Question: How come Gamora had no idea that an infinity stone was in the orb in GotG but does in Endgame?
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Question: Why did Rocket deliberately hide the fact that he knew where Thanos was? Cap told Tony they couldn't find him but Rocket detected him two days ago.
Answer: They detected an energy surge that they suspect to be Thanos 2 days ago. Tony and Nebula had only just returned and Nebula confirms to them that's where Thanos is. Rocket didn't hide anything, they just hesitated to act on it.
Cap told Tony that they had done various forms of searches and scans and they didn't know where he was. So they didn't know. So it wasn't a matter of "hesitating to act." "Hesitating to act" is also out of character of all the heroes and makes no sense that if they did all that searching only to hesitate when they found him?
No no no. I mispronounced. Nebula tells them where he is, probably told Rocket on the spot where the planet was located and Rocket explains that an identical energy surge that occurred on Earth occurred there as well. They didn't know that was Thanos, they didn't look for it, it may have happened 2 days ago but they didn't notice it. Not until Nebula told them he is there, the energy surge simply confirms he is there and that he used the stones again. I do still think they hesitate, they got no plan, no confidence. They all feel defeated and unable to beat him. They just do all they know, react.
That's not what happened in the movie. Rocket announced the surge and what planet it was and Nebula confirmed it. Not "probably" the other way around. How could they not notice a power that strong? They aren't incompetent. Especially when half of the universe is destroyed. Who else is going to create that? No plan, no confidence? They have Stormbreaker and it stood up to the power of the stones. To the point Thanos had to run and hide. Cap America has never been one to simply "react" when he has time to create a plan. Even if, as you said, all they know is react...You just said they hesitated. Which one is it? They had almost a month. Lastly, again why are they searching for Thanos, if they are defeated and without a plan? what were the expecting to happen when they found him? Send him a postcard?
They wanted revenge, they are the Avengers after all. The plan was to take the stones, but they aren't sure if they could since they failed the last time and Thanos is pretty much unstoppable with all stones, so they are hesitant. Thanos didn't run and hide from Stormbreaker, he just retired and prepared to destroy the stones, he could have turned Stormbreaker into bubbles. Nebula first said she knew where Thanos was, in the next scene Rocket tells about the planet and the power surge there. He talks about it because Nebula told him that's the right planet. Captain Marvel convinces them to just act right now, so they go there. They don't have anything else anymore.
Thanos took an axe to the chest. He isn't unstoppable. "The plan was to take the stones, but they aren't sure if they could..." that's not a plan. Thor had the ability to kill Thanos in his hands. They just needed to find him and take his head off. Thanos couldn't turn Stormbreaker into bubbles. He didn't do it when it was coming at him the first time. Nebula said he had a plan for retirement. Not where exactly. All of this is pointless. I figured it out. Two days is how long it took for that energy surge to reach Earth and be detected. Much like any other interstellar event. When we finally see it, it happened in the past.
I said this before on this website, Thor caught him by surprise, probably the last time anyone could. Thanos had only just gotten the stones and was distracted. We don't know how much power he really has when he had all 6 of them (not as much as in the comics) but I'm pretty sure that if you can eradicate half of all life in the universe you can destroy a simple little axe with them as well. Nebula said she knew exactly where he is, even named the planet. Rocket said there was another power surge 2 days ago, not that it took 2 days to detect the surge.
Question: Where any charges ever brought up against the White Star line after so many people died?
Answer: From Wikipedia: In the United States and Britain, more than 60 survivors combined to sue the White Star Line for damages connected to loss of life and baggage. The claims totalled $16,804,112 (appr. $419 million in 2018 USD), which was far in excess of what White Star argued it was responsible for as a Limited liability company under American law. Because the bulk of the litigants were in the United States, White Star petitioned the United States Supreme Court in 1914, which ruled in it's favour that it qualified as an LLC and found that the causes of the ship's sinking were largely unforeseeable, rather than due to negligence. This sharply limited the scope of damages survivors and family members were entitled to, prompting them to reduce their claims to some $2.5 million. White Star only settled for $664,000 (appr. $16.56 million in 2018), about 27% of the original total sought by survivors. The settlement was agreed to by 44 of the claimants in December 1915, with $500,000 set aside for the American claimants, $50,000 for the British, and $114,000 to go towards interest and legal expenses.
Question: Why did Judge Taft order Karen to kill her daughter?
Answer: There is no evidence he did beyond the words of a woman crazy enough to murder her daughter.
