Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Answer: It is my opinion that you should absolutely watch Breaking Bad first. If you did not know, Better Call Saul takes place before the events of Breaking Bad. At the time I am posting this, BCS is mid-way through season 5, with season 6 on the way perhaps in a year. So if you binge Better Call Saul now, you would not be able to "flow" right into Breaking Bad. To me, it's better to watch in the order that they came out. Breaking Bad was a phenomenal show, and now watching Better Call Saul, it is fun to watch the events unfold and start to lead up to what we saw in BB. Enjoy.


Answer: Now that it's ended, this question can be fully answered. Better Call Saul includes events after the conclusion of Breaking Bad, as well as references to and descriptions of major events from the latter. Not only would Breaking Bad be spoiled for you by watching Better Call Saul first, but there's a lot that wouldn't be understood.

Chosen answer: So far the show has been about Saul's struggles as a lawyer long before the Breaking Bad timeline (Spoiler Alert: It starts out for the most part at a time when he didn't even go by the name Saul).


Question: If no one on PK's planet communicated using voices, then why did he have vocal cords in the first place?


Chosen answer: This would be a complex speculation question. But first off, it's not the vocal chords that allow humans to speak as we do, other animals have vocal chords, yet can't speak. It's about our mouths and muscle structure that allows us to "shape" sounds into words. Given the humanoid figure of PK (i.e. small, non protruding mouth and neck length), we can assume PK's species developed the ability to speak and then evolved past that, but maintained the needed structure for speaking for whatever reason, such as eating.


Question: How does Hermione know so much about magic and the wizard world already, more than Harry, if she and Harry were both raised by Muggle families?

Answer: After learning she was a witch and purchasing all her school textbooks, she learned them all by heart. She also read as much as she could about the magical world, presumably in order to help her ease the transition into her new surroundings.

Cubs Fan

Question: When Cage enters the dam building something past the plant moves. What is it? Looks like a mop head.

Answer: It must be either a piece of equipment that someone noticed was in the shot, and tried to move out of the way in time. Or some sort of reference marker for Tom Cruise to take a cue from and point his gun at.

Scott Benham

I've Got You Under My Skin - S1-E2

Question: What is the song that plays immediately after the opening credits/theme, over the shots of San Fransisco? [At least in the version on Netflix in the UK - other versions seem to have "Torn" by Natalie Imbruglia]. The lyrics go something like this: "We hope and we pray for a break, that the weather around us might change, that hope just fell asleep in the hole where burdens keep pulling and pressing the weight of the problems in life that we face, but faith's so incomplete."

Answer: I get the impression that it is a studio band doing a "sound-alike" piece of music that may not have ever been released but was done just for the show. I'm not sure it has a title or can be found anywhere outside of the episode.

Question: Tolkien has made it clear in his letters that sailing to the Undying Lands does not make a mortal immortal. But this is what I'm curious about: is it possible to give up immortality in the Undying Lands? For instance, if Arwen had remained immortal and sailed there, would she still be able to choose a mortal life? (Not that she would do that, I'm just using her as an example).

Answer: Arwen could have, yes, but only because she specifically has the race of Men in her ancestral lineage.


Question: How is Hugo Stiglitz not recognised in the coffee scene? Earlier in the movie, a soldier tells Aldo Raine that "everybody in the German Army knows Hugo Stiglitz." So how come the SS officer or even the other German soldiers do not recognise him?


Chosen answer: Everyone in the German army knows who Stiglitz is, that doesn't mean they all know what he looks like and can identify him on sight.

Question: When Frog and The Bandit have stopped and are walking through the woods, you can see something that is wrapped around Burt Reynolds gut under his shirt. Does anyone know what that was?


Chosen answer: That's a 'kidney belt'. It's used for two reasons: 1) in long distance driving, it keeps your kidney's from bouncing around from all that high-speed stunt driving and 2) it holds in your gut for filming purposes to make you look good on film.


Question: What song is Barbara singing in the nightclub?

Question: Why does Sanchez leave Felix back at his house? I get that he might have thought Felix was dead, but why bring him back to his house? Why not cremate him or something? Hell, why not leave him in the shark tank to drown or get eaten some more?

Answer: That message wasn't for Bond. It was for everyone in law enforcement, to show what happens when you tangle with him. No one is safe from his wrath.

Answer: He apparently wanted to "stage the scene" in order to send a message, particularly to Bond. It's doubtful he expected Felix to still be alive.


