Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Answer: Money.

Question: Why would Phil even gamble away the farm to Mrs Biggles in the first place? If he didn't neither him or Isabel and her kids would have gotten in that awful mess in the first place?


Answer: Clearly he is not a very responsible person. This was to create a storyline to add to the film.

Question: What kind of chocolate was it that Hogarth poured on Mansley's ice cream?

Answer: It was a laxative to make him go to the bathroom.

Question: Joy doesn't let Sadness use the console, so why doesn't she mind when Fear, Anger, or Disgust do the same?

Answer: Joy is very controlling of everyone when it comes to using the console. We only see Fear, Anger, and Disgust use it briefly, even when Joy is gone.

Doomworld - S2-E16

Question: When Mayor Damien Darhk puts up the mask in his collections, who do the other masks individually belong to? I recognize Flash and maybe Diggle and Green Arrow.


Chosen answer: Black Canary, Spartan, Wild Dog, and Ragman.

Answer: If all the actors and hands know their roles well enough they could perform the play reasonably well even without a director.


Answer: No. Because it was in a time loop that only him and the Count knew, and as such even though in the present Sargon was vanquished the time of the time loop he was still alive.

Answer: Yes.

Question: What exactly was the enormous creature that came out of the ground and attacked Flash in the forest?

Answer: Spider.

Answer: When Mystic broke into Stryker's offices, by changes into Lady Deathstryke, she got into his computer files. There were decades of top secret and covert op files. Besides, Magneto himself had decades to gather intelligence on any government officials, who were against mutants.

Answer: He didn't know specifically it was Colonel Stryker who experimented on Logan, but he knew the answers were at the secret military base hidden within the dam.

Answer: Even with Charles' help, Logan was never able to completely put his violent past behind him and integrate into society at large. Xavier always taught his students to view mutant powers as a gift. Logan always viewed his powers as a curse.


Show generally

Question: I've only seen a few episodes so some info would be helpful. After running very fast and for a long period of time, why does the Flash suddenly become very weak?

Answer: The Flash burns energy the same way a normal human does, just at an extremely high tolerance. His metabolism is incredibly high and he must constantly eat to maintain his energy levels. If he runs at high speed for a long period of time he will burn his stored energy and become very weak.


Question: When Sadness creates her sad core memory of Riley, why does it roll its way to the core memory chamber instead of appear on the shelf?

Answer: Answered your own question: it is a core memory. Same reason the joint memory between Joy and Sadness at the end of the movie does the same.


Question: After the blonde lady jumps into the hole to escape the cube when it turns 6:06:59, this is where I start to get confused. Right after she jumps into the opening, the camera zooms out to show the whole maze itself, which was moving in a wave-like motion...why was it doing that? Was that how the cubes moved? All it showed was the whole maze moving, opening and closing on itself in a shape-shifting, wave-like motion. How did the rooms move like that? That seems a little impossible to construct. And plus the background was just black, like the maze was built in space or something. And lastly, how did she end up lying in water at the end?

Answer: The place she is in is not our universe as we know it. As referenced in the movie, it may have been the 4th dimension, where everything exists at the same time. That wave-like movement of the maze might have been a representation of that. That's why when people opened the doors in the hypercube some things happened instantaneously. The hypercube didn't move, it was there already. Pretty difficult to explain without already being familiar with the concept of upper dimensions. That 'water' may have been the portal to that 4th dimension.

Question: Despite Dr. Mark Powell's certainty that "Prot" is a delusional man named Robert Porter who lost his mind and attempted suicide years earlier, no explanation is ever given for Prot's extraordinary resistance to powerful psychiatric drugs, his superhuman vision (into the Ultraviolet range), and his knowledge of deep-space astrophysics, which not only rivals but exceeds the knowledge of Earthly astrophysicists. Prot's enigmatic abilities are tested by experts, and the experts are left scratching their heads. The probability that Prot actually is an alien entity occupying a deeply-damaged and "discarded" human body seems confirmed on many levels, above and beyond the rantings of a mere mental patient. So, why does Dr. Powell consistently reject the hard evidence before his eyes?

