Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: There might not be an official answer to this, but did Dickie really have any attraction to Tom, or did Tom just want to think that he did?

Answer: Dickie forms quick, intense friendships with people, and just as quickly decides that he doesn't need them anymore. This was probably just a sudden friendship, not an attraction.

Answer: He believed that the friendship that the two had was real and genuine. And meant to last. What Marge warned him about, was very real.

Question: In the scene where Spider-man is given the key to the city, when he swings in, I recognized that the song the marching band was playing was the spider-man theme song from the old cartoon. I think we first heard this in Spider-man 2 when that Asians lady was singing it on the corner. Where would this band hear this song to be playing it at the ceremony? How do they know of it?

Carl Missouri

Chosen answer: Given his popularity by the 3rd movie, it is not unlikely that a cartoon has been made based on him or that someone wrote the song about Spiderman and it has become popular. Also, we hear a (slightly modified) version of the song in the first movie as well...the singing cowboy. So the song has clearly been around for some time.

Question: Was David Swift credited as a screenwriter because he wrote the 1961 film, or did he actually help write this one?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: According to David Swift is credited for writing the original 1961 movie and doing the screenplay for the 1998 movie.


Question: There's one thing that bothers me. It's when Evan ends up in mental hospital, and his brain is once again attacked by torrent of new memories, then we see very fast switching pictures of various faces, with lots of mixed voices in the background. What is the meaning of this?

Answer: Those are his "new" memories rushing into his brain.


Question: After Marge found Dickie's rings at Tom's place and confronted him, why did he hold a razor in his pocket and cut his hand?

Answer: I believe he was going to hurt her, but when he was talking to her, he was getting too upset and frustrated, and where he would have made his hands into fists, he then cut himself. Then again, he wasn't totally sane anyway, so there could just be no explanation that we would know of.

I wondered the same thing about the razor, but he couldn't get away with killing her either.

Question: I read somewhere that there was one plot hole between the 3rd and 4th episodes that the filmmakers forgot to fill in when making the 3rd movie. I tried to click on the link, but it wouldn't work, so could someone please tell me what the plot hole was?

Answer: This is very much a matter of opinion. As with any film, some people consider there to be multiple plot holes, whereas others don't. One thing that Lucas did originally say would be explained was the erasure of Kamino from the Jedi Archives (as discovered in the second film). This ultimately didn't happen, which some have claimed represents a plot hole in the series, whereas all it really is is an omission of information (which was ultimately dealt with in the book "Labyrinth of Evil" anyway). It's really down to how people look at it and what they consider to be a plot hole.


Question: Before the movie came out, I saw a picture of Anakin standing in the hallway (with white walls) of the ship that is in the beginning of A New Hope. Was this in a deleted scene?

Answer: No, it was purely a publicity shot.


Show generally

Question: I don't understand how Michael and Lincoln have different last names when they are brothers with the same parents, why aren't they both Burrows or both Scofield?

Answer: Michael took his mother's maiden name after his father deserted them.


Question: Does anyone know what Luke's Sith name would have been had he turned to the Dark Side?

Answer: No. As, being the hero of the piece, there was no chance of it actually happening, it's highly unlikely that the subject was ever considered. Even when Luke temporarily joined the Dark Side in the EU comics, no Sith name was ever given.


I don't think there was any planned name for if he turned to the dark side. However, in a theoretical ending to this movie, Luke waits for Vader to die then puts on the mask and becomes the new Darth Vader. Assuming he would have killed Darth Vader instead of ending up being hit with Palpatine's lightning, the same thing could've happened. It would be more convenient for the emperor.

Question: What is the significance of the crazed woman (wielding a hammer, wearing a jacket, frizzled hair) that appears several times throughout the movie? What does she represent? She appears during the scene where Mike Enslin notices his doppelganger in the window across the street from him, once in a quick shot with her holding up her hammer, and she shows up for the last time as a character in the painting of a ship lost at sea as the room falls apart.

Answer: I don't think there is any actual significance to the character, because a lot of the other things and characters didn't make sense either. It was just another way of building the tension and scaring the audience, but also the character was there because they were in the painting. Hopefully that helps.

Answer: The women is from the schooner lost at sea picture - that is she comes out of the picture. All three pictures have relevance - The Hunt; where the hunted now runs the hotel - The Schooner lost at Sea - where the knife wielder comes from. Many of the "demons" originate from the pictures, including the "vent crawler" who is most likely from the schooner. The room itself is not evil, it is the pictures in the room that are evil, they just happen to reside in the room. The numbers of the room melt from the fire set in the room, not as part of an "evil showing."

