Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Answer: There is no Child's Play reference in this movie, the closest one was the living clown doll, which is a spoof of "Poltergeist"

Question: I had always thought Balthazar was the son of the Devil, is this not the case?

Answer: Balthazar was one of the kings, or magi as it is called, that visited Christ when he was born and gave him a gift. He is (obviously) not the son of the Devil/Hades/Satan or however you'd want to call him.

Question: What does 'carina' mean? Paulo says it a lot, like when Lizzie and Paulo are on the motorbike (just before seeing the class bus), Paulo says 'Si, carina.'

Answer: Carina means "pretty" or "pretty one".


Question: At the Academy Awards, LOTR won for Best Visual Effects for each of the 3 films. One of these recipients was Joe Letteri. Can someone please tell me what is he credited for? (e.g. Jim Rygiel was visual effects supervisor).

Answer: Joe Letteri is also credited for visual effects supervisor.

angelus tumultuor

Show generally

Question: Why can't Paige heal people? I've only ever seen her heal about one person. Is there any particular reason for this?

Answer: Chris explains in the episode "Valhalley of the Dolls" that healing is extremely difficult, and can only be done by accomplished Whitelighters. Paige has only had her powers for a few years and is only half-Whitelighter, so at first, she can only heal people when Leo helps her. In Season 8, when she realizes she loves Henry, she unlocks the trigger to Healing (as explained by Leo at the end of season 1), and is able to heal others like a regular Whitelighter from then on.

Question: When Miguel is watching Tulio and the girl talking, he walks off looking annoyed. I didn't quite hear what Tulio was saying to the girl so I don't understand why Miguel was so upset. Can anyone help?

Answer: Miguel had just told Chief Tanni how loyal Tulio and he were to each other. Then he overheard Tulio saying to Chel that he wanted to go to Spain with her, ONLY with her "Forget Miguel." That's why Miguel was so upset, because Tulio excluded him from his plans and his life.

Answer: If it was the same song used on the trailer for the film - it is "Mr Blue Sky" by ELO.

Question: A Trivia entry says that when the title of the film comes up, all the cars are Ford Focus's. Why did the director do that?

Answer: In the UK, at the time of filming the Ford Focus was a very popular family car. Not sure if it was the most popular but its definately a stereotypical family car. So its use would have been to signify that Kev's street is in a typical suburban area.

Question: Why were the two bad guys in the luggage room in the beginning?

Answer: They were placing devices that monitored the radio and phone chatter at the airport. That is why the "bad guys" always knew what the "good guys" were up to. I say devices becuase they placed two devices as the "decoy" one is found later by one of the soldiers.


Question: Hey, does anyone know why Oz didn't make it into this movie? I may have missed some spot in the plot which tells why but I dunno. Thanks.

Answer: They never mentioned it, I think they just wanted us to assume that since it has been a few years they just lost touch with each other. Alot of people are no longer friends with poeple after college that they where friends with when college started.


Answer: In-movie, there was a scene where Jim stated that he spoke to Oz in Spain, where he was with Heather, and he wouldn't be able to make the wedding. However, that scene did not make the final cut. Real-world answer; the producers and writers just didn't include the character (among several others from the first two that weren't in this one, including Vicky, Heather, Sherman, and Nadia, to name a few). There was a rumor going around the internet that it was a scheduling conflict, but Chris Klein clarified that he would have done it if asked.

Season 4 generally

Question: Was there a series after the three episodes called 'The rebirth' called Transformers: Headmasters? Because I saw an old video of Transformers in a shop once called that, or is it just 'The rebirth' I saw?

Answer: The Headmasters series was in place of The Rebirth (ignoring its events) it was drawn by the same animation company but translated from Japanese scripts into English without any of the original voice actors returning to their roles, likely Japanese actors with good English and subsequently the translated scripts, and story lines, were terrible. Names didn't match up after translation (Blaster becomes "Billy", Blurr becomes known as "Wally", Jazz is "Marshall", Hot Rod is "Rodimus" (pronounced "Roadimus"), the Matrix becomes "the Power Pack", Spike is "Sparkle", Soundblaster is "New Soundwave", Metroplex is called "Philip", Cerebros is "Fortress", and Fortress Maximus is known as "Spaceship Bruce") So, the resulting series was barely watchable, I bought the whole box set myself several years ago and only ever sat through it once.

Answer: There was a longer Japanese series called 'Headmasters' that ignored Rebirth and took it from there. However, The Rebirth was released on video in some markets as 'Headmasters'. Depending on where and when you saw the video, it's likely Rebirth.

