Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Why was this film banned in Egypt for portraying "Fagin" too sympathetically?

Answer: Fagin was a Jewish character and in the 1930's and 40's Egypt did not like Jewish people. Egypt was heavily anti-Semitic; Jews were denied citizenship, Egypt was part of the Arab League during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, and bombing of Jewish areas in Egypt would occur. It was banned simply out of hate.


Answer: Mitch is upset that his dad doesn't seem to support his getting married. When they talk about Jay's friends not coming to the wedding, Jay makes it seem like Mitch wouldn't want them to come anyways. Mitch sees it as it's actually that Jay doesn't want to invite his friends to his gay son's wedding because he's embarrassed and uncomfortable about having a gay son. Essentially Mitch sees it as if he was marrying a woman, Jay would be willing so spend money on the wedding, host it at the club, and invite all his friends to it.


Answer: Because of the goo that was on it.

Answer: He's never seen again after Johnny takes his wheelchair. The church they were in was covered with MI7 agents, so it is plausible that one of them found him whilst the others were chasing Johnny.

Casual Person

Question: Nintendo has always held Donkey Kong's rights, while Rareware created most of DK's games. Even after Microsoft bought Rare from Nintendo, Donkey Kong's Rare games were shown in some videos of Rare's headquarters. So, how exactly did Microsoft purchase Rare?

Show generally

Question: In one of the episodes, Richie, while in basic training, tells Fonz how he put his friends and his platoon on report causing both his platoon and Fonz to be angry at him. Why would they react in a way? Richie's platoon was being insubordinate from the start and Fonz wasn't even in the army.

Answer: Whether he was right or wrong, the Fonz's belief is that you don't tell on your friends, even if they've broken rules or misbehaved. The platoon wrongly thought Richie would cover for them, no matter what they did. Richie felt differently, believing that it was his responsibility to be honest and report any wrongdoing rather than cover it up to protect his peers.


Question: Why didn't the US Navy want the pirates to get Phillips to Somalia? What were they afraid would happen?

Answer: They are afraid that once in Somalia, the pirates would be able to hide Phillips making rescue much more difficult.


Answer: He didn't. Simon Ambrose, who was the real mole, tricked Johnny English into thinking Patch was a traitor.


Question: Right before Manolo died, Maria's father and Joaquin blamed Manolo for Maria's supposed death. When Manolo comes back to the living, why aren't they still angry with him?

Answer: Well for one, she isn't dead. No reason to be upset with him over something that didn't actually occur. And secondly, they are on the middle of a fight, better to have all the help they can get.


Question: Why wouldn't Nichols just alert authorities right away if he was behind this whole thing the whole time? Made no sense. Good plot twist, but in real life, you would think the mastermind would get Kimball tossed in jail ASAP to avoid being revealed like he was.

Israel Joffe

Answer: One, the authorities are already on Kimball's trail, literally one step behind him the entire film, so Nichols wouldn't gain much by alerting them. Two, he knows that if Kimball finds out he (Nichols) alerted the police, it would pretty much prove to Kimball that Nichols was the one behind everything; safer for Nichols to appear innocent and, more important, cooperative, so that if and when Kimball is recaptured and tells his story, he has nothing on Nichols to tell the authorities. This backfires, of course, but it is the most logical course of action.

Question: Is the story of Mor'du the possible reason for Elinor's strict and bossy personality, wanting Merida to act like a princess?

Answer: No. Even without the story of Mor'du, Queen Elinor would still be strict and bossy to mold Merida into a proper princess and get her ready to marry the son of a prominent and powerful clan.


Question: At the beginning, Elsa freezes the ballroom's floor after striking Anna, then their parents show up and rush to them. How were they able to run on the frosty floor without slipping or falling?

Answer: People who live in snowy areas learn to run on snow and ice without slipping or falling.

Greg Dwyer

Question: I could be wrong, but wouldn't destroying the Silver Shemrock factory disable the commercial and/or the mask chips?


