Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: In one of the episodes with clip shows, Troy McClure said that there would be a little green alien that only Homer could see and hear. I know this was a joke, but has the alien ever appeared in any other episodes?

Answer: No, this refers to "The Flintstones," in which Fred occasionally saw such an alien.


Show generally

Question: In "I'm With Stupid", can someone explain to me who those people were who thought they were Patrick's parents, and how they knew to show up, and knew everything about Patrick?

Answer: I had originally posted this as a mistake before being corrected. My own opinion aside, there is no real evidence to how they knew about Patrick. Its all I think meant to add to the stupidity of starfish in the show. Not only do the fake parents not even have kids but Patrick didn't even realise they were not his parents until they mentioned their names.


Answer: It's called "That's what friends do" on the Spongebob Yellow album, track 19.

Answer: I think Bart & Lisa are happy about Mr. Burns being unable to do anything to them, as they have a bad history with him.

Louise Newman

Question: Who is the actress that plays the old lady that called herself the Good Witch of the North? Also, did she voice cartoons? I could swear her voice sounded very familiar.

Answer: Don't know if she did cartoon voices, but her name is Nora Meerbaum. She was in Airplane and St. Elmo's fire in the following years though so you may know her from those.

I thought the same thing. Maybe one of the Mrs Clauses in Christmas cartoons.

Shirley Booth voiced the Christmas favorites.

She looks and sounds like Shirley Booth, Mrs. Claus in The Year Without A Santa Claus (1974).

Answer: My guess is the 2-headed bird on the Bugs Bunny with the vampire. I believe the bird's name was Emily. She also resembles Clarabelle or Jennifer Morrison (one of the moonshine sisters) from the Andy Griffith Show episode "Alcohol and Old Lace."

Answer: She was Mother Nature in The Year Without a Santa Claus.

She was Mrs. Claus in the year without a Santa Claus... May have also been mother nature (I don't think so though) from the same show, but definitely was Mrs. Claus.

That's wrong. Shirley Booth voiced Mrs Claus.

Answer: Dorothy Stikney was the other sister.

Question: Is Evana Lynch British? I know that all the people in the films are supposed to be British, but I don't hear much of an accent at all on Luna.

Answer: She's Irish.


Question: In the movie, when Viola is becoming a guy, they play "Love Is All Around" by Joan Jett & the Blackhearts. But the version on the soundtrack is sung by The Tea Queens. Any particular reason why?

Answer: A. The music supervisor wanted a cover instead of the original. B. It's sometimes cheaper to pay for the rights to a cover than the original song.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: It is supposed to be part of the steering column. It was actually put there for comic relief.

Zwn Annwn

Question: In the film a specific group of friends are murdered as they are the only witnesses to the wedding. The women are watched and followed so the identity of each woman must have been known to the murderer or at least to 'special branch'. If they are willing to go to such lengths to cover up the royal secret then why is it that the french girl is murdered in place of Mary Kelley? Mary has bright red hair in the film and surely the killer might have noticed before he set to work on her that she wasn't the right woman? Or at least whoever tracked her down, they must have known which woman they were looking for so why didn't they realise that it wasn't Mary in the room? Am I missing something?

Answer: At this point the murderer (Dr. Gull) has been completely taken over by his insanity and bloodthirst, as indicated by his completely black eyes. He was not thinking rationally, and was even having hallucinations while carrying out the murder. He was absolutely, wholeheartedly convinced he was killing the right person and fulfilling his mission, so he never stopped to notice the details of her appearance.


Question: Anyone know how he got into Noah's office towards the end? I saw him go up the stairs, but it appears he would need a key card to get in without breaking anything.

Answer: Knowing Bourne, he must have had a keycard on his person. Remember that Landy guided Bourne back to the CIA New York Headquarters; she could have easily slipped a keycard in the Taxi Cab when Bourne was being picked up at the airport. All he would have to do then is avoid being detected by using the fire exits (hence going through the back).