Question: When Agent J travels into the past, he is being put into a neuralizer because he wouldn't tell young Agent K anything. When the neuralizer was being charged up, why didn't J simply close his eyes?
Answer: This neuralizer works more thoroughly and is more powerful than the simple hand held version. This one goes directly for the brain whilst the hand held goes through the eyes.
Answer: MIB agents wear their sunglasses for a reason whenever they neuralyse people, or else they wouldn't have been needing them if all they needed to do was to close their eyes.
Question: What is the principal's problem? Why is he taking it out on a 17 year old?
Question: Why couldn't Dr. Lanning just kill Viki himself? I don't get it.
Question: Why does Mera say Aquaman is king by birthright as he is the eldest? That's not how it works. He's not the King's first son, but the Queen's, and that is irrelevant.
Answer: Like King Arthur, he may have been born out of wedlock but had royal blood as his mother was of noble birth with kingdom of her own. She wanted to avoid any arranged marriage.
Question: Did Aquaman kill all Black Manta's crew at the start? As far as I can see he just knocks them out, but they don't seem to leave. If they die, why is he so upset about the guy's dad, when he left a half dozen to drown?
Answer: As far as I can see, Aquaman didn't care if the pirates died, including Kane's father. When Kane begs Aquaman to help save his father, Aquaman just glares at Kane and says, "You killed innocent people" and abruptly leaves without helping. Aquaman then saves the Russian crew but leaves the sub and pirates to sink. All of this explains why Kane becomes Black Manta (because he hates Aquaman for leaving Kane's father to die). But, as far as Aquaman was concerned, the pirates got what they deserved.
Answer: It was an accident, while trying to stop Black Manta's crew, Aquaman's battle caused a lot of damage. Which made one of the bulk heads blow and pinned his father down. He believes if Aquaman had let them siege the submarine and not interfere, his father would be alive.
Little correction to the answer: Kane's father fired two mortar rounds in the sub's torpedo magazine (which somehow, amazingly, did not detonate the the whole sub). The first mortar struck Aquaman dead center without killing him and everyone else in the room. The second mortar damaged the torpedo rack, dislodging a torpedo that pinned Kane's father against the bulkhead.
Question: How come Miles could venom strike and turn invisible on command just because of what Jeff said?
Answer: Miles was touched by what Jeff said, and it inspired him to finally find the focus needed to control his powers.
Question: Why does Xana hate humans so much?
Answer: It's not a matter of hate but of achieving superiority and domination. X.A.N.A.'s objective is to conquer the real-world, control all computers, and enslave every human being.
Xana's objective is also to destroy Lyoko. I don't know why he would want that since without Lyoko he can't activate any more towers, and activating towers is how he launches attacks.
Question: How come there is not one alligator inside the lagoon? I mean it is Florida.
Answer: The lagoon was part of the theme park. Artificial with specific mammals inhabitants inside, warm and friendly.
Question: What exactly was the Federation treaty (main subject of the movie)?
Answer: The treaty would have been an agreement between the Trade Federation and the Sovereign Planet Naboo that would have in effect legitimized the invasion of Naboo. The actual content of the treaty itself has never been elaborated upon, however it is clear that it would have given the Trade Federation substantial control over Naboo. Padme goes to the Senate to argue that the invasion of Naboo is an illegal act (it is) but the Senate is unmoved by her testimony and defers action until they can determine if an invasion has even taken place.
Question: Why exactly did Anakin say to Obi-wan "I hate you!"?
Answer: In Anakin's mind Kenobi betrayed Anakin by holding him back from his potential, by helping the Jedi attempt to overthrow Palpatine, and by manipulating Padme against him. This leads to a physical fight between the two wherein Kenobi severely maims Anakin, and as far as Anakin knows at the time would likely lead to his inevitable death. By this point he truly, passionately hates Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Question: Where is Leah in the end battle with the doll?
Answer: Annabelle took her, and when she took a different life she did not need Leah's.
Answer: Hospital.
Answer: Yes, I recall a college friend being shocked to see his textbook on screen.
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Answer: She knew what was in the orb. That's why she was so intent on keeping it away from Thanos. It's why she insisted to Ronan that SHE retrieve it instead of Nebula. It's also why she tried to sell it to The Collector behind Thanos and Ronan's back. She stated that she had hoped he had the ability to contain its power. She just didn't tell the rest of the Guardians because she had just met them and didn't trust them.
Could you please provide a quote where she states that thought the collector could keep the orb safe?
Sam Montgomery