Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: In the scene where the dad tells Annie, pretending to be Hallie, that he is going to marry Meredith, Hallie yells a bunch of stuff in French. Does anyone know what she was saying?

Answer: I hope that you are joking, Meredith is not the girl for you. But it is possible that I am dreaming that this is so.

Stephen Edmonds 1

Answer: Jen dies. Joey ends up with Pacey. Dawson becomes a movie producer and produces a show based on his life.

Jason Feng

My Bright Idea - S5-E16

Question: JD and Turk have something in this episode where one can detect the other if they have a little coin-like thing within 100 feet (Which Turk makes the Janitor eat). What is that thing called, and where can I get it?

Answer: It's called a tracking device. You can probably find one at an electronics outlet.


Question: Did Terrance Howard do his own rapping for the film?

Answer: Yes he did. The lyrics for the songs that he raps in the movie were written by the group Three Six Mafia.

Rollin Garcia Jr

Question: From the way it is portrayed in the movie, it looks like Bond & Wai Lin just head straight for the stealth boat once they spot it. They come at it from the front. I don't see why they would do that. Even if the surveillance guy wasn't paying attention (there's no way Bond could've known that), shouldn't someone on the bridge be able to see the dingy approaching straight at it? It would've made more sense to me if Bond waited for the ship to pass and then come from behind or the sides.

Answer: It's getting dark by this point - Bond and Wai Lin are dressed in black in a dark coloured boat. Anyone looking out of the window would be looking down towards them - they wouldn't be able to pick them out against the sea.


Question: When Hallie and her mom are on the way to the studio, they are showing crossing the street. On the road behind them, the white lines are zigzagged at the beginning. Why are they like this?

Answer: They are crossing on the zebra crossing on Abbey Road in London. The Zigzags are a warning for drivers that the crossing is near. They serve as both strict 'no parking' and 'no crossing the centre line' warnings.


Question: Which Ferrari model does Riley drive at the end of the film?

Answer: F360 Spider.

Question: What music is being played when Bridget and Eric dance in the bar?

Answer: La Receta by Kemo the Blaxican.

Question: In the movie, there is a song playing as everyone is hunting the vampires (there are a few split-screen images, and they show a few vampire glyphs), could anyone tell me what the name of this song is, and who sings it? The words 'This Blood' are repeated a few times, but I checked that song and it doesn't seem to be the one playing.

Answer: It's "Hard Wax" by Manchild.

Question: Several times near the end of the movie, the German soldiers speak in German without subtitles. Can anyone translate?

Answer: All I could catch was "VORAN,VORAN" which means "Go, go!"

Answer: I added some translations for this to the Trivia page for this movie here on a while back.

Neil Jones

Question: Is there any significance with the type of breakfast (egg in the toast) that Evey is fixed in the two scenes?

Answer: It's just a way of serving the eggs and toast, there is no significance relating to Evey.

mike harrison

Answer: Ron having a horrible time and berating her for being "with the enemy" had her upset. Plus the fact that there is a growing attraction between the two that has been evident since the second movie, she feels that he should have seen her in a different light and not just a "convinience" date to ask at the last minute.


Answer: Hermione does tell Ron that the next time there is a ball to work up the courage and ask her before someone else and not a last resort.

Question: How, exactly, does Max die? When Machine rips the tape off his mouth, does he fall forward onto a blade of some type?

Answer: Machine first rips off the tape then slits his throat with a knife he had hidden. If you put the movie in slow play, you will see what I mean.

Answer: Presumably she chose not to be credited. This isn't that uncommon when a major star takes on a relatively minor role in a film.


Question: Pixar has only two rules for what to put in their film: The Pizza Planet truck must appear, and John Ratzenberger must have a part of some kind. Though I have found both in Pixar's other five films, I have not spotted either in this one. Where are they?

Answer: The Pizza Planet truck can be seen on the road when the family arrive in the van towards the end of the film. Ratzenburger shows up right at the very end, voicing the Underminer. Pixar actually have a third thing that shows up in each film - the code A113, which refers to a classroom used by animation students at the California Institute of the Arts.


There is actually a 4th thing as well. The luxo ball, which has been in every pixar film since its debut in 1986's Luxo Jr, a short about two lamps. One of these appears in the Pixar logo (the one that jumps on the "I").

Question: How did Lupin become a werewolf? Did he get bitten or is he a shape shifter?

Answer: This is answered in the sixth book. He was bitten as a small boy (about 5) by a dangerous Werewolf called Fenrir Greyback. He is not an Animagus like Sirius Black.


Question: What's the building the UFO nuts are on top of; it looks very familiar to a building in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas.

Answer: Now it's the US Bank tower, the tallest structure in downtown Los Angeles, although at the time of filming I believe it belonged to IBM.


Question: In the song "Be Our Guest" what do they say after "Course by course, one by one, till you shout" I can never quite understand it.

Answer: From the lyrics this is what it reads "'Til you shout, "Enough! I'm done!. Then we'll sing you off to sleep as you digest. Tonight you'll prop your feet up. But for now, let's eat up" then it goes into the chorus again.


Show generally

Question: "Spooks" is called "MI-5" in the US. I'm aware that Five operates something like the FBI and Six like the CIA, however, what are One through Four?

Answer: They no longer exist. The Military Intelligence groups first appeared at around the time of the First World War. MI-1 was the original directorate, MI-2 dealt with the Soviet Union and Scandinavia, MI-3 with Germany and Eastern Europe, MI-4 handled aerial intelligence gathering, MI-7 dealt with propaganda, MI-8 with communication intercepts, MI-9 with covert operations, MI-10 were the technical experts, MI-11 dealt with security issues out in the field and so on and so forth. All these departments have either been shut down or subsumed into the Security Service, informally referred to by its original designation of MI-5, the Secret Intelligence Service, referred to as MI-6, or GCHQ, the Government Communications Headquarters.


Answer: It has never been been revealed what happened to Marvin Monroe, only that he died and his tombstone was the first time there had been any mention of him. Monroe had never been an popular character and perhaps the tombstone would put to rest what had happened to him. In a fairly recent episode he reappeared and when asked about what had happened to him and he mentioned he had been very sick.


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