Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Frodo, Bilbo, and eventually Sam and Gimli, travel to the Undying Lands in the West. Do they become immortal once they are there?

Answer: No. Tolkien was very specific about this - mortals who travel to the Undying Lands remain mortal and will live out their normal lifespan.


Answer: Hedwig is a snowy owl.


Answer: I dont think there was, it was just another guest star appearance.


Chosen answer: Mr Kotter was the teacher on a popular 70s sitcom "Welcome Back Kotter". He was known for his afro.


Question: The answer for another question made me wonder. If Imothep was alive when put in his sarcophagus, how can there be jars with his internal organs elsewhere? Wouldn't they still be in his body in order for him to be alive?

Answer: If you're referring to the only jars that are used in the movie, those are Anck Su Namun's organs. Not his. Near as I can tell, his organs were not taken, hence him being alive.


They are his body parts; remember that he had to get the body parts from each of the adventurers to complete his resurrection (he left one guy without eyes or a tongue and sucked the life out of him).

No, they are Anck Su Namun's. The mummy steals the man's eyes and tongue because he's been decomposing and his own have rotted off. It's part of his regeneration process. He simply didn't have time to fully "suck him dry," as the movie puts it before Evie stumbles onto him.


Answer: He was buried alive as part of his punishment so they can't be his. They are Anck su Namun's. He needs them for when he resurrects her. He gets organs when he fulfills the curse by taking them from the men that opened the chest.

His organs were probably eaten by the bugs, if they weren't they probably decayed, hence why he needs to replace them with the organs of others.

The priests cut off his tongue as he was being linen wrapped, but I doubt it was placed in a canopic jar. But it kept him from doing invocations or screaming even though a wordless scream is possible with no tongue.

Question: When Fiona is trying to hide from Donkey in the old windmill and falls through the floor, she gets up and spoofs something. What does she spoof?

Answer: Any monster film which reveals the monster from a low angle, dusty, silhouetted character with arms spreading out from the sides. Just a classic entrance for a villain or for a big reveal of a character.

Question: In the House of Blue Leaves, why does the lady manager switch off the lights during the fight between the Bride and the Crazy 88?

Answer: From what I understand the reason for the lights being off is the same reason for why the previous scene was done in black and white; to decrease the amount of 'graphic violence' in the movie in an attempt to keep an 'R' rating. I would assume that they had him shut off the lights for that scene as just another method to accomplish that task.

I believe the original question was asking why was it done within the context of the film (i.e. why did the character shut off the lights) not why was it done in reality. My best guess is that the manager switched off the lights thinking the 88 had a better chance of killing the bride if she couldn't see. True, they couldn't see either but there were so many of them one could possibly have gotten to her.

Question: I noticed that during the whole film, when bullets hit the soldiers' bodies, dust comes out (even on a wet Omaha Beach). Why is that?

Answer: It is eiderdown that blows into the air when they get hit by a bullet. They used eiderdown because it was a very warm filling for their assault jackets. Eider is still rarely used in the manufacture of some sleeping pillows and quilts.

Question: At the end of the movie when Walt is singing the song Summertime, is he lip syncing? If so, who is the singer? I know this song has been covered by any number of people over the years, but this particular rendition was popular in the 60's or 70's. Does anyone know who the singer was?


Chosen answer: Greg Kinnear is singing himself - DVD commentary.


Question: Can anyone tell me who the person is that is conducting the choir at Hogwarts? I thought it was Flitwick but he had long silvery hair in the first 2 films and the person conducting has short black hair.

Answer: The new director, Alfonso Cuaron, changed Flitwick's look to make him look "younger." Now, instead of long grayish hair he has short, dark black hair.

Question: Does anyone know which Scottish loch Harry rides over on Buckbeak, assuming it is a real loch and not CG?

Answer: According to the IMDB, they filmed at Loch Shiel.


Question: What actually happens at the end of this film? I know that JT escapes down a staircase and therefore is not killed, but why is there a body? You see Halle Berry get shot, but at the end of the film she is on the boat with Travolta. If he is a good guy, why did he kill all those people? Does Halle Berry actually work for DEA? If not then what is the wire for?

