Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: When Elliott, Mike and Mike's friends are escaping from the agents on their bikes, are the actors' stunt doubles adults or teenagers? Asking because I've heard of teenagers being stunt performers in movies.

Answer: The BMX stunt riders were aged between 15 and 20, so older than the kids in the film who were about 10.


Question: Harry was reminded by Ron of another Gryffindor Quidditch player who sat under the tree they were revising under and rumpled his hair but who was that? Was it James?


Answer: Yes. James Potter, Harry's father.


Question: When Robin Hood goes to Skippy's house as a blind beggar, does he say, "Did I hear someone say a birthday today?" or "Did I hear someone sing a birthday ditty?"

Answer: He said "Did me old ears hear someone singin' a birthday ditty?"


I thought it was "today", not "ditty."

Question: Why had the replicants tried to break into Tyrell Corporation? How come Roy Batty knew the corporation existed at all?

Answer: Replicants appear to know about their origin and lifespan, and even if they didn't, Roy is highly intelligent and motivated, and could easily have determined Tyrell's role in his creation through various means. The reason they broke into Tyrell Corp was they wanted the company or Tyrell himself to extend their lifespans, or to work out the means to do it themselves.


Question: Is there a complete version of the song Barbara Allen from this movie? I think this version is the best I've ever heard.

Answer: Yes Joan Baez does a great version.


Answer: Beyond the instrumental piece on the soundtrack, no.

Question: How did Harry and Marv know that Kevin would escape through the back door of the Plaza Hotel while waiting for him?

Answer: It's most likely a plot hole, but one possible explanation I can think of is that perhaps Harry and Marv observed from afar the scuffle between Kevin and the concierge and deduced that he would try to flee the hotel from a door that wasn't necessarily being watched by the hotel staff.


Answer: It could also be because the Wet Bandits were planning to break into the hotel through that door rather than the front entrance and just got lucky.

Well, when Kevin got out the door, Harry and Marv were standing as they were waiting before they captured him. Besides, Kevin has been in that hotel a little longer.


Question: Re the song "My Name Is Tallulah", what is the significance of North Carolina as a training location?

Answer: It was just a way of saying where she was raised and how she got to be so good. Even though Prohibition became a federal law in 1920, North Carolina enacted their own prohibition in 1908. During these 12 years, some in North Carolina started bootlegging by driving to Virginia or South Carolina to buy alcohol to bring back to the state. I see it has her training as a gun moll or bootlegger.


Question: What happened to the two French-speaking girls on the beach in the ending of the first movie?

Answer: Wrong film. This question doesn't belong here.

Answer: While we know that the two girls are French-speaking, we don't actually know that the game landed in France. The two girls might have been on holiday, which would mean that the scene could potentially take place anywhere in the world. Given the ability of the game to distort space and time, it is highly likely they had their own game and similarly tried to throw it away.

Answer: Honestly... it's pretty common for sequels to ignore the final scene/stinger of the previous film. It happens because the filmmakers decide to take the sequel in a different direction. For example, "Species" ends with rats being infected by the alien DNA, and this was going to be the set-up for the sequel... but then "Species II" ignores this and goes with a different story. Another example is that in "X-Men: Apocalypse," the Essex corporation was established and was supposed to be a big threat in the film "Logan " but then they took "Logan" in a different direction. You also see this happen a lot in horror movies that end with a final jump or surprise kill. I personally use the rule of thumb that if a movie ends with some sort-of final jump, or a "the adventure continues" set-up, I don't necessarily view it as canonical until a sequel confirms it, because sequels so often ignore the final moments of the previous film. I'd chalk this up to this movie just sort-of ignoring the final scene of the original.


Answer: Maybe they became NPCs.

Answer: Presumably they had their own adventure with the game then got rid of it or nothing happened.

Answer: This was my biggest gripe with the film - turns up on a French beach at the end of the first film and then one year later turns back up in Brantford? It's like they just wanted to make money so badly.

The girls could be French speaking Canadians.

Answer: So that the Phantom didn't find out.

Answer: Joey wanted to move to LA and be a big actor for the longest time so getting the apartment was not a step in that direction.

Answer: Finances could be a major part. It's established that Monica gets the apartment dirt cheap from her aunt. And Joey struggles to afford the small apartment on his own as shown in other episodes.


Given that he gave out a cheque for $2000 to Monica, I think Days of Our Lives has given him a stable financial life, just as it did in S2 when he was able to pay Chandler back when he was making decent money.

Question: How come Alan does not want to go to The Cliffside School for Boys?

Answer: Because it's a boarding school and he doesn't want to leave home and his friends. Next to that he is embarrassed the school dormitory has his family name.