Jason Riley

Question: First of all who is the EPA guy and what does he have against Springfield? Secondly, What happens to Spiderpig? Halfway through the movie they just cut him out.

Answer: Well, as the movie states, the EPA guy is the administrator of the "Environment Protection Agency." It has been declared that Springfield is the most polluted towns in the country. As such, obviously the town would be thorn in his side. As far as the pig goes, often times in shows like the simpsons there are random comical characters entered and then they disappear just as quickly without any reason as to why. In Spiderpig's case, he is more than likely left behind when they go throught the sandtrap to get out of the dome. Odds are, when the entire town is scratching at Homer's head and attempting to kill him, and the house is spirralled into the sand hold, the pig was either in the house or caught up in the debris and dies.

Ian Mugford

There was a deleted scene showing that this pig survived.

Question: What is the food the two women are serving at the fair?

Answer: It's called a "Low Country Boil".

Answer: It's a combination of potatoes, corn on the cobb, shrimp and crawfish and seasonings usually called a shrimp bake.


Yummy. I'm an Aussie so that is something I've never heard of.

Question: Did anyone else notice how much more blue Sue's eyes seemed to be in this movie than the first? Was that a mistake or intentional?

Answer: I would assume that the director wanted to make her appear closer to the comic book Sue...this would also explain how blonde her hair is in this film.


Question: What song is playing at the way beginning, you notice it first when Milton says something about how he's going to be late again, and everybody is just starting to arrive while Milton is still waiting at the bus stop. It's kind of jazzy- swing-ish sounding.

Answer: Mambo 8 by Perez Prado.

Question: Were the writers/directors ignorant to cow/bull terminology and anatomy? Even if one agrees that "cow" can be used to refer to either sex, the male "cows" in this movie should not have utters.

Answer: This is a children's movie and is presented in a manner that will be understandable and familiar for the target audience.


Question: How was Blackout (the Helicopter Decepticon) killed, exactly? I understand he noticed the humans sneaking up on him when catching a glimpse of their laser targets, but even compared to the other robots he seemed to fall pretty abruptly.

Answer: The lasers targeted Blackout in the same manner as they targeted Megatron. The Air Force used guided munitions to take out Blackout. The soldiers assisted the AF by shooting him with smaller sabot rounds to take him down a little quicker, that's all.


Question: What are Palpatine and Dooku's first names?

Answer: Palpatine's first name was Sheev. Dooku is a mononym, like Cher or Madonna.


Answer: Dantius Palpatine and Jard Dooku, although these are only given in non-official documentation.


Show generally

Question: In the episode where Will works as a waiter and dresses up as a pirate, another waiter tells Uncle Phil that the parrot he (Uncle Phil) is wearing is on his left shoulder. What does he mean?

Answer: It has to do with the fact that when males get one ear pierced, the left means they are straight and the right supposedly means they are gay.


Question: So is the loophole used to get Chazz and Jimmy back into the figure skating arena actually in the Olympic Pairs skating rules somewhere?

Answer: It wasn't really a loopole in the rules of figure skating that they found. When the two were banned from figure skating, the board specified that the two were banned from singles skating. Therefore they would be able to skate as doubles, since it wasn't a general ban from figureskating as a whole. But no, doubles skating rules specify the pair must be a man and a woman.

Ian Mugford

Answer: The loophole isn't that they are a male-male team. The loophole is that the rules stated that a lifetime ban from the sport is only valid for the skaters division in which they were banned. So as long as they do pairs skating male-male or male-female, they can compete again, but all real competitions state that it has to be a male-female pair.

Question: So is the loophole used to get Chazz and Jimmy back into the figure skating arena actually in the Olympic Pairs skating rules somewhere?

Answer: No. International Skating Union regulations clearly states that the pair has to be a man and a woman.


That wasn't the loophole. The loophole was that a ban is only good for the division where the skater was banned. If they were banned in singles, they could still compete in pairs.

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