Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: When Roz says people think she's a bitch, we can't hear the word bitch. Was the word intentionally mouthed by her or was it muted by the movie's editor? From her body language, facial expression and lip movement, it looks like she actually said it, and possibly yelled it. But why would they want to mute it when it's rated PG-13 and there are worse words said in the movie? And why would they mute it instead of doing something that makes more sense like cutting out or changing the word? And why would Roz refrain from swearing when it's just her and Dewey in the car?

Answer: It wasn't muted. Roz is simply unable to say the word out loud when it refers to herself.


Question: What is the name of the song Samara sings? Is there really a musical carousel figurine like the one in the barn that plays it?

Answer: The song was written by Hans Zimmer for the movie.

Answer: It's called "here we go."

Question: If Kreacher could belong to Sirius even though Sirius was disowned by his family, then shouldn't he have gone to Andromeda, who was also disowned, before going to Andromeda's younger sister, Narcissa?

Answer: Even though Sirius' family had "disowned" him, he still inherited the family's entire estate after his brother's death (he was the sole heir). Siris, who was Harry's godfather, had drawn a will leaving all his property to Harry. That is why Kreacher became Harry's legal possession.


Question: Why is Sean happy that Will rejected the job interview to go to California? I know he thinks love is important, but his goal was to stop Will from wasting his potential.


Chosen answer: Will is not wasting his potential. Sean knows that Will has overcome many of his emotional difficulties and with his exceptional abilities, there will be many other job opportunities, regardless of where he lives. Sean believes it is far more important for Will to pursue a lasting relationship with a woman for the first time in his life.


Will had multiple job offers - someone of his intelligence could pick up any job he wanted hence he wasn't disappointed.

Question: Why did Will lie about having twelve brothers? What did he think it would achieve? And why would someone as smart as Skylar believe it?


Chosen answer: It's just part of his personality. He had become used to keeping people at a distance and made up stories so they didn't know what he was actually like. There's no reason for Skylar not to believe him at first. Large families with ten or more children are not unheard of, particularly if the parents have been married more than once.


Answer: The judge pointed out that Will "went through several foster homes." Whether the foster parents had their own biological children and/or other foster kids, Will could have easily had twelve "brothers" who were the functional equivalent of biological brothers. Using his own operational definition of "brother", Will had twelve, so was not lying. However, using a more common definition of "brother", Will was not exactly telling the truth. Will can be said to have told her a "white lie" - only telling her what he wanted to and omitting the details. This can be a type of defense mechanism, giving her the impression that he - like almost everyone else - grew up in a family with his siblings. In a way, he was protecting himself by hiding the way in which he was raised. Because it wasn't typical for Will to become attached to whatever girl he was seeing, he saw no need to reveal his past (although, unknown to him at the time, this relationship would turn out differently than previous ones).


Why would she think that he was making up something like how many brothers he has? Not only did Will go through the names of his twelve "brothers", he was able to convincingly repeat the twelve names after she asked him to. IF he had not been able to quickly repeat a sequence of twelve boys' names, it would have been a giveaway that he was lying. Common sense was more significant than intelligence in discerning whether or not Will was telling the truth. (But common sense often does not match reality).


Question: This actually applies to the whole trilogy: Does anyone know why Tolkien named it after the leading villain, especially when the third part's subtitle refers to Aragorn, and Sauron's return had taken place in the first movie?

Answer: The title doesn't refer to any person, it refers specifically to the ring itself. "Lord of the RingS" 'rings' is plural, so it refers to the one ring that was forged to rule over the other rings. "One ring to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them."

Answer: The title refers to the struggle middle-earth undergoes when Sauron is defeated and his ring is taken by someone else. Instead of destroying it and thus destroying Sauron, Isildur took it as his own, becoming the new lord of the ring. The problem of Sauron returning was caused by Isildur's greed and the one ring's attempts to return to its true lord. So the title refers to the ring itself and whoever masters it, not Sauron specifically.


