Question: How can hyperspace work without hitting or going through stars? The Spacecrafts don't turn, so how does it work? This is a problem with most movies with a hyper drive scene.
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: In theaters, some film reels have subtitles for the scene where Elrond gives Anduril to Aragorn and they say a couple elvish lines - "Onen i-Estel Edain. U-chebin estel anim." - and other film reels do not have subtitles for the elvish. I am wondering what the reason for this would be.
Answer: I encountered this when I saw FOTR the first time in theaters. What happened is that the projector was aimed down too far on the screeen, effectively cutting off the subtitles. They are there on all of the prints, but due to bad projector setup in some theaters, many people didn't get to see these.
The One With The Memorial Service - S9-E17
Question: What's a blimp?
Answer: A blimp is a large flying "balloon". Sort of like a hot-air balloon without the basket. There is a "control deck" on the bottom. Also known as a zepplin. The Goodyear (tire) blimp is the most famous.
Question: During the Venice boat chase at the beginning of the film, a large number of vessels are flying a flag which looks more like the flag of Mexico than that of Italy. Or are they perhaps flying the 'Kingdom of Italy' flag which looks similar from a distance to the Mexican National Flag? Can anyone help?
Answer: They are flying the Italian Civil Ensign, which is used by civilians on water. The emblem in the center of the Italian flag when used on water are the Arms Of Savoy, the former royal Family of Italy.
Question: In the scene where Austin and his dad start speaking "english english" in cockney rhyming slang, what are they actually saying when the subtitles say?
Answer: My dad used cockney rhyming slang all the time and as far as I can tell, they are talking utter nonsense at that point. Even some of the earlier stuff that makes sense isn't true rhyming slang.
Answer: Large parts of the subtitles are accurate, though not all 'cockney rhyming slang'. Some parts are just colloquialisms.
Question: Near the end of the Super Brawl, when Neo is lying on the ground helpless. Why does Agent Smith appear to act frightened and worried after he has said "Everything that has a beginning, has an end, Neo." Is it because it will mean he too has an end? And what made him say it?
Answer: This is an echo of a line spoken to Neo by the Oracle earlier in the film. It's hard to say for certain, but I believe that given the disruption to the Matrix when Smith took over the Oracle's body, it's likely she somehow weakened him. She puts these words into Smith's head to spur Neo on - Smith is worried because he has realised what she's done.
The line was spoken to give the audience hope that Neo was coming back to win the fight. What the audience doesn't know is that Neo and the Oracle want to lose this fight, so that Smith can be destroyed. It serves as the start of a little rollercoaster of emotion, as Neo comes back, then loses, then destroys Smith. it also clarifies which Smith it is that Neo is fighting, and makes Smith not think things totally through (which helps) when he starts to copy himself into Neo (had he stopped to think for a second, he might wonder why Neo was just letting it happen).
Question: Does Cole know for the whole movie that Malcolm is dead? If he does, why isn't he afraid of him like he is of the other dead people in the movie?
Answer: Cole knew that Malcolm was dead as early as the first few scenes. When he opens his door to the house he doesn't immediately step out. Almost as if he didn't want to go out that day. After he finally muster up the courage, he waits for Malcolm to look away as he hurriedly makes his exit. He also picks up his pace as Malcolm begins to follow him. He knew from the very first time he saw him, and yes he was just as afraid of Malcolm as he was of the other ghost.
Answer: Yes, of course. Remember that Cole tells us that these ghosts only "see what they want to see". To avoid giving away the whole plot twist of the movie, we see Malcolm as he sees himself - no injury, and dressed as would be appropriate for where he sees himself. But we know Cole can see dead people, and he sees them as they truly are. The young blonde boy with the back of his head blown out should make this clear. As for the second part of your question, I think Cole is scared of Malcolm at first. You can see his fear when Malcolm walks past him in the church to sit in the pew in front of where he is playing. His tension slowly eases during their conversation, but he still looks wary as he leaves the church. I get the impression that Cole spends large portions of his time in this building, yet he leaves this time within a few minutes of arriving; he doesn't want to stay near this new ghost. He becomes comfortable with him later of course, and Malcolm eventually wins his trust through honesty about his own problems, but this is not true from the start.
Answer: I think we have to assume, while it is never said, that Cole is not afraid of all ghosts, just some that are angry, upset or creepy. He has talked to them, as evidenced that he knows Latin phrases, or the guy killed in Vietnam in the specific division and province. So while a bit scared of all of them, he is willing to talk or listen a little, but not enough to know they want his help. Then, here comes a child psychologist who knows how to talk to kids and get them to open up a bit, and Cole starts to trust him. But he certainly seems to know he is a ghost. While it is not said, he probably knows the difference between seeing a ghost and a live person always.
Question: What are the first names of Kim's parents?
Answer: Her dad's name is James, and her mom's name is Ann.
Question: Right after Blackburn falls, Everest calls over Galentine so he can contact Capt Steele. Galentine tries several times but can't raise him. Then Everest uses his communicator to try and raise him. Why would he call over a soldier who is defending their location to do something he can do himself?
