Question: Is there an excuse given for Kurt's disappearance anywhere? I've only seen this film once, and I can't remember.
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Disney and Pixar both said that "The Incredibles" would be their last film together. Why have they decided to team up again for this film and others?
Answer: The situation was that, at the time, the head of Disney was not offering Pixar the sort of deal that enticed them to keep going with their association with Disney. As such, Pixar announced their intention to depart once their contract with Disney was fulfilled. In the interim, Disney's chief executive was ousted and a new one appointed who saw, quite correctly, that their association with Pixar was a highly valuable one and began to take steps to woo them back. Eventually, Disney actually chose to buy Pixar, so all future Pixar films will be released under the Disney banner.
Question: Several other answers and corrections state that the reddish liquid sprayed by the tripods was what essentially grew the red vines. However I thought I heard someone in the film say something along the lines of "using us (i.e. blood) as fertiliser". Can someone please clarify?
Answer: Since the tripods tended to spray the red fluid shortly after pulling a human into themselves, it seems a good assumption that the red fluid is essentially blood. Given this, it seems likely that the "spore" of the vines is spread in the red fluid.
Question: When Bandit is getting the money for the run, he asks for a speedy car and Little Enos counts out the bills. Exactly how much was a 1977 Trans Am?
Answer: The base price for a 1977 Trans Am was around $5450. By the time you added the Hurst hatches (T-Tops), gold trim package, and CB radio, the final price was around $7000.
Question: Several times, people refer to something about the Black Pearl, that Jack Sparrow made some sort of deal with Davy Jones to raise it from the ocean floor. Am I right, or is there something I haven't picked up on?
Answer: Jack made a pact with Davy Jones to raise the Black Pearl from the ocean depths and to be her captain. Jack agreed that after 13 years, he would surrender himself to Davy Jones and serve on his crew for 100 years.
Question: Does anybody know the name and composer of the piece of classical music that Grissom plays in his apartment, as soon as he is suspended?
Answer: Holberg Suite, 4th movement, by Edvard Grieg.
Question: Does anyone know where the scene in the theater was filmed, where Julia Roberts is on the stage with the swing and the snow, and then backstage playing in the costumes?
Answer: Filmed at the Abbeville Opera House in Abbeville SC. From imdb Trivia: Star 'Julia Roberts' caused a controversy after she left Abbeville, South Carolina, where the film shot some location work. She said the place was "a living hell" and a "horribly racist" town and she would never return there again.
Question: Who was that woman that the group went to see twice, first with Jack and then at the end?
Answer: Tia Dalma is a voodoo priestess who has a history with Jack. She provided him with his magical compass and is probably responsible for the rebirth of Barbossa. Any further revelations about her will have to wait until the third film, where her character will apparently take on greater prominence.
Question: What happened to Norrington, how did he lose his title?
Answer: Norrington didn't lose his commission. He felt he disgraced himself by failing to capture Jack Sparrow and resigned from the Navy. Then he aimlessly wandered the Caribbean, sinking further and further into despair.
Question: When the Kraken attacks the ship near the end, several unnamed "extras" are manning the cannons, getting killed, etc. My question is where did all these sailors come from? All the unnamed sailors in Jack's original crew died on the cannibal island, and they picked up a maximum of four in Tortuga.
Question: What is the name of the song playing during the very last scene with Lana driving and who sings it?
Answer: Bluest Eyes in Texas, remade by Sheryl Crow, originally by Little Texas.
Question: Does anyone know why Janet Hubert-Witten was replaced? I've heard rumours that she didn't get along with the rest of the cast, is this true?
Answer: Yes. It's very true. Janet quit at the end of the third season because she claims that Will acted horribly, bullied cast and crew on the set and got her fired for no reason. Alfonso Ribeiro however has called her "cuckoo" and stated that her claims were baseless. He also stated that she was very difficult to work with on set. Even James Avery agreed and often had to remind her that the show was called "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" and not "Philip and Vivian of Bel-Air."
Answer: To avoid the confusion, I mentioned "Good Times" only in response to a former submission on here that she was on Good Times at one point (that submission was deleted shortly afterwards, but my Good Times response somehow stayed on here causing the confusion.
Answer: She was never on Good Times. She didn't start acting until the early 80s. Good Times ended in 1979.
This question isn't about Janet being on Good Times. It's about her being replaced.
To avoid the confusion, I mentioned about "Good Times" only in response to a former submission on here that she was on Good Times at one point (that submission was deleted shortly afterwards, but my Good Times response somehow stayed on here causing the confusion).
Answer: She became pregnant in real life, which would have messed up the story line. They would have had to add a fifth kid.
They did add a fifth kid.
Question: In the end of the movie, when the Ferrari comes into Luigi's tire shop, he says something in what I assume to be Italian to the little forklift after Luigi faints. Does anyone know what it was the Ferrari said?
Answer: He says: "Spero che il tuo amico si riprenda, mi dicono che siete fantastici" which more or less translates to: "I hope your friend will feel better soon, I'm told you are fantastic"
Question: Regardless of the Major's interference, what is the ideal way for a sniper to take out two targets in that situation with a bolt-action 7.62 sniper rifle?
Answer: Strange as it may sound humans take a long time to process the unknown. Once a sniper has patterned the subjects he will take the shot on the one furthest away. Hearing glass break and his friend thud to the floor. The remaining subject will take at least 4 seconds to comprehend what just happened. He will obsever, decypher, and react. Each one of those takes at least a second and a half, maybe a little less. By the time the second guy has comprehended what is going on the second bullet is already hitting its target. In the history of snipers this has been done.
Question: Who was that weird guy in the wall that helps the group?
Answer: He is Wyvern, one of Davy Jones' crew. The longer one serves on Jones' ship, the more they are transformed into the ocean environment. This guy has served so long that he's become almost completely absorbed by the ship.
Question: Where can I get information about the mutant who clapped her hands, creating a blast of energy (I think her name was something like 'Arch light')? I've not come across her before and, though she was really under-used, she looked like an interesting character.
Question: In the original four Superman movies, Superman had a yellow "S" symbol on the back of his cape - just like in the comics. However in Superman Returns there is no "S". Is there any reason for the change?
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Answer: Not in the film, unfortunately. Kurt leaves the X-Men in the video game, "X-Men: The Official Game", which takes place between the two movies. His reason is that he wants a more peaceful life.
Tobias Drake