Question: How could the murderers possibly have known which swimwear Arlena would be wearing and have exactly the same costume?
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Why didn't the NSA agents look for the floppy disk with the film when installing the wiretaps? (00:35:00 - 00:39:00)
Question: Why is this movie called "The Little Rascals" instead of "Our Gang"?
Answer: Because MGM owned the rights to the "Our Gang" trademark, when the early films were re-released and new series started, the name was switched to "The Little Rascals" (for example, the 1982 cartoon) and that's what most people know them by. After that, it gets tricky with which companies own which rights, and King World Productions has some of "The Little Rascals" distribution rights.
Question: Just out of curiosity, but if the rotating fan would be jammed in a fish tank in real life and the tank would get dirty, would the fish still be able to breathe? Especially if it took a day or two to get the filter fixed? Could they even survive in a filthy tank? I hope this makes sense since I don't know how these things work, nor have had one in my life.
Answer: Algae is just a natural plant and isn't harmful to fish. It even adds to the overall tank health, though most aquarists prefer a "sparkling clean" look. What is dangerous is if the aeration in the tank is cut off. The fish will quickly suffocate. Goldfish are hardier and can survive longer, but tropical saltwater fish would likely die within a few hours.
Question: Was wondering why no explanation is ever given as to how and why Rust's weird ass, very detailed philosophy of space and time - with the crushed metal time disc and rotational electrical souls going around it forever etc. etc. - somehow is the exact same thing, right down to specific details, that at least three of the freaks, throughout this series, espouse. The underling freaks may espouse it because the main freak believes it - but we see Rust just arriving at it in his own mind.
Question: With such an advanced ship and a crew of highly trained specialists, why would they need the services of a human cook? Wouldn't an automated chef do the same work and save the resources required for such an unnecessary position?
Answer: This is a lightweight, unsophisticated 1950s sci-fi movie with little thought to scientific accuracy. Space travel wasn't possible at this time and most people had little knowledge of what that would entail. Screenwriters just "improvised." The movie was meant as pure entertainment with a humor-infused plot. The "cook" is just a comic-relief character.
Question: Since Gondorff and Hooker left the fake betting parlor less than 5 minutes after Doyle and Snyder left, wouldn't they have been found out if Doyle and Snyder hung around for 5 minutes? Especially since there probably wasn't a police siren to be heard. Also, there would be no news on the parlor shooting, which would raise Doyle Lonnegan's eyebrows. Finally, Snyder knew the bar where the cons hung out and where the money was going to be split.
Answer: 1) Why would Lonnegan and Snyder "hang around"? Snyder was told to get Lonnegan away fast, and Lonnegan believes two people were just killed... Lonnegan is loath to abandon his money, but he realises he needs to leave. He is telling Snyder about the money, so he may be hoping Snyder can get it back for him once it's safe to do so. 2) There wouldn't be any sirens yet, the shooting happened seconds before they left. Someone would have to hear the shots and call the police for sirens to be heard. Even so, Lonnegan (and Snyder) have no reason to expect sirens, as this is apparently an FBI raid and so law enforcement is already on the scene. 3) News of raids gone wrong (i.e. one where there are unintended deaths) would likely never make it to the news. This was the 1930s, much easier to bury a story, especially one like this that happens in an illegal betting parlour with no press attention. 4) What of it? If he shows up they hide everything and just act like they're having a drink.
4) What of it? If he shows up they hide everything and just act like they're having a drink. - How on earth could two dead men "just act like they're having a drink"?
Didn't realise you were talking about Gondorff and Hooker. They didn't go to the bar. Gondorff was planning to leave town immediately and Hooker voluntarily gave up his share.
Question: Does anybody else remember at the end when they're playing Trivial Pursuit and the Russians get it wrong, the girl tipped it over and says, "You lose, we get the Ukraine"? I saw it the other day, and it said, "You lose, we get Eastern Europe." Why/when was the change made?
Question: Just out of curiosity and I'm sorry if this seems like a dumb question, but was Freddy possessing Dylan, or was Dylan just going "crazy" from lack of sleep? Or was Freddy somehow using Dylan to get into the real world outside of Heather/Nancy?
Answer: The way I understand it is: Freddy is dead. He was possessing no-one. From what I've read, there was some form of evil entity using Freddy as a figurehead to get into our realm. So if anyone was possessing anyone at all, it was the evil entity.
Question: Why isn't one dead pigeon, dog, or other wildlife shown in the streets of New York? And at the end, the three survivors walk away and a flock of birds flies off. Where did the birds come from? It's doubtful they were underground or in a shelter.
Answer: If some humans survived, then animals could as well. Birds, being able to fly, could have escaped the radioactive cloud before it became inert. For the rest, IMHO, this is a 1950s, low-budget movie. Cheap production values, little attention to detail, and no CGI made for a "no frills" set design that lacked realistic things like dead animals or human corpses. There were also stricter rules and standards about what could and could not be shown in movies. Showing rotting corpses may have been considered unsuitable or distracting. It could also be argued that the filmmakers wanted to create a visual image that humanity is restarting from a "blank slate."
Question: When they were hanging out in the empty swimming pool just before the sniper card game challenge, Hondo sings something. What were the words?
Answer: Hondo was (and always will be) a United States Marine, and served in Vietnam (late '60s, early '70s). I believe what we hear Hondo sing is just a snippet of Hondo's old Marines marching cadence, "Hambone, hambone, have you heard?" (00:42:25) which itself is taken from songs with different variations of Hambone lyrics.
Question: Whenever Clark uses his X-ray vision, why does he lower his glasses? Lowering them when he uses heat vision is understandable but there's no need to do it when Clark uses X-ray vision.
Answer: I don't recall if it was ever mentioned in an episode, but it's possible that the frames and/or lenses of his glasses are lined with lead, the one compound his X-ray vision can't penetrate. Speculative, of course, but it likely would have been done at a point in his youth when he wasn't in complete control of his powers.
Question: What's up with Stanley seeing Sam and Mary Lou's apparition come into view and disappear while he was on the bus approaching the camp? Was that some kind of almost prophetic hint to Stanley as to the true nature of his trip to Camp Green Lake being to find the treasure and thus avenge Sam by doing so?
Answer: Basically, yes. This is a good movie, but some of the foreshadowing and plot are "spoon-fed" to the audience. For example, when Madame Zeroni's request about being carried up the mountain is replayed as Stanley carries Hector.
Question: Why didn't the rescue guy from the boarding plane bring spare parachutes across?
Question: Why did the rebels drug the child soldiers?
Question: Why is Gerry in high school at 11?
Answer: Could be he was smart and was advanced several grades. Could be a combined middle school/high school that's just called a high school.
Question: When Frank Grimes is shown on the news, where is he receiving his degree? He appears to be outside of a house, but he says later that he lives between two bowling alleys.
Answer: The news crew might have wanted to film him outside, on a nearby street, instead of going to his apartment. It looks more cheerful.
Answer: There's no telling. Possibly his parents' house. Possibly a house he sold when he moved to Springfield and he had to downgrade when his promised high-paying job went to a dog.
His parents abandoned him.
Good point. Then his own house, wherever he lived before Springfield.
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Answer: They didn't. They dragged her into a small enclave and stripped off her bathing suit. The wife put it on and pretended to be Arlena sunning herself.