Answer: First off its Eversmann, and he called over Galentine because he had the large radio on his back. It would cause less static, and he then used his radio to call Steele creating two calls to the same person which would make Steele know the situation was urgent.
Question: Obi-wan ordered the people on the ship to "send no reply" when the cries for help were being received from Naboo ("It sounds like bait, to establish a connection trace," he explained). That being the case, how did Darth Maul know they were on Tattoine? Darth Sidious even asked him, "Are you sure your trace is correct?" or something like that.
Chosen answer: As a Sith, Maul has methods of tracking that would not be available to non-Force users. When Obi-wan ordered them not to reply, they're not aware of any possible Sith involvement - his precautions would be secure against technological means of determining location, but not against a Sith Lord.
Answer: It is stated in the novel that they did send a brief response. I see no reason why they could not have defied Obi-Wan's advice and done the same off screen in the movie.
Question: What exactly is the 'Ring of Fire?'
Chosen answer: It's the name the fish have given to the volcano in the tank, a volcano which can be "turned on" to produce a stream of bubbles (which look like a ring of fire when seen at night through the red glow the volcano produces).
The ring of fire is what comes out of the volcano but they gave it a name that sounds Hawaiian, I'm assuming; Mount Wanhanaluki or something like that.
Aww. You missed another joke! It's Mount Wanahakalugi, or "Want to hock a loogie", ie. Spit.
Question: Someone made this trivia contribution: "At the end of the movie where the Oracle is talking to the Architect, there is a plaque on the bench she is sitting on which says 'In memory of Thomas A. Anderson.'" Where did this come from? At no point in the movie is there a clear shot of the plaque to make out its words, and in no behind the scene specials does anyone mention that last scene.
Chosen answer: Its in the special features on the DVD for Matrix RELOADED (not Revolutions, even though that's where the bench features). One of the people interviewed is sitting on it and the plaque can be read.
Question: Which episodes of 24 were submitted for its Emmy nomination for Outstanding Drama Series?
Answer: The whole series was considered for the Outstanding Drama Series award. For the Outstanding Directing in a Drama series award it was the 10-11pm episode that was nominated.
Question: Does anyone know where I can find a script or transcript for this movie?
Answer: Try this.,_The/Script/.
Question: Was it ever explained why the zombies massed outside the mall?
Answer: It was actually explained in both versions that the zombies went to the mall because it was a place of familiarity, a place that they could remember even if they didn't know why.
Question: I didn't quite understand the ending. Was Angela fooling Roy the whole time, or did she decide to after she met him? Were Frank and Angela working together?
Answer: Angela was working with Frank the whole time, she wasn't actually his daughter. Roy's shrink (Dr. Klein) & Chuck Frechette (the money laundering guy) were in on the con as well.
If Chuck was also in on the con then why was Frank so beaten up? And why would they bring up the whole talk about the ashtray from the gift store and how the camera in there had seen Angela if Chuck was already supposed to know about it all?
Their whole plan was to get his vault password, how to get it? By making everything looks real. The death of Chuck -> Roy says he is the one who killed him -> His "daughter" is running because she is the main suspect -> Roy gives his password to the shrink so he can give it to his "daughter" That means Chuck, Frank, Angela, The fake police men, and the shrink are working together.
Question: On the extended DVD, where are the hidden 'easter eggs'?
Answer: Yes, there is one. On the second disk, go to "Interview and Profile" option on the main menu. On Bruce Willis' interview, press LEFT to move to the upper left of the screen and highlight the exit sign near the subway tunnel entrance. Press ENTER or OK to view outtakes from the movie.
Question: During the song "When you Believe" a little girl says a bunch of stuff in Hebrew. What is she saying, and what is the translation for it?
Answer: "Ashira ladonai ki gaoh gaah, Ashira ladonai ki gaoh gaah, Michamocha baelim adonai, Mikamocha nedarba kodesh, Nachitah v'chas d'cha am zu gaalta, Nachitah v'chas d'cha am zu gaalta, Ashira, ashira, ashira..." "I will sing to the lord, for He has triumphed gloriously, I will sing to the Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously, Who is like you, O Lord, among the Celestial? Who is like you, majestic in Holiness? In your love You lead the people You redeemed, I will sing, I will sing, I will sing..."
Question: What is the significance of the very last shot? We see see Jen (Zhang Ziyi) flying into the clouds and then a mountain/forest shot, in which nothing happens, for about a second and then the credits roll.
Answer: It is an open question. Interpretation of the last scene is really left to the audience. But to those of you who completely missed the whole point of the jump, it refers to the "Legend of the Mountain" as told to Jen by Lo "Dark Cloud". He told her that if a person makes a wish and jumps from the mountain, the wish will be granted and, occasionally, the jumper's life will be spared. "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is actually a fourth book in the series of five books. In the book, Jen survives the fall, but never returns to Lo, fearing her parents shame and prosecution. Popular opinion seems to be that Jen was in fact in love with Li Mu Bai and the jump was an attempt of escaping the live lover towards the dead one.
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Answer: Because a computer calculates a path where the ship will not collide with anything. Han Solo even says this to Luke about "ending his trip real quick." This is why it's possible.
David Mercier