Question: In the "Fan Credits" section, I noticed that Sean Astin's (Samwise Gamgee) name appear on it. Are there other actors whose names appear on the fan credits?
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: In the Extended Edition after Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli escaped from the falling skulls, they saw an outside scene of Corsair ships and two burning towns on a river. Aragorn saw this and became very sad. Is he sad because of the burning towns, or is the fact that he was unable to get the Army of Dead to fight for him? Also, what is the importance of the burning towns on the river?
Chosen answer: Aragorn believes that he's failed - Elrond told him that he needs the Army of the Dead in order to defeat Sauron's forces, and, at that moment, he thinks that they're not going to join him. The burning towns are Gondorian settlements that the Corsairs have already attacked on their way up the river - probably intended to represent the haven of Pelargir, an important Gondorian port. In the book, the Dead helped Aragorn to defeat the Corsairs at Pelargir and were given their freedom there - they never came to Minas Tirith. The ships were then crewed by a party of Rangers (who did not appear in the films) on their run upriver to relieve the besieged Gondor forces.
Question: What is a talking walnut? Details please.
Chosen answer: It's just something the kid came up with. He is not quite all there. It's just something that illustrates how odd the kid is.
Answer: My guess is that they are characters of the Christmas story.
Question: During one episode, Jerry is dating a woman who's name he can't remember, but it rhymes with the name of a part of a woman's body. At the end he yells out the name to her down on the street. What is the name?
Answer: The name is Delores. He shouts that name at the end of the episode. Then in a later episode, "The Foundation", he runs into her. And he repeatedly calls her Delores.
Question: How come at the end of the movie when Cindy realizes that Doofy is the killer and she drops the coffee cup on the ground there is a fish there? I know it's a joke but I don't get it.
Chosen answer: I know for sure they were making fun of the movie 'Usual Suspects' (dropping the cup) - they might have added the gag of the fish in it to appear as though she was shocked by the fish instead of the true identity of Doofy.
Question: I'm still confused about something - what exactly was the whole point of the spy glasses?
Chosen answer: The spy glasses are not explained in the books, but it seems that these are symbols of the fact that they are in VFD, the secret organization we learn about later on in the series. Both Dr. Montgomery and Aunt Josephine's husband and brother-in-law, the Anwhistle brothers, are implied to have been a part of VFD.
Question: At the end of the movie when everyone's watching the commercial for sploosh and sweet feet is on there, what is the last thing he says? it sounds like he's saying something kind of gross.
Chosen answer: "Plus I like the tingle".
Question: I believe I heard that the Olsen twins acted side by side in four different episodes. Does anybody know what the four episodes are?
Chosen answer: The first time was in the first season, episode 19 "The Seven-Month Itch", the second was in the fourth season, episode 1 "Greek Week", the third time was in the fifth season, episode 19 "The Devil Made Me Do It" and finally in the very last episode of the series, "Michelle Rides Again", season 8 episode 23.
Question: I am completely confused about the ending of this film. I mean, the camera-geiger counter starts clicking showing the nuclear weapons are on the boat, but they are not, they are still being moved. And the weapons do get onto the yacht, but both parts of it explode right at the end. Wouldn't that destroy the bombs as well, eg. massive atomic explosion? It is probably just me, I am known to be slow, but can someone explain?
Chosen answer: Geiger counters show when radiation, even faint traces, are present. Therefore, if nuclear weapons were there recently, it will register. The scientist told Domino he threw the detonators overboard so the bombs could not explode. Also, nukes are surprisingly durable. Being in a large explosion will not detonate the core, only a specific chain reaction will.
Answer: Yep he's right.
Question: Does anyone know when DVDs of this are coming out in the UK and/or USA?
Chosen answer: There has been no mention from Disney (Studio who makes Scrubs) when the first season is to hit DVD shelves. Zach Braff's website had put the release as early 2005 but many believe it will be released in the US around Spring 2005 (I believe that would make it around May or June).
