Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Why are the Malloy twins referred to as twins (I don't see any resemblance)?

Answer: They could be fraternal twins. Fraternal twins don't always share a resemblance.


Answer: It's a play on "Irish twins" - 2 children, one born 9 months after the other.

Question: If he forgot how to read how was he able to paint "Ritz" while at the rehab facility? Letters wouldn't have made any sense to him.

Answer: As Henry heals and goes through physical rehab, he gradually regains some of his former cognitive abilities, while completely relearning others. Also, the letters did not necessarily have to mean anything to him. The Ritz logo is just a visual picture to him that he has recreated.


The No-Brainer - S1-E12

Question: Why would Luke Dempsey be arrested along with his father? He had no idea what his father was doing, never aided him in any way and only found out the truth after catching him in the act.

Answer: He helped his father evade capture, impeding the investigation.

Question: The only way that the valley could be flooded by rampaging water is that a dam was broken up river. Otherwise the water rises very slowly. Does the movie explain this? If so I missed it. In which way was that river flooded?

Answer: Probably they have dismantled the coffer dam that was used while constructing the main dam. Hence, the flooding.

Good and reasonable last resort explanation - have the Coens ever addressed it?

Answer: He was in the water.

Question: In a scene of the film there are some expressionist portraits in a house. I would like to know who is the artist. Does anyone know?


Question: Are all the boys sentenced to 18 months at Camp Green Lake, or have different sentences?

Answer: More than likely, different lengths of sentences depending on the crime and severity of it, just like a prison sentence is different based on that.

Quantom X

Question: How did Tom Riddle get Ginny into the Chamber of Secrets? Did he take her there by force or did he possess her again and she went there in a hypnotised state? I'm asking since I thought after she threw away his diary, she was no longer possessed by him and when Harry meets him, he's becoming less of a memory, and more real.

Heather Benton

Chosen answer: Ginny took the diary from Harry's dormitory, she's the one who made the mess and took it. Riddle then possessed her with the diary again, told her to write her own death message on the wall, then told her to come down the chamber.

Question: In the premonition, Frankie drops his camera, which ultimately causes the rollercoaster to derail. However, he gets off the ride in real life, so isn't on it to drop his camera on the tracks. So what makes it derail?


Chosen answer: The roller coasters hydraulics were rupturing and Frankie's camera caused them to be ruptured further. Because Wendy delayed the ride, the hydraulics were still rupturing and once the ride started the hydraulics were already ruptured enough so the ride derailed.

Question: How is Herbie able to come to life on his own? I haven't seen the other movies.

Answer: It is explained in the 1997 version of "the love bug". When a scientist was building Herbie, a picture of the scientist's deceased wife who he loved very much fell into the container of molten metal. This accidental action caused Herbie to have love for any owner he has.

Answer: In the original "Love Bug" movie, made in the 1960's, the Hippie Era, Tennessee explained all things have a soul. Whether it be animal, vegetable or mineral and someday all these things will achieve self awareness.

Chosen answer: In the alternate ending of Final Destination 3, a newspaper blows by, revealing Kimberly and Burke ran into each other at a hardware store and a Camaro (belonging to Evan) ran through the store, knocking them into a nearby woodchipper. Kimberly's coat was tangled and was snatched into the machine. Burke attempted to save her, and both were dismembered.


How come Thomas didn't die first in the sequence of death? He was the first to be killed in the car wreck?

Death was working in reverse order. The last person to die in the premonition was the first person to die in the real world.


Answer: No, Thomas wouldn't have died first because it was explained that Death was going backwards since everyone that died in the first movie made some people miss their death date, so he had to tie up the loose ends.

Chosen answer: It's a scar. No explanation is given as to how he got it - presumably it was added to the character's look to suggest a violent past.


Chosen answer: It means he drank a lot - he's implying that Martin's golf club was hollowed out and filled with alcohol.


Question: After the final fight where Ghost is killed in the exploding helicopter, it is eventually revealed that he supposedly survived it during the end credits and returning for one of the mock sequels titled "34 Jump Street: Return of the Ghost." Did he really survive the explosion or was his return just a gag and he really died after all?

Answer: Given the obviously jokey nature of all the mock sequels in the closing credits and the highly explosive nature of what happens to him, it's probably best to assume that Ghost was indeed killed in the helicopter.


Question: How can Cobb be accused of killing Mal when she was on a ledge across from the hotel suite?

