Question: If Clarice Starling's a rookie FBI agent then why is she assigned to the Buffalo Bill case?
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Answer: Clarice is never assigned to the case, she is just working with Crawford as a trainee and under his supervision. Crawford wanted to obtain information from Lecter (he being a notorious serial killer) that might help capture the Buffalo Bill killer. Crawford knows from past experience that sending a seasoned FBI agent to interview Lecter will yield few results as Lecter is too brilliant a psychiatrist to be manipulated into helping. Crawford instead sends a trainee and chose Starling because she is young, attractive, unpretentious, and somewhat emotionally transparent and vulnerable. He gambles that Lecter will be disarmed and intrigued by someone different from the usual law enforcement type. Lecter is taken with Starling and they form a bond which prompts him to provide clues to Buffalo Bill's identity. Based on that, Crawford knows Clarice's relationship with Lecter will be a continued asset during the case.
Question: A few cadets had a fight in the cafeteria. Wouldn't they be expelled from the academy?
Answer: In the universe of the film, the rule seems to be that if a cadet initiates a fight, he or she will be expelled, while anyone else involved would not be (since they were merely defending themselves). That's why Blankes specifically goads Mahoney by saying "Go on, you throw the first punch," and when they are later brought before Harris, he simply asks, "Who threw the first punch? That's all I want to know."
Answer: Harris finally got the chance to kick Mahoney out, so he didn't care about the others.
Question: How old does a person have to be to be a Pokémon trainer?
Answer: Most people start their journey at 10 years of age. However the age is 11 in the Alola region.
I believe if we were to be more realistic, 10 would be the age a person could start learning how to use Pokemon, and could be allowed to battle within a controlled environment. But would have to be at least 18 to be allowed to battle outside of a controlled environment.
The reason I believe what the comment is saying is because if my local professor just "hey, here you go, here's your charmander, you can start your journey now" at the age of 10, I can guarantee that I would have accidentally burned down somebody's house.
Question: Why does Jim even have a dog if he is scared of it?
Question: Ryan says a phrase in Russian before he shoots the KGB saboteur. The literal translation is "leave me alone". Why would he say that?
Answer: The literal translation of "Ostav' eto v pokoye" is "leave it alone" or "leave it in peace."
Question: Why does the Thin Man or whatever his name is kiss Drew Barrymore then take some of her hair?
Answer: He kisses Dylan because he is attracted to her and grabs her hair because that seems to be his particular fetish, as shown in the sequel as well.
Question: Was the atmosphere and splash landing as dramatic as shown in the movie?
Answer: Naturally the movie ramps up the drama, but it was a fairly accurate depiction. The radio blackout lasted a little longer than depicted in the film due to the shallow angle of the ship's reentry into the Earth's atmosphere. Also, the first communication from the capsule was not from Jim Lovell and was from Jack Swiggert, who said, "Okay, Joe." The amount of condensation shown inside the capsule was also accurate.
Question: 1. How did Hook travel to London to kidnap Peter's children? 2. How is it Hook can know with certainty who Peter's kids are, but he doesn't know that Peter Banning is supposed to be Peter Pan? Wouldn't he have to have been following or spying on the family for some time know who the kids are in the first place? 3. How is Hook not able to find where the Lost Boys are hiding when Neverland is a single island?
Answer: 1) Though it is never fully explained, the mystical way Peter Pan would come and go from Never land. 2) It was Smee who was doing the spying. When Hook asked Smee, "This can't be my great and worthy foe?" Smee replied, "I have all the information here." He had a file of paper work on Peter. 3) Hook knew where the Lost Boys were, When Peter asked, what happened to the Never Tree. Tinkerbell said, "Hook burned it when you didn't come back." He considered the Lost Boys not worth the effort. It was Peter, he wanted.
Question: Why did Althea refuse to believe Leonard when he said that Howard was having an allergic reaction only believing it when she saw it for herself?
Answer: Because prior to this, Howard was exhibiting no symptoms of a severe allergic reaction, and she was tired of them wasting her time. However, unbeknownst to her, Howard had in fact taken a bite of a peanut bar (having only faked doing so before, to distract Leonard), so when she sees his genuine reaction, she believes it.
Question: Why doesn't King Candy just not have the race? He doesn't want Vanillope to race/win, so just cancel the race. Problem solved.
Answer: The film implies many times that video game characters have a strong desire to fill out their designed roles, sometimes at their own expense. Ralph constantly has to fight the urge to wreck things, Felix has a strong desire to fix things, Calhoun is obsessed with stopping the Cy-bugs, and the racers in Sugar Rush live to race. Vanellope not being allowed to race causes her a great deal of depression and self doubt. Turbo himself was so obsessed with racing that he couldn't cope with the idea of competing racing games and began to invade them when his game was unplugged. In short, King Candy holds the race because he and the Sugar Rush characters need to race.
Answer: The race has to happen. When Ralph left the Fix-It Felix game, this led Mr. Litwak to believe the game was broken and placed an "Out Of Order" sign on the cabinet which would cause the game to be unplugged. If King Candy cancelled the race, when the kids try to play Sugar Rush and saw no racers, Mr. Litwak would assume the game was broken too and would also have to unplug it. The only way to make sure this doesn't happen is to let the race occur.
Je Souhaite - S7-E21
Question: When Mulder is writing down his last wish after using the first two, what was he writing and why did he stop?