That doesn't make any sense - Sanchez didn't even know who Bond was at that point. Even if he did and Killifer had tipped him off why did Sanchez not recognise Bond when Bond turns up at his casino?

Question: If Callaghan knew that his daughter was dead because of project silent sparrow, how did he attended the SFIT students showcase happily? And after the fire at SFIT, everyone presumed that Callaghan was dead. So when did Callaghan visit the project silent sparrow to know that his daughter was dead, before or after the fire?


Chosen answer: The Silent Sparrow incident took place long before the events of the film. He had been plotting his revenge for some time, part of which was using the fire to steal the microbots.

Answer: I think the fire was his original revenge plot but the microbots provided a chance for an even more satisfying end to Krei. Likely Abigail disappeared a year or two before (judging by how the men hardly aged) and Krei had to rebuild his company's image therefore creating the event. The comeback would have been hard on Callaghan and may have caused him to plan the fire and his death in the explosion assuming KreiTech couldn't recover from both, perhaps even would have taken Krei with him. But then he the microbots changed everything.

Question: When Cage dies the day resets - but in the scene where Cage was run over by the truck they cut back to Sergeant Farell who says something like "well look at that" - so when exactly does the day reset?

Answer: The day resets from the moment Cage dies to the moment he wakes up at the base. Presumably being hit by the truck mortally wounded him, but he didn't die for a few seconds.

Question: Do the numbers on the Hogwarts train, 5972, have any meaning?

Answer: It has no meaning to the story. The locomotive used for the Hogwarts Express is the GWR No. 5972 "Olton Hall." It was built in 1937 and was in service in the U.K. until 1963. It was to be sold for scrap, but it was bought by the National Railway Museum and has been on display there in Shildon.


Question: Would a sergeant-major participate in a mission?

Answer: This one did, everything ascribed to him in the film was true.


CSM Plumley's records show that he served in 320th Glider Field Artillery Battalion as a scout. The 320th participated in two glider assaults in the European Theater. Also, Plumley never served in Korea during the Korean War, so he couldn't have participated in one of the two combat jumps of that conflict. His record book indicates he was at Ft. Campbell, Kentucky (1951 to early 1953) when he received orders to Germany. Finally, he never claimed to have made any combat jumps in his career.

Question: Why does Gothel say "I'm not getting any younger down here" when Rapunzel is coming to pull her up? Does this imply that Rapunzel knows why Gothel keeps her in the tower, or is she pretending to be sarcastic?

Lily Harrison

Chosen answer: "I'm not getting any younger" is usually a sarcastic way of telling someone to hurry up.


Answer: Gothel also means it literally because Rapunzel's hair keeps her young, but of course Rapunzel doesn't know this.

Question: As Jason's body is being brought into the hospital, the camera focuses on a room with a crying girl, and presumably her parents, her face is obscured so who is this suppose to be? Is it suppose to be Chris from the last movie?

Answer: The way I look at it there's more than one possibility: 1. The crying relatives are totally unrelated, so to speak, to the events of the film. B) they are relatives of one of the victims, be it Andy or Debbie or Shelly. The girl does not look like Chris from part 3.

Alan Keddie

Answer: I suspect that the girl was intended to be Chris, hence her face being very obviously obscured (as Dana Kimmel did not return for this movie). The lack of a resemblance may be an error, though, with her face being away from the camera, it's not very noticeable.

Answer: The original idea for this one was Jason causing havoc in a hospital and I think Chris was supposed to come back, so your guess is as good as mine.

Question: In the later chapters, the main characters are being pursued by Tripods, mind controlling alien machines. My question is, if the Tripods can turn humans into 1600's puppets, complete with foxhunts, why don't they make some of said mind-controlled humans help with the pursuit?


Chosen answer: There's no way to answer that because there could be any number of reasons they chose not to. For whatever reason, they did not do that. Any answer would be speculation.


Question: How could first-year students buy wands this year if Ollivander closed his shop?

Answer: While Ollivander is regarded as the most skilled and revered wand maker, other wand makers did exist. The students obviously would have gone to a different shop that year.

Question: At the end when the ranger is sitting in his car and the alarm is going off, is he still alive?


Chosen answer: Yes he's alive. Nothing happened to him at all. He had turned on the siren when he saw someone in the road, which was suspicious. After he helps Ivy, he reports back to his supervisor that everything was okay, which it was. He realized that Ivy was from inside the reserve, but he says nothing about it.


Question: There are three levels in which night time occurs on Pandora. Two as a human player and one as an avatar player. Exactly how long does a player have to wait for darkness to appear on the other levels if playing as either?

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