Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: What is the name of the song played when the plane leaves the oil rig?

Answer: "Gimme Some Lovin'" by The Spencer Davis Group.

Tina Gilliam

Question: First, let me say that the aliens being affected by only the "contaminants" in the tap water seems to be wrong. Two reason: 1)The Indian vet mentions that they don't like water, and 2) the aliens were avoiding areas with large bodies of water nearby. My question is this: wouldn't humans, who are over half water, be toxic to the aliens? Even if they processed the humans with different equipment and took precautions to avoid blood or body fluids, wouldn't carrying off a sweaty person burn the aliens? Seems like a dangerous harvest.

Answer: It could be that they are affected by the chlorine in the tap water (humans are affected by chlorine to, just look at Mustard Gas) to a greater extent then humans. The vet is only speculating about the landing sites. And while it is true that humans are mostly water, it is saline (i.e. salty like sweat) and has different chemical properties to pure H2O.

Soylent Purple

Well water does not contain chlorine.

Question: When Pippin and Merry collide with Frodo and Sam in the corn field they seem to be acquainted with Frodo but nothing more than that. Yet they still end up going with him on the journey. I didn't quite understand why they chose to do so, are they better friends in the books?

Answer: In the book, Frodo's departure is much less rushed - it takes him several months to depart rather than leaving the same night. Merry and Pippin, being among his closest friends, help him pack and so are with him right from the start of the journey. In the film, the timeframe has been considerably compressed for dramatic reasons, so things are much less organised - as such, it became necessary for Frodo and Sam to encounter Merry and Pippin along the way. They're still intended to be friends, but the depth of that friendship is less clear.


Question: What was the dance move announced by the DJ at the disco, that is an 80's dance move and not a 70's dance move, which has been added as a mistake, as the film was set in the 70's?

Answer: The dance move could quite easily have been a known move of the time which only gained popularity in the 1980's. The same thing happened with Michael Jackson's "Moonwalk" which had been performed by dancers and mime artists for decades before he made it popular and widely known.

Mad Ade

Question: Donnie's purpose was to ensure that that the engine fell into the primary universe by sending his mother and sister on the plane. Why was it so important that his mother had to board the plane? Wouldn't it have gone down without her anyway?

Answer: No they didn't have to be on the plane and it would have gone down without her but Donnie and his sister had to have the party for the remaining events to work. In burning down Cunningham's house, Kitty would have to stay behind and help Cunningham. This would ensure Donnie's mother would therefore leave and the remaining events could occur.


Question: What is the song that Emma sings with Frank Churchill when she plays the pianoforte?

Answer: The song is 'Silent Worship' by Handel.


Question: How do they know that Gretkov must be arrested?

Answer: Pamela Landy and her team both talked to the Russian Minister of the Interior and went to Moscow. Surely it didn't take the Russians long to figure out who Abbot and Conklin's associate was...assuming they didn't already know.


Question: When Peter is in JJJ's office, while he is naming Doctor Octupus, the reporter says, "I heard Spider-Man was there" and he looks up at Peter. Did he suspect Peter of being Spider-Man?

Answer: He might not suspect that Peter is Spider-Man, but he knows that somehow Peter always seems to be where Spider-Man is in order to get pictures.


Question: Why does the young red-headed nun, that doesn't sing very loud (can't remember her name), wear a different habit?

Answer: It is because she is not, technically, a nun yet. She is a novice, one who is in the "trial period" of becoming a nun, but who has not made the final vows to join the order.


She doesn't wear a white cap in the second movie either, and she did her vows.

It takes 9-12 years to become a nun, with many stages: discernment, aspirancy, postulancy, novitiate, temporary vows, and finally, solemn vows. The young nun may have moved up a step but would not yet have taken her solemn vows. The various stages would have differences in apparel, headdress, insignia, etc. that showed their rank. In addition, different nun orders wear different styles of habits.


Question: Why did Travis want to kill Sen. Charles Palantine?

Answer: To get the attention of Cybil Shephard's character.

Question: Why doesn't Isobel's dad ever find out about Iris being what she is?

Answer: Because she's put him under her spell without him realising.

Question: How does the zombie infection start?

Answer: It is deliberately never revealed, though when Shaun first goes to the shop we hear on the radio something about a satellite unexpectedly re-entering the Earth's orbit. This is a tribute to George Romero's zombie films, in which the cause of the infection was also never discussed.


