Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: If Myers switched with the paramedic (as shown at the start of the next movie) and the medic couldn't speak because his larynx was crushed, why didn't he take the mask off to show Laurie it wasn't Myers? At the end you can see that he was able to have full use of his arms and hands when he got out of the body bag, then got up after he got hit by the van and when he was pinned he raised his hands to her.


Chosen answer: There is no answer to that. Its simply bad work by the writers. They never tried to explain that. You could perhaps assume shock had prevented the paramedic from immediately taking the mask off. Unlikely though,.

Answer: Because they didn't think there'd be another movie, as this one appeared to be Myers' swan song, as it should've been.


Answer: And seriously, only a Michael Myers could survive all of that trauma. It was a Hollywood ending that could go either way and if the ratings and the income was savory enough, the paramedic dies! So yes, maybe this paramedic was a Myers relation.

Show generally

Question: What happened to the wooden beam in Monica's apartment? I remember it being there in the first few seasons and in one episode I'm sure Ross ran into it. Can anyone tell me what happened to it? Thanks.


Chosen answer: The beam was removed after the first season but was put back in for episodes directed by James burrows as an inside joke amongst cast and crew.

Question: Can someone please explain the ending in regards to Billy Mahoney? Does Billy smile and wave at Nelson, knowing that Nelson is now dead and has paid his price? Won't he realize that Nelson was brought back to life and haunt him again?

Answer: Billy forgave Nelson. he saw that Nelson was willing to die to be forgiven. That's why Billy smiled.


Question: In the scene where Joker "crashes the party", I'm fairly certain I heard him say "Good evening ladies and gentleman." Not "gentlemen", the plural, but "gentleman", the singular. Why did Joker say this? Whom was he referring to?

Answer: He said gentlemen.

Question: It seems like the character of Winston (the fourth Ghostbuster) has very little screen time in this movie. He was in a few scenes in the beginning, then kind of disappears for a while, then shows up again after the court room incident. Was there a reason why his character wasn't in the movie more?


Chosen answer: Winston was an employee of the other Ghostbusters, not a "professional paranormal investigator" like the other three. When they're looking into Dana's problem, they're doing it not in a professional ghostbusting capacity, but as a favor to a friend. Once the judge lifted the restraining order and they were back in business, they were able to hire him back.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Maybe I missed something, but how was Esther able to fool everyone practically all her life and hide the fact that she's a 33-year old sociopath? When Kate finally learns the truth by getting the phone call, they show a photo of the "real" Esther, so at least those records of her exist somewhere. How could the boarding school not have known her true identity?

Answer: The boarding school was going by the falsified records that Esther had with her. They did not suspect anything, so they had no reason to dig any further at the time.


Answer: High quality makeup was an important part of her disguise as the alternative ending make apparent. Her fake freckles were the master's touch.

Question: Three questions. How come Coraline's parents had no memory of the other world? How did they get there in the first place? Shouldn't Other Mother have turned to dust when she reaches the real world (as Other Wybye tries to explain)?

Answer: There's a theory that they were never captured, it was an illusion created by the other mother.

Answer: I think the answer to the third is more like because the Other Mother was the only thing from the Other world that's actually real, whereas the other things/people in it only existed because she created them as part of her trap, hence why Wybie turns to dust and the world itself falls to pieces - their ‘existence' is only true within the other world.

Answer: Perhaps they had no memory because they were saved. Both physically and mentally because everything went back to normal. The other mother captured them from Coraline because she was disobedient to her. Perhaps the Other Mother herself would've turned to dust, but not her claws.

Answer: For the second question I think that there was no memory of the Beldam and the other world for her parents because the Beldam created her parents getting taken away as an illusion, so they were never really taken away.

Question: When the 1985 Doc is suddenly transported back to 1885 at the end of BTTF 2 and Marty discovers that he has been murdered, because there is a Doc in 1955 that has already been born after the 1985 Doc has died in the West, why did he go to the trouble of going all the way back to 1885 when Doc was still alive? Is there any actual legitimate time travel reason for this, or did he just do it out of instinct to help his close friend?


Chosen answer: According to the letter, Doc plans to live out his life in 1885. But as it turns out, Doc gets murdered a week after sending the letter. Knowing that Doc's plan to live out his life don't come to fruition, and because he's a good friend, Marty travels to 1885 to save him.