Chosen answer: They don't broadcast the commercial, the cable company does. And the mask chips all have tiny pieces of the rock inside, so they will still work regardless of whether or not the factory is destroyed. So the answer is "no" and "no."

Question: When the genie learns that Aladdin tricked him into getting them out of the cave without making a wish, couldn't he have just teleported Aladdin, Abu, and the carpet back inside the cave to make sure Aladdin wishes himself out of the cave?

Answer: He is not an evil genie and, even though he was tricked, he would not have wanted Aladdin to be trapped in the cave again. He likes Aladdin and admires his cleverness in getting himself out of the cave without wasting a wish.


What I was wondering is why he likes Aladdin.

The Genie likes Aladdin because he is clever, friendly, and charming. As he indicates several times in the film, most of the Genie's masters were greedy, unkind, and selfish.


Aladdin doesn't just greedily use up his three wishes and send Genie back into his lamp, which is implied to be what Genie's previous masters have done.

"He is not an evil genie" who says only an evil genie would teleport Aladdin, Abu, and the carpet back inside the cave to make sure Aladdin wishes himself out of the cave?

The comment was specific and limited to the character of the one genie in the movie who is not evil but kind-hearted. Never said "only" evil genies.


Question: So what exactly is cabin fever? Like I get that it's a virus... But what does it do? I know it's referred to as a "skin eating virus" but what exactly is it? What exactly does it do? Does it kill you? Just what is it and where did it come from?

Answer: In real life, "cabin fever" is not a disease or infection caused by bacteria or viruses. It's a term used when someone or a group of people become irritable, restless, or even claustrophobic after being in a confined space for long periods of time (such as in a cabin during the winter when going outside is difficult or impossible). In the movie, the disease is said to be caused by a virus, which was waterborne and spread through contaminated water. The origin of the disease is not given, but many animals can be carriers of diseases without showing signs and could have infected the water (through urinating, defecating, or dying in the water). The dog somehow got infected (possible through drinking contaminated water) and passed it to the owner through blood contact. From there the virus spread through blood contact or contaminated drinking water. However, "flesh-eating" diseases are caused by bacteria. They don't actually eat flesh, the bacteria end up destroying or killing soft tissue (such as muscles and skin) and releasing toxins. This can result in rashes and vomiting blood, and if the toxin are potent enough and get in the blood stream, can cause death.


Question: Toward the end of the movie, when David walks into Linus' office and asks him if Miss McCardle has to be there. Doesn't Linus address her as Miss McCarthy?

Answer: I've seen this movie numerous times over the years. Linus always addresses his secretary as "Miss McCardle."


Linus does call her Mrs. McCarthy about 11 minutes before the end of the movie. I checked several times. It's true. It's a mistake.

Answer: She had been dancing for a long time and her foot hurt, so she took her shoe off to rub her foot.

Answer: Because she had been standing on them for hours and her foot hurt.


Answer: Her foot was hurting. She had her shoes on for a long time. Or maybe Krum stepped on her toes a lot and it hurt.

Answer: Because her feet hurt after dancing in her shoes for hours. Even though some pairs may hurt their feet, many women will tolerate the pain and getting blisters in order to wear them for as long as they can.


Answer: It is also possible that her foot cramped up.

Answer: Because she was angry and her leg hurt.

Answer: This movie predates the more advanced CGI that would be used these days. In older films, actors portraying an amputee would have their leg (or arm) bent back and strapped to their body. A prosthetic peg leg would be attacked to the lower appendage. The actors were also filmed from strategic vantage points so the bent part of the limb didn't show. When Douglas is seen driving a wagon, the seat was probably constructed so that his lower leg fit into a hidden compartment and the peg leg was attached on top to be visible. Douglas also wore rather baggy pants, and that would help conceal his bent leg.


Show generally

Question: Why doesn't the real CSI have the lab in house like a correction stated? It also said that DNA testing testing is prioritized by case importance. Why doesn't the CSI use this method in real life?

Answer: There are some exceptions; some smaller divisions have a lab in-house and sometimