Saw II

Question: How is it that all the dead victims (except Adam and Lawrence) are found? What kind of clues could the police follow to find those secret locations and still don't have any about the jigsaw?

Answer: Perhaps someone in the vicinity smelled the bodies and called the police. Each of the victims shown on screen appears to have been dead for at least a few days.

alex garrido

Lawrence didn't also die, as he was shown to have survived in Saw 3D. I'm assuming you are talking about Zep.

Question: At the end of the film, when they go back into the bathroom from the first, I noticed that they had shown 2 people. They showed the man from the first, chained to the piped in the corner. And then they showed a face of someone on the floor. Who was this?

Sir William

Answer: It was Zep, but he died because Adam smashed his head with a toilet seat cover.

Question: When the timer goes off in Jigsaws lair, the cops turn around and see a safe open and that Daniel is safely inside. Has Daniel been in that safe the whole time the police were there? If not, then how did Jigsaw and Amanda find time to put him there?

Answer: Daniel was in there the whole time...The events in the house took place MUCH earlier than when the police got there. Everything in the house was on a tape delay.


Answer: Jigsaw stated that Daniel was in a "safe place ".

Question: Jigsaw intended for Xavier to go in the needle pit, but Amanda is thrown in instead. Did Jigsaw anticipate that it might be someone besides Xavier, so that all the needles looked dirty, but weren't going to infect anyone with anything? Did Amanda know that she had nothing to worry about, besides the pain of the needles stuck in to her?

Rochelle McCarty

Chosen answer: This is probably the case - although knowing Xavier's mannerisms, it wasn't out of the question for him to put someone else through this torture, so it was always a possibility that she could be thrown in instead. Amanda would have known that the excrutiating pain was the only thing to worry about.

Sam Johnson

Question: Who is the dead person that has Obi's envelope stapled to him?

Answer: It is not a dead body, but a doll.

Question: Is the SWAT team lead to a different building than Matthews by jigsaw at the end of the film? It looks very similar to the actual crime scene, which is what confuses me so much. If it was the same building they would be able to find Matthews, right?

Answer: It's a different building. It does look extremely similar, but it's not the same building. Given that they are so similar, it's entirely possible that they share a common blueprint design and are part of a development project, which would make sense, as later in the series, John is shown to have had a part in reel estate development.


Detective Mathews is in the real building, the signal the SWAT team finds leads them to a 2nd building which sends the camera feed.

No it was the same building, that's when they found out the tapes were pre recorded because it didn't show them on the cameras.

Answer: It's a different building. It would be very foolish of Jigsaw to set up the equipment in the same building that he led Matthews to and run the risk of the SWAT team running into them.


Answer: When they enter the house, the rugs on the floor are different.

Answer: Yes, he took Matthews to the real building and sent the SWAT team to a duplicate building. But, couldn't they start tracing that building through the feeds in the building he sent the SWAT team through? Oh, and it's kinda BS anyway. There isn't any detective worth his salt, that's been around for as long as he was, that wouldn't have dragged Jigsaw in by his ear and stuck his gun right against his head the whole walk down to that toilet. After all the crap he's done, now all of a sudden the detective is going to trust Jigsaw and trust the key that he handed him? I would've said you hold on to that key. You're going to be the one using it.

Question: After Xavier threw Amanda in the syringe pit, and Amanda finds the key for the next door, WHICH CAME WITH AN ANTIDOTE. Even though, they couldn't open the door. why didn't ANYONE USED THE ANTIDOTE?

Answer: I don't think it was an antidote. It looked more like the neon fluid you find in a glow stick to make the key stand out in the needle pit more.


Answer: Could be a numer of things. Noone may have noticed, People might have thought it's not an antidote as they needed the key to GET TO the antidote or even they might not have thought to try it.


Answer: I think it said the antidote was behind the door, not an exit.

Question: When Jigsaw tells the victims, from one of the tapes, that the order of the combination is 'over the rainbow', what does he mean or how does it work?

Answer: Each of the numbers on the victims' necks are a different colour. If these colours are then put into the order of the colours of the rainbow, the corresponding numbers will be the correct combination.

Kayleigh Green

Question: What would have happened if Eric would have just sat and chatted with John till the timer runs out? Would that mean that Eric would have won his challenge?

Answer: Yes. It is explicitly stated that all Eric has to do is sit and talk (i.e., control his violent temper), and the reward will be reuniting with his son. He fails.

Simply because he didn't listen properly... Jigsaw said "he's in a safe secure spot"

Question: I want to know why Amanda was working for Jigsaw. He had already used her in one of his contraptions/games. Surely she would not work along side him. Was she slightly mad?

Answer: She was a lot more than slightly mad. Jigsaw plays mind games with people, apparently he broke Amanda. It's a little like Stockholm syndrome where people being held hostage can end up sympathizing with their captors.


Answer: She's not mad. She realised that she has something to live for, a purpose. She wants to continue Jigsaw's work. Jigsaw gave her that purpose, so she respects him.

Answer: Also, she was "saved by him." He helped her realize her life was worth living and to get off the drugs. He helped her get over her addiction. She thought she owed him her life for that.

Question: How did the police not locate the nerve gas house? Surely the police van Eric drives to the house is tracked by GPS. Even if Jigsaw and/or Amanda moved or destroyed the van, the police should still be able to find the vehicle and subsequently the nerve gas house via the GPS signal.

Answer: To add to the other answer, not every police vehicle is necessarily traceable even to this day. While many departments do have tracking beacons on their cars (such as GPS), there are some that don't. And given this film was released nearly 15 years ago before it became more commonplace, it's reasonable to assume that this is the case here. Also, even if the car was equipped with a lojack system (which would have been more likely at the time), those are pretty easy to block, since any radio-jammer (a device Jigsaw would almost certainly have around) will essentially make them "invisible" to trackers.