JC Fernandez

Answer: Technically when Doc got transported to 1885, he should not have existed in 1955 because he died. This is the problem I'm having with part 3. The movie should not have happened this way. It should have been where doc did not exist nor the time machine. Part 3 should've never happened.

That's not how most time travel (if any) stories work. Just because someone dies in the past doesn't prevent them from being born since they were already born and alive before going to the past. Think of it this way, if instead of 1885 he travelled to 2085 and died, would that prevent him from being born? The only reason Marty was in danger of disappearing and not existing (i.e. being born) was because his parents were in danger of never getting together.


It was the 1985 Doc that went back to 1885 so he would still be alive in 1955.

The Doc that got sent to 1885 was the Doc from 1985 so therefore it wouldn't have affected 1955 Doc at all.

The one in 1955 hasn't done anything 1985 Doc did.

Question: After one of the Imperial officers told Vader that the Millenium Falcon's hyperdrive had been deactivated, and then Luke and the others escaped anyway, why didn't Vader get angry? He killed a couple of officers earlier for losing track of the Falcon.

Answer: Well, he killed *one* officer (Captain Needa) for losing track of the Falcon. But all we can do is speculate... Perhaps it was the final failure, since his plan to turn Luke to the dark side didn't work. Perhaps he had second thoughts after meeting his son face to face. Perhaps Vader was concerned that if he was too aggressive, he might tip his hand that he had tempted Luke by suggesting the murder of the Emperor. Whatever the reason, Admiral Piett seems just as surprised as the audience that he wasn't executed.

JC Fernandez

Answer: In addition, Vader has a habit of showing more patience and tolerance for those under his command who came from similar poor backgrounds as him (in EU canon Piett was revealed to be from a common family that got displaced and then suffered under the Confederacy during the Clone Wars). Given Piett did exactly as he was told, and Vader likely considering him a second priority at that moment, it's not entirely out of character for him to give Piett a pass so he can go and sort through his conflicting feelings on what to do next.

Question: Why did the Phantom always ask for Box 5 to be open for him? I know he wanted to watch the play from it, but if someone wanted to find him (after the trouble he causes to make Christine the star of the plays), they would know exactly where to look for him during any play.

Answer: In Gaston Leroux's novel, box 5 has in its wall a secret passageway with special acoustic properties that allows him to watch shows without being seen while remaining hidden. That is why he picked that box and no one ever sees him in it. Legend even has it that a column in box 5 of the actual Opéra Garnier rings hollow when you knock on it.


Question: Is there any significant reason that Other Father becomes fatter and deeper-voiced towards the end of the movie?

Answer: Other Father is one of Other Mother's creations, in fact, he is an enchanted pumpkin. Other Mother's magic is fading and Other Father is turning back into a pumpkin.


That's actually because the other mother's magic depends on her food. She didn't get to eat Coraline when she had planned therefore causing her magic to fade and become weak.

Answer: He becomes this way because it's all a part of the Beldam's magic - the whole other world is Beldam's magic including the characters, but the other father could have maybe come from a squash or a pumpkin?

Answer: In the book he turns into this smelly clay or sop. She describes it as being this "thing" and not being even recognizable as the "other father." This shows how the other neighbors and other beings in this world are just puppets. (Besides the cat of course).

Answer: The other father is just another one of the other mother's puppets and so she probably made him out of squash or pumpkin, since she thought capturing a child wouldn't take too long.

Show generally

Question: When Brian went to see his ex, Tracy Flannagn, and Tracy announces Brian has a son, why does Stewie start chanting, "Jerry! Jerry!"? Is that a reference to something or what?

Answer: It references "The Jerry Springer Show" a "trash TV" talk show where people are often confronted with unknown children, their partners' secret lovers, etc. The crowd often chants the host's first name during the show.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: When Edward was sculpting the people and other things made of ice in his castle, where did the ice come from?

Answer: While it is possible that he had a freezer capable of making them himself, it is likely he had them delivered to his house by an ice company.

That would be impossible since Kim lied and told everybody that Jim and Edward killed each other. With everybody believing they're dead, there would be no reason for an ice truck to drive up to the mansion. And with how big the ice was for the sculptures, it's impossible for the ice to have come from a freezer.

It could have been an out of town company and all of the adults from that time would be dead anyways.

For Edward to get the ice from an out of town company, he would have to call them which would be impossible because since he has scissors for hands, and he wouldn't be able to hold the receiver. Plus Edward has no way of paying them.

