Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: How does the contact lens that Lane uses on his henchman (at the opera in Vienna) and Benji work? He seems to be able to see what they see (via his phone and laptop), and in the case of Benji, use it to communicate with Ethan verbally.

Heather Benton

Chosen answer: It's a highly-miniaturized camera and transmitter. The lens cam only transmits video - the verbal communication is via an earpiece with a microphone Benji is also wearing. There is no speaker, Benji hears what Lane is saying on the earpiece and says it to Ethan.


Answer: In the episode "Blame It on Leo", Leo Butler, who use to work for Reiden, tells the group about the "mother cell." He explains it's Reiden's molecule vector. So it's something Reiden created. In real life science, vector cells are used to introduce DNA sequences from one organism to another. There are a variety of ways for this to occur, however, in the show not much explanation is given about how Reiden's mother cell works (and tends to bend how it works to the will of the plot).


Chosen answer: The character is Beorn and it is played by Mikael Persbrandt.

Greg Dwyer

Question: When they are preparing to attack the machine gun emplacement guarding the radar, Captain Miller asks 'Who's going left?' There's a long silence and finally Jackson responds that he'll do it - he'll go left. What is the significance of going left? I'm assuming that it is more dangerous, but if this is the case, why? Also, why does Captain Miller ask for volunteers for someone to go left? (As he picks himself and Mellish to go middle and right, respectively).


Chosen answer: There's no tree cover to the left. Whoever goes that way will likely be spotted and targeted before the others and get gunned down, but it's their best chance that one of them will make it into grenade range of the nest before they're all killed. It's not a job anyone sane would volunteer for, and the Captain is trying to get someone to volunteer so he doesn't have to potentially order TWO men to their deaths on a mission that all of them, including him, think isn't worthwhile.

Captain Defenestrator

Answer: Most people are not ambidextrous so running left means you'll have shoot left or use the right shoulder to shoot as you're running left which is much harder to do, try this out.

Answer: As I seem to remember, the squad a viewing the gun position from the side and the gun is viewed pointing from their right to left, correct. So if someone is going to the left and is by the MG crew they, as said MG crew turn the gun to bring them under fire, would more than likely be the first target in line.

Question: What was up with the coach's death? Was Freddy trying to rape him or something?

Answer: I think the coach's death was a play on his character being at a S&M bar. People who frequent those places are usually into bondage and being dominated. Hence being tied up, and whipped with the towel. It also fits in with the homoerotic subtext throughout the movie.

Question: This may just be me over analysing the film but this is something that has been eating away at me for a while - In this film, one of the vampires tells the Frog Brothers that garlic doesn't work, however through the next two films, Edgar Frog can be seen using garlic numerous times. Was the vampire lying or is this a mistake on the film maker's part?

Answer: He was lying. He was trying to scare them, not expecting them to scoop the water and throw it at him.


Answer: It could also be that it was a mixture of garlic and holy water. They fill their water guns at the end and Sam squirts Paul in the face and it works on him there too, so not sure if it's the holy water that caused that or if it was in fact the garlic as well.

Question: When McClane is crawling up into the elevator shaft and the news reporter mentions Colonel Stewart, McClane looks at her and says "Stewart, that's who it was." Did he mean "That's who it was on the speaker." Or "That's the guy I bumped into today"?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: That's the guy he bumped into earlier, and didn't remember where he'd seen him from until she said his name.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: I just saw this movie for the first time and I have three questions for it. First, is Freddy supposed to be a ghost or something or did he not really die? Second, how was Nancy able to bring his hat back after her dream? Third, what was with the ending and Nancy's mom? Was it a dream or real?

Answer: 1. Freddy is the ghost of a child killer, he is very difficult to be rid of. He did not die at the end of this film. 2. It is possible to bring items and even people in and out of the dream world. Although it is never explained in detail how. 3. It was a dream, but as seen in the film, that's not a good thing.


Question: (Director's cut) In the end when Evan is hiding under the table in the hospital, just before he starts to watch the movie, he writes something on a paper. He says, "If someone finds this, my plan didn't work and I'm already dead. If I can somehow go back to the beginning, I might be able to save her." Who is he writing this for?


