Phoenix Arizona. Her boyfriend, Sam, lived in Fairvale, California, which is where she was headed when she stopped at the Bates Motel.
Question: Spock says Kirk went to a time ahead of him and Dr. McCoy. How did he know that?
Answer: Spock understood how the machine worked, by sending a person to the time they were viewing. When the three were near the time portal, they could hear each other and those around them. Spock would have been able to hear the group of people who took Kirk and heard them talk about thievery, purse cutting, and the law, etc. He made a logical assumption Kirk is in a more advanced and "civilized" time period that would have to be much later than the ice age.
Question: Before taking possession of Deputy Josh, why did Jason shave off the mustache?
Answer: There isn't much of a feasible in-movie explanation. In truth, the entire scene was added by the director because he felt the movies were pretty sexist in that it was mostly women who were either nude or sexualized. Thus, he added an inherently homo-erotic sequence involving one man shaving another stripped man to "level the playing field" so-to-speak. The only real explanation I could think of is that maybe the creature just thought it'd feel uncomfortable transferring to a man with a mustache. But even that's shaky at best.
Question: What exactly was Maude's doctor checking for? That he was fertile? That he didn't have an STD?
Answer: As it's not specified, any answer would be speculation. An STD check would be fairly straightforward, and definitely something Maude would want to know about, so we can assume that was part of it. And even though the only way to check if he was fertile would be to take a sperm sample, which might arouse suspicion in anyone else, he asks Maude about the doctor immediately after she reveals that she slept with him with the intention of conceiving, so it's implied that this was performed as well.
Answer: Maude wanted a strong, healthy man to conceive a child, so she sent the Dude to her doctor to be sure.
Question: Why is the original, Japanese version of Indigo League and Orange Islands episodes extremely difficult and almost impossible to find on the internet?
Answer: The reason for this is uncertain.
Question: Is David Thewlis still banned from entering the China for his role in this movie? I know that Brad Pitt's ban was lifted in 2014, but was Thewlis' ban lifted too?
Answer: Brad Pitt's ban was lifted in 2014, but David Thewlis is still banned from entering China to this day.
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Answer: WOPR had not yet learned the concept of a no-win scenario until it was ordered to play Tic Tac Toe against itself at the climax of the film. Once WOPR understood that there existed certain games that literally could not be won, it then understood that nuclear war was one of those un-winnable situations after running a sufficient number of scenarios with this new concept in mind.