Baby Got Black - S12-E18

Question: At the beginning of the episode, Peter, Quagmire, and Joe are talking about how long they can stay awake for. Joe says that he "never sleeps because something has been beeping in his bedroom for 3 years. Bonnie won't look for it and he can't find it." Is this implying that its some chip inside of him, or in Bonnie, or what?


Answer: Just some annoying, semi-lost electronic device like a digital watch with an hourly beep or similar.

Question: What happens to Will's heart after the curse is broken? Last we saw it, at the end of "At World's End," Elizabeth had possession of it and promised to keep it safe. Did it just spontaneously return to Will at some point?

Answer: There was never any explanation other than Elizabeth kept it in the chest. As both the Elizabeth and Will characters are rumored to return in POTC 6, the question may be answered in that installment.


Question: How can I find out what old movies are are shown within the movie? I can't find the credits anywhere.


Answer: IMDB often has a "connection" section that has some of these trivia facts. "The Story of Ruth" (1960) was playing in the theater. But so far that's the only old movie played that is listed. "Mardi Gras" (1958) was seen on the marquee.


Question: What is the background music playing when the kids first enter the Mullins house?

Answer: It's an original piece called 'A New Home' by Benjamin Wallfisch.


New Dimensions - S1-E11

Question: I get that this may be an involved answer! They say the 2D beings are likely unaware of their presence, "because the cross-section is so small." But surely that doesn't really matter - a 3D person could be sliced in half by a wire the thickness of a hair, and they'd still be killed, so doesn't that apply to 2D being as well? They'll be leaving a trail of destruction in their wake, cutting buildings in half, etc., and none of them seem to care.

Jon Sandys

Answer: The book "Flatland", which is mentioned in the show, is a real book that may answer your questions in full (it's the story of a 3-D being experiencing the 2-D world and the 1-D world). In the 2-D world, there is no height, so there's no way to slice anything in half (horizontally). A being living in the 2-D world sees any object or being as a line (it's messy, but the lines have thickness, just not height, but all thickness is the same). So if the Orville was seen, it would only be seen 2 dimensionally and be seen as a line and others beings could just move out of the way. While there were buildings in "Flatland", perhaps this world doesn't have any, or the Orville didn't bump into any. There is death in "Flatland" when a being isn't careful and is poked, but these are usually by lines and triangles and the Orville would more like the circles and not in danger of poking anything.


Question: Can anyone tell me the name of the music the band is playing when chief Brody and his wife are dancing?

Answer: Teach me tonight is the name of song when Chief Brody and his wife Ellen are dancing to.

Answer: The songs are: Downtown, The Girl From Ipanema, and Teach Me Tonight.

The very first piece the Amity High School band plays, is a piece called "FANFARE." It was composed specifically for the film -> by Universal's music department head (at the time) HAL MOONEY, utilizing a small Universal staff ensemble of musicians. The composers of the other pieces: Downtown (Tony Hatch), The Girl From Ipanema (Antonio Jobim/Vinicius de Moraes), and Teach Me Tonight (Gene DePaul/Sammy Cahn). I had hoped so much when they came out with the definitive JAWS 2 score, that John Williams would have permitted these pieces to be included on the score. I think the case was that those particular pieces were not in the 'vaults' along with the John Williams score. We'd all agree, those songs are essential to the JAWS 2 narrative.

Any idea if the Teach Me Tonight arrangement from Jaws 2 is commercially available? Great instrumental in the big band style.

Question: All of the deceased people rose from the Land of the Remembered to battle Chakal and the banditos. However, shouldn't they have been given their life back because they did?

Answer: No because they are not alive, they are still dead. They are only allowed to be in the living world because Xibalba, La Muerte, and Candle Maker allowed it.

Question: When Harry hit his head and got amnesia, how far back did it go? He gets the idea that his father somehow died, but isn't sure how.

Answer: His memory is foggy. It doesn't seem to have much rhyme or reason. He seems to remember most of his life up to about the time his father died, but only snippets of it- he doesn't remember blaming Spidey for his father's death, for example. There's probably not a specific cut-off date, so much as his memory is just overall hazy.

Question: Near the end of the movie, we see Sandman is capable of transforming into a gust of sand and flying away. Why didn't he just do this down in the sewer when he started to notice Spider-Man releasing the big pipe of water?

Answer: There is no wind in the sewers. Sandman can't fly on his own, he travels on the wind.


Answer: He was frightened, not thinking straight, and didn't have time to properly react. There simply wasn't enough time for him to process what was happening and do what needed to be done.

Answer: Because he was soaked already.

Sam Montgomery

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