Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Throughout the whole film series, how is it that Bludsworth knows how to cheat Death and if the main characters are supposed to die, then why does he tell them how to do it?

Answer: Bludsworth's backstory has never been addressed in the series. He seems to have an intimate understanding of the supernatural nature of death but how he knows this is never explained. Why he gives the characters advice is also never explained, however he seems to be legitimately interested in whether or not the characters will succeed in cheating death because it seems to be impossible.


Question: When Alex and Clear go to the mortuary and talk to Bludworth, he says that the only way to stop Death is to disrupt the order in which they die in. When Alex saves Carter's life before he dies from the train, shouldn't that have disrupted the order and prevent Death from claiming the rest?

Answer: No. It only stops death from going after its current target, and moves onto the next one.


Answer: When all of the others are dead then death goes to claim the one that was skipped.

Chosen answer: Yes, Data's contacts did noticeably drift on occasion, which was a source of angst for Brent Spiner (who played Data and Lore). Spiner never had anything good to say about his yellow contact lenses, as they were his least favorite part of the lengthy makeup process. Rather than further discomfort Spiner by constantly adjusting the contacts, they would often just continue shooting in spite of this minor makeup malfunction, unless he looked positively cockeyed.

Charles Austin Miller

Question: Does the Reeker actually exist? At the beginning of the movie, a man and his family is killed by something but, at the end of the movie, it shows that the death of Gretchen's friends was actually from the auto accident they were in and not from the Reeker.

Answer: Carl did die of lung cancer, that's why she returned to her family.

Answer: Florida's husband, James Evans, Sr., appeared in a total of 61 episodes during Seasons 1-3 of the series. After creative differences with the show's creator, Norman Lear, mainly over the increasingly buffoonish characterization of oldest son, James "J.J." Evans, Jr., actor John Amos did not have his contract renewed. His character was killed off in an automobile accident in his home state of Mississippi while he was securing steady work in the hope of relocating his family there. Florida learned of his death via a phone call at the family's going away party. We don't know if her second husband, Carl, died or just stayed in Arizona, and it's debateable whether someone who remarries is still called a widow.

Michael Albert

Florida did not learn of James' death through a phone call. It was through a telegram sent in the mail that Florida read during the party.

Norman Lear didn't create Good Times. Eric Monte and Michael Evans did. Norman Lear simply developed it.

Question: Riddle said he knew Harry would try and solve the mystery of who was behind the attacks. Particularly if one of his best friends was involved, but how did he know Hermione was one of Harry's best friends?


Chosen answer: Ginny, most likely. She had been writing in it before Harry found it and confiding her feelings and fears to Riddle.

Cubs Fan

Show generally

Question: Forgot the episode and the season, but does Mark, the kid that gets home schooled and ends up beating Kyle, ever show up in later episodes?

Answer: He appears in at least 5 other episodes, but usually just as a background character. He can be seen at Cartman's party in "Immaginationland". He was also one of the kids trying out to replace Butters in the "Professor Chaos" episode.


Question: This was produced by the Walt Disney Production Company. Unlike other Disney films that were family friendly, this one had a dark tone to it and even terrifying moments. Why would the Disney Production company help produce this film considering how scary it is? It seems unusual considering that a lot of the movies they made were more light-hearted.

Answer: Disney at the time was trying to break the stereotype of only producing family-oriented animation films. So they were interested in making more mature films, especially ones targeted to the teen audience. At the time they had already produced "The Watcher in the Woods" and "Dragonslayer". "Something Wicked This Way Comes" was toned down though and some things deemed too dark were removed. It should be noted, this was also the last film under the Walt Disney Production label.


Chosen answer: Dooku lost faith in the Jedi order when his padawan Qui-Gon Jinn died on Naboo at the hands of Darth Maul. He left the Jedi order and pursued wealth and power. He was contacted shortly after leaving by Darth Sidious, joined him and became a Sith.


Question: Why does Obi-Wan believe that Anakin (the chosen one) is not ready for an assignment on his own even though he has been his apprentice for the last 10 years? Also, why does Obi-Wan not let Anakin face the trials to become a Jedi Knight even though again he has been his apprentice for the last 10 years?


Chosen answer: Anakin is very talented, but still struggles with anger and emotion. Obi-wan knows this, and knows he's not ready.

Answer: As there is no reference anywhere on the Internet as to this word's definition, it would appear to be a made-up expression for the movie.


Question: What's the deal with The Hoggett's children and grandchildren?

Answer: Very vague question. There is no "deal" with them. They are just modern.


Question: Why do the couple get old and start to disintegrate when Otho summons them in their wedding clothes?