Chosen answer: Each time he alters his past, a lifetime of memories are added to his brain, in addition to all the memories he has accumulated of all altered lifetimes. In the hospital life at the end, the doctor explains, via brain scans, that Evan's brain is at nearly max capacity for memories. The doctor doesn't know why, and they think he is delusional, but Evan knows, and we (the audience) know, it's because his brain can only handle so many memories of altered lifetimes, (which is why it has gotten physically harder and harder for him each time he comes back to present day). In his last attempt to alter his past, he understands that his brain may not be able to handle it, it might not work, and it may kill him to try. This would mean nothing from this hospital life is altered, and everyone exists as he left it, so the hospital staff would be walking in to find his dead body. So the note is kind of like a suicide note. He doesn't have time to explain everything in detail, so he sums it up saying if they find him dead, it means his plan didn't work, and he was trying to save the girl.

Question: What does Admiral Nelson have in his left shirt pocket?

Answer: Admiral Nelson is puffing on cigars in a few scenes, and his cigars are even a source of dialogue in the film. Specifically, when his quarters catch on fire, the blaze is initially blamed on a lit cigar, to which Nelson angrily replies that he ran out of cigars before the fire ever occurred. So it's a pretty good bet that Nelson was carrying a cigar (or cigars) in his shirt pocket.

Charles Austin Miller

Question: Why would Ra be afraid of an uprising? He's got alien technology that he can fire at the people to keep them in line. Even if the people knew the truth, he could still use what he had to make sure everyone never opposed him, considering they had no technology to defend themselves.

Answer: A human uprising forced Ra to leave Earth thousands of years ago. He likely fears a second one could actually destroy him.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Why did Louis kill Church at the end? He only planned on killing Gage if he came back like Timmy Baterman did, and he could have just walked in after distracting Church with the meat.


Chosen answer: Church's behavior had changed after being buried. He was now violent (and working with Gage) and needed to be put down before killing anyone.


Question: How accurate, bar the dancing obviously, is the Portobello Road presented in the film compared to how it could/would have looked in the real August 1940?

Neil Jones

Answer: Don't know what it was like in the forties, but we were there in 2010. Wonderful place to visit. So animated. Not only were their vendors, but there were Street entertainers as well. What I found amusing was before you get to the part of Portobello Road where there were these vendors, you had to go past the stately homes with gated grounds. Expensive cars with pull into the drives. Wouldn't happen here in the United States.

Question: Is it ever established why the Kaiju attack cities? Why they perceive a challenge, a threat, a resource worth taking there specifically? If they are a decent biochemical match to Earth life, and are hungry, why don't they attack schools of fish, or fishing/whaling vessels, if nothing else, they should attack the cannery row? If they are after a non-living resource, like minerals, why don't they root through the seabed or attack mines?


Chosen answer: Because they are scouts for an invasion of Earth from another dimension. They are testing our response to their arrival and military capabilities and the best way to attract military attention is to attack population centers.

Grumpy Scot

Question: When Professor Snape first talks to Harry about Occlumency, what is he doing with the leather belt thing on the table? He only points his wand at Harry when he casts a spell; it's unclear why anything in the belt was necessary.

Answer: These were instruments Snape probably intended to use at some point in teaching Harry Occlumency. Their contentious relationship had quickly ended their lessons before Harry learned this skill.


Question: Although I don't know for sure, I believe I read somewhere that the voice used for Joshua was John Wood (Falken) recording words backwards then reversing the tape so the words would come out forwards but in a machine-like sound. Is this correct?

Answer: Writer Walter Parkes explained they had John Wood read the dialog backwards to give it a flat tone (i.e. Game a play to like you would). Then after rearranging it they would synthesize and process it to give it an electronic quality.


Question: In the movie at the 93 minute mark there is a white frame for a few seconds. What is the significance of that?

Answer: When David's life flashes before his eyes.

Question: When they're in Paris, and the three-wheeler (I forget his name) sees them, he makes an attempt to escape. If he was on their side, why'd he try to get away from them?

Answer: There was another car with the three wheel car. He was probably just being incognito to help them. In other words if the lemons found out he was working for Finn, he would be targeted.

Question: It is said that in the original script, Julie the babysitter was meant to be Freddy's pawn, and even though they removed that part, there are still elements in the film that point fingers at her. What are some of these elements?


Chosen answer: Mostly just very subtle hints. In the beginning when she arrives right around the same time that Heather gets a call from the psycho-stalker, suggesting a possible connection. And the fact she's alone with Dylan many times during the film, as she could be subtly manipulating him to act out.

Answer: According to the Internet search I did, that last song for this episode is, "Morning After Dark," by Timbaland.


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