Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: It seems like there's some stuff cut out of the scene where Wayne and Garth meet the cop outside the donut shop. He stops them for some unsaid reason, then flips a coin at the end. What does any of this mean? Does he just get charmed and distracted by them?

Answer: It was just establishing that Wayne and his crew were friendly with Officer Koharski. They cut their conversation short because they were afraid Phil was about to throw up and needed to get him a cup of coffee.

Brian Katcher

Before Phil gets sick, they're just having a conversation. After it cuts from Phil, Koharski is suddenly holding a quarter in between his fingers. There seems to be a scene cut before they see Phil get sick to explain where the quarter came from. (Like if I had to guess, does Koharski pull out the quarter to show what he found in the cavity search?) That's what the question is asking, not is there a scene cut after Phil gets sick to explain why Koharski just walks away.


Answer: Dementia, Alzheimers, mini strokes to the brain. Take your pick.

Question: How did the wrecked train get in the desert?

Answer: It was established that railroad tracks were put through the desert. Probably a shortcut to save time or it was the only area they were allowed to build. Land deals, claim jumping and protected grounds were a big part of where tracks could be laid. It was after the train disaster that the tracks were discontinued.

Question: When they run out of fuel in the plane, he says "there's nowhere to land." Why not land on the perfectly flat and smooth road they subsequently drive off on, which would have been obvious?

Answer: Posted as a mistake and corrected, answering this question: Corrected entry: After the plane runs out of fuel, Bond says "there's no place to put down." They then get into the jeep and out of the plane in a complex move, ending up on a huge flat desert, right next to a long straight road... Correction: A road like that would probably not support the plane's weight, and a sandy desert is NOT a good place to put down, as the wheels would sink quickly in the sand, probably causing the plane to cartwheel. Planes of that size take a very long taxi when landing, and even if the road could support the weight, it would need an uninterrupted length of smooth pavement to make a landing. It's one reason even pilots in small aircraft rarely land on a road, but in a field or something nearby a road. Most roads also have wires, poles, etc along the sides, which a plane could very well be destroyed from. Wires are not visible at altitude, thus roads are not necessarily the best place to try to land in an emergency.

Question: How did the girls survive for five whole years in an abandoned house in the woods? Did Mama help them to survive by giving them things to eat like cherries?

Answer: I'm pretty sure that they ate cherries because of all the pits shown when the two men enter the house. They probably ate other things as well because Lily is shown eating a moth in one scene.

Answer: Yes, Mama kept them alive. We see a wild apple rolling across to the floor to the huddled girls, implying that Mama gave it to them, and would have continued to give them forest fruits. She undoubtedly also showed them where to find water.


Question: Albeit hesitant, Marty the bus driver hands over his jacket and pants to Owen, but gets defensive when Owen asks for his hat and says "My hat?! Why my hat?! What is so special about a hat? I feel Marty should have been more hesitant about handing over his pants than a silly hat?

Answer: The hat is like a trophy for the bus driver.

Question: I have two questions. Firstly, where did they film the scenes when Bond and Anya first encounter Jaws, it looks like the Karnak Temple to me. And secondly, why was Bond so desperate to rescue Anya at the end, considering he knew full well that Anya was planning to kill him after the mission was complete (although thankfully she changed her mind).

Gavin Jackson

Answer: First, it was indeed filmed at Karnak. Second, he rescues her because they are, for the time being, on the same side-therefore, she is an ally, and Bond won't just leave her to drown/die. I think, if he is even mindful of her promise during the heat of the moment, he would still consider it wrong to leave her behind; while the mission is on, she's a colleague in distress, and that's that. Once the mission is over, she can do what she likes, and Bond will deal with it then. (Though his surprise when she first draws the gun on him in the escape pod suggests he wasn't taking her threat seriously, so...bit of a freebie for him).

Question: With all those unpaid parking tickets, wouldn't Vincent's car be towed, instead of just getting another ticket for handicap parking with no handicap tag?

Answer: It most likely was towed while Vince was being handcuffed and put in the police car.

Question: What were Frank and Ed eating in the car before Frank went into Ludwig's office, and what parts were they throwing out the window (which got piled up outside Frank's door)?

