Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: At the end, when Mad World is playing and it shows the FAA people talking, is one of them Jon Stewart? He isn't listed in the credits, but I am quite sure of it.

Answer: It's not Jon Stewart. I saw the guy you were talking about but you can see his chin is a bit longer than Jon Stewart. Added to that he is not credited or uncredited on the film's listing on IMDB.


Question: Why does Nicholas Cage keep doing things 3 times? He opens the door, unlocks it, and a few other things three times.

Answer: His character has obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The primary trait of OCD is that you do things over and over, often for a set amount of times.


Question: When David is flicking through the channels on the TV, I am sure you can see a guy standing to his left, just on the other side of the curtain. (If you look behind his head, you may be able to see his mouth and nose.) Can anyone tell me if they see this too, or am I wrong?

Answer: There is nobody there. The only thing behind David's head is a poster of an actor.

Question: Why is it that we never see the Blair Witch? Also the cover is very convincing that this is a true story. Is it?

Answer: The Blair Witch does not exist. The reason you didn't see is it is an abstract concept. What you can't see is scarier because you make her up in your own mind. It is a complete hoax of a story. The three actors have been doing many other acting jobs since, especially Heather and Josh.

William Bergquist

Question: Does anyone know why Lucy's father, Marlin, took pictures of the mural she painted before he and Doug painted over it with white paint in preparation for the following day? I can't think of any reason he would document that because Lucy was going to paint it again anyways.

Answer: Why wouldn't he want to preserve a record of all his daughter's art works whether she painted over them or not?


Answer: Because she draws something different every day and he wants to keep each one in some way.

Question: There is something I have always wondered about spoofs: Do they actually get permission from the makers of the films they spoof?

Answer: Nope. Parodies aren't usually covered by copyright laws as they are generally considered to be as example of fair usage, provided that it can be demonstrated that the copyrighted material was used in a manner that is considered to be a commentary, ridicule or criticism of that material.


Question: Does anyone know how to build these type of ships, using traditional techniques? And any recommended books to read (i.e. rigging, boat building, etc.)?

Answer: Go to and read how a full sized replica of Capt. Cook's ship was built from the original plans in Australia (and see this ship's connection with the movie). There are many such ships sailing the world's oceans. I spent 6 fantastic weeks in (crew sail "in" not "on") HM Barque Endeavour. We left Halifax, Nova Scotia in November, and sailed south to Barbados. So, yes, those people know how to build, and maintain a wooden ship that meets historic museum standards. They even do a certain rope whipping "wrong" because that's the way it was done on the original ship. I was reading the log of one crewmember while lying in his bunk. He described a hand hold he had affixed to the beam above his bunk to help in getting out of the bunk. I reached up, and there it was! Now THAT's attention to detail! Also check out Mystic Seaport to get you started.

Question: I have looked all over the web for the wav of the sound Goofy makes whenever he is falling, which he does at least once in every cartoon he is in. It sounds like 'yah-ha-ha-hooey.' I have never found it, so can someone point me to where I might be able to download it?

Answer: Took about 1 minute to Google this:


Question: It's obviously simple to build a robot that can understand and speak English. Even droids working as short order cooks can speak English, as far back as Episode 2. So why can't R2 talk? He's a friggin' mechanic, he needs to be able to speak with the humans he works for. I know his primary function isn't communication but if 90% of the droids in Star Wars have a speech function surely R2 could have one.

Answer: R2's job is astromech droid and in-flight mechanic, which means that he's supposed to be locked into a fighter most of the time. When that is the case, he can communicate with the pilot through the computer (as seen in Empire Strikes Back, I believe). Since the builders didn't anticipate how much wandering around he would be doing, they didn't see a need to build in a speech function and instead spent that space on extra tools and repair programming. How many astromechs do you see wandering around the Star Wars universe and interacting with people?


Show generally

Question: Can someone please tell me which season and the name of the episode is the one where Frank buys the two sets of pearl necklaces, (one to give to Margaret and one to give to his wife)?

Answer: Season 3, "Payday" is the episode.


Question: After "Gee, Officer Krupke," they're all going into Doc's candy store, and Snowboy is fiddling with something - what is it?

Answer: A small radio.

Question: Obi-Wan can obviously understand Wookies, since he books passage on the Falcon through Chewie. So why does he never talk to Chewbacca again? It's like they forgot Ben can understand him.

Answer: Just because we don't see him talk to Chewbacca, it doesn't mean that he doesn't off-camera during the trip. The conversations that he has are with either Luke or Han - he could talk to Chewie but, from the storytelling point of view, it would just be extraneous material.


Question: How do the police officers survive the blast that Pyro, sends knocking them off of the porch? They would have extensive burns to their entire body if this were to really happen and not just look like they were rolling around in dirt.

Rollin Garcia Jr

Chosen answer: Pyro probably didn't want to hurt them, just scare them. Pyro controls fire, remember? That's how they didn't get burned by the blasts.


Pyro most likely superheated the oxygen atoms just in front of the officers causing them to explode. He made sure the officers were just far enough away from the blast that the shockwave would only throw them but not kill or burn them.

Question: In the scene when Joel is a child with the red cape, he smashes something in a red wagon with a hammer. What was it that he smashed?

T Poston

Chosen answer: A dead bird.

Nick N.

Question: I understand that purists are up in arms over this scene, but why they are very upset on the Han Solo-Greedo scene?


Chosen answer: Originally, Han shot Greedo outright. The next releases of the films were altered, the first with Greedo firing roughly a second before Han does, and in the subsequent release, Greedo firing just slightly before Han does. Many fans felt that Han seemingly shooting in self-defence took away from his scoundrel character.

Darius Angel

Question: I'm confused by the ending. Did Helen herself become just like Candyman, was it really Candyman using Helen's body, or did Helen simply decide to make a brief return from the dead to make her husband pay for his betrayal?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: It's a bit ambiguous, but just as Candyman became a tortured soul who suffered a painful and unjust death, to too did Helen.

Question: What is the white powder made out of that they throw on them at the beginning of the movie? I mean, I know it is a delousing agent, but what specifically is it? What is it made out of?


Chosen answer: It's an insecticide (probably DDT, which was in wide use in the late 1940's) to rid the body of lice before prisoners are admitted into the prison. With all the bodily contact in a prison, a lice infestation would not only affect the inmates but the guards as well. It's also a health hazard.

Question: Towards the beginning, after the guard captain beats up the fat guy, the says "call the trustees and have them take him to the infirmary." What are the "trustees"?


Chosen answer: As referenced in this movie, trustees are prisoners that have earned the right to work in parts of the prison - in this case, the hospital wing. The name implies that they can be trusted to do the required work with minimal supervision.


Question: When Tom kisses Annie, he chokes, then pulls something out his mouth ... what is it?


Chosen answer: He is pulling out a sparkplug, smashed into her by the car crash.


Question: Why was the Nemesis creature supposed to kill members of STARS?

Answer: Two reasons: 1. They're the elite of the Raccoon City Police force and therefore an excellent means of testing his abilities. 2. Some of them, like Jill, know the T-Virus is responsible for the outbreak so they have to be exterminated before they can expose Umbrella.

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