Question: How where the flying ball shots in the beginning done? I know it could be a helicopter, but some of the shots go through branches etc. Not too easy with a helicopter.
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Anyone know why the clone army is so small? I think the Kamino-guy says there are 200,000 ready and a million more on the way. China's army is almost twice that size. For a galactic war, troop counts in the billions would be necessary. And just one of those droid factories could probably pump out hundreds of thousands in a week.
Answer: Generally speaking, as technology improves, the actual size of an army in terms of manpower goes down. The clone army has not been constructed to fight a war on the galactic scale - it's more intended to be an elite fighting force for putting down planetary scale insurrections. The droid armies would certainly have numerical superiority, but they would lack tactical flexibility, plus have at least one potential flaw (as exposed in the Phantom Menace) - the clones can take advantage of that and should be able to defeat considerably larger forces.
Question: Where is the film set and where can I read up about the true story?
Answer: The film was inspired by an incident at St Crispin's Reef, a dive site on the Great Barrier Reef in 1998, when Tom and Eileen Lonergan was left behind by their diving boat after an error was made during the headcount. They were never seen again. More information can be found at
Question: Why is this film called Attack Of The Clones? The clones didn't attack, they were an army of the Republic. They were defending the Jedi order, they retaliated when the Jedi were fighting, or did I miss something?
Answer: They still attacked on Geonosis. An attack doesn't have to be a first strike. The point of the title is that Clones are starting to be used in war.
Question: After just a few series Tommy's girlfriend Stacey left the show. Does anyone know why?
Answer: She left with her new boyfriend to go to a English college.
Question: How much of her own singing did Hilary Duff actually do in the movie?
Answer: All of the singing that Hilary Duff did in the film is her own. This is stated in the credits of the songs she did.
Question: There are numerous mentions of the fact that Depp based his performance as Jack Sparrow on Keith Richards. But I'm sure I saw an interview/making-of programme where he said that Jack Sparrow was a combination of two real-life 'characters'; one was Keith Richards, and try as I might, I can't remember the other one. Did anyone else see this? Who was the other inspiration for Jack Sparrow? (It may have been another actor e.g. Orlando Bloom talking *about* Johnny Depp's influences etc.).
Answer: On Disc 3, Johnny explains, "Take something as solid as Keith Richards and combine it with Pepé Le Pew... I felt... he would resemble a modern day Rastafarian..." Pepé Le Pew is a Looney Tunes cartoon character, based on Charles Boyer's romantic character, Pepé Le Moko. Pepé Le Pew, however, is a romantic amorous cartoon skunk and he has a huge flaw - his 'odor', which he emits in a grand way.
Question: What does Tom Cruise's character say to the owner of the jazz place after he shoots him in the head ?
Answer: It's been a while since I saw the movie, but he said something along the lines of: "[Miles Davis] dropped out of Julliard after six months and found a bar on 57th street, where he met Charlie Parker, who mentored him for three years."
Answer: Dropped out of Julliard after less than a year and tracked down Charlie Parker on 52nd St, who mentored him for the next three years.
Question: Marie teaches Debra to make something called Canopys (I'm not even sure that's how you spell it). Can someone tell me what Canopys are and give me the correct spelling? I assume it's some sort of Italian appetizer or dish.
Chosen answer: A Canapé is a cracker or a small, thin piece of bread or toast spread with cheese, meat, or relish and served as an appetizer.
Question: Does Legolas have an age? I've read somewhere that it's 2931, but did Tolkien ever record one? Also, now that I'm on that subject, what is Aragorn's age? Did Tolkien record THAT as well?
Answer: There is no record of when Legolas was born. But it is commonly believed that Arwen is the last Elf born in Middle-Earth, and she is 2,777 years old at the time of the War of the Ring. So Legolas is older than that. Aragorn was born (according to the timeline in the appendix to "Lord of the Rings") in year 2931 of the Third Age, 87 years before the War.
Question: I read somewhere that Kirsten Dunst had a cameo in this film...does anyone know where it was?
Answer: I've read it is when Sam calls his father to tell him the sewer has backed up into the school, she is supposedly standing at his elbow with a sweater pulled up over her nose and mouth.
Question: Which Smith does Neo fight at the end in the Super Brawl? I ask because at the end you see a shot of the Oracle lying unconscious in the middle of the street in the pouring rain, hinting maybe it was Oracle Smith Neo fought, to rub in the irony that the machine that was most behind the human's cause was the one to do them in. So which Smith was it? Original Smith, Oracle Smith, one of the other programs Neo encountered, or just a generic Smith?
The Leap Between The States - September 20, 1862 - S5-E20
Question: Is this the only episode where Sam leaps to a time outside the 20th century?
