Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Daniel hates being a farmer and wants his father to sell their farm, but when J.P. Stiles offers Daniel's father money to sell, why didn't he convince his dad to accept?

Answer: Because he knows his dad is not going to sell no matter what he says.

Show generally

Question: Is there some reason why Samantha wears the same exact "Heart Pendant Necklace" in every single episode? It seems odd that she only has one necklace all the time.

Answer: The original diamond and white gold heart necklace was given to Elizabeth Montgomery by her then real-life husband, William Asher, who also directed the show. She wore it in nearly every early episode. When the necklace was lost or stolen about mid-way through the series, Montgomery had two replicas made from rhinestones. She wore either one of those for the rest of the show's run.


Question: The end of the movie shows the older brother giving the necklace back to her, but it never shows when she lost it. Am I missing something?

Answer: You haven't missed anything. After the successful CPR, Blake is still wearing the two heart necklaces, but a considerable amount of time passes between then and when Ben gives them back to her, so we can presume that the necklaces had fallen off at some point in between. Since Blake had taken it upon herself to wear her sister's necklace with her own, the two chains could have been clasped together (which I've done myself), as if one.

Super Grover

Question: Why does Mr. Big's daughter have whites in her eyes when everyone else in her species seems to have little beady black eyes?

Answer: It's just to show how different and special she is from all of the others.

Question: Near the end of the movie, how did the younger brother make it through the checkpoint in a stolen car? The cops would have run the license plate, no?

Answer: When they bought the car they told the store owner not to report it stolen until Friday.

Question: Can someone be shot through the side and just duct tape the entry and exit holes? (Wouldn't the bullet have mushroomed in the body and not exited anyway?) If there were a real gunshot wound like that, how long until he bleeds out?

Answer: Duct taping the wounds may seal the injury and hold the bleeding, but it may not be effective. If something along the lines of this would happen in real life, it would be best to tend to the wounds properly in case of infection. Whether or not the bullet would get stuck inside the body depends on if whether or not the bullet hits something, that would cause it to get stuck inside the body. How long until someone would bleed out in real life depends on the severity of the gunshot wound and whether or not something major was hit.

Casual Person

Question: When Mark went to get Pathfinder he took about a 30+ days round trip. We didn't see him have to recharge the batteries like his 50 day trip to Aries IV. Why didn't he need the same equipment eg. Oxygenator for the Pathfinder trip?

Answer: No we didn't see him recharge, doesn't mean he didn't stop. He would have to recharge. He didn't need the big 3 because the trip was not as long, and he was able to make do with air filters, and his water supply.

Question: Two questions about Tulip. 1) The first time Jasper takes Tulip to her family's house so she can meet them, why does she hesitate to ring the doorbell? Why does she walk away? 2) How does Tulip manage to find Junior at the fake house Hunter traps him in?

John Ohman

Chosen answer: 1) She feared that her family would not want her given that so much time had passed since her family had requested her to be delivered by the storks. 2) She knew the address to go to because it was listed on the delivery beacon.

Casual Person

Question: When Han, Finn and Chewy are rounded up by the Storm Troopers after the First Order go to Maz Kanata's castle, one Storm Trooper takes Luke/Anakin's lightsaber from Finn. How do Finn and Rey have it back when he is in the forest battling Kylo Ren?

Valerie Anne

Chosen answer: Right after the X-Wings come blasting in, there is a sequence where the heroes pick up their weapons. You can see Finn grab it as they escape.

Show generally

Question: Karl bought Susan a new house, when she was living in a trailer. When did she move back to the old one? because when she and Mike were moving out she said that Julie was growing up in this house (which she wasn't).

Answer: Susan didn't end up accepting Karl's offer to buy her a new house, and she stayed in the trailer until her house was finished being rebuilt.


Question: If Cecil, Gus and Reginald knew that the tablet brought the exhibits to life, and could extend their own, then why didn't they steal it from the moment it was brought to the museum in 1952? Why wait after so many years?

Answer: The tablet did not extend life (the guys grew old there, remember), but gave more energy to those affected. As for stealing it earlier, that would not have been possible as they would have been the prime suspects. The best way to do the crime was to pin the rap on somebody new, like Larry, after they had retired.


That's a seriously long waiting game.

Answer: Actually, Jack had hoped the Black Pearl and his crew would be waiting for him outside the cave. When he saw it was gone, there really was no way off the Isla de Muerta except to go with Will and Elizabeth back to the Dauntless.

Chosen answer: At that point he already had hope that his crew and others would rescue him and he would be able to escape from custody. Which he did.


Question: I want to know the name of the drama (or movie) Weebo was watching when Weber started clearing the room.


Chosen answer: The movie is called Some Came Running.

Question: Why does Dobby only attempt to save Harry from the dangers that will happen at Hogwarts this year? If he knows that Lucius Malfoy is planning something, why not go to Dumbledore and try to save everyone at the school?

Answer: Dobby overheard a plot that involved Harry. He had heard of Harry and his "greatness" and decided to help him for that. Going to Dumbledore would be for totally different reasons and a more direct "betrayal" of his family. Its not unlikely Dobby thought any other wizard like Dumbledore would tell the Malfoy's about his "betrayal", but not Harry. He also didn't know the entire school was in danger.


Answer: The song "Brazil" represents a utopian world far off in another part of the world. Characters living in this dystopian world will sing "Brazil" as a form of escapism.

Chosen answer: Because of the reoccurring use of the song "Aquarela do Brasil" by Ary Barroso. The song's common English title is "Brazil". And at the end, when Sam is sitting in the chair, he starts to sing "Brazil".