Answer: Elvis Costello covered Beautiful especially for House M.D.


Question: Why does Ironhide transform in the final battle just to say "It's Starscream!"? As far as i know, from wathing the series 'Cybertron' they can talk in vehicle mode. Of course no one would think this is weird, they already know that they can turn into giant robots, if that's not already weird enough.

Answer: He transforms into robot mode so he (and Bumblebee) can pick up the truck to protect the group from the imminent attack from Starscream.


Question: What was the meaning of John's ponytail? Why didn't he want it to be touched or cut off?

Answer: During the Qing Dynasty it was compulsory for men to wear a queue to prove loyalty to the Manchu rule. Refusal to follow can result to execution considering that as treason. Also, he not only prevented him from going back to China but also preventing him from informing the Emperor of his crimes without his queue.

Yes, but in fact, Jackie Chan wasn't wearing a queue in the movie. He only had the pony tail. His head should have been shaved half bald, especially if he was the Emperor's Guard. They just didn't want to show Jackie Chan in a half-bald hairstyle.

Similarly happened in 1976 film Hand of Death in which Jackie co-starred in. That film too was set in the Qing Dynasty but all men still had their queues but no shaved temples. The slaves in Shanghai Noon however some of them did actually have that hairstyle correctly having both queue and front temples shaved bald.

Answer: The queue is loyalty submission to Manchu rule during the Qing Dynasty. Refusal to wear that hairstyle is considered treason and punishable by death. Fong cut it off to make it as if he's a slave with no honour and would label him a traitor to China. He not only prevented him from coming back but he also cannot report his actions to the Emperor if he were to go back to China (but cannot because of Fong cutting off his queue).

Answer: In the Qing Dynasty (which was in power at the time the film was set), all soldiers were required to wear the Manchurian hairstyle of the queue (Chon Wang's "pony tail"). Cutting off his queue ensured that he would not be able to fight in the Chinese army for a while.

Answer: His religion states, more or less, that if his hair is ever cut then he cannot enter heaven.


Question: Is the ballet they perform a real ballet? Or is it something made up for the movie?

Answer: The ballet was written for the movie.

Question: If Lennox is a captain and Epps is a sergeant, then why is Epps the one who calls the Pentagon and relays the information about the thing that is attacking the village? You'd think the higher ranking officer would be the one to call the Pentagon.

Answer: Usually, yes, unless the higher ranking officer designated the lower ranking officer to do so. But this was not a casual situation. Whoever was able to make the call, made it.


Show generally

Question: In the early seasons, the Charmed Ones were able to communicate telepathically but they don't use this ability anymore. Why?

Answer: There was one episode where Piper an Pru cast a spell to hear other people's thoughts. That was the only time they communicated with each other telepathically (just Pru and Piper).

Maria Santos

They also had the ability in the episode with the Crone, Leo mentioned that the bond had always been there. Unsure of why it was never displayed again. It could have something to do with them only being able to fully use the ability when their senses were stolen.

Question: When Slim is in the diner, she hears someone call Millie's (the waitress') name. When she goes to the lawyer and says that she got his name from Millie, did she really talk to Millie (if so, it's not shown on-screen), or did she use the name she overheard, so that the lawyer would think that someone in the town recommended him to her?

Answer: She just uses the name that she overheard so that lawyer would not think that she was just some random crazy person that burst into his office asking for help.

Question: What is the Rabbit Foot? It was never really explained in the movie or did I miss something?

Answer: It's never explained. This is what's known in the film industry as a McGuffin, a term popularised by Alfred Hitchcock, which is an item that's crucial to the plot, but the exact nature of which is never revealed because it actually doesn't matter in the slightest.


Question: How did Bumblebee regain the ability to talk?

Answer: Its never properly explained during the movie. It would have most likely have happened when he came in contact with the Cube. Just like when Frenzy came in contact with it, he was able to "rebuild" himself back to his original form (after being hacked up by Sam and Mikela). Bumblebee being the good soldier that he was waiting until for the right "time to speak".


Question: Why doesn't one of the autobots take the all-spark to the roof of the building instead of guarding Sam while he carries it?

Answer: Because they are needed to hold off the attack.


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