Question: What movie are they watching when he starts to have a seizure?


Chosen answer: The 1979 Steve Martin film "The Jerk".


Question: Why does Michael Moore give special thanks to Ken Starr in the credits? Did they have a good relationship in the 90's? From what I know of Moore, it would seem that Starr would be a guy he blames and hates. Yet the special thanks doesn't seem to be sarcastic since everyone else listed seemed to deserve the thanks.


Chosen answer: Michael Moore's disdain for Ken Starr is clear, and continues. As recently as May of 2013, Mr. Moore referred to Ken Starr on Twitter in a negative light ("'Bring Back Ken Starr' And you said Bill Keller couldn't write anything stupider than his column backing the Iraq war"). As such, I suspect his acknowledgement of Mr. Starr is both sarcastic and genuine. He isn't showing respect for or gratitude to the man as much as he is acknowledging the fodder Ken Starr, his politics and his tactics provide to the concept of a film like "Canadian Bacon."

Michael Albert

Question: How can you die instantly from a small quick cut to the cheek?


Chosen answer: Because the camera cuts away before we see the slash, we don't know how ferocious the Joker cuts him. Mind you, the knife was halfway inside his mouth and it did seem like a deep cut, so he possibly died due to the knife slashing an essential artery or vessel.


Show generally

Question: Why does Foyle wear an overcoat at all times of the year? I know that the English summer is temperate, but always a long, floppy overcoat?


Answer: He doesn't actually wear it all the time even in summer. In some episodes in the summer he simply wears his suit with jacket.

Question: Approx 10-11 minutes into the movie a couple (male and female air force officers) rendezvous in a compartment on a passenger train. There is a song playing on a small portable radio during the meeting. Can you id the artist and song?


Chosen answer: There was not enough time. Only the Batmobile was fast enough to save one of them, hence the police being late to the other location. The Joker made sure one would die.


Assuming they sent all the other units to find Dent (Rachel instead), wouldn't it have been helpful and faster to send some cop patrolling near that location to save her? As fast as Batman was with his technology, another cop who might have been close to the location could have gotten there in time I would guess. Or am I missing something?

Paradox Rastafa

I think several things are in play (but me speculating). First, the cops were busy trying to safeguard Dent and then apprehend the Joker. Think Die Hard 3 were all the cops were so busy "you could steal City Hall." So while there might be some cops on patrol, not close enough. But given the level of precision in Joker's plan, it seemed like the explosion was going to go off when the cops got there, so even if they got there sooner, the place would still explode.


But I will admit that the Joker's "precision" really seems to be sheer dumb luck that we're suppose to accept as his criminal mastermind plan.


Yes, it could be indeed or maybe like Nolan said: Joker is a mysterious unstoppable force (resourceful one at that) that suddenly appeared. Gotham's extreme corruption at the time allowed for a psychotic (or anarchist if you will) one like Joker to play his cards with more freedom as well, which I think some people forget to consider. In that sense, Bane had to do things differently because the aforementioned aspect was highly reduced after TDK events.

Paradox Rastafa

True. With many things at play, possible situations and Joker's preparation, there can be multiple reasons why everything happened the way it did (the film makes a wise decision to not over explain this and leave it to imagination), specially because Joker most likely wanted one of them to die, or they would have both died anyway since explosion occurred either way. Based on everything Joker did, maybe it was always supposed to be Rachel. He wanted to make a point with Dent and Bats after all.

Paradox Rastafa

Chosen answer: Officer Don ended up appearing in 100 of 139 episodes, but I would say season 3 is when he become permanent as Wayne Knight's name appears in the opening credits. However, as he did appear throughout season 2 (first appearance S01E17), it's possible they already considered him permanent at that time since season 3's opening credits also included Simbi Khali (Nina) and Elmarie Wendel (Ms. Dubcek).


