Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: In the movie Rocky, porno actress Jean Jennings is listed in the credits on numerous websites, but I can't place or recall her in the film. According to information and bio info on her, she was married to Joe Spinell, who played Rocky's friend and employer in the film. Was she in Rocky? If so, in what scene?

Answer: If she was in Rocky, she would have been a minor extra because I've never seen her listed in any credits for Rocky on any websites, including Jean Jennings' IMDB page.


Chosen answer: Archangel and the Firm provided fuel and armaments. Dom and Hawke would have had to transport them to the lair to refuel and rearm.

Grumpy Scot

Question: At the end when Evan wakes up in the hospital, the doc told him that he killed Kayleigh. How did he do that? With those two killing scenes? The theatrical ending means he became normal and could change the past?

Sevil Süleymanova

Chosen answer: In that version of events, Evan was indirectly responsible for Kayleigh's death when he lit the stick of dynamite in her father's basement to threaten him; she mistook it for a sparkler and picked it up and the ensuing explosion killed her. In all the film's various endings, Evan goes back to a time before this incident; Kayleigh thus survives into adulthood and lives happily ever after.


Answer: General.

Isn't Maria's father the general?

Question: What town did the Aunt Sarah live in? I thought the name of the town was Perdition, to use it as a pun on the title.

Answer: Aunt Sara lives in a fictional town called Perdition that is located on the banks of Lake Michigan. Tom Hanks is going there, but the title is a metaphor referring to being on a path leading to hell and damnation.


Question: Whatever happened to Sonny's wife and children?

Answer: It's never known. Most likely Theresa and her children stayed in New York or moved close to her family. Michael would have made sure they were financially taken care of.


It's theorized that Sandra (Theresa was Tom's wife) became Tom's mistress that Michael mentioned in Part 2.

Answer: There is a deleted scene from the movie (I'll put a link for you in the end!), where Theresa and Sonny's daughter, Francesca, attend the party for Anthony's communion and ask Michael's blessing for Francesca's future wedding with a man. At some point Michael says that "My brother Sonny died many years ago. And I guess I've been sort of a father to her, rather than an uncle." I would assume this means the children were raised close to him, because as we see when Connie discusses with him, even her own children stay with Michael's family; or close. (Connie's son was caught in Reno, Nevada for some petty theft).

Question: How does Kimble get the new set of clothes after leaving the "Men Only" hotel (after the St. Patrick's Day parade)? Is this an allusion to some inappropriate activity?

Answer: While it is not specifically shown how he got the clothes, the "inappropriate activity" would likely be that he had stolen them. They could also have been donated clothing that was available to those in need.


Answer: He stole them from someone who had taken them off because it was a brothel.

Answer: He got cash from Nichols when he stopped him outside of the tennis club. That is how he was able to buy clothes, etc. but it wasn't something that was shown on-screen - was basically assumed based on events.

Question: Emma Thompson, who plays Karen, has two apparent brothers. The prime minister (Hugh Grant) and Daniel (Liam Neeson), is it right to assume that Daniel and the prime minister are brothers? Why don't we see them ever talk? All the other character stories we see interconnect.

Answer: Karen is the sister of David (the prime minister), but she is not related to Daniel, they are just friends.


Question: After Wade seemingly kills Tom, Terry scolds him, saying he had said at the start of the robbery that no-one would get hurt, but now three people (a guard, Frank and "Tom") are dead. Why does Terry wait until the "third" death to have it out with Wade?


Chosen answer: He's finally had enough of Wade's increasingly psychotic behavior and no longer trusts him. As a result of Wade's actions, their entire plan is unraveling. Terry likely knows that Wade will probably kill him as well.


Question: At the end of the movie, survivors of the group that entered the maze reach the lab, barely making it through alive and having used a code that only an experienced maze runner would know. How did Gally arrive only moments after them, when he had elected to stay behind in the Glade at the time the group entered the maze?


Chosen answer: As it turns out, Gally was being mind-controlled by the people who operated the maze. This would explain why he was highly against any form of escape plan. When the others escaped, the operators gave him some form of safe passage straight to the control he could kill the others. Best guess is, they re-activated the elevator for him and he took that route...but that's left ambiguous.

Gavin Jackson

Answer: In earlier versions of the "Annie" story, she is orphaned when her parents are killed in a car accident. In the musical, they died in a fire. In the 2014 re-imagining, Annie lives in foster care after being abandoned by her family. Early on, she hopes to one day be reunited with them. We, the audience, never learn their whereabouts, nor whether they are alive or dead.

