Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: In the beginning of the film Galadriel says that Bilbo's finding of the ring was something that "the ring did not intend." Later in the film Gandalf tells Frodo that Bilbo was meant to find the ring. I have not read the books, but both statements can't be true. So what's the real story with Bilbo and the ring?

Nick N.

Chosen answer: One does not contradict the other. The ring didn't intend to be found by Bilbo, but Bilbo WAS meant to find it, by forces other than the ring. Gandalf explains this by telling Frodo that not only evil forces are at work in the world.

Zaphod Beeblebrox

Question: What does Gimli say, after Legolas so spectacularly defeated the Mumak and slid down its trunk? The cheering in the theatre tends to drown out the dialogue...


Chosen answer: He says "That still only counts as one" (As they are keeping score).

Zaphod Beeblebrox

Answer: Obviously it is because the actors are from different places. But you can explain it away by saying that the hobbits are from different families. From Bilbo's speech at his party it is clear that the Hobbits are split into a small number of large extended families - the Bagginses (Frodo, obviously), Tooks (Pippen), Brandybucks (Merry) etc. The families differ in obvious ways - the Tooks are large, the Bagginses are eccentric, the Proudfoots have large feet. Perhaps accent is another family trait?


Question: At the end, where is it that Frodo, Gandalf, Bilbo, Elrond, Galadriel and Celeborn are sailing to, and why are they all going there?

Answer: They are sailing to the Undying Lands. Elrond, Galadriel, and Celborn are leaving because the time of the elves has enden and for them to stay in Middle Earth would be pointless. Bilbo leaves because he was offered and accepted Arwen's place. Frodo because there is nothing left for him in Middle Earth and I believe that Gandalf leaves because he has fully filled his promise to help Frodo destroy the ring. An additional part of Frodo's reason for leaving Middle Earth is because his wound (from the Nazgul) will no longer pain him in Valinor, the Undying Lands. Bilbo and Frodo also earned the privilege as Ringbearers. In fact, Tolkien says that because he bore the Ring for even a short while, Sam Gamgee also was later permitted to journey to the West.


Chosen answer: Presumably to Teddy.


Question: So how is Neo able to control (or just disable) the machines in the real world? I mean, what's this "source" talk about?


Chosen answer: By picking the left door when meeting the Architect, he has been forever connected with the "Source," the machine main-frame. As such, he can tap into it at will to disable any machines in the real world.

Chosen answer: When the two Orcs were fighting in the tower where Frodo was being kept, the larger one shoved the smaller one down the stairwell to a lower level. He then yelled down that the smaller Orc tried to kill him, so they should kill the smaller Orc. From that brawl an Orc was pushed out a window down to yet, another lower level. This spurred another brawl below...a chain reaction, in other words. Also, there were two companies of orcs in the tower so there was a natural rivalry already present - much like when the orcs and uruk-hai that captured Merry and Pippin fought amongst themselves. Finally, the power of the ring had an effect.

Question: Can anyone tell me about the strange flag (sort of a blue lozenge in a white field) the Surprise flies in her disguise as a whaler?


Chosen answer: The flag is a signal flag, and is probably meant to signal that the ship is a whaler or engaged in fishing operations. Such flags were part of an international code, which, with some modification, is still in use today. (The flag is similar to the modern-day "Foxtrot".)

Question: The "eye doctor" tells John not to take the bandages off until the 12 hours is up or else he'll go blind. If this is so, how come he didn't go blind after removing the bandages early?

Josh Appelbaum

Chosen answer: He did go blind but only in one eye. That is why he loses his depth perception for a bit (when emptying out the bag of eyeballs he misses by a lot). He only lets them scan one eye so his other one is good. This makes sense with the foreshadowing earlier in the movie: when buying drugs from the eyeless guy in the alley area at night, he says some quote about a one eyed man.

Answer: Medical advice isn't always correct. There's no evidence that John went blind in one eye. When emptying the bag of eyeballs they stick to the inside of the bag, so they don't simply drop out as he was expecting. He doesn't let the spiders scan only one eye; the spiders only scan one of everyone's eye, as can be seen when the arguing couple get scanned.

Question: Is that Sean Penn in the surf shop, reprising his Spicoli role? (It's a very brief cameo - blink and you'll miss it).

Answer: There is no record that I could find that indicates that he was in that movie.

Josh Appelbaum

Question: I haven't read the books so I don't know if this is in them, but why did Frodo leave at the end?

Answer: For pretty much the same reason as he says in his final speech of the film "I have been deeply hurt, Sam. I tried to save the Shire, and it has been saved, but not for me. It must often be so, Sam, when things are in danger: some one has to give them up, lose them, so that others may keep them". Also, he misses the Ring, and is sick and depressed once every year with longing for it. He feels his experiences have set him aside with the rest of the world, the Shire in particular, since no one understands what he went through.


Question: In the dream/vision sequence as Arwen is on her way to the Grey Havens, does anyone know who the little boy was that played her son? It's just that he looks so much like a little Viggo, I was wondering if they were related?