Answer: Otho was trying to perform a séance (using the wedding clothes as something belonging to the dead). However, he was using the Handbook for the Recently Deceased and didn't know what he was actually doing and accidentally started performing an exorcism. It was the exorcism that caused Adam and Barbara (the couple) to age, in the attempt to destroy them.


Question: I know it's never answered in the film but is it explained in the book just why the truck driver takes such a dislike to David Mann - he behaves this way after just a couple of overtakes?


Chosen answer: The screenplay was written by Richard Matheson, who also wrote the short story. He based it on a similar experience he had with a trucker. That question is never answered, and not knowing adds to the mystery and intrigue. No mentally stable person would target someone just because they overtook their vehicle on the road. It appears that Mann crossed paths with a psychopath. Steven Spielberg has commented that the multiple out-of-state license plates attached to the truck's front bumper may be "trophies" that indicate that the trucker is a serial killer who has run down other drivers. This could be a deadly game to the truck driver.


I just wonder why the driver's door on the big rig was open while it took a dive over the mountain.

Perhaps a hint that the truck driver escaped. You notice that the truck doesn't explode on impact, although the studio insisted it must; Spielberg fought the studio over the inclusion of a cliched fiery finale, as he wanted the crash to convey an ambiguous ending, suggesting that the driver might not have died. Spielberg even explained that the red liquid seen in the truck cab was not blood, but was some sort of automotive fluid. This all lent to the mystery of what actually happened to the driver, whose body we never see.

Charles Austin Miller

The stuntman driving the truck had to jump out of the truck right before it went over the edge, and due to equipment issues barely made it out, without having time to shut the door.

Question: Why do Hermione's blue shoes look different in each scene? Like when they are running up the hill just before Buckbeak is executed compared to when Buckbeak chases werewolf Lupin away.


Chosen answer: Either the lighting made the shoes' color appear different, or she was wearing different shoes at different times when the scene was being filmed. One scene is filmed over multiple days, and actors usually have more than one set of a particular costume in case the clothing is damaged, gets dirty, etc. so her wardrobe might have changed slightly throughout and she could have been wearing a different pair of shoes.


Question: During the phone call scene in the beginning: when the killer asks Casey the first movie question, threatening to kill Steve, why does she unplug a cord?

Answer: When she unplugs the cord, the light goes out in the area where she is hiding. Perhaps, in her panic, it is a quick way to feel like she's better hiding from the killer. Of course, in reality, she's backing herself, literally, into a dark corner. But she probably isn't thinking rationally.

Michael Albert

Answer: It's harder to spot someone in the dark and the TV was letting out light.

Question: Angelina said that two people flew better than Ron at the tryouts so why let him be keeper just because he and Harry are best friends?


Chosen answer: Harry didn't choose Ron because he was his friend. Harry knew Ron had the talent and ability to be a good keeper but lacked confidence in himself to perform well. Harry realised that part of the reason for Ron's low self-esteem was because he came from a poor background and was overshadowed by his talented siblings and also by Harry's fame. Harry wanted to give Ron an opportunity to excel on his own. Also, picking team members isn't only about selecting the most athletically talented, but choosing people who work well together and follow orders. Cormac, who was also trying out as keeper was talented, but he was obnoxious and would have challenged Harry's authority at every turn.


Chosen answer: It wasn't important enough to include it in the film. As the series overall plot line became darker and increasingly complex, adding the Quidditch scenes would only lengthen the movie's overall running time, it is repetitive, and would slow the action. Film makers can not include every detail from a book into a movie script. Characters, plot points, themes, are entirely eliminated, reordered, or incorporated in other ways.


Question: Throughout the film, everyone says that Binx was trying to prevent the candle from being lit, so why at the end does he thank Max for lighting it, and explain to Emily that he had to wait for the candle to be lit?


Chosen answer: Binx had accepted his fate of being a cat forever so instead, he decided to stop the candle from being lit. It was only near the end of the film that he saw the death of the witches broke his curse.


Answer: Binx knew that bringing the Sandersons back to life would be dangerous, so he tried to prevent it. It was only AFTER the group killed the witches that he was thankful since his curse was lifted. He said that to Emily because he waited 300 years for the right person to light the candle and destroy the witches.

Answer: He accepted his fate until the end of the movie.

Question: Why isn't Baron's name on the guest list for the Catholic Charities party? They must have invited him since he looks rather surprised his name isn't there.

Crisponzio Pastrelli Santangelo

Answer: Cardinal Law may have disinvited him out of suspicion. Or maybe just a clerical error.

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