Answer: The gap between the window Cobb is in and the ledge Mal is sitting on doesn't appear to be particularly wide, so it would be unclear exactly where she fell from; if she was physically thrown from the window, which is the scenario she's trying to fake, she wouldn't fall straight downwards, so a position some distance out from the window would not be unexpected. Add to that her stated claims that he threatened to kill her and the very obvious signs of a struggle in the room, to say nothing of the fact that Cobb ran, and he comes out of the whole sad affair looking extremely guilty.


Question: Why does the Resurrection stone only allow Harry to see his parents, Remus, and Sirius? Why not Alastor, Tonks, Snape, Cedric, Fred, and others?

Answer: The resurrection stone allows you to see people you love the most. His parents and Sirius are there for obvious reasons as they were his family. Remus was also just like family to Harry. He was one of his father's best friends, the father of Harry's godson (who was orphaned in the war just like Harry), and the closest thing to a father figure Harry had after Sirius died. The others while there's no doubt they held a place in Harry's heart, Harry was not as close with them as he was with the others. Therefore, they would not appear to him with the stone.

He practically grew up with Fred. I would think he would be there as well.


Question: At the beginning, Lyle refers to the song Camptown races as "The Camptown lady"? Is this simply cause he's stupid, or is there any other reason?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: The opening line of the song refers to the Camptown Ladies and the phrase "Camptown Races" never appears anywhere in the lyrics. If nobody told him otherwise, Lyle may simply have assumed that some variation on "Camptown Ladies" was the actual title.


The actual title of the song was "Gwine to Run All Night, or De Camptown Races," written by American lyricist Stephen Foster and first published in 1850. Over many years on the minstrel show circuit, the title was shortened to "Camptown Races" and was sometimes erroneously called "Camptown Ladies." While the phrase "Camptown Races" doesn't appear in the lyrics, the phrase "Camptown Racetrack" does appear in the second line: "Camptown ladies sing dis song, doo-dah, doo-dah, Camptown Racetrack five miles long, oh-de-doo-dah-day." The song refers to Camptown, Pennsylvania, a real town with a popular horserace in the mid-1800s.

Charles Austin Miller

Show generally

Question: Does anyone know the year and number of the episode in which Homer tries to teach Bart how to get extra stuff at the Kwik-E-Mart by putting it on a doughnut, then when confronted by Apu, telling him that's the way he found it?

Peter Mataichuk

Chosen answer: In episode number 160, "Lisa's Date with Density" from 1996, Homer tries to pass off lots of candy as sprinkles on a donut, but Bart wasn't with him.


Question: Just something that has interested me for a while. Did all the people in the town grow up with Truman (eg. his classmates) or are they all different actors? Also do all the actors live on set or do they have lives outside the show?

Heather Benton

Chosen answer: Clearly, in his media interviews, Truman's best friend, Marion, indicates that he did, indeed, grow up with Truman since they met in elementary school. One could extrapolate that his classmates did, as well. A sudden change of actor from one day to the next would be too much of tip-off to Truman. As actors leave the show, there is a story along with it. His father is presumed to have died, and returns later. I'm sure others move away. The main characters (Truman's wife, parents, close co-workers, and other key figures in his life) also appear to live "in world" and have devoted their entire lives to the Truman project. It is not made clear about the extras, though.

Michael Albert

It's kinda hard to believe though that a little boy (Marion) is faking it all so well for all these years since his childhood without raising any suspicion.

He probably didn't get to know it until a late age. In the bus, a little girl was confused and almost tell her mum that there was Truman, so a kid can't keep up the secret. I'm pretty sure they don't know it. But on the other hand, when he says he wants to be an explorer all the classmates freak out, as if they knew it would put in danger the show. So maybe the classmates and even the best friend had been selected after making sure they wouldn't mess up and reveal the secret.

Answer: In a deleted scene, "Marlon" explained that he didn't realise he was auditioning for the show. Only that his mother was the casting director and told him that he would be in this class with Truman and that he would be known as Marlon from then on. In regards to the classmates, they weren't freaking out, they were laughing at the prospect of Truman wanting to be an explorer. With the other actors, only his family, Marlon, and a few close friends/co-workers would live on set. If they want to have a break to visit their friends/family on the outside I'm sure they would have been allowed to. Just come up with a story of why you are leaving for X time and Truman would buy it.

Question: The child is supposed to grow up and become a leader and bring peace to the world, so why would God send angels down from heaven to try and kill him?

Answer: God ordered the extinction of the human race, as he lost all faith in humans. The child will supposedly be the savior of mankind and God does not want humans to be saved.


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