Answer: Eldarion, Aragorn and Arwen's future son is played by Sadwyn Brody, not Henry Mortenson. Viggo's son does have a small cameo before the Helm's Deep battle begins.


Question: Why in this movie is Mr. Frankenstein's first name Henry and not Victor (like it is in the book)? If it was changed to Henry so it would not be confused with the Frankenstein's family friend Victor Moritz, why not just call Moritz something else, and keep the original name of the main character in the movie?

Answer: There seems to be no officially stated reason why the name was changed, but it's possible to theorise. There were numerous changes between the original book and the film. One theory is that these changes were to make the story more accessible to the mass audiences, and altering the name of the main character to a more common one could be seen as part of that. Another (possibly more likely) reason is down to alterations in the characters. Unlike the book, the film ultimately seeks to redeem Frankenstein's character, making him a more human and sympathetic character. Conversely, the character of Frankenstein's old friend, named Victor in the film, but Henry in the book, has been made a much less pleasant character. As Victor is quite a harsh, martial name and Henry comes across as rather more amiable, the filmmakers might well have decided that it would be more appropriate to the characters that they were trying to portray to switch the names round.


Question: In the first movie Frodo sees the sundering of Hobbiton in the mirror of Galadriel, yet in the third movie this doesn't happen. Does the mirror only show one possible version of the future and not necessarily that which will come to pass?

Answer: Galadriel says to Frodo upon him seeing the Shire burning, "It is what will happen, should you fail." Frodo didn't fail in his quest, and so the Shire was saved.

Question: When the horses of Aragorn and Legolas are spooked and run away from the entrance to the mountain cavern, Aragorn's horse gets away with the scabbard to his new shiny sword still on the saddle. Does he ever get his scabbard back for battle or just have to carry the sword unsheathed for the next scenes?

Answer: He probably carries it unsheathed for however long it takes to locate a scabbard that will hold the sword. Brego also must have returned to the camp of the Rohirrim, since Aragorn has him back in later battles and that particular scabbard was likely retrieved then.

Phil C.

Question: What happens to Saruman? I know that he is in his tower, but we never really finds out what happens to him. We also know that the burning of the shire scenes are not in the film, so we don't see him get killed. Is this one for the Extended DVD?


Chosen answer: The extended edition may have Peter Jackson's version of what happened to Saruman but it won't have the book's version. In the book, Sarauman is defeated by Gandalf and expelled from Isengard and goes to the Shire where he takes command and enslaves the hobbits. Merry, Pippin and Sam return to the Shire and organise a rebellion. Saruman leaves, thoroughly defeated, and is killed by Grima Wormtongue. None of this was filmed for the movie. In the extended version of the movie Saruman stands on the top of the tower and has an argument with both King Theoden and Gandalf when Grima Wormtongue appears and is realizing he had been in the wrong with a few encouraging words from the group below. Saruman then belittles Grima Wormtongue hitting him to the ground. Enraged Grima Wormtongue then stabs Saruman in the back several times causing Saruman to fall and lands torso first onto a spike on a water wheel that is still continuing to turn with all the extra water from the dam burst. This is why the Ent, Treebeard, says "the filth of Saruman is washing away" also the Palantir falls out of his robes and that's why Pip finds it in the water.


Question: In the scene with the Fellowship outside the walls of Moria, Frodo asks Gandalf, what the Elvish word is for 'friend.' Why didn't he ask Legolas, the only Elf, in their group? Or was he just asking in general and Gandalf answered first?

Answer: I think since Gandalf had just translated the Elvish it seemed only obvious to ask him.

troy fox

Question: When The Central Park Rangers are called in action it mentions the Simon and Garfunkel concert and their actions being under speculation - was this a real event (their questionable actions), and if so what was the problem, or was it just a fictional jokey reference?

Answer: This was a real event. The Simon and Garfunkel free concert drew a crowd of over half a million people and the Central Park Rangers were investigated for being a little "over-enthusiastic" in their methods of crowd control. It was 1981 though, not 1985 as stated.

Absolutely correct and thank you - I was there at the concert and it was 1981. I love the movie Elf but that incorrect reference is a slight irritant - LOL.

Answer: I believe that this refers to an incident I was involved in. I was a new ranger riding Captain Cutter, an ex-race horse that we had Nick named Captain Goofy due to his propensity to suddenly spin in circles without warning. We were leading buses of handicapped people through shoulder-to-shoulder crowds when Goofy did his thing sending people scattering in all directions. It was over pretty quickly. I did not realise at the time that it was news.

Show generally

Question: How come neither good nor evil want Charity and Miguel to be together? I only started watching this show a year or so ago but I still can't figure out why at least good forces wouldn't want the two to be together.

Answer: I don't know about good not wanting them to be together, but I know the evil side doesn't want them together because once they sleep together, then Charity's powers will multiply, and she will be a driving force against the evil darkside.

Answer: In order to keep people away from the set of the Matrix and keep spoilers from getting out, the movie was under the name "The Burly Man", which gave way to the Burly Brawl.

T Poston

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