Question: There are two scenes in the movie when the Hulk talks. Who did the voice for this?
Question: Does Bruce Banner remember anything he does when he becomes the Hulk?
Answer: There are varying interpretations of Bruce's memory in the comics. The most common one is that Bruce has vague memories of what happens while he is the Hulk (i.e. fear, hunger, images), but because the Hulk's brain is less "evolved" he can't remember specific information, like where he went or what he did. The converse is also true: The Hulk has vague memories of Bruce's life as well...he recognizes people that Bruce knows but doesn't know anything about them.
Question: Who (among the story characters, not the creators) actually came up with the name "Hulk"? In the movie, nobody refers to the 'creature' in this manner.
Answer: In the first comic, the first time Bruce Banner changed, it was inside a military research facility, and one of the soldiers uttered the phrase, as in "What is that... Hulk thing?"
Question: Does Bruce kill the militants' leader at the end of the movie? I know that he turns into the Hulk, but what happens to all of the militants, including the leader? Do they die?
Question: Is it true that Nick Nolte had problems with alcohol when making this movie?
Answer: Yes. While making the movie, he was arrested for drunk driving.
Answer: To add to the other answer, this is from Wikipedia: Nolte had struggled with substance abuse for the majority of his adult life and had begun abusing alcohol at an early age. After remaining sober for nearly 10 years, he resumed drinking in the late 1990s. Following his 2002 arrest, he again stopped drinking.
Question: How did David Banner receive such a drastically different power from Bruce, and what exactly did he do to Bruce at the fight in the end?
Question: First question: Who would win, theoretically, Superman or Hulk, in a fight? Second: When Eric Bana changes into the Hulk, you don't see the emphasis on the eyes changing first as you saw in the TV series The Incredible Hulk. Why was this?
Answer: 1. Theoretically, the Hulk would be able to win. Superman draws his power from the sun and the more energy he expends from things such as using heat vision or fighting, will weaken him. The Hulk's power comes from his own rage. Even though the Hulk can lift 100 tons, the angrier he becomes the stronger he gets making him powerful enough to eventually lift anything heavier than 100 tons. If Superman were to fight the Hulk, he would slowly wear himself out but the Hulk would keep on fighting. 2. The only time Bruce's eyes are seen changing are at the end of the movie when some South American militia are stealing medical supplies. After Bruce tells the leader of the group that he just made Bruce angry, Bruce's eyes turn green.
Chosen answer: 1.) Superman, especially if he decided to use tactics like stranding the Hulk in space. 2.) Artistic licence.
Question: When David tells Betty of what happened to Bruce as a child, David said that he wanted to cure Bruce but was stopped. If his original plan was to cure Bruce, then why does he suddenly want to absorb all the gamma energy out of Bruce and then kill him?
Answer: It's called lying. He was an egotistical mad scientist, who was paranoid and obsessed with proving his work valid. He was willing to do anything to achieve his goals.
David wasn't exactly lying. He attempted to kill Bruce when he was still a child but ended up killing Edith instead when she tried to stop him. General Ross was even there when David was taken away so there is some truth to what David said to Betty.
Answer: He wasn't trying to kill him, he was using his son as a guinea pig. Experimenting on him, poking and prodding him, altering his genetic structure. That trying to cure him was all crap.
Then why try to kill Bruce when he was a child?
Question: When the Hulk reverts to Banner for the final time, while watching Betty walk down the stairs towards him, steam rises from him and water seems to drip from his hands. What's that all about?
Answer: He's having to shed a lot of excess cells as he reverts - it can't just vanish into the ether, so you'd expect to see something leaving his body as he shrinks.
Question: Would Bruce, standing in front of the Gamma Sphere, have really saved Harper's life?
Answer: It's fictional sci-fi movie technology, so it's honestly up to the writers. In the case of the movie as depicted, it seems to have worked. (While there is a real Gammasphere that was used as the very loose basis for the one seen in the movie, its function is entirely different, so it can't really be used as a valid comparison.)
Question: Did David Banner get carted off in the straightjacket for murdering Bruce's mother, blowing up the lab, or for both? Did the military know about the mother? Also, where were they taking him?
Answer: Most likely both. Since David destroyed the lab, the military went to David's house to arrest him and when they got there, they saw Bruce's mom dead so they knew he killed her. Since David was taken away in a straightjacket, they were most likely taking him to a mental hospital for a psychological evaluation to see if he was fit to stand trial or not.
Question: In San Francisco, why did the police, SWAT teams, and the military all converge and surround Hulk all at once? He could have easily just hopped over all that and kept going. Just the sight of the military could have thrown him into a rage, considering their previous engagements between the big green man and the men in green.
Question: How did David mutate his dogs with gamma radiation? Did he inject them with it or add it to their food?
Answer: Either way, but most likely injections.
Question: Why does Hulk agree to give David his power near the end of the movie?
Answer: Because he knew it would overwhelm him.
Well to be honest, I have no clue why David wanted the Hulk power so badly instead of being satisfied with the being he's become at the end of the movie. The guy can turn into anything he wants.
Because he always wanted more. He is a greedy character. Even though he was that powerful, he felt Hulk was more powerful than him, and he wanted that power.
Question: What exactly did David transform into after biting into a cable?
Answer: His power is that he basically absorbs elements. Thus, when he bit the cable, he absorbed the electrical energy and became a giant electrical being. Then, throughout the fight, he absorbs other elements (rock, water, etc.) and takes on their form.
Question: Whenever Bruce transforms into the Hulk, why is he always in his underwear? Other versions of the Hulk depict him in full pants so why would Bruce's pants also rip along with his clothes when transforming into the Hulk, leaving him only in his underwear? Maybe this was due to the fact that the crew wanted to make the Hulk more stronger and more bigger in this film.
Answer: First, he isn't always in his underwear. In one transformation he's in purple pants, and in another he's completely nude. As to why, it's likely because the filmmakers realised it's unrealistic that Bruce would always be wearing pants that could withstand the radical change in size. Also, as we see the hulk grows larger physically when he becomes more angry, and at some point no fabric will stay in place.
Answer: That is an altered version of Eric Bana's voice.