Question: Couldn't John have shared his 'vision' of what happened to the girls with the warden or the girls' parents, not just Paul, then he might have gone free?

Answer: It's doubtful that the parents would even allow him near them, and showing the warden would do nothing as John did not want to go free.


Answer: Also, John Coffey had to "give a piece of himself" to Tom Hanks to show him what really happened to the girls. That's why he lived for so long. If that was the case, he would have to lose a piece of himself every time he wanted to show someone. Sure, maybe he would only have to show the parents or even just the father, but if you keep losing pieces of yourself, you will run out fast, not to mention creating a bunch of long-living people. John Coffey knew Tom Hanks was a good man. But yes, JC was also very, very tired (as a dawg boss, tired as a dawg) of all the bad things people have and will do. He could feel people's hate and pain constantly. Probably enough to drive a man crazy.

Question: How long would it take for some of the bigger dinosaurs to reach their size? Was there any indication (movie or book) how long the Jurassic Park project was going on before everyone came to the island? It seems many of the larger ones were adults and that it would take decades to get that size, yet the park wasn't fully ready (Hammond mentions rides coming on 6-12 months) after all that time?


Chosen answer: The breeding and growing of the animals, as explained in the second movie, took place on a different island. It's never mentioned how long it takes for the larger specimens to full grow, but it could indeed take a decade but I'm sure they used all kinds of genetic manipulation to accelerate the growth, or else Hammond would not witness it all in his lifetime. The Island with the park was only later utilised for that purpose, long after most of their animals had already fully grown. Also told in the second movie Hammond experimented with different ideas for a park before, like building an amphitheater in San Diego. So the park was fairly new.


Answer: The park project was initiated about 4-5 years before Grant and the others visited the island. All the dinosaurs were genetically modified with increased growth and development hormones. It took most species 3-4 years to mature. Roughly 0.1% of specimens survived. There were roughly 280 dinosaurs on the island. 238 were accounted for by the system. Source: Novel.

Question: This is about the deleted scene that takes place in the Borgin and Burkes shop. What is the object that Mr. Malfoy says is not for sale? And why bring it to the shop at all if he doesn't want to sell it?

Answer: It's never explained what it is or why Malfoy brought it with him. He may just have wanted to see if the clerk might be interested in it, in case he decided later to sell it and could therefore demand a higher price. It could be the diary, and that it's being alluded to that it belongs to him here.


Chosen answer: When they left the L Street Tavern, Skylar said she wanted to meet Will's brothers and Chuckie gave him a curious look which she picked up on.


Question: In the beginning of the movie a character named Jake is shown. He tries to show the tape to someone else, but she covers her face. Since he did not show it someone else within the time limit he dies. My question is, where does he see the ring before he dies?


Answer: I was wondering the same thing. My guess is that it was when the water encircles his feet.

Answer: I like to think of it as a pun answer. He gets called by a friend right before, and the phone "ring"s. He is also wearing a ring. And gets Emily a drink with the top of the glass forming a ring. There are a lot of rings to have it be limited to just a specific one.

Chosen answer: He watches the tape with friends who already made copies and showed it to other people. He dies because the girl he showed it to covered her eyes.

Question: At the end when all the forest animals on Pandora join in the fight, they seem to be targeting only humans. Since they can't determine the good ones from the bad ones, wouldn't this have put Norm Spellman (now back in his human form) in extreme danger? Always considered it a plot-hole, but any explanations would be welcome.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: I wouldn't say it was a plot hole. Animals may be able to attack only humans, but they would be unable to differentiate between individual ones, so yes, Norm would be at risk of being attacked.


Question: Was medicine a form of punishment back in the time period that the movie was based in because it seems to be constantly mentioned as something to give bad children throughout.

Answer: Liquid medicine often tastes awful. Sugar is often mentioned as something to sweeten bad tastes. "A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down" is just a way of saying "Fun things can be made out of boring things".

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