Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: What type of Allied fighter destroyed the units vehicles? It doesn't look like any allied combat aircraft I've seen before.


Answer: It's a Yugoslav Soko 522 Ikarus.

Chosen answer: From the markings it looks like a P47 jug. Strange thing is it was equipped with rockets, which I have only seen outfitted on the P-38 lightning and the P-51 Mustang. Kelly's is a great movie but far from historically accurate. There is a country song Odd Ball Plays as the blow up the rail yard that not even close to having been released at the time.

James Rowell

Question: How did Balian, a peasant, get to be literate at the beginning of the film, before he leaves with his father? He reads what's carved into the wooden beam over his workplace.


Chosen answer: Who says he was reading it, someone could have told him what it said, so he knew what the beam says rather than read it.


Question: How much time supposedly elapses between Roxie's arrest and her being acquitted of the murder charge? I have a hard time with the "fake pregnancy" element. We know Roxie was faking it, but if at least a few months had passed between her arrest and her announcement - much less between her trial and arrest - she was so thin that even a pregnancy of a few months (or lack thereof) would be noticeable to anyone who looked at her.

Kimberly Klaus

Chosen answer: Pregnancy or lack therof would have been noticeable you think, but I am a size 8(aust) and gave birth 8 weeks early, still wearing size 10 clothes - unless I told people I was 7 months pregant they did not know.


Chosen answer: There appears to be no music in common between the trailers - there are, however, tracks by the same group, Immediate Music, which may well have sounded very similar due to their common source. The track used in the Fantastic Four trailer is called "Spiritus Elektros", with "Ultimatum" used for King Kong. Other music used in the FF trailer includes a track from The Matrix: Revolutions" and one with the rather unwieldy name of "Counting Bodies Like Sheep To The Rhythm of The War Drums" by A Perfect Circle.


Question: After Napoleon realizes Uncle Rico told Deb about the breast enhancer stuff, what type of fruit does Napoleon throw at Rico's van?

Answer: Palmelo grapefruit.

Answer: It's either an orange or a grapefruit.

Grumpy Scot

Question: I haven't seen the start of this film, so could someone please tell me why Michael doesn't appear in this movie at all? Him and Mia seemed to be dating, but then she goes off and marries someone else. Can anyone help? Thanks.

Answer: At the very beginning she says "As for Michael? Well we're just friends now as he went touring with his band." So they lost touch as he became too busy.

Scary Godparents - S2-E13

Question: During the bit were its raining sweets at the end, is that the music from Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory?

Answer: It's not the exact music but it is similar enough to be recognisable as the song 'Pure Imagination', sung by Gene Wilder in the original Willy Wonka movie.

Question: One of the Trivia entries for Phantom tells of a reference to Cats in "Masquerade." Well, I have yet to find it. Can someone be more specific about where it is, or perhaps include a time code? And are the actors really dressed like cats from the show, or do they only show a vague resemblance?

Answer: The scene is at about 01:18:44. It's when they sing "FACES! Drink it up, drink it in..." They are dressed like cats, but not the cats from the show, and they merely strike a pose similar to a promotional poster of the show.

Answer: The release of the DVD was delayed because of legal issues over the Eric Stoltz footage, which was eventually removed. Stoltz can, in fact, be glimpsed in the final film: in the scene where Marty jumps into the DeLorean to escape the Libyans, that's actually Stoltz.


Answer: Director Robert Zemeckis has said that the Eric Stoltz recordings were never deleted or destroyed, even though they had the chance to do so, and intends to have the footage go out in its entirety in the future. However, so far the best we've got is about 30 seconds of footage with no sound. And even if the full footage does make the light of the day, it's not like we have a full movie with Stoltz as Marty. At most, we'll probably have 30 or 45 minutes. And Eric Stoltz DOES actually make it into the final cut of the film. When Marty punches Biff (Thomas F. Wilson) in the cafe, the shot they use is actually Stoltz punching Wilson, not Michael J. Fox.

