Question: How come when Lisa is swimming in the pool none of her eyes wash out or anything like the others?
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Does anybody know why Sardo Numspa can't pronounce J's? Such as when he pronounces Chandler Jarell as Yarell. I've looked but can't seem to find any explanation.
Answer: A lot of non english speaking countries have trouble pronouncing the letter J as it does not appear in their alphabet. It is a fairly recent addition to the english language too. Previously words that now start with a J would have began with an "I" sound as in "Iarell".
Question: What did the hair covering Samara's face actually mean?
Answer: I think partly the hair was used to add to Samara's overall creepiness and conceal her 'scary' face until the close-up just before Noah dies. But also the Sadako/Samara characters of the Ringu/Ring story seem to be based on a kind of Japanese ghost which were said to be the restless ghosts of wronged females who died tragic or untimely deaths, and traditionally they are thought to appear as figures in white dresses with their dark hair worn covering their face.
Question: After Atreyu passes the first gate, soon then after is a scene with Falcor and [forgotten the little man's name] is stabbing Falcor with what looks like a cross between a jackhammer and a giant hypodermic needle. What's that all about?
Answer: That's actually Urgl, Engywwok's wife. She is giving Falcor a vitamin injection while she is nursing him back from his exhaustion.
Question: Does anyone know the date that the R4 DVD of Stewie Griffin will be released?
The Truth About Will & Dogs - S1-E10
Question: Who are the Ronco Fry Daddy, the Von Bulows and the Lingbergh baby, which are all mentioned in this episode, and how do the jokes relate to them?
Answer: Ronco is a company that makes infomercial products - the Fry Daddy is a deep-fat fryer. Claus von Bulow tried to kill his wife Sunny by giving her an insulin overdose. It was never proven and Sunny is still in a coma. Claus in particular is portrayed as cold and heartless (see the movie Reversal of Fortune) and not the sort you want babysitting. World-famous aviator Charles Lindbergh's infant son was kidnapped and murdered. In what was known then as "the trial of the century", Bruno Hauptmann was found guilty and later executed although many doubt his guilt.
Question: Does it ever specify whether it is the first day of school for everybody or just for Cady?
Answer: Mr. Duvall comes to ask Ms. Norbury how her summer went which means it is the first day back. Cady is lost simply because she is new to the school in general, while everyone else is already familiar with it.
Question: What is the meaning of the rock paintings that Atreyu finds, that seem to sum up all his adventures? (This is right before the fight with that black wolf-creature.)
Answer: The meaning is basically all his adventures have been fortold and recorded, kind of like as if they were part of a book.
Do No Harm - S1-E20
Question: After Boone dies, and Clarie is showing off little turnip head, what is the name of the song that is playing, and who is the composer?
Answer: The name of the song is titled "Life and Death", and the composer is Michael Giacchino. It is number 20 on the LOST soundtrack.
Question: Ben explains the code on the Declaration reading 'Heere to the Wall' refers to the corner of Broadway and Wall St. But inside the church he reads 'Beneath Parkington Lane' and assumes that must mean beneath the church. But why is there no explanation for what Parkington Lane is and why wouldn't Ben think it's just another clue?
Answer: He doesn't simply assume "Beneath Parkington Lane" means beneath the church: Parkington Lane is the name etched on the tomb hiding the entrance to the tunnels. When he saw it, he naturally deduced what he had to do.
Question: At the end of the movie, did Bobby really fly off in the Radio Flyer plane or did Mike make that story up?
Answer: The script's ending was ultimately changed by director Richard Donner from what writer David Evans had originally written. In the original ending, it was made clear that the Radio Flyer had actually worked and it was seen hanging (actually floating) next to the Wright Brother's plane in the Smithsonian. Donner instead wanted the ending to be a "Rorschach Test", meaning the viewer sees the ending as he or she wants. So if you perceive it as working and Bobby being free or you see it as Bobby committing suicide, etc, it's meant as a reflection on you. However, Evans has said that he never intended the ending to be, or allude to, suicide, but because of the script changes, he understands how people could make that conclusion.
I have watched this movie 3x in the last 2 days. It has emotionally exhausting and I have done more research on this film, the actors, the original intent for the films direction by David, I mean you would think I'm nuts! But after paying close attention, 28min into the movie, the boys discuss exploring the hill where Fisher jumped off one day. The look and sound of Bobby's voice when he said "he died, no-one can make that jump" is what leads me to believe he was telling us the viewers.
His fate. I think Mike tried to help him, and describes the idea as a "dangerous" one. In their attempt to fly, things of course go wrong and Bobby dies during the crash. However mike in his young mind, created the story of Bobby actually getting away. A grown up mike seems sad, depressed and a little off. He still struggles with his trauma.
Answer: He flew off alright - straight to heaven!
Answer: Yes. He actually did fly off. Adult Mike even tells his two sons that sometime after Bobby flew off, he began receiving postcards from Bobby from every place he traveled to and still keeps sending postcards to him.
... and you don't think that the mother would have moved heaven and earth to track her son if he actually sent postcards saying he was doing fine? He was a little boy - it would be naive to believe that he just flew off and lived his best life on his own and continued flying from place to place.
Answer: According to Elijah Wood, in an even older script, Bobby did in fact die.
Question: In one of the episodes, it's discovered that Dan's name isn't really Dan Fielding. What is his real name?