Daria Sigma

Question: I'm almost certain that the first time I ever saw this film on video (I never did see it during its theatrical release) there was no mention or use of the remote mini-guns that the Marines placed outside their "sanctuary", but I've since seen those guns in action. Does anyone know if there are several cuts of the video version in circulation within North America (Canada specifically), or import versions that would be different?

Answer: In the original theatrical release, the sentry guns are mentioned in passing when Hicks inventories the weapons that survived the crash of the first dropship. This reference was deleted in the original VHS release. When the movie was first brodcast on network television, the sentry gun scenes were added (as well as some other scenes including one near the beginning involving Ripley mourning the death of her daughter). As far as I know, up until the Special Edition DVD release which also includes those scenes, that was the only version which contained the sentry gun scenes and the network (I think it was ABC) would brocast this altered version from time to time.

Diana Lucas

Answer: The Special Edition was first released on video in 1991. While there have been times the Special Edition was the one most commonly available, it's definitely possible to have seen the theatrical cut on video first.


Question: When the four girls are at the mall and they see Jason with the girl by the fountain, Regina asks for Gretchen's phone and calls the mother of the girl with Jason. How on earth could Regina have known the phone number?

Answer: Regina said into her phone, "Wedell on South Boulevard." She said that right after dialing 411, which connects you to anyone. She didn't know Taylor's mother's phone number; she used connect call.

Answer: As soon as Regina gets the phone, she dials 411 and they connect her to the girl's mother. It is right before Regina talks to the mother that this is blatantly stated.


Answer: I did hear that Patrick Stewart was on the short list of actors to play the role, but he was in demand of both stage and film. He may have been doing X2 at the time.

keith summers

Question: How did Toulour know the security code to the warehouse where Ocean stored the stolen paintings?

Answer: It was mentioned that he had them under surveillance the entire time. Safe to assume he was always aware of where his paintings were. But taking them back early on would have ruined the con he was trying to pull off on Ocean's crew.

Answer: I always assumed it was because Ocean had broken into Toulour's own vault to give them back. Yet another time Ocean outfoxed him.

Answer: I think that the vault belonged to Le Marc, now the Night Fox knows the entire thing was a setup by Le Marc capitalizing on the Fox's arrogance. Le Marc exploits everyone to regain the egg and his daughter, not to mention get Rusty out of trouble for his daughter's sake and teach his protégé a lesson in humility.

Answer: Toulour is a master thief so he manipulated his way into gaining access to the warehouse.


Question: Why is the scene where Bonnie meets her family so different from the rest of the movie? What is the significance in the change of lighting, sound etc?

Answer: To create an atmosphere and mood that shows how Bonnie's family life contrasted with her life of crime.


Question: When Hershey opens the door of the floating red car, what is the song that is playing?

Answer: Its "Super-Charger Heaven" by White Zombie.

Grumpy Scot

Show generally

Question: I remember an episode where Barbara-Jean gets the same hairstyle Reba has. Can someone tell me which episode this is?

Answer: I believe it was "Seeing Red" from season 2.


Question: Could anyone tell me the species of the following Jedi: Shaak Ti, Kit Fisto, Eeth Koth, Barris Offee, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Plo Koon and Luminara?

Answer: Shaak Ti is a Togruta, Kit Fisto is a Nautolan, Eeth Koth is a Zabrak (the same as Darth Maul), Ki-Adi-Mundi is a Cerean, Plo Koon is a Kel Dor and Luminara Unduli and Barriss Offee are both Mirialans.


Question: I don't understand the ending bit. Why did Lupin and Sirius Black want to kill Harry, then when Pettigrew turned up they all became friends? It just doesn't make sense to me.

Answer: Neither Lupin nor Black ever wanted to kill Harry. Black was only at Hogwarts to get Pettigrew (in the form of Ron's rat), who he knew to be the real murderer. Lupin thought Black was evil and had killed Harry's parents until the truth came out that it was Pettigrew. Then he sided with Black, renewing their old friendship.


Answer: Lupin never believed Black was evil or killed Harry's parents. They've always maintained their friendship. When Professor Snape burst in, at the old house, he said, he told Dumbledorf that Lupin was hiding someone on the school grounds. They didn't know who killed Harry's parents until Pettigrew's name appeared on the map.

Yes, he did. Until he saw Pettigrew on the map, Remus was as sure of Sirius' guilt as anyone else was. He says as much in the book.

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