Question: At the end of the film, Is Kiril trying to kill Bourne because it is his mission, or is he doing it simply out of bitterness that he failed the first time?
Chosen answer: It is clear that Gretkov expects Kirill to finish the job he failed the first time around, since Gretkov contacts Kirill after he found out that Bourne was still alive. To quote the movie: Kirill: You told me I had one month off. Gretkov: You told me Jason Bourne was dead.
Also, I question if he was trying to kill Borne. He had a clear shot and hit him in the shoulder. These are trained assassins. No way he doesn't kill Bourne with one shot there. It doesn't make sense that he's a bad shot assassin.
Question: Why didn't wolverine simply retract his claws when the cops showed up at the front of bobby's house? Might have saved him from being shot.
Chosen answer: They're ordering him to drop them, to put them somewhere where he doesn't have access to them. Obviously he can't do that, however, retracting them isn't going to satisfy them - indeed, if he suddenly retracted them, the shock might actually prompt them to shoot. His best bet is to keep them in view, but make it plain that he's not taking any hostile action with them. Unfortunately, it doesn't work.
Question: Why, when Betty and Ralph drive off on honeymoon at the start does the car say 'Wait till tonight - she got hers now he'll get his'? Am I missing something or am I just being naive and innocent?
Chosen answer: It means they are going to have sex. The bride got her groom and the groom is going to get laid.
She got her ring, he'll get his ring... I'll leave the rest to your imagination.
Question: Why, at the beginning of the movie, is there a ton of smoke hovering over the table where the young boys are playing the game? I know they are not smoking cigarettes. The mother is obviously not smoking. Where is the all the smoke coming from? It isn't incense either.
Chosen answer: They actually are smoking and there are cigarettes on the table.
Answer: It didn't show anyone smoking but there is a lit and burning cigarette on the table.
Answer: They're definitely not smoking but there is a lot of smoke. You can see an actual flame at one point so I'm guessing incense.
Answer: There also is a can of insecticide AND air freshener. Years ago they were used to mask the smell of smoke. The mother was too busy and addled to notice them smoking.
Question: What year or period is the film (and the books for that matter), set in? Eg. a certain year, or a period, eg. 80's 90's?
Chosen answer: Like the books, it's really up to your imagination. Mr. Poe mentions a fax machine, yet all the cars are pre-1970's models. There are car phones, but they are ridiculously old fashioned. Did anyone really ever have reel-to-reel tape players in their cars? The books give the same aura of occurring at no specific time (a blacksmith shop and a computer repair shop on the same street, telegraph machines and advanced computers both existing). It's up to you as a viewer and reader to decide.
Question: Is the music on the trailer original music from the film? If not, can someone let me know what it's from?
Chosen answer: It's an instrumental version of a track called "Cells" by a group called "The Servant".
Question: How was the underwater shark attack scene done? Things I want to know are : How come the shark didn't attack the actor? And how did all the make up stay on the actor UNDERWATER? Does anyone (also) know how long filming this scene took?
Chosen answer: After the original zombie extra fell ill, the shark handler was made up to play the underwater zombie. The shark was tame, or at least enough to not attack the handler. The makeup would have been latex/oil based, so it would not have been affected by the water. I remember from the commentary that the filming took 1 or 2 days.
Question: Anyone know the significance of the 'R', in March, blinking red when the Walrus is speaking with the Oysters?
Answer: Oysters are seasonal (depending on where you go), often only available on months with an R in them (ie. September - April). The "R" theory just developed by coincidence as that 6ish month period happens to only contain months with an R in (in English, anyway).
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Chosen answer: Yes, there are quite a lot of them, but I wouldn't want to deny you the pleasure of looking for them yourself. I'll give you Dominic Monaghan, Cate Blanchett and Christopher Lee - see how many others you can spot.
Tailkinker ★