Question: At some time in the film Philip shouts at Blackbeard and tells him that the mermaid has a name, "Syrena." How does he know her name?
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: What are the lyrics to the song Omouri sings to Lorenzo?
Question: In the final episode, when Godber is struck on the head, why doesn't he call an ambulance rather than his wife?
Question: Are there any obvious nods to the previous 2003 film version? A friend said he thought he caught a few subtle nods to it, but I don't recall seeing any during the first two seasons.
Answer: There are none. Only nods to the comics.
Question: Did Snape know that Draco and Harry were the masters of the Elder Wand?
Chosen answer: No, Snape never knew this. Draco had briefly become the Elder Wand's master when he disarmed Dumbledore on the Astronomy Tower and prior to Harry disarming Draco at Malfoy Manor. Draco never knew that he commanded the Elder Wand and never physically possessed it. Harry figured out later how the wand's allegiance had changed, making him its master.
Question: Why were the captured and imprisoned Ellaria and Tyene Sand both with their shirts opened and their midriffs exposed?
Answer: As mother and daughter are being paraded through the streets, they are wearing their usual Dornish clothing. Dorn, located in the south, has a hot, tropical climate. Dorn residents generally wear lesser and lighter-weight outfits year-round. This is what they were wearing when Euron Greyjoy captured them.
Question: Why did Mr Mertle invite them into his house? Given how they just made all that noise and took down his fence.
Chosen answer: Because he was a nice guy. He also maybe wanted to talk more about baseball since he probably has no one else. He even says it "Let's talk about this ball".
Question: Why was Mr Mertle a lot more mean in this movie than in the first one?
Answer: In the first movie Benny and company were also making a great deal of noise and Mr. Mertle didn't complain.
Answer: Because it's annoying when you have to hear kids scream and break a window.
Question: My mom does not think that squirrels eat chocolate, and she said no to when I planned to give the squirrels in my backyard some chocolate. So, how is Conker able to eat chocolate in the game?
Answer: Short answer, chocolate is not poisonous to squirrels. The chemical theobromine is what is toxic (and the darker the chocolate the higher the theobromine levels). Theobromine is an alkaloid and different species metabolize alkaloids differently. Dogs and cats can not metabolize it very well compared to humans, rats, and squirrels. Although, with high enough levels of theobromine consumed, it can be toxic (from causing illness to death) to any species.
Question: Which kids do what acts for the talent show?
Answer: Sally is a rodeo star, Charlie Brown a magician.
Question: When Bond wakes up in the hospital after being tortured and his eyesight is blurry, who is standing above him?
Answer: Vesper at first, and then Mathis (whom Bond believes to be a double agent) appears next to her.
Question: Beside Barnabas, does Angelique have other love interests throughout the two centuries?
Answer: Most likely there were "love interests" she used to help build her fishing business over the years, but her deepest and truest love was for Barnabas - if she could not have him, then no one will, so she cursed him forever.
Question: What is the relationship like between Elizabeth and Angelique?
Answer: Business adversaries on the surface, but a personal distaste for each other - Angelique does not like Elizabeth for still being in the fishing business, and for being a Collins. Elizabeth does not like Angelique because Angelique is trying to destroy the Collins' fishing business and run the Collins out of town.
Question: At the start Smalls said he was from another state and didn't have a single friend in a thousand miles. Did that mean he never had any friends even before he moved?
Chosen answer: The line implies that Smalls had friends but he lives nowhere near them anymore. If he never had any friends at all before he would have said so.
Question: Why didn't Benny laugh at Smalls at the start like the others right after Smalls said that his life was over? And why did Benny make Smalls come play with them after how he saw he wasn't good at it, even if he did make a whole team when they could get anyone else?
Chosen answer: Benny is more empathetic towards Smalls than the others initially are since, as a game, baseball is meant to be more about having fun than winning or losing. Inviting Smalls to join their ragtag team, even with his poor performance, is Benny's attempt to build Smalls' self-esteem and confidence in himself.
Question: Why did Voldemort want the Defense Against the Dark Arts job in the first place? Was it to get the students to be his followers?
Answer: Furthermore, Voldemort could easily have used his position and knowledge to teach the students about the Dark Arts in a negative way, thus further helping to create followers.
Question: Even though Pettigrew valued his own life over his friends, why not just lie and tell him they went to Ireland to keep them safe?
The One With the Sharks - S9-E4
Question: What's the name of the "scary painting" that Joey saw in the apartment of the girl he thought he'd slept with before? The strange and creepy painting (black and white, with an amorphous body and a chair). I really, really want to know who is the artist. Not Gladys - that's Phoebe's painting that comes out of the frame.
Answer: The painting doesn't have a name, and if it does it is never mentioned in this episode.
Question: What were the last lines of the movie?
Answer: Marshall's line was, "Why do you fight it so hard, Earl?" Earl Brook's was, "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time and enjoying one moment at a time, accepting hardships as the pathway to peace. Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is and not as I would have it, trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His will, that I may be reasonably happy in this life, and supremely happy with Him forever in the next. Amen."
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Answer: Because Philip is the one who named her Syrena. She did not have a name, at least not a conventional human one, prior to that.
raywest ★