Answer: JT is exactly who he says he is. He leaves a body behind to fool the FBI/CIA into thinking he is dead. Jackman would have believed it too had he not seen him heading down the stairs and the surgically altered corpse. Berry was not hurt, the wire, the DEA story and her getting shot were all parts of a ploy for Jackman to trust and confide in her, making it easier for Travolta to make Jackman do what he wanted. Travolta didn't actually kill any hostages directly himself, (though he did put them in that situation, he is by no means Mr. Innocent) - had the police done what he asked, no one would have been hurt at all. So basically, he IS a good guy, but his methods are somewhat morally lacking.

Grumpy Scot

The Last One (2) - S10-E20

Question: At the very end of the whole show, what is the name/title of the song that plays out over the montage of them going downstairs, and subsequently over the apartment?

Answer: The song at the end is called "Embryonic Journey" by Jefferson Airplane.

Kelly Weidenfeld

Question: While perusing an art book on this movie I came across several foreign movie posters where the Death Star is shown with the laser dish in the southern hemisphere rather than the northern (almost as if it were upside down). Anyone know why this is?

Answer: Judging from the movies, the laser doesn't seem to have much of an aiming system so the whole Death Star might need to rotate so the dish faces its target and in some cases this could mean needing to be "upside down". Just a hunch.

Phil Watts

Wouldn't an upside-down Death Star be problematic for the countless amount of Stormtroopers, Imperial officers etc. on it?

No more than for any other large planetary body. Either artificial gravity or it's large enough to create its own.

No, as demonstrated on the Millennium Falcon and star destroyers, the Star Wars universe has some form of artificial gravity.

David George

It's space, there is no up direction.

When there is gravity, there is an up and down. I think in terms of spaceships north is usually taken as up and south as down, relative to an astronomical body. But only because most maps are made that way. Determining an up and down helps with a sense of direction.


Question: Where were the other Wizards during the fight for Middle-Earth?

Answer: There are only five wizards. Saruman and Gandalf are heavily involved, as we see. Radagast, while not mentioned in the film, has a particular affinity with the birds and animals - it is he who sends the Eagles to the last battle, and to rescue Gandalf from Isengard. The final two, Alatar and Pallando, known as the Blue Wizards, went into the far eastern regions of Middle-Earth and never returned. Tolkien felt that they would ultimately have fallen from grace, much as Saruman did.


Question: What is the song thats being played when Charlize Theron is driving to work, and who's singing it? It starts with something like "I came, I saw, I kicked some...".

Answer: 'The Wreckoning' by Boomkat.


Question: In the song "Jesus Christ Superstar" Judas sings "Israel in 4 B.C. had no mass communication". Why is he singing about that specific year? Even with the miscalculation in the Gregorian calendar, Christ still died around 30 A.D. So why that year in the song?

Answer: First, the lyricist is taking a little artistic license to make the line fit the cadence of the song. Second, there has for some time been a debate over the exact year Jesus Christ was born. Traditionally, it is accounted as the year 1 AD. However, the Bible says that Jesus was born in the time of Herod the Great, who died in 4 BC, so he must have been born in that year or before it, assuming that date is correct. Furthermore, the Magi supposedly noted an astronomical event that drove them to visit the newborn Christ; there was an alignment of planets in 6 BC that would qualify nicely. In any case, the line in the song is meant to refer to whenever Jesus arrived in Israel: his birth.


Question: What is the song playing when Carter pulls up at the cafe before Terry gets splattered? Where can I download an mp3?

Answer: It's called 'Into the Void' by Nine Inch Nails.

Question: When firing a missile, why do the pilots always precede it with the word Fox (e.g 'Fox 1.')? Also, what significance does the phrase 'pile the road' mean?

Answer: "Fox One" represents the launch of a semi-active, radar-guided air-to-air missile, "Fox Two" stands for the launch of an heat-seeking air-to-air missile, "Fox Three" is the launch of an active, radar-guided air-to-air missile and "Fox Four" is the firing of air-to-air guns. Source The President says "Plough the road", meaning he wants a path cleared for Randy Quaid's plane.

Phil Watts

Show generally

Question: What happened to Dr. Jackson? I know that he "ascended," but what does that mean/do? Do the actor plan to permanently return to the show, or is he no longer a part of the regular ensemble?

Answer: Daniel "ascended" meaning he became a being of pure energy on a higher plane of existence. This happened because Michael Shanks was unhappy with his parts and wanted to leave the show. After one season with Jonas Quinn (Corin Nemec) as his replacement, Mr. Shanks returned for (presumably) the rest of the series. In the series this was shown as Daniel violating some major rules of the "ascended" and getting "kicked out" and made human again as punishment.

Grumpy Scot

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