Question: The appendix mentions Merry having a son, but no name is given in the family tree. Why is his son not included in the family tree when he is mentioned elsewhere in the text, and what was his name? Did Merry have any other children as well?

Answer: Tolkien never gives the name of Merry's son, which is probably why he's not on the family tree, nor does he tell us whether he had any other children. As to why he doesn't mention this, why should he? It's not as if they're important characters. There's a lot of information that Tolkien doesn't provide - understandable, given that he's produced a history of a fictional world that covers many thousands of years, that he wouldn't be able to include everything. Minor details, like the names of people who never actually appear in any of the stories (Merry's son, Aragorn and Arwen's daughters, Legolas' mother and so forth), were simply left out in favour of more important items.


Question: The writers made a very deliberate attempt not to refer to "Santa Claus" by ANY proper name (St. Nick, Father Christmas, etc.), does anyone know why?

Answer: In the Official Illustrated Movie Companion, it was stated that the presence of Father Christmas was very odd, and that they considered having Aslan give the Pevensies their presents. But since Andrew Adamson wanted to stay true to the story, they kept Father Christmas in there, but changed it so it was less blatant.

Question: In the scene where Shaun gave all the zombies 'the slip', David asks Shaun how he lost them. My question is, why does David act so suspicious towards Shaun when he asks him that?

Answer: Given that Shaun's plan to go to the pub has so far managed to expose them to a considerable degree of risk, it's not unreasonable that David might be rather skeptical when Shaun claims to have simply given the zombies the slip.


Question: Can anyone explain why, in the books, the chief of police is named Fenris Ulf, but in the movie (along with the 1988 BBC version) his name is Maugrim? Scarier sounding?

Answer: The original name was actually Maugrim. It was changed to Fenris Ulf in early american publications. For more information, look here.


Question: How exactly were the birds involved in the death of the Tripods?

Answer: They were not involved as such, but the fact that they were able to land on the tripods told Ray that the shields were down and the tripods could be destroyed.


Question: In a trailer for this movie that was shown in theaters we see Jack and film crew shooting a scene on the shore of the island when Jack tells Ann to scream and while she does, we hear Kong's roar. However, in the movie that scene is missing. We get to see Ann screaming while Kong roars when the film crew encounters the natives for the first time and one member gets shot by an arrow. What's the deal with that? That cannot be the deleted scene as if it was like in the trailer, the movie would have a totally different plot?

Answer: Trailers often have scenes that don't make the final cut of the movie. There was a shot in the trailer for Lord of the Rings III where Merry tells Pippin, "We will see the shire again." That scene did not make the final cut of the film either (not even in the extended edition). It's not unusual (although the Kong example is a fairly extreme one: such an elaborate set-up).

K.C. Sierra

Question: Were the airport scenes shot on location at Bangor and LAX airports? If so, I'm curious as to find out how they achieved the effect of no-one being there. I mean, is it possible to desert a whole airport for filming? I would have thought that to be rather impossible, to close the airport whilst shooting. Any help?


Chosen answer: Yes, they were at those locations.Filming with nobody around is possible, either by shooting indoor scenes at night, when the terminals are closed, or outdoor scenes on unused sections of the airport. If maintenance is going to close a runway (or a whole terminal) for a week, a film company can rent the space (at a price of course!) to keep it closed a few extra days for filming.As well, many shots can be established in real locations, but followed by filming on sets built to replicate parts of the real locations.You could film a whole movie's "setting" in an afternoon by taking select shots, then spend a couple of months in a studio on closeup shots which don't require the large, real, backgrounds.

Question: What does the "pop, six, squish, sisarow, lipshits." or whatever it was? I didn't catch it too good, but what did it mean? It was in the "He had it comin'" song. (I know the pop refered to the gum, six was about his six wives and Lipshits was the name of the boyfriend.) What were the other two?


Chosen answer: Each sound had a significance in the story told by the convict. "Pop" was the sound of the chewing gum. "Six" was the number of wives. "Squish" was the sound of her husband "running into" her knife ten times. "Uh-Uh" was the response from the one who was asked "did you do it?" Cicero was the name of the hotel where Velma killed her husband and sister. Lipschitz was the name of the boyfriend who went to "find himself."

K.C. Sierra

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