Answer: Red pistachios. Which are regular pistachios that have been dyed red, so that eating a lot of them would stain your fingers and mouth, especially once your fingers got wet.


Question: Forrest's mother doesn't want him at a "special school", where he would learn "how to re-tread tires." What does that mean? Would a school for mentally disabled children also be a vocational/trade school?

Answer: In the past, (perceived) "dumb" students were more likely to be placed into vocational rather than academic programs because it was assumed they had limited ability and would not "amount to much" in life (make much of themselves). Therefore, they could at least be trained to perform something almost anyone could do with little or no training. Once someone is trained how to re-tread tires, for example, he should be able to repeatedly do the same thing everyday for years and be "productive." A variation of re-treading tires was learning how to make "birdhouses and ashtrays" - non-essential products in society that some people still might want to buy.


More recently, the trend has been to "mainstream" such students - keep them in classes with their peers.


Question: Why did Hedwig go in a homeless people's hideout to make the beast go out when this one's supposed to be attracted by the girls in the factory?

Question: This might be a stupid question, but why did Roxy not show up the town? Was it really just "circumstances beyond her control"?

Answer: My interpretation is that Roxy had always been determined to get away from the town, and pursue a life of wealth and fame. Attending the event would mean visiting the past that she wanted to forget. She was too afraid to go through with it.

Question: How is Ben able to enter his brother's old apartment, now occupied by a single young woman, and still be able to shave off his beard and find a change of clothes?

Answer: When Ben is walking to the apartment door, he has a huge case with him which is big enough to hold clothes and even shaving equipment. Ben entered the door code into the keypad which unlocked the door so the code was never changed.

Question: Why do the investigators not check the CCTV footage just before the intruders' arrival and find them out, as they wouldn't be there in that footage? Couldn't they easily identify the people who were there before the intruders came?


Answer: In the movie, the investigators do look at the CCTV feed, but there is a gap between when the cameras are knocked out and when the other robbers enter the bank. The investigators wanted to make sure that no-one else in the bank was in on the crime.

Question: Is there an artist and title of the steamy mellow song played when Lewis and Betty start to have sex on the "moon" in the funhouse? Is it a real song or was it just made for the movie only?

Answer: First, Lewis and Betty are not "having sex" - he is raping her, and the writer and director later described it as "not excusable" ( Second, the song you hear is "Right Time for Love" by Jill Michaels and Pat Robinson. It was not written for the film.

Question: How come that Miles and Gwen meet each other before the accident at the alchemax? Theoretically Gwen shouldn't be there since Spider-Man hasn't been "put" in the collider yet.

Answer: She explains that she arrived in his dimension a week ago: "I was blown into last week, literally". Clearly dimension-jumping can affect time too.

Question: Why did the captain first start loving Maria when she sat on the pinecone? I always assumed it was because she chose to sit on it rather than tell him and get his children punished for putting it there, but I'm not sure.

Answer: Probably a mixture of knowing his children put the pine cone there and Maria protected them, and probably because Maria is so ridiculous (in a good way) and he finds her likeable.

Question: What are the girls doing when they throw Grace's son onto the kitchen floor? Why are they harassing him, and why is their grandmother enjoying it so much?

Answer: They are blowing a 'raspberry' on his bare belly, just good-natured teasing of a younger sibling.

Brian Katcher

Question: What is the book Colin is reading Matt when they are in bed together?


Show generally

Question: Have the comics ever given any information as to why Jennifer is able to retain her own consciousness when she turns into She-Hulk but Bruce loses his and becomes a destructive force when he becomes the Hulk?

Answer: In the comics, similar to the show, Jen gets her powers after Bruce gives her a blood transfusion. Because just some of her blood is gamma-irradiated, she has a milder version of Bruce's power. In the original Savage She-Hulk comics, she gains the ability to control her transformations after Dr. Morbius cures her of a deadly blood disease. In other versions, she's able to learn to control her powers and retains her personality as She-Hulk because she has a milder version of her cousin's powers. However, in the comics, overwhelming anger and fear cause her to lose control of her powers, and she's more like Hulk; loss of personality and intelligence and more monstrous. Exposure to gamma radiation will also cause her to lose control of her powers.


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