Michael Albert

Question: I understand how Neo has powers and can use these powers with his mind within the Matrix, but how does he have the power to stop the sentinels with his mind in the real world after they leave the ship? They are under attack and Neo just waves an out-stretched hand and they fall to the ground. How is this possible when not in the Matrix?


Chosen answer: The Oracle tells Neo that his powers extend beyond the Matrix and into the real world. By returning to the Matrix and the real world instead of returning to the Source, Neo is now connected to both, through a sort of organic wireless signal.

Greg Dwyer

Question: What ribbons does General Waverly wear and what is the one by itself on the right side of his uniform?

Answer: The ribbon worn by itself on the right side of General Waverley's uniform is the Army Presidential Unit Citation Ribbon. It is a citation issued in the name of the President of the United States to Army units for outstanding performance of duty after 7 December 1941. The design consisting of a 1/16 inch wide Gold frame with laurel leaves which encloses an ultramarine blue ribbon was approved on May 30th, 1942. The rest of the ribbons on the left side of the general's uniform are presented to individuals who perform various duties and/or achieve successful milestones of military service. A chart of medals and ribbons can be found at:

Michael Albert

Question: Is it an error when Andrew says "I got a meet this Saturday..."? Doesn't the movie take place ON Saturday?

Answer: He was referring to the following Saturday. He didn't want to get another detention and miss his meeting.

Gavin Jackson

Question: How do these legendary figures like Jack Skellington and Santa Claus travel to the normal parts like "throughout England and France" while they live in their own holiday towns? Asking cause it seems that there's no door to Earth and the sun in Halloween Town is a carved pumpkin!

Answer: The main thing that Jack Skellington, Santa Claus, and the other legendary figures do is travel from their towns to the Earth for holiday activities. It stands to reason that they would be able to get in and out of their own towns at will; both Jack and Santa Claus can do so by simply flying into the sky. Obviously, though, heads of towns can get in and out of other towns as well, once they know about them. Jack returns from Christmastown on a snowmobile, Santa Claus leaves Oogie Boogie's lair by touching his nose and flying out, and guides his sleigh over Halloweentown shortly after.

Question: How is it possible that some of Evan's gaps, being his blackouts, are filled in with stuff that already happened in his life before he knew about his ability (standing with knife, drawing 2 dead man, talking to his father), and other gaps are filled with completely new stuff that changes the moment and the consequence. So: Evan has some gaps filled in, in the past, with things that still have to happen, but also some gaps are 'just' filled in with actions that never had place in the first place? It is all a bit of a mess for me, but I hope someone understand my question.

Answer: Evan's blackout gaps are just that. Gaps. Not only hereditary (his dad had it, remember?), they occur at random intervals and random events in his life as part of his life. Later, he has the option of filling in those gaps with his NEW experiences and thereby changing his future. He is in control; changing his future by choosing the time & place.


Answer: Yeah I brought up the same thing to my GF. I think they just edited things out things that would made sense. The kitchen scene he could grab the knife for any reason but the drawing at the school could be during blackouts he is aware of all the alternate life events. There is a another theory that he was just traumatized and in the mental hospital the whole time. Just in his head thinking he is fixing stuff living other lives. How the Dr. knew about his other lives when Evan just got to that new life in the hospital. In no other flash back did people know about other lives. The girl even commented he is totally different and walks different.

Question: Why did Snape take Wormtail on as a house servant?

Answer: To keep a close watch on him for Voldemort. He wasn't trustworthy, and both Snape and Voldemort knew that.


Show generally

Question: What season and episode was it when they had to lean the guard tower and the POWs in the camp leaned so the guards would not notice?

Question: I don't understand why Hoffman isn't electrocuted at the end. He was connected to high voltage cages and his feet came under water, so how did he and/or Jigsaw plan so he wouldn't be electrocuted under any circumstances?

Answer: The chair wasn't actually electrified. It was just made to look that way in order to hide his involvement in the game.


Question: When Costner meets Jack Ryan for the first time he calls him John P. Ryan twice instead of Jack. Nowhere else in the movie did I here him referred to as John. Am I missing something? (00:08:15)

Answer: This is true of all versions of the character - his name's officially John Patrick Ryan, but he always goes by Jack.

Answer: In all the original movies he was Jack his sons name was John so I thought he was the son of Jack.

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