Question: In the credits, T. Hawk is listed, I didn't see him anywhere, who is he?
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: In the scene after Peter has been exploring his powers for the first time and is back home late, why is the note his Aunt and Uncle left him addressed to 'Michelangelo'?
Answer: It is a reference to earlier, when Uncle Ben reminds Peter about his promise to help paint the kitchen he calls him Michelangelo - as in the famous painter. So when Peter returns home late he had broken his promise, and the "Michelangelo" in the note is meant to remind him of it.
Question: When Jenna has turned 30 and is going to the magazine party she has a dress on then asks her 13 year old neighbour if she can see her underwear to which the girl replies something like "I think that's the point." They then smile and laugh to themselves. Could anyone explain this joke?
Answer: Jenna asked the girl, "Can you tell I'm wearing underwear? Because I totally am". This is because when she was 13 just a day before, she was wearing big underwear. Now she's wearing a thong, which wouldn't be visible when wearing a dress.
Question: This seemed like a couple of mistakes, but I'm not a technology expert: First of all, if the aliens are interfering with Earth's satellites, how are cellphones able to work [so well]? Secondly, how is Dave able to triangulate Connie's position? He sticks some kind of device on his roof, and presumably uses a satellite. Regardless of the satellite problem, I thought triangulation (as the name implies) needed at least three points for determining location.
Answer: Cell phones do not use satellites, they use towers on the ground in each area and land lines to link each area. So as long as the towers and lan lines are still there the cell phones will work. He triangulates her position using a signal from the cell towers on earth, and you do need 3 points, but those points are just 3 towers on earth, no satellites involved.
Question: What is the deal with a apples in this movie, is it a subtle reference to something? Aside from the main bad guy chomping on one while tailing with someone (rude), there are several scenes with large bowls of apples. In one scene, there are two tables with bowls of apples on them.
Answer: Its a Navy thing. Centuries ago, to ward off the threat of Scurvy when sailing long distances, eating apples would prevent it, and the tradition carries over into modern times.
After 21 years of Naval service (10 years destine and four ships) I have never heard of apples warding off scurvy. It was discovered that lemons were very effective. Later in time the British started using limes to avoid scurvy. While limes were cheaper than lemons, they were not as effective. This is also where we get the phrase "Limey Brits" from.
Yep you're right. It's the Vitamin C in limes and oranges that prevents scurvy. Not much of that in an apple.
Question: Can someone chronicle Chandler and Janice's relationship for me?
Answer: We first meet Janice in the season one episode The One with the East German Laundry Detergent, during which Chandler gets Phoebe's help to dump Janice. Chandler then asks her out for New Year in The One with the Monkey, and once again dumps her before the episode is over. In The One with the Candy Hearts, Joey sets Chandler up on a blind date which turns out to be with Janice. Janice next appears in the season two episode The One Where Heckles Dies - Chandler calls her as is he is feeling lonely, and she reveals she is now married, and pregnant. In The One With Barry And Mindy's Wedding, Chandler falls for a woman he meets online, who then turns out to be Janice. This is the first time their relationship lasts across multiple episodes, as they continue to see each other until breaking up in the season three episode The One With The Giant Poking Device, in which Chandler discovers she has been seeing her ex-husband on the side.In the season four episode The One With All The Rugby, they meet again, and to avoid starting up a relationship with her again, Chandler pretends to be moving to Yemen.This is the end of all romantic involvement between them, although Janice does cross paths with Chandler and the others several times. She is seen for the last time in season ten episode The One Where Estelle Dies, in which Chandler pretends he is still in love with her to try and put her off moving in next door to him and Monica.
Question: Why are the bullet holes that appear behind Vincent and Jules, in the "The Bonnie Situation" chapter, regarded as a "Mistake" on this website? I thought they are there to show it wasn't really a miracle at all.
Answer: The mistake is that in the shot before the guy comes out of the bathroom firing his gun you can see the same bullet holes in the wall as after he finishes firing his gun. Those bullet holes were not meant to be there already as you can see before this is completely clear of any holes.