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: He rejects it for two main reasons. First, each of the items you mention have possible, even if unlikely, explanations. Some people have strange or no reaction to certain drugs (for example I have almost no response to any painkillers). People who have had their corneas replaced with artificial lens can see near ultraviolet (though nowhere near 300-400 angstroms). The sheriff described Porter as being very bright, and he was in to astronomy, so while a great stretch, not impossible he somehow formulated the information he presented. The second reason, building upon these, is Occam's razor. As a person in the sciences, Dr. Powell is driven to believe things have a reasonable explanation, even if we don't currently know what it is, and thinking Prot is just a bright and unusual human is a more reasonable belief to him than believing Prot is an alien possessing a human's body.


Just remarking, there's no comparison of painkillers and psychiatric drugs. Thorazine and Haloperidol (Haldol) are both powerful anti-psychotic drugs with numerous side effects. Prot is immune to Thorazine and Haloperidol (as well as alcohol), which is more than extraordinary, it's otherworldly.

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: He wasn't healing her, his was letting her soak up his life force, as she was obviously drained of being in status. She was getting a jump start.

Question: Why is the Alpha human population economy in shambles? The gargantuan Space Station Alpha resembles a fort in the outer fringes with brothels, military and Savages. Not a place of science, technology, cultural sharing.

Answer: During the movie it is told the humans have been in wars, its possible the economy is in shambles because of a recent war or the drag of a war from the past, perhaps even the war that destroyed planet Mul. Because of the failing economy there are more brothels, scavengers, crimes and it isn't the original space station that left Earth's orbit all those years ago.


Question: Elinor at first didn't seem to care about burning Merida's bow, especially since she didn't approve of Fergus giving her the bow, and became furious after Merida shot for her own hand. What made Elinor rescue the bow from the fire?

Answer: Elinor tossed the bow into the fire in a fit of anger, then regretted what she did and rescued it.


To add to raywest's answer, she threw it in a fit of rage, yes. As a parent, you sometimes disagree with your children's passions, while you try to steer and guide them, they love what they love. She may have disagreed with Merida having the bow, but she also knew how important it was to her. Its hard to explain, but basically while she objected to Merida having it, she knew it was the one thing that made her happy... she loves her daughter and wants her to be happy. She destroyed it in a fit of rage, and then realised she destroyed, for lack of better words, her daughter's "happiness." Marrying her off was one thing, burning her only joy is another.

Question: When Commissioner Gordon is talking to the crowd about Harvey Dent, he takes out a speech and is about to read about what really happened to him but then chooses not to as he wants the people of Gotham City to remember Harvey as a hero who stood up for justice while letting everybody believe that Batman was a killer. Even though he never read his speech, why didn't he simply tell people that contrary to what many people believed in the second movie, that Batman was innocent and didn't kill anybody? Why not just blame everything on the Joker who was truly responsible for the murders of so many people?

Answer: He was about to admit Harvey Dent is responsible for multiple murders, but he realised that would end his career and probably bring back the old days with the mob and gangs running wild. Even though indirectly the Joker was responsible, the public would still see Dent as a murderer and still cause the system to collapse. Batman was able to be blamed for the murdering Dent and those other people instead of the Joker, who was already in custody and couldn't have killed Dent.


This question is about why not just blame the Joker for all of the deaths. Not why he chose to never tell people that Harvey Dent began killing people.

Because it was easier to blame Batman for all the deaths, since he was being blamed for Dent's death already.


Question: Why doesn't the teacher at Jake's school punish the bully for teasing Jake?

Answer: All the bully really did was take the book out of Jake's hand and Jake violently assaulted him in retaliation. Jake's action was much worse. Also, we are never actually shown what punishment the bully received, he very well could have been punished in some way that was never mentioned.


Question: If Jake's father died a year prior to the film, why would his mother remarry so fast? Also, why would she marry Lon if he's abusive to her son?

Answer: People unfortunately make bad choices.


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