Answer: Reinhold. As soon as this name is revealed (during the episode with all the pregnant women giving birth) all of the cast repeat the name incredulously. This is a tribute to Reinhold Weege, the creator of Night Court.
It should be noted that Dan's real name isn't revealed to the others until s05e12, "Dan, the Walking Time Bomb." In the episode with the pregnant women (s03e22), only the audience knows that Benet named her baby after Dan's real name. When Ernie reveals Dan's real name, the group reacts in the same way, saying "Reinhold" in unison.
Question: How exactly was Adam supposed to win the game? We know the Doctor had to kill Adam before 6 to live, but how was Adam meant to get out? Was he there solely for the Doctor to kill or was there a way out for him that I've missed?
Answer: Amanda was supposed to put the key around Adam's neck rather than just on his chest. If she had done so as instructed by Jigsaw, he would've been able to unlock his shackle and leave the bathroom. Adam was a voyeur, the irony being that if his key had been placed correctly around his neck, all he would've had to do would be to look around to find it. Adam's tape states, "what do voyeurs see when they look into the mirror, " so, again, it's a hint that all Adam would've had to do was look at himself. I noticed as well, Jigsaw says, "the key to that chain is in the bathtub." /IS/ in the bathtub. Not /was/. So Jigsaw probably thought Adam could still get out. He says, "so many people are ungrateful to be alive. But not you. Not anymore." So it's like, 'I have taught you this lesson, now you can go free because now you'll appreciate your life unlike you did before'.
Answer: Adam simply had to either unlock his chain with the key, if it hadn't gone down the drain, or cut his foot off to get out. Or he could've pulled an Eric Matthews with the toilet lid and try to get out that way, but that idea wasn't introduced until Saw III. Let's say Lawrence killed Adam before 6AM. Lawrence would win his game, yes. But he's missing a foot, and the door is still locked because Zep or someone would have to unlock it still. But would Zep or John have to help Dr. Gordon and provide medical attention? Ignore Saw 3D for a second and focusing solely on the first film, I'd say I don't think either of them would do so. Lawrence would be left to get help for himself. Imagine if Mark or Paul beat their tests. Would Jigsaw get them help? He didn't try to help Amanda. He let Amanda fetch help for herself. This also shows that Dr. Gordon was supposed to have died at the end of the first film.
Answer: Adam was never supposed to win, I don't recall which movie, I believe it be the 5th where John is talking to Amanda and says how her games were rigged and impossible to win, and Adam and Lawrence were part of Amanda's game.
Even though Amanda (sort of) sabotaged the game, it didn't make it impossible for him to escape. He could've sawed off his foot like Dr. Gordon did later in the film or could've broke his foot with the toilet lid like Eric Matthews did in Saw II.
It's never mentioned in the films that tossing the key in the bathtub was any kind of sabotage. What is said on the commentary or in the script, but doesn't make it into the final cut, has no relevance for the movies.
Answer: It's mentioned multiple times throughout the movie how unambitious and apathetic Adam is, and how angry he is at the world. His game is to actually escape, which he fails because he's quite content to let Dr. Gordon go and get help instead of trying to do something himself. He was meant to be able to roam freely around the room, and that would probably have made his and Dr. Gordon's relationship and interactions a lot more severe and hostile. The reality of it is simple: Saw is a rushed movie. It's fun to speculate and theorize, but the truth is that by the time they got to editing, they had already lost a chunk of footage after only having 18 days to shoot.
Question: Shelley Godfrey is the real name of Number 6, (or one of them.) What are the numbers for Sharon Valerii, Aaron Doral and Leoben?
Answer: Cavil - 1 Leoben - 2 D'Anna - 3 Simon - 4 Doral - 5 Six - 6 Daniel - 7 (never seen) Sharon - 8 Then the Final Five that don't have numbers.
Answer: Sharon Valerii is Cylon Model #8, Aaron Doral is #5, and Leoben up to the end of season 3 has not been given a number.
Question: Two of the main characters are called Wade and Dalton, is there a connection to the 1989 Patrick Swayze film Road House?
Answer: I don't think so. Wade and Dalton aren't exactly uncommon names and references to other movies are usually more obvious than two characters sharing names.
Question: In the mistakes section it mentions that Richie's mother, Rachel, and the Winslow's younger daughter, Judy, disappeared without a trace. Was there ever any explanation?
Answer: It is said that as Steve Urkel became a more popular character on the show, Judy became less important to the storylines, plus either her or her parents were demanding more money, causing her to be removed from the show entirely.
Answer: No. Call it "Chuck Cunningham Syndrome". A character is written off the show without any explanation at all.
Answer: She disappeared because Judy and Steve's actors, Jaimee Foxworth and Jaleel White, didn't get along with each other.
Question: The clones are released prematurely, one even sits up. Then the facility seems to spontaneously explode. What caused this? What happened to that one clone.
Answer: The facility only ever cloned Rico and Dredd. It had never been tested at max capacity. The equipment was also 30 years old and Rico tried to birth the clones early which the system wasn't designed for. The stress of all these things added up to destroy it.
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Answer: I don't think she ever died after taking the tonic, unlike Madeline and Helen. She took the potion simply to keep her young good looks and (as stated earlier with Madeline), Lisa is in fact 71 years old with the looks of a 38 year old.
Hamster ★