Question: This applies to all three movies and also Zorro and Batman. When Indy uses his whip to swing from one place to another, how does he free the whip from whatever it was attached to? A flick of the wrist wouldn't do it, it seems like he'd have to climb to the end of the whip and separate it from the object by hand.
Answer: There are two answers - a short one and a longer one. The short one -- it's a movie and the director can pretty much do what he wants. The longer one -- assuming that the ends of the whip loop around the log, etc., the parts of the whip further back from the end can cover the end. Then, as long as there is weight applied to the whip (i.e., a person swinging), the whip could stay attached to the log, etc. As soon as the weight is release, there is no pressure on the ends of the whip and it shouldn't be too hard to flick the handle and have the whip release.
Question: When Ethan Hawk takes a new life, does he have to shave his fingerprints/get plastic surgery/new teeth etc. because when he started he looked way different than the present day Ethan.
Answer: Yes, he must do this to truly feel like the different person he is trying to be. Also, so the police won't suspect anything if his traits don't match his identity.
The Honking - S3-E1
Question: What does the reflected binary code (the one that freaks Bender out) actually say?
Answer: The initial number is 0101100101 = 357. When reflected in a mirror, however, it reads 1010011010 = 666 (the number of the Beast). It is a parody of The Shining, where the words Red Rum are seen as the word murder in the mirror.
Question: Can someone please explain the ending to me? Did Luke use the spell too?
Chosen answer: The spell was performed on Luke at some point in the past by Violet's husband. Throughout the film, "Luke" is actually Justify in Luke's body.
Answer: Actually, as you see, the servants possessed the two children, so they didn't die right? And they both grew up to be violet and ben. Ben was ageing and became old so papa justify ended up taking control over Luke's (the lawyer) body and the real Luke was in ben's body. So papa justify and Luke had already switched bodies before the movie even started.
Question: I don't understand it when Pistachio's mother, on the camera screen, saying "no more caramel corn for me." What was that about?
Chosen answer: Bowman has captured Fabrizzio, and he has to do something with Mrs. Disguisey, so he says "Thanks to a special potion we put in the caramel corn, she thinks she is still at home preparing dinner," and then we see her on the TV screen eating the caramel corn and making food. She then later "pretends" to prepare food, then when Bowman tells the guard to pounce on Mrs. Disguisey, she whacks him, as if she were aware that she has been captured. She then informs the camera "No more caramel corn for me."
Chosen answer: Going by the armor and clothing from the child Selene's memories, as well as information from Selene herself, we can say that she was turned around the end of the 1300s and has been alive for about 650 years.
It has to be after 1402 because that is when RotL takes place and Viktor only spares Selene because she reminded him of Sonja.
Question: Red is shown in his WWII Naval Uniform. He has three medals on his chest. One of the medals (the far one on the right as you look at him) is a Commendation Medal. I was looking at the episode and it wasn't clear if the medal was a Navy or an Army Commendation Medal. They look very similar - the Navy medal is green and white with the bronze eagle as is the Army's (I have an Army one). However, the Navy's has two broad white stripes near the edges of the green ribbon while the Army's has several thin white stripes near the center of the green ribbon. Has anyone noticed which ribbon it actually is?
Chosen answer: It's the Army Commendation Medal. You can notice the pinstripes in the center of the ribbon. The navy one has no pinstripes.
Question: How old are the characters in the film?
Answer: They never mention age, as far as I can see, and I just watched it recently.
Question: Was there ever a doll of "The Six Million Dollar Man's" boss in real life, or was it just something the filmmakers made up?
Answer: Yes, try searching eBay for Oscar Goldman million. There are 6 on sale as I'm typing this.
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Answer: When Guile storms Shadaloo headquarters with the stealth boat, he is accompanied by Cammy and a hugely modified (in terms of character) T-Hawk. At one point Guile asks about T-Hawk's headband. Being an aid to Guile, T-Hawk is in other scenes, but these are the most obvious.