Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: How does wearing the sunglasses allow the wearer to hear the speakers broadcasting the "sleep" command?

Answer: It affects the brain waves. Wearing those glasses disrupts the visual and audio signals.

Question: Can anyone give a reason as to why he was made younger after being hit with that gas tanker with the lips? It's true that he was once again immortal, but that doesn't mean that he should've reverted to the age he was in the first film.

Answer: Killing another immortal grants you their life energy. The energy returned his youth and powers.


Question: When Captain Miller told Ryan, "You might want to take some time with this, if there's some place you want to go," did he mean he could go off to the side to quietly grieve away from the other men, or did he mean that they could go look at whatever he wanted to they were passing by on the way back to the boat?

Answer: He means he could go off in private and mourn without being watched. The death of three brothers would be a huge blow, and he might need some time to compose himself.

Brian Katcher

Answer: He was a fictional character. However, Apatow says he was playing a version of himself, though he didn't initially realise that when being cast. He claims he is not that bad in real life; his character is also an amalgam of other producers.


Question: When Lara and Terry escape from Hong Kong via the wingsuit BASE jump, was Til Schweiger motioning to his un-parachuted henchmen with the words "Follow her!" actually in the script, or was that comedic gem ad-libbed by him?

Question: I don't understand why, after Rachel's sister being murdered and her son was almost murdered and saved by Frank, she then starts mistrusting Frank and calls him a maniac at the Academy Awards. (04:28:22)

Answer: It's because of those things that she's scared and confused, especially that a hitman is after her. She felt lied to and betrayed.

Question: During the fight in Marion's Bar, there's a shot with her holding a (makeshift) torch and loading her mouth with alcohol (probably Rum), draining from a small barrel. How did that potential scene of her "spitting fire" at the next opponent not end up being used in the film? Did they really sacrifice continuity for the sake of further establishing her as a drunkard?

Answer: I don't see it as a continuity issue - she uses the burning stick to smash over the guy's head. The fact that it's on fire is likely irrelevant, she just needed a club. As for her grabbing a drink, it's just a quick comic aside rather than trying to highlight any sort of drinking problem. The barrel is shot and draining onto the floor, she doesn't want to waste good rum.

Jon Sandys

Question: What exactly was the reason for the war at the very start of the movie?

Answer: Powers Boothe, "Andy," tells the kids Russia's natural resources have run out; that's why nukes were not used in the first wave of the invasion. They wanted the land and resources intact.

Question: When Etienne is talking to Richard about Francoise being happy, where does his burn tattoo go?

Question: In the end, Rachel departs the van to a new mission. Where does this happen? What is the square in the scene? (01:55:00 - 01:58:00)

Exposed - S1-E14

Question: The FBI were able to trace 2 payments from Donovan to Cutler's account for the killings, but apparently they aren't able to trace the payment to Cutler for the job he did on Maggie's husband? It's been several seasons now, so I would think if they were going to provide Maggie some closure it would've already happened?

Len Mulaski

Question: When Pete got caught in that bomb blast, was he just at the wrong place at the wrong time, or was he specifically targeted to be killed, along with the targeted others?

Answer: The Shrieking Shack was actually well-known to everyone. The dilapidated house was located near Hogsmeade and was believed to be haunted, as wails and screams were regularly heard. There wasn't another similar-type house in the area, and Hermione, being very smart, merely deduced that based on their location from the Whomping Willow tree, that was where they were.


Answer: Bruce can't have human kids, but Hulk has entirely different physiology, and Skaar's mother is no doubt not human either. Changes the dynamic entirely.

Jon Sandys

Show generally

Question: What is the actual line spoken by JJ? This is a paraphrase from what I remember from almost 50 years ago: "When poor folks get money from the government they call it welfare, but when corporations get it, it's called subsidies."

Answer: It's from s01e03, "Getting Up the Rent." They're short on rent and Florida finally agrees to go to the welfare office with Willona. But she's turned down because they made too much money. Willona says "You know, if we were rich and needed some emergency funds, we'd get it just like that." Florida says, "But rich folks don't take welfare, do they?" And Willona says, "No, they call it subsidy."


Show generally

Question: I remember at least a couple of jokes on this show about Michael Bolton: a character disliking him, Al wanting to get rid of him, etc. Is there a story behind it?

Answer: A lot of "manly men" like Al, don't like Michael Bolton's music. He's just an easy target.

Captain Defenestrator

On a similar note, some 2000s shows had comments/jokes about a female character not liking Britney Spears. If a singer is massively popular, there is a select group of people who are tired of hearing about them and resent them. Which is often a subject of joke material.


Question: What is the pile of silvery objects behind the diner? They're there from the very first scene.

Brian Katcher

Answer: Probably because Gilligan has a history of getting things wrong more often than being right. The others, rightly or wrongly, tend to automatically dismiss him.


Question: When they were trying to refuel the chopper, why didn't they turn the pipe on, regardless of whether the chopper was joined to it? The chopper would've been able to get some fuel, even if not a huge amount. Surely, it would've been better to waste loads of fuel than let the chopper crash?

Answer: That's not how the refueling line works; it would only dispense fuel if the helicopter's line was attached. Even if it didn't, the fuel they released would have been immediately swept away by the gale, diluted with the rainwater, so any minute amount that miraculously entered the helicopter's line would have been completely negligible and wouldn't have made a difference.

Question: When Leatherface starts rampaging during Stretch's flirting with him, and he's starting his chainsaw up, is this supposed to represent something? It's right after she repeatedly asks if he's mad at her and how good he is.


Answer: It's basically Leatherface's version of an orgasm. Stretch appeals to his sexuality in order to survive, and he's aroused. He uses his chainsaw as a phallic object, rubbing it against her leg and then pressing it into her groin, and is panting, which obviously symbolizes his idea of sex. And then he becomes aggressive, revs up his chainsaw, and destroys the studio in an explosive emotional display, not unlike the strong physical/emotional sensation that comes with an orgasm. You could also theoretically make an argument that the mess he creates by sawing and throwing things around specifically represents male ejaculation, which involves a pulsating release of semen and can be, let's just say, "messy" sometimes depending on what sexual activity you're doing.


Thank you.


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