Question: Has Marco Beltrami's score for this film ever been released as a CD? I have looked around quite a bit, but have never found it.
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Why didn't Joe and Janie have any children after twenty years? I know that some couples have to try for years before getting pregnant, but twenty years seems like a long time.
Answer: One or the other may simply have been infertile. Some people simply aren't capable of having children, and no medical intervention would exist in the timeframe of the movie.
Question: Can someone tell me what the movie was that the McCallister family were watching in the hotel right before they received the call about Kevin being found?
Answer: They were watching "It's A Wonderful Life" in Spanish. It's a play on Home Alone 1, when they were watching the same movie in French while waiting to hear about Kevin.
Question: When Tony gets the shrapnel in the chest, he first pulls apart his shirt, then pulls apart something black and sees the holes in his chest. Is the black thing an undershirt, or some sort of bullet proof vest?
Answer: It's a flak jacket that didn't work as well as he would have liked.
Question: I noticed Bill Smitrovich's name in the credits. Since he has such a distinctive appearance, I didn't see him in the film. Where does his character appear?
Chosen answer: He is in the scene where Tony Stark is demonstrating the new weapons system to all of the brass.
Question: Why did Stark reveal he is Iron Man at the press conference? This makes no sense at all to me.
Answer: Tony underwent a dramatic metamorphosis during his captivity at the beginning of the film: In just a matter of screen-minutes, he transformed from a vulgar, egotistical merchant of death into a superhero fighting for life and freedom. As soon as he was rescued, he even held an impromptu press conference to announce a whole new mission statement for Stark Industries. Everyone thought Stark had lost his mind. Even the U.S. military and S.H.I.E.L.D. were still making up stories to cover for Tony's erratic behavior, right up to the end, at which point he puts all of the coverup and rumor and disinformation away once and for all: He is Iron Man, and this is his company, and this is how it will be run. It's not as if Tony Stark needs a secret identity, and his open admission wiped the slate clean for everything that follows.
Answer: Short version, he has a big ego and wanted the recognition. Also, in recent Marvel comics continuity there's been a superhero registration act, forcing superheroes to reveal their identities to the public. Tony Stark has been championing this cause "to tie the knots of friendship between ordinary humans and superheroes". His revelation in the movie could be laying the groundwork to tie into that in some way.
Answer: He's a womanizing multibillionaire with a power supply where his sternum should be. Of course he gave up his secret. It doesn't take a genius (and Stark is one with all caps) to figure out that he had a choice between intimacy or his secret identity.
Question: If Uhura can be re-educated in a few days, (after Nomad wipes her memory) why is there a Starfleet Academy? Couldn't you train an ensign in a week and then send him off on a ship to get practical experience?
Chosen answer: I'd say the difference is re-educated versus educated. The total of an education at any institution is more than what is taught in classes.
Question: Why don't any of the Treks to come use any of the useful things that Enterprise discovers? A psychotricorder can record your memories! Scalosian water speeds up humanoids to the point they can dodge energy beams! A veinful of kironide makes you a powerful telekinetic a few minutes after injection! If Picard, Sisko and Janeway had just read Kirk's logs, the Borg and Dominion wouldn't have had a chance.
Chosen answer: They do use much of the technology, just not the particular items you mention. There are many reasons: perhaps the technology was deemed too dangerous and outlawed (as with the planet Talos), or found impossible to reproduce. The Prime Directive would prohibit them from stealing the technology too, no matter how valuable.
Revelations - S3-E7
Question: In one scene, Giles reminds Buffy that, when Angel lost his soul, he tortured Giles for pleasure. Since it is established that Angel and Angelus are separate identities, shouldn't Giles know that, technically, it was Angelus who tortured him, not Angel?
Chosen answer: Yes, and he does, but when you've been tortured by somebody, the technical niceties of different personalities tend to lose their importance. The two look exactly the same, plus Giles is well-aware that Angelus is the 'real' personality, with "Angel" only really being a magically empowered construct due to the curse that restored his soul. Giles is not going to want Angel around, whichever personality happens to be in control.
The Face of the Enemy - S4-E17
Question: What is the song playing in the bar, after Sheridan has been drugged and is fighting off the attackers (when the scene goes into slow motion)?
Chosen answer: It was a piece composed expressly for the episode by Christopher Franke, who simply called it "Bar Background Music."
Question: How come Joanie became a werewolf before Ellie and Jimmy? I thought she got bitten before them.
Chosen answer: Joanine made a crack saying "I guess there is no real way to have safe sex with a werewolf. Joanine dated Jake before Ellie, hence how she became a werewolf before Ellie and Jimmy. In fact it was Joanie who made Ellie and Jimmy werewolves because she stated she was killing the other girls Jake was interested in.
Question: Does anybody know who was originally asked for the soundtrack instead of Aerosmith?
Chosen answer: Assuming you mean 'asked to record the song I Don't Want To Miss A Thing'? According to an article in this month's Empire magazine (June 2008) it was originally written with Celine Dion in mind.
Question: How did Alec survive being shot at the start only to return later in the film. It's something that I can't figure out, as James saw him get shot.
Chosen answer: The real answer, which I believe was explained better in the game or in special features. Regardless, I did hear, is that Ourumov wasn't aiming directly at Alec's head, but to the side and shot the ground behind him. But made it look like he shot him in the head. Alec would have felt the bullet whiz by him.
Answer: He was shot with a blank cartridge. What that means is that the casing in the gun chamber didn't contain a live bullet; instead of killing him, the gun simply gave off a realistic flash that tricked Bond into thinking Alec had been shot. As explained later in the film, Alec's death was staged between himself and Ourumov.
Ourumov shot Alec and the Russian soldier with the same gun but, only the soldier was actually killed.
But that doesn't work, because even blanks can be deadly at close range.
Question: What is at the bottom of the pit of death? Is it just a flat bottom or are there deadly creatures or sharp stuff at the bottom?
Answer: In Mr Bean animated there is an episode where you see Mr Bean as a young boy and had the teddy then and he also liked mini cars. There is another Animated episode where Mr Bean discovers a UFO full of people who look just like him and they each have their own individual stuffed toy.
Answer: It's never been revealed.
May be able to find out more on the animated series.
Question: Did just New York get contaminated or did the rest of the world get infected?
Answer: The whole world is infected.
Answer: During the evacuation, it seems that only Manhattan is infected, or if there are infections elsewhere, it is not known by the government yet. Sometime in January 2010, things get worse if you follow the posters in the movie.
Question: After a fellow soldier throws his boots, Robbie walks ahead to retrieve them and discovers a large group of murdered children in, I presume, school or church uniforms. Is this moment based on a real historical event of WWII?
Chosen answer: Not as such. The only systematic massacre of civilians in the Dunkirk campaign was in the Flemish village of Vingkt, where the German 377th Infantry Regiment had fought a fierce battle against the Belgian Chasseurs Ardennais. On 27/28 May 1940, the Germans took revenge on the civilian population and shot some 40 men and boys in the village, including eight elderly men who had sheltered in a convent's cellars. They argued that anyone found in a building the Chasseurs had used was liable for execution. The film exaggerates for dramatic effect - dead schoolboys are more poignant than dead old men - but there is a core of truth in the story.
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Answer: Yes. It's been released in the USA (Varese Sarabande 302 066 365 2) and in Germany (VSD 6365).