Question: In the game where Doug Glatt makes a dive and the puck hits him in the face. Around that time we see someone step on his ankle with their skate which would have caused some pain, but we see after the game in some pub, Glatt walking around normally. Even with major painkillers, shouldn't he still be limping?
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: How can the necklace of Mrs. Moore fit John Coffey?
Answer: The chain is fairly long and loose, it's able to fit over both their heads without being unclasped, so it would fit around his neck too.
Question: Who is the actor at the press conference who says "Are you getting married?" and what is written on the side of William's refrigerator?
Answer: Uncredited actor Taylor Murphy asks "are the two of you getting married?" under the Elvis Costello song, "She." The side of William's refrigerator has a set of magnetized words, found on many refrigerators, which can be arranged and rearranged to form messages for communication to other members of the household, or created just for fun.
Question: What exactly did Darrin and Chris steal and how did they get caught? Also, why was their sentence seven years and how did Chris end up in a wheelchair?
Answer: It was never said what they stole, just that they were going to go to the store (probably a corner store or convenience store) and they probably stole food. They got caught because they were just kids and not good at stealing or being sneaky. However, they didn't get a 7-year sentence for the theft. It's just that the film jumps to 7 years later and Darrin is now a gang member who has been in and out of jail the whole time. He's just celebrating his release from prison for a different, unknown crime. Chris is in a wheelchair due to a gun shot wound, though it's not stated how or who shot him.
I wouldn't be surprised if Chris shot himself with the gun he alludes to having earlier on in the film when they are still children.
Question: Who's the guy with the pacifier in his mouth all the time and why does he need one?
Answer: His name is Dooky, he's one of the friends of the main characters. Around the time this film was created, sucking pacifiers was somewhat popular amongst black youths in the United States. Several prominent hip-hop artists were seen doing so and in turn, many of their young fans emulated them. There was a belief that the trend started as a way to surreptitiously consume drugs such as LSD through the pacifier but this seems more myth than actual fact.
Probably ecstasy, actually. They chew on pacifiers while they're tripping because it keeps you from grinding your teeth.
Answer: His name is Dooky. He is one of Doughboy's friends. Around the time this film was created, sucking pacifiers was somewhat popular amongst black youths in the United States. Several prominent hip-hop artists were seen doing so and in turn, many of their young fans emulated them. There was a belief that the trend started as a way to surreptitiously consume drugs such as LSD through the pacifier but this seems more myth than actual fact.
Question: How come John wanted Peter at the wedding?
Chosen answer: Because Peter is one of Mary Jane's closest friends. It would be awkward inviting him but not having him there would no doubt be upsetting to Mary Jane. Inviting Peter is simply the right thing to do.
Question: If Obi Wan is so powerful now that he is one with the force, how come he couldn't help Luke in his fight against Vader?
Chosen answer: It's not known how or in what way Obi Wan is powerful or if that power can be physically extended to the living world. Also, for various reasons, Luke, to fulfill his destiny to be a Jedi, must be the one to confront and defeat Vader, though Obi Wan can still guide him.
There seems to be a common theme (in movies, shows) that a dead person must "move on", and those who are still alive must forge their own path, complete their own journey, etc. This also happens when Dumbledore dies in the Harry Potter series.
Question: How did Io die and why didn't Gemma Arterton reprise her role? If she was resurrected by Zeus at the end of the first movie, why couldn't he do it again?
Answer: No particular reason, she was filming Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters. The producers of the movie thought it would be easier to say she died, rather than recast her.
Question: Would the interference from the plutonium keep the RC car from working?
Answer: Radiation wouldn't necessarily affect a remote control car. It would contaminate it, but beyond that the car would continue to work.
Question: Wouldn't it be easier if Stewart just attached his cab to 777 and any other qualified personnel with him just walked from Steward to 777 and took control of it, too easy perhaps? Or the welder could have someone with a BB gun in the back to shoot the famous "kill switch" next to fuel tank, instead of the cops trying to?
Answer: Yeah, but it wouldn't be nearly as dramatic.
Answer: Put a man in the back of the truck with a broomstick and use it to push the fuel cut off switch as the truck drives alongside the train.
