Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Chosen answer: In the appendix of the RotK it does briefly talk about Legolas' leaving. It is said he waited until Aragorn died then built himself a boat and him and Gimli left Middle Earth and were the last of the fellowship to leave.


Question: At the end of the film, Malthazar says "The ship was a model as big as this - a very clever deception indeed." Does he mean that the Thermians now accept they were decieved by the "historical documents", or does he still believe the "documents" were real and the Captian was deceiving Sarris by pretending to admit they were false?


Chosen answer: He thinks that the Captain was just tricking Sarris and the "documents" were real.

J I Cohen

Show generally

Question: The title music. Is this a proper song, or was it someting written for the show? If it is a proper song, what is it called, and who is it by?


Chosen answer: It's called Superman, and it's by Lazlo Bane, from their album All The Time In The World (see

J I Cohen

Show generally

Question: One thing I never understood about Futurama was all the famous heads-in-jars, especially people like George Washington, or other people who would be long dead and decomposed in OUR time, let alone 1000 years from now. How did they get them? Cloning (which we know they have, thanks to Cubert)? If so, then why not just keep cloning and avoid the jars altogether?


Chosen answer: Matt Groening has actually mentioned that this is indeed a mistake and a historical inaccuracy, but says it's still funny and allows historical references and gags to be made.

David Mercier

Question: Who is the kid in the mansion changing the channels by blinking? I recognized most of the "background" mutants (Siren, Jubilee, Artie, etc.) but this one's eluding me.


Chosen answer: In the comic book there was a mutant with the same powers called 'Blink' but blink was a girl, so i guess they just gave the kid some random ability from the comics.

Blink in the comics had entirely different powers.

Answer: In the film, he is named "Jones", played by Connor Widdows. There is no comic book character he represents and was made up for the movie. Jones also appears in "X-Men: The Last Stand" where he is asked to turn on the TV when in class.


Question: Im confused. I know Magneto isn't psychic and he doesn't have cerebro so how does know where Rogue is, or who she is to send Sabertooth to get her? How does he know when exactly to send Mystique to the school to tell Rogue to leave? How would he know what's going on?


Chosen answer: There were news reports about Rogue's experience with her boyfriend. Magneto was pursuing her during her journey to Canada. Mystique was at the school off and on for quite a while to spy on the X-Men.

Timothy Cheseborough

Question: When they are walking through the airport after the near crash, what song and what version of that song is playing in the background?


Chosen answer: "Tiny Dancer" by Elton John.

Chosen answer: It's only the 4th complete film he's directed - Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, now this. "My Best Friend's Birthday" isn't a proper film - as far as I can see it's only a half-made collection of footage, and he only directed one segment of "Four Rooms".

Jon Sandys

Question: When McClane kills one of the terrorists and sends him down the elevator, why the elaborate plan to send him down? He hits the buttons for floors 31 and 30, hits the stop button, props open the doors of the elevator and floor 32, crawls out, then flips the swith to run. As long something is in the door, it won't close. Why didn't he just put a chair in the doorway, put the bad guy in the elevator, hit floors 31 and 30, exit the elevator and remove the chair?


Chosen answer: He wants to ride on top of the elevator. If he did it the way you propose, he'd have to time it just right to reopen the doors on his floor and get on the roof without the elevator being too far down. By riding down in it, he allows himself to stop it past the point where the open doors on 32 will interfere with elevator operation, get out on 32, hit the switch to start the elevator again and still get on top before the elevator begins to descend to 30. It's all a matter of timing.


Question: Why is Agent Smith able to fly at the end of this film? He must've picked it up sometime between the Burly Brawl and the Super Brawl, but I have no idea how.

Nick N.

Chosen answer: Agent Smith is on a hyper-advanced learning curve because of all the personalities he has been integrating. Flying is certainly not the only advance - he's developed control over the weather, has superfast healing, and probably has limited precognition after his encounter with the Oracle.

Rooster of Doom

Chosen answer: Yes, she did all the singing for the film herself. She further demonstrates her singing abilities in the film 'Chicago'.


Question: What/who is Leonard listening to through the wall (with the empty glass), or is it meant to be ambigious?

Nick N.

Chosen answer: He was paranoid, so he was listening to hear if they were cops.

Josh Appelbaum

Question: At the very end when we see Alkali Lake, we see a phoenix shape underwater, referencing Jean Grey's ascension into the form of the Phoenix. Is this symbolic or has this really happened to her?

Answer: This really happened to her. In the comics, the Phoenix Force that took over her body was an alien, which became so consumed with power that she became Dark Phoenix, and was killed; I don't know how they'll do this in the movie.


Show generally

Question: The very first episode of Friends includes Rachel leaving Barry on their wedding day and coming to live with Monica. The rest of the group are already friends. But I know I've seen an episode which has Phoebe moving out of Monica's, Joey moving in with Chandler and making a move on Monica. It also shows Central Perk as a bar, before it gets turned into a coffee bar and Ross anouncing him and Carol have broken up. In which episode does this happen?

Question: Is "Becks" at the end of the movie really David Beckham, or just a look-alike?

Answer: It is Andy Harmer. (


Question: When Marty arrives back from the past, but a bit earlier to try to save Doc's life he sees himself disappear into the past. So for a few minutes we have two Deloreans and two Martys. What happens to this Marty who obviously goes back to 1955? Is he going to relive the whole film?

Answer: Basically, yes. We never see the looping effect, but we have to assume that's what happens. The Bill and Ted argument of "time is always running" doesn't seem to apply in the BTTF films - the Marty who goes back to 1955 is about to do exactly what we've seen Marty do throughout the film.

Jon Sandys

Question: After Matt Damon shoots the sinner on the bus he and Ben Affleck get off the bus and Matt Damon starts singing a strange song. What is that song all about?

Answer: In the bus, Ben Affleck teases Matt Damon for thinking that the movie "Krush Groove" was going to leave a greater legacy than "E.T." So after they leave the bus, Matt Damon's starts with this riff from Krush Groove. The words are, "Whose house? Run's house. I said whose house? Run's house." The "Run" is from "Run DMC," stars of Krush Groove.

K.C. Sierra

I was under the impression that Damon sings the song in victory after proving that he could recognize whether the couple in front of them on the bus were actually married to each other. Damon establishes that the man is married, but not to the woman he's making out with on the bus.

Answer: Frodo was 50, Sam was 38, Merry was 36 and Pippin was 28.


Question: Who exactly is the person that Melissa sees behind her before it attacks her?

Answer: The ghost that kills Melissa is the patient Vannacutt was dissecting. When Melissa initially sees them through her camera, what she's really seeing is the ghosts re-living their last moments.

Answer: Just a generic ghost/monster as it has no face.

Grumpy Scot

Question: What specific job in the Visual Effects Department did Suzanne Benson have? It must have been important because she won an Oscar for her work, yet she isn't credited on either version of the film.

Answer: The effects were done by a company called "The LA Effects Group". She was in charge of the team that did the work for Aliens.


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