Answer: Yes. He can only leap within his own lifetime (per the 'rules' of quantum time travel). This episode was an exception, as an anamoly allowed him to make the jump into the life of a distant, but genetic, relative.
Question: I seem to remember there was an episode of 'Spaced' where Tim (Pegg's character) plays 'Resident Evil 2' for too long and starts seeing zombies everywhere as a result. Did that influence this film in any way or is it just an interesting coincidence?
Answer: In an interview I saw recently they stated that the Resident Evil scene in Spaced was the beginning point of the film but not the inspiration. They decided to use the idea of zombies in a full length film.
Question: When Ian Malcolm visits Hammond in the beginning, the two kids are very, very happy to see him. But, in the first film, they hardly had anything to do with each other. Why are they so happy to see a man they hardly know?
Answer: It's highly unlikely that their contact with him was limited to just what we see in the film - they obviously spent a considerable amount of time together after those events.
Question: In the movie, we see several women and children huddled together in a back room away from the fighting, (Almeron's wife and daughter among them). Did Santa Anna's troops kill them as well or were they let go? There was also no mention if Travis' slave (the one who was memorizing something to say in Spanish)was killed as well. While I realize that these characters were minor, one gets the impression that at the end, only Crockett was alive the next morning.
Answer: Historically the women and I believe an infant were freed by Santa Anna, who was a big believer in chivalry, etc... A TV version of the Alamo had the women wanting to fight as well and die but a Mexican officer stops them with the line "Do you only want Santa Anna's version of your husbands' deaths to be known?" One in particular becomes a valuable first person source. Historically the black servant/slave is also spared by the Mexicans. They figure he is a slave and not a willing combatant so they let him go.
Question: The parent-to-child mini-movie, was that a real film or was it specially made for this one?
Answer: It is an actual sex education film titled "Parent to Child About Sex" by The Film Library Department of Human Resources.
Question: Wasn't sure where to put this question but can anyone tell me who Mara Jade is? Where did she come from? How does she fit into the whole Star Wars story?
Answer: Mara Jade only appears in the books dealing with the time period after Return of the Jedi, although, according to those books, she was undercover at Jabba's palace during the events of ROTJ - a particular woman seen in those scenes has been picked out by the fans as being her, although there's nothing from Lucasfilm on the subject. According to those, she was a Force Sensitive who worked as one of a number of special covert agents for the Emperor (known as the Emperor's Hands). She was able to hear his orders over galactic distances, and passed those orders on to others. After the fall of the Emperor, she hooked up with a smuggling ring, where she eventually came into contact with Luke Skywalker. Initially, she wanted to kill him, in accord with the final instruction embedded into her psyche by the Emperor, but never went through with it (generally because she found herself in situations where she needed him alive, but partly because, despite her service to the Empire, she was not a fundamentally evil person). Eventually, through a complex set of circumstances, she was able to eliminate the last command from her head. For the next few years she came into sporadic contact with Luke, who gave her Jedi training and the two became firm, if somewhat wary allies. Ultimately, they married and now have a son, Ben.
Question: In the scene in the car just before the car crash, we see Tyler driving and the Narrator in the front passenger seat. Since we know that they are the same person, we know that the Narrator must be driving, with no-one in the passenger seat. However, during the conversation between the two of them, the crew members in the back seat seem to be reacting to the questions that the Narrator is asking Tyler by repeating "The first rule of...", and the Narrator keeps telling them to shut up, which they do. If the crew members only see the Narrator driving, with nobody in the passenger seat, how is it that they are taking part in a conversation that is not even happening, except for in the Narrator's mind?
Answer: The Narrator when talking to Tyler in the film is obviously talking to himself out loud, so the crew members would know that because he talks to himself that if they are asked a question they must answer. Also the conversations he has could not be in his mind as they would not answer his questions unless he said it out loud. The image of Tyler is in his mind, but the conversations are real. Like a schizophrenic talking to himself.
Question: At the beginning of the movie, the brother is a loser who works at Burger King. At the end, he wears a suit and work at an office. As a presumably successful business man, wouldn't he have moved out of his parents' house?
Answer: Who says he didn't? Perhaps he lives close enough to come over for breakfast each morning. There isn't enough information in the scene to show that he still lives there; he is simply sitting at the table.
Answer: Even though the brother now has a steady career and would normally have his own place, this is a movie-plot device using a "suspension of disbelief." The audience needs to be able to see Marty's reaction and surprise as to how every McFly family member has changed for the better. We just accept the premise.
Answer: If we presume he's living at home, wearing a suit to an office job doesn't really reflect on his success or wealth, and he's still just 21 or 22 years old. He may still be in college and just working on the weekend and living at home to save money.
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Chosen answer: Computer animation.