Question: Why exactly did R.K. Maroon want to sell his studio? A scene in the movie shows a news reel of him shaking hands with a Cloverleaf corporate man. A full explanation would be appreciated.

Answer: Maroon was simply greedy and Cloverleaf offered him a lot of money to sell, provided Acme sold his part too. Spoiler alert: Maroon was only trying to frame Acme (with the Jessica Rabbit patty-cake pictures), not kill him. However, Judge Doom turned out to be the owner of Cloverleaf and by buying out Maroon and Acme, he could get rid of Toontown (he hated toons). So Doom was willing to pay Maroon a lot of money (and when that didn't work, turned to murder).


It's Not Easy Being Green - S5-E16

Question: How could Bobby and the rest of Mr. McKay's class have showed up at Strickland Propane without Hank knowing? Surely the students would not have been allowed to go on a field trip without a parent's permission. If Peggy had signed a form at some point, she mostly likely would have mentioned to Hank that Bobby would be at his workplace.

Answer: Peggy is a substitute teacher. She may have been teaching at the school the day the permission slips were sent out and Bobby could have just walked to her classroom, had her sign it, and taken it back to his teacher and both just forgot to tell Hank when they got home. ("There are ways" is my point).

Captain Defenestrator

Question: I would really like some insight on a burning question I have had since seeing this movie as a child in 1978, when it came back around in theaters in eastern Canada, where I grew up. Not knowing much about American history in school, I didn't know at the time that there even was a Devil's Tower, or that it had been made the first US National Monument in 1906, and as such would have been famous to all American citizens. I still remember loving the psychic element in the film where our heroes agonize internally about the strange mound shape seen only in their heads, to be finally rewarded and deeply relieved with news footage later in the film which solidified their visions into something tangible and concrete (igneous rock actually!) Thus, as a boy knowing nothing about the tower in Wyoming, this part of the film played perfectly into the fantasy for me-it sold me all the way. But why or how did this work for Americans at the time the film was new? In the film, we are to believe that our adult heroes knew nothing of the tower before their initial close encounters, and were shocked to discover that it actually existed. Again, for me, Devil's Tower was an absolutely incredible and awesome choice, and made me love the film all the more for it. But I would like to know how Americans felt about it during the film's 1977 and later 1980 re-release? Was it just as awe-inspiring for them as well, or was it more like: "Duh-you're driving your family crazy making models of a natural rock formation everyone knows is less than 90 miles away from Mount Rushmore?" I would really appreciate an answer, because for me, the tower's news-footage "reveal" was a huge moment in the film, and really does provide the kick-start that launches the entire third act of the film. For American audiences, why was it not the same as if Roy had struggled to attach a garden hose under a hastily-built plywood model with a hole in the middle, because the aliens implanted a vision of "Old Faithful" in his head?

Answer: Devil's Tower really is out in the middle of nowhere, and in one of the least populated states (it's "only" 90 miles away from Mt. Rushmore, but it's an incredibly boring 90 miles of mostly empty plains) so it didn't make for a convenient tourist attraction like other landmarks and thus didn't garner as much fame (it's actually much more famous nowadays, thanks to this movie). That said, the movie seems to have cleverly provided two separate "reveals" for this plot turn: those familiar with Devil's Tower will recognize it when Richard Dreyfuss knocks the top off his sculpture, giving it the distinctive "flat top" shape; then, only minutes later the rest of the audience will discover it along with the characters during the news broadcast. It wouldn't surprise me at all if this was set up deliberately keeping in mind the landmark's status of "kind of famous but not really THAT famous."


Your explanation (and the other answer) helps makes the overall plot more understandable. The French scientist, Lacombe, mentions that there were probably hundreds of people who were implanted with the Devil's Tower image in their minds. As pointed out, it is not a particularly recognizable landmark, which would explain why many never made the connection to it.


Answer: "Devil's Tower" is, indeed, a national landmark. However, it isn't one of the most famous, nor most iconic. It isn't nearly as widely known as, say, the Grand Canyon, the Mississippi River, Niagara Falls, or the landmarks you mentioned - Mount Rushmore and Old Faithful Geyser. But, as you stated, its imposing form does fit so nicely into the aura of the film's alien encounter. Devil's Tower isn't something everyone knows by shape. And for those of us who do, it doesn't require much suspension of disbelief to posit that the characters in the film wouldn't have put it together prior to the news footage.

Michael Albert

Question: The trap in which Robert Neville got caught could not have possibly be set by some over aggressive mutants. Installing such a trap would have required not only human abilities (which Robert Neville said they completely lack) but also a lot of patience, advanced planning and the use of tools. The level of aggressiveness shown by the mutants excludes any possibility that they could be patient enough to set such a trap. For me there was no doubt in my mind that the trap was either set by: 1. Robert Neville himself, and then he forgot due to a deteriorating mental state 2. Another survivor from New York who wanted to catch animals or mutants for whatever reason. How likely does it sound that the trap was set by another survivor?

Cristian Enache

Chosen answer: The point the movie makes (and is backed up more in the alternate ending) is that Neville was wrong about mutants. They DO have the ability to plan and use tools and other higher thought process abilities. So they did set the trap for Neville. Neville thought they were monsters, when it was he who the monster. He just did not realise his presumptions about them were wrong until the end.

Answer: All possible yes...but again as Neville surmises in Matheson's novel the infected ones are mutating too.

Question: Why would Dr. Lanning's perfectly good house need to be demolished right after he "committed suicide?"

Corey Bayless

Chosen answer: It didn't. Destroying the house (and any potential evidence) was part of the cover up.

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