Answer: They probably should be able to track the van, but this is just a case of a film requiring "suspension of disbelief, " where we have to accept something that isn't necessarily realistic for the sake of enjoying the movie... Happens all the time in numerous films. We must assume that either the van didn't have a GPS tracker or that it somehow was disabled.

Question: Where did the pig's head, that Amanda wears when she stabs Eric, come from? Does it have any significance that I just missed, or is it just another freaky aspect of their twisted game?

Answer: Jigsaw owns the pig's head. He used it in the first film to capture Dr. Gordon and Adam.


Answer: When John captured his very first subject, Cecil, it was in broad daylight during a Year of the Pig Festival. Therefore he used a cheap-looking pig mask to blend into the crowd while he kidnapped Cecil. John then decided (for whatever reason) to continue using a pig mask for his future kidnappings, but used a much higher quality mask.

Question: Jigsaw needed Daniel to get through the game safe and sound so that he could put him in a safe and later present him to his father. Amanda was also included in the plan. How could Jigsaw be sure that the boy or Amanda wouldn't die from the gas? Or did they already have an antidote?

Answer: Notice how Amanda doesn't cough up blood or have a bloody nose. She clearly had some kind of antidote other then the needles. As for the second question, look when Eric is in the room with the safe and notices the needle on the floor. Amanda gave that to Daniel.

Answer: So Jigsaw doesn't really want to kill Daniel?

No. He used Daniel as bait to get Eric to stay there with him. Daniel was also the key to everyone in the game being linked.


Answer: I figured either those two were given an antidote, or because he says an odourless gas, I figured they shot the other ones up with something that will work in 2 hours.

Question: Do we see Dr. Lawrence Gordon's body in the house anywhere. If not what happened to him?

Answer: At the end of Saw 7 it is revealed that Jigsaw found the doctor, nursed him back to health, and that the doctor has been helping Jigsaw all along.

Answer: No we don't see his body, as he is shown in Saw 3D to have been alive this whole time.

Question: When Xavier and Addison are arguing, Xavier says, "The only door you know how to open is between your legs". How does he know she is a prostitute?

Answer: He doesn't know she is a prostitute. He says that as an insult. Most likly implying she is, without knowing it's true.


Question: Why does Xavier want to kill everybody and not tell them anything about the numbers behind their head?

Answer: He's only looking out for himself. He doesn't care if anyone else dies.


Answer: All of the games included a limited amount of antidotes, he was being selfish.

Answer: Yeah, there was only one antidote in the safe.

Question: Why couldn't the victims just gotten a few antidotes, or maybe even the one in the safe, and shared it to possibly last the full 3 hours until the doors opened before the gas killed them?

Answer: They had no idea how long they would last. They had to rely on Jigsaw's reputation and Amanda's directions as the only one to survive him.

Greg Dwyer

Question: When the kid with the death mask attached to him looks at the x-rays, he sees that the key to unlock the mask is behind his right eye. How did Jigsaw manage to put it there?

Answer: *SPOILER for the final movie!* Jigsaw didn't put it there. After Lawrence amputates his leg in the first movie and escapes, Jigsaw finds him, fixes his leg, and makes him one of his assistants. He does all the medical stuff and has the medical knowledge about drugs and such. This is shown in a flash back in the final movie. In the second movie we are led to believe it's Jigsaw doing the surgery because he's wearing the robe, but it's actually Lawrence.

Question: How much time has passed since the first film?

Answer: In a Saw bonus feature called Full Disclosure Report, the events in it take place 1 year after the first Saw. In the bonus, Eric Matthews is seen alive and well with other officers, and it is stated that he was recently suspended from the force for a short amount of time. Since Eric is chained up in the bathroom in Saw II, the events of Saw II must take place at least a year after the first movie.

Question: Just curious if anyone had a theory about Dr. Gordon. Zep and Adam are still in the house, we see them at the end of the movie. But where is Dr. Gordon? After seeing Adam & Zep's dead bodies, I kind of thought we'd see Gordon stuffed in a closet somewhere. Or maybe his lack of presence means he got away?

Rochelle McCarty

Chosen answer: In Saw 7 you find out Jigsaw found Dr. Gordon, kept him alive, and that he's been helping Jigsaw ever since.

Answer: Saw 3D shows that Dr. Gordon did in fact survive the events of Saw, was nursed back to health and has been helping Jigsaw with his games since then. The reason Dr. Gordon doesn't show up until then is because Cary Elwes, the actor who played him, got into a dispute got into a dispute with the producers because of payment issues after the first Saw film was made.

Saw II mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Amanda falls into the pit of syringes and is dragged out by Eric's son, she is covered in blood from being stabbed with many syringes, but in every scene after that she has no blood stains on her skin or clothes. (00:52:25)


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Jigsaw: I want to play a game.

More quotes from Saw II

Trivia: Director Darren Lynn Bousman had originally started this project as a completely unrelated film based on a script he wrote which he was shopping around to producers. The original script was entitled "The Desperate" and more-or-less followed a similar storyline of a group of victims trying to escape a house filled with booby-traps. Several producers and potential investors who read the script dismissed it as being "Too much like that movie 'Saw' they're making now," and he wasn't able to find any backing. It eventually made its way into the hands of "Saw" producer Gregg Hoffman, who was in early development on "Saw II" after the first film had built a great deal of hype and positive buzz and was shaping up to be a massive hit. Hoffman and the fellow producers realised that "The Desperate" would make the perfect groundwork for a sequel to "Saw", and brought on the original film's screenwriter Leigh Whannell to help re-write the script with Bousman into a proper sequel.

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