Question: Has it been overlooked that in this episode Spock seems to intuitively know that the sword Sulu is wielding is of the 16th (or 17th) century? It is made clear that Sulu is chasing crewmen with 'a sword' but the type of sword and the manner in which Sulu challenges the men, is not known. Later Spock gives an 'overview' of what is happening on the ship describing Sulu as a 16th (or 17th) century swashbuckler - but the bridge crew had no prior knowledge of what sword Sulu was using or how he was speaking... Was that just one of Spock's "best guesses"?
Question: When young Nickerson has to crawl inside a dead whale's head to harvest the rest of its oil, Peterson gives him something to put between his teeth. What is it and for what?
Answer: Nickerson is told "put that between your teeth" and is given a piece of whale bone for him to bite down hard, to help him deal with the foul stench, which can cause nausea, coughing, gagging, and vomiting.
Question: Why does anybody (including Sam Raimi) claim that Evil Dead 2 is a sequel with flashbacks to the first film? As a sequel, there is virtually zero continuity to the first film. This was an obvious remake.
Chosen answer: Evil Dead II starts out with a recap of The Evil Dead where Ash cuts off the head of his girlfriend Linda with a shovel and then is attacked by the entity, which is how the first film ended. While Linda is played by a different actress, it's still meant to be the same events as The Evil Dead. The cabin windows are still barricaded from the end of the first Evil Dead, and Ash's pant leg is still torn from Deadite Scott attacking Ash. Additionally, the end credits say: "Evil Dead II", the sequel to the ultimate experience in grueling horror, was filmed in Wadesboro, North Carolina and Detroit, U.S.A.
Question: If the "cold drink" vending machine was unplugged and the buttons were unresponsive, WHY did the saboteurs deliberately illuminate the front of the machine? Wouldn't this ATTRACT people to the machine, only to subsequently arouse curiosity when it failed to function (as it did with Mulder)? The more logical approach would be to disable the vending machine (including the illumination) and tape an "out of order" sign on it. People would then just ignore the machine, arousing no suspicion. The illuminated vending machine gimmick looks like an illogical contrivance to advance the plot.
Chosen answer: If they had put an "Out of Order" sign, or left it unilluminated, someone in charge might try to have it fixed or replaced, or could have checked to see if it's plugged in, etc. By leaving it illuminated, it doesn't look out of place and simply not taking money wouldn't arouse too much suspicion. In my own life, when I've come across a seemingly working vending machine that won't take my money or dispense drinks (but gives my money back), I just find another one instead of calling someone or reporting it. But yes, it is very convenient to the plot that Mulder just happens to try and use this particular machine.
Question: How did the demolition woman who is shown on a monitor shooting herself get the gun in the first place? After all, she isn't a security guard.
Answer: With all the monsters being kept in captivity, it would make sense for the facility to have an armory as well. Guns may have been handed out once the cages were opened.
Question: After Vito kills the black hand he goes back up to the roof and smashes the gun into about 6 pieces. He puts the parts down spouts sticking out from the roof. What were these spouts and where did they go? He also put one piece down what looked like a chimney. Wouldn't that land in someones fireplace and be discovered?
Chosen answer: They are vents from furnaces and ovens. They wouldn't fall into the tenements because of things like filters and flues blocking the way.
Question: Maybe its my maths or I misheard something but the figures don't seem to add up for me. In Godfather 2, Vito Corleone is about 7 yrs old in 1901 and moves to New York after his family is killed. In Godfather 1, it is said the year was "almost 1942" (I think). So that makes Don Corleone about 50 ish when he died of a heart attack. Is this correct? He looked a lot older, plus head of a crime family in his early 40s doesn't seem right to me either. Am I missing something? I'm not listing this as a mistake as I'm unsure of the timings etc. so if anyone can shed any light on this for me it would be appreciated.
Chosen answer: Vito was born December 7, 1891, so he was 9 when he moved (Godfather II states: "In 1901, the family of nine-year-old Vito Andolini is killed"). However, it was by the early 1930's that Vito had established his criminal organization as the Corleone crime family, with him at the head. He died in July of 1955, making him 63 when he died. In real life, Marlon Brando, who played Don Corleone, was 47 at the time of filming.
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Chosen answer: Not necessarily. It would depend on the level of the injury and how much time had passed. It may be that it initially hurt a lot, but after treatment, being wrapped, and prescribed pain killers he could walk fairly normally.