Answer: He was intending to once again wish for world peace. This time he is writing down his wish in a specific and deliberate manner in order to avoid any technicalities, loopholes or misinterpretations the genie might cause, since his first attempt at wishing for world peace resulted in her removing everyone else besides Mulder from the face of the Earth. He stops because Scully convinces him that world peace is something that should be attained through effort and not magic, so he instead uses his final wish to set the genie free.
Question: With all the cars Jason Bourne crashed in and kept going, why haven't the airbags gone off?
Question: Why would an escape pod have a self destruct?
Answer: Been a while since I've seen this movie but to answer your escape pod would have a self destruct to allow the person inside to end things if all hope is lost. For example if you have no food or water and are just flying through space with no rescue in site. You may just want to end it instead of suffer.
Question: WALL-E was apparently designed to be highly durable to the point of being able to withstand being struck by lightning twice. So how was AUTO able to incapacitate him with a mere stun gun?
Answer: The "mere" stun gun seems to have been designed to incapacitate robots (such as the "problem" robots freed by Wall-E earlier), and also lasts considerably longer than a flash of lightning...AUTO shocks Wall-E for several seconds. Besides that, the lightning scene is played for laughs, while the other is dramatic, so some suspension of disbelief is at play.
Question: In quite a few episodes of Emergency there is a character that the doctors and other nurses call Nurse Carol. She is the older nurse with dark hair. I would say she is on at least a fourth of all episodes in all seasons yet I can not see this actress getting credited or listed as uncredited anywhere. I wonder if she was an actual nurse. Does any one know who she was. Yes there also were a couple of other actresses who played a nurse named Carol on one or two episodes and they are listed in the episode guides. She also is the patient with her arm in the cast talking to Dr. Morton in the episode 6:18 Firehouse Quintet.
Question: How does all that dirt or whatever it is get on Hermione's pink hoodie?
Question: Whilst I appreciate the comedic value of Jeff Goldblum, why has Dr Ian Malcolm been invited to the island? How is his academic knowledge of chaos theory relevant to deciding whether a theme park is safe?
Answer: Malcolm spoke with Hammond about the idea of Jurassic Park prior to the visit. Hammond dismisses Malcolm's math as "codswallop" and "fashionable number crunching," and complains that Malcolm has "never been able to adequately explain [his] concerns..." But why ask him? Malcolm is an expert in complex systems. His particular brand of scientist is known for modeling "the real world" in mathematics. This is why you hear him refer to the complexity of the system in phase space and chaos (as in chaos theory). Gennaro refers to him as 'too trendy." Hammond likely asked Malcom to analyze the idea of the park as a publicity stunt, but got back a scathing paper. Gennaro has picked someone openly hostile to the park to give it a review. The investors want two experts to sign off. Hammond knows that Malcolm is hostile, so Hammond finds a paleontologist and paleobotanist (Grant and Sattler) in the hopes that they will sign off due to sheer awe and excitement.
Answer: Malcolm was there to calculate the probability of what and how the theme park could go wrong. The park's financial backers are aware the dinosaurs pose an extreme danger to visitors that could result in massive lawsuits. They want to know every conceivable scenario of what could go wrong. It's the old adage of, 'If something can go wrong, it will go wrong.'.
Answer: From google: Ian Malcolm was invited to the park by Donald Gennaro as an insurance consultant as Donald apparently felt that Ian, as a fiduciary, would be able to notice any dangerous shortcomings the park had.
Answer: According to the wiki, he is brought along by the lawyer Donald Gennero because he is a parent of several children and thus be able to notice any shortcomings regarding safety to children.
Question: Why does Alan Grant struggle with his seatbelt in the helicopter ride to Isla Nublar? It looks like a fairly standard airline seatbelt to me.
Answer: This is a foreshadowing of the events to come. He has 2 female parts of the belt. He then over comes this problem by simply tying the two bits together in the same way all the dinosaurs on Isla Nubar are female to stop them breeding and over running the island. However, they over come this as shown when Dr. Grant finds the eggs after spending the night in the tree.
Answer: In addition to the foreshadowing of the female dinosaurs on the island learning how to breed, I think also works to establish Grant as an unconventional but creative problem-solver, someone who can make the best of an unideal situation. This leads credence to him being able to survive with the children in the park with all the dinos running around. So in that belt buckle scene you have three things going on at once: humor, foreshadowing, and character development. Great writing.
Answer: Alan is not a modern man. Being a paleontologist, he mostly relates to the past and shuns modern technology, as evidenced by his resistance to using the ground-penetrating radar to find buried fossils. He is uncomfortable and out-of-place in today's world and has difficulty using things as simple as a seatbelt.
So Grant has never been in a car? My dad can barely figure out this iPhone, but knows how to use a seatbelt. It could be as simply as he grabbed two female ends, which has happened to me on an airplane.
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Answer: She's only "assigned" to the case after Jack Crawford sends her to interview Hannibal Lecter; she goes thinking it's just a training exercise, though he (Crawford) really wants to see if Lecter spills anything about Buffalo Bill. When Lecter does reveal "Miss Hester Mofet" to Clarice, she follows the lead and discovers it is linked to the Buffalo Bill case, so at this point it's only natural that she would continue to work on it. Plus, Crawford has seen her potential and is her mentor/champion, so he's happy to bring her onboard...though, of course, she starts off still as an apprentice rather than a field agent, and no-one has any idea how deep she will get with Lecter or that she will be the one who apprehends Bill herself.