Answer: There are (or were) clips of the Eric Stoltz footage on YouTube.


Answer: There's also the scene where Marty is driving the Delorean in an attempt to escape from the Libyans. A close look at the driver reveals that it's Eric Stoltz.

Answer: Yes, in the final film. When Marty punches Biff in the cafe there is a quick shot focused on Biff. If you put it on extreme slow motion the hair is darker, unlike Fox's brown hair and a slightly different skin tone, unlike Fox's bright skin.

Question: When one of the characters shoots an arrow and then says, "We're from Georgia", what does he mean?

Answer: Will Scarlet says, "My whole name is Will Scarlet O'Hara. We're from Georgia." Scarlet O'Hara is a character from "Gone with the Wind" which is set in Georgia.


Question: While at the New Year party near the end, Mace tells Lenny that his clip of the Jerico One murder is the only one, and that there are no copies. Yet when Faith was explaining the situation earlier, we see Philo setting fire to a clip with the same content. Did I miss something?

Answer: Iris had gone to Tick to get a copy made before going back to Philo. Philo burned the master, so the copy she gave to Lenny was the only one left.

Captain Defenestrator

Answer: He sings "Laugh and cry."


Answer: It was a remake of "The Getaway," in 1994.

dgemba dgemba

Question: Why didn't the aliens take over earth for their own means millions of years earlier? And why send machines millions of years before any humans or life that could be considered a threat?

Answer: The aliens needed human blood to grow their blood vine, for future colonization. Precisely why they waited perhaps millions of years to create the harvest of human blood, because there was enough humans now to grow an acceptable crop for colonizing us.

Answer: It's not known when the aliens sent the machines-the 'millions of years' comment was just one bystander's speculation. The machines could have been sent well after humans evolved and for whatever reason, the aliens did not journey to Earth until much later. Obviously, humans were never considered a threat-just an inconvenience to be eradicated after being used as fertilizer to re-foliate Earth. Because we don't know who the aliens are or how their society and technology works, many questions will remain unanswered.


I've read that they buried the tripods on earth before us and that they made us they sent a meteor containing the key ingredients for life and that they were waiting for enough humans to collect their blood and use it.

Answer: It's because their characters Toad and Sabretooth both got killed during the final fight of X-Men 1 (Toad was hit by Storm's lightning, Sabretooth fell off the statue of liberty).


Question: What car does Johnnie B drive?

Answer: Its a late 90s/early 2000 Mercedes Benz S500 or S600.

Answer: Elessar means 'Elfstone' and is a name given to Aragorn by Galadriel as part of a prophecy - she also gives him a green stone set in a brooch (unseen in the films) as a mark of this name. When Aragorn assumed the throne, he chose to use Elessar as his kingly name.


Used Karma - S6-E13

Question: I don't understand how Phoebe can turn the fireballs the swarm demons threw back on them. She doesn't have an active power like telekinesis which can be used like this. Could someone explain it to me?

Answer: She uses her ability as an empath to tap into the demons power and use it against them. She did this for the first time in Valhalley of the Dolls to make Piper feel the loss of Leo.


Question: After Monsters, Inc. has switched over to "laugh power", the scare floor has a very different look. There's a board in the back with "JOKE OF THE DAY" written on it. Can anyone see the text of the joke?

Answer: The Doctor says to the patient, "What seems to be the problem?" The patient lifts his arm and says "It hurts when I do this." The Doctor says "don't do that."

Question: Can anyone tell me the significance of Jareth's necklace? Throughout the movie it is silver with a gold center circle. But in his last scene with Sarah after the Escher room, it is reversed- now gold with a silver center circle.

Answer: The necklace is a symbol of Jareth's power throughout the story. All the time that Sarah is in the Labyrinth, Jareth has more power than her, because she doesn't really know what she's doing, and isn't taking one particular path, just getting lucky at the right times. At the end, as we all know, Sarah triumphs, and Jareth's necklace changes to admit his defeat.

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