Question: Can anyone explain the significance of Tetsuo's transformation towards the end of the film? I've been told it supposed to symbolise something but I can't figure out what.
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: What is the song that Johnny dances to in the bathroom, and who is it by?
Answer: It's 'Does your Mother Know that you're out' by ABBA.
Question: Why is it too nutty that Orpheus arranged the flowers?
Answer: Orpheus was the greatest poet and musician of Greek mythology, his music could charm wild beasts and even persuade rocks and trees into movement; the idea of him arranging flowers is probably just a pun on his normal pasttime of 'arranging' music, or alternatively a reference to how he could have used his magical music to make the flowers spontaneously arrange themselves.
Question: The very last mistake listed for Mary Poppins says that you can see the lamp post coming through the bag and the table. I have watched this scene many times (in slow motion and otherwise) and I can't seem to find what you are talking about. Could someone please explain it's talking about?
Answer: There's no reason you shouldn't be able to see it, it's so obvious, unless you have the movie on DVD. It's possible they fixed the framing of the scene for its DVD release.
Question: How did Steve and Janet end up with the Walsh house? I know that Steve was living there with Brandon once the Walshes moved to Japan, but once Brandon left, did they sell the house to Steve?
Chosen answer: I'm sure something like that happened. Brandon (always being the good and concientious friend) probably passed on the title so Steve could live in the house legally and if anything happened like a fire, would be there to take charge.
Question: Why do Tess and Anna not switch bodies at the Chinese Restaurant? At the end when 'selfless love' changes them back, they switch right away. Why did this not happen at the start?
Answer: You need to think back to the poem... "A journey soon begins, its prize reflected in another's eyes. When what you see is what you lack, then selfless love will change you back." It says a journey SOON begins, not immediately, and it says "WHEN what you see...change you back". Basically the switch happens SOON, the switch back happens IMMEDIATELY.
Answer: If you watch the trailer of the movie, they do switch at the Chinese restaurant.
Question: What happened between Emma Thompson and Alan Rickman after she asked him about the necklace? I was a bit confused as to what happened to their relationship, for example, did they spilt-up or did they just try to work through it?
Answer: I think it's left up to the viewer to decide. From what we are shown (the final scene at Heathrow) they could have been working through it or they could have broken up, so the viewer must decide what outcome they believe more plausible or pleasing.
Question: What exactly is a Code Red?
Answer: It's something done to one trooper in a unit who is not pulling his load, to let him know his teammates are tired of him making them look bad. It can range from a beating after lights out to scrubbing a soldier who won't shower with toilet brushes and Comet. (And yes, both of those are from my own military experience, though I wasn't the victim!) It's meant to give a warning and doesn't normally harm anything but the victim's pride. They are strongly against regulations in the past year or two as several soldiers were injured by their unit getting overzealous, just like in the movie.
Question: Does Voigt Kampff (sp?) mean anything?
Answer: Not specifically named for anything, but the following snippets of an essay called "Philip K Dicks Human Vision" by Kyla Bremner, shed some light on possible influences on the name: "The German and Italian names of these tests perhaps allude to the fascist regimes of Hitler (Mein Kampf perhaps?)...and the crimes against humanity which [were] perpetrated less than thirty years before Dick was writing this novel...Deckard and Bryant's discussion of Lurie Kampff, who modified Voight's scale to make the Voight-Kampff Altered Scale...[he] is deliberately portrayed as a psychiatrist in the mould of the likes of late nineteenth-century sexual psychologists such as Havelock Ellis or Richard von Krafft-Ebing, both of whom were instrumental in laying down the foundation from which Sigmund Freud developed his theories...The curious similarity between the name of the Voight-Kampff test, Krafft-Ebing's name, and Hitler's manifesto, Mein Kampf, seems to link the three in a manner that suggest they are all interrelated..."
Question: I noticed Ripley has one normal eye and one red eye in the early parts of the movie, what type of injury is that generally indicative of and what causes it?
Answer: Busted blood vessel in the eye. It can be caused by several different things, stress, impact, etc. It's painless and heals in a couple of weeks. In Alien the first host was seen with one blood shot eye, the same as Ripley. Gives a hint early on that she could be infected.
Question: About 20 minutes from the end of Return of the Jedi, Carrie Fischer gets shot by one of the Storm Troopers. Is it just me, or when she falls, does Harrison Ford grab her boob?
Answer: Yes, it certainly seems that way. Tradition holds that Princess Leia's wince of pain at that point is actually Carrie Fisher's wince at Harrison Ford ruining the shot, or so she thought.
Question: When Dr. Cornbluth first sees the mermaid under water and unsuccessfully tries to take her picture, how come he has an oxygen tank AND an air hose coming from the boat topside? I thought it may be a mistake but I am not a scuba diver so I though I would ask.
Chosen answer: Whilst it may be a tad unusual, each system serves as a back-up for the other.
Question: Why is it that on the first day Adam Sandler sees Lucy and she makes a teepee and all the other days she makes a house?
Answer: She makes different waffle buildings each day. It depends on her mood.
Question: Does anyone know why in pictures Cole always had a streak of light above his head?
Answer: That sparkle represented the dead people who were always hanging around Cole. Being in his presence, with his power to interact with the dead, caused them to have a physical signal to a perceiver of absolute truth: a camera.
Question: On the Deluxe Edition DVD, disc 2, there is a documentary about the Shoah Foundation. I couldn't find any credits for it, but the narrator sounded an awful lot like Morgan Freeman. Is it him?
Question: What does the insult "Fafanapolie" mean? I don't know if it's spelled correctly but the meaning is what I really want to know.
Answer: "Va fa Napoli" is a well-known phrase in Italy, meaning "go to Naples." Naples is a crime-ridden city and considered only suitable for people of objectionable character.
Question: How old is Ella (Mark and Elizabeth's daughter) supposed to be? she looks about 5/6 but as she was only a baby when Mark died in series 8 we are now on the 10th series... Elizabeth also said that it was still to soon after Mark, even she wouldn't think 5 years is to long to wait?
Answer: The writers of ER "aged" Ella. She is only suppose to be 2 or 3 but they have made her older, 5 or 6. They often do this on soaps too. They probably just didn't want to have to deal with a baby anymore.
Question: Why exactly did David Lynch have his name removed from the TV version?
Answer: Because it was edited in a way he didn't approve of. The film was actually over 3 hours long, and it was trimmed by about an hour for the cinema version, and then a certain amount of pick and mix went on to come up with the video version.
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Answer: In effect, it should symbolize (just as the other psionics say) that humanity is not yet ready to control such power; we are mentally not 'mature' enough. And since we are mere 'children', we tend to play with that power without any real sense of responsibility, and before we know it, it goes out of control. In effect, it mirrors the lack of sense that we demonstrate in our real world, with our technical and political power.