Question: Why is it that in this film, a Decepticon now suddenly has the ability to "transform" into a human, instead of a vehicle, like all the other Transformers?

Answer: It's actually an established Decepticon called a 'Pretender' that was in the Transformers comics a long time ago. That this movie didn't bother to explain it properly or even make great use of the character, or even to explain why all Decepticons couldn't be Pretenders is just one of many problems with this movie.


Show generally

Question: While with family we started watching an episode of this, but never finished. It involved a convention or meeting of Achondroplasiacs/Dwarfs, and one part involved interviewing an Achondroplasiac while she was playing a slot machine, with a discussion on Achondroplasia and Psuedo-Achondroplasia. What episode is this called?

Answer: I believe the one you are thinking of is "A Little Murder" with Phil Fondacaro - season 3, episode 4.


Question: How did they manage to get inside Mike Tyson's house though they have come in the police car? Can't the security people understand that they are not real police because they don't have badges?


Chosen answer: I don't think the security thought they were policemen. The guys must have broken into the house when there was no security there. When they return the tiger, Mike's bodyguard says they checked the CCTV footage when they noticed the tiger was missing, found the best man's jacket in the tiger cage, and tracked them back to the hotel. There is no mention of any other security personnel except the bodyguard. Even if security guards had seen the police car and assumed they were cops, when the 'policemen' started urinating in the pool and trying to steal the tiger, they would have given themselves away. The guys broke into an empty house.

Question: My mistake was corrected by "BocaDavie", but I would appreciate it if someone can clarify the correction on the following points:
1. The alienship is standing still over Area 51. How can it drift several miles away when it's going down?
2. Assuming that the main weapon is in the middle of the alienship, located over Area 51 and the ship is 15 miles in diameter you have about 7.5 miles to each side. Again: how far can the ship drift away?
3. Even if the alienship is half a mile above Area 51 (in the movie seems to be less), when it's going down it should maximally crash at the front of the mountains, but not in the middle of it. Please try to think of an airplane, or better a helicopter, when it's standing still in the air. The downcurve would never reach this far.
I hope I explained my points and they are valid, so a possible recorrection may follow for my mistake to be put back to the mistakes page. Thank you.


Chosen answer: Your mistake was corrected because you assume the alien ship would crash vertically (straight down) after the attack. Just because it's severely damaged, doesn't mean that the ship didn't still have some of its capabilities (propulsion, navigation). The ship may have attempted to go back into orbit or even *land*. Going to your helicopter example... wouldn't the pilot of a damaged or otherwise malfunctioning helicopter try to land the craft safely? Or the ship's propulsion systems were damaged and the aliens had no control of the craft. We simply don't know. Because of all the unknowns, there are too many other equally likely possibilities for the scenario to qualify your entry as a mistake.

JC Fernandez

Answer: The alien pilot probably either tried to land the ship on a safe place, or to fly back to the mother ship.

Question: Does anyone know how far Harry and Cho went when alone in the Room of Requirement? The book hints that they got further than mere kissing (half an hour passed and "Harry would take the secret of what happened in his grave").

Answer: They only snogged (made out). The snogging didn't take that long. Harry was in shock and had think for a long period of time about what happened before he was out of shock enough to go back to the common room. That's actually not what the book says, it says "Half of him wanted to tell them what had happened and the other half wanted to take the secret to his grave." The secret was that he snogged Cho which he ended up telling them because Hermione managed to guess it without him saying anything.

Question: After Dumbledore is killed, Snape, Draco and the other Death Eaters are leaving the castle from the Astronomy Tower, why/how is it that they end up exiting the Great Hall (then blasting the Auror and then exiting the castle)?


Chosen answer: There is a bit of a time lapse from when they leave the Astronomy Tower, but the Death Eaters are creating as much mayhem as possible within the castle. The movie tones this down, but in the book, there is an all-out battle between the Death Eaters and the Aurors, Hogwarts staff, and "Dumbledore's Army."


Question: Was Arcee killed during the final battle? Or did any/all of her survive?

Answer: Only two of the three Arcee units were hit during the final battle, Arcee and Flareup. Whether or not they survived is unable to decide from this movie alone. The only way we'll know for sure is to wait untill the next movie. However, I think the chances they survived are pretty high. Transformers have been known to survive much worse injuries. For example, Bumblebee getting his legs blown off in the first movie, or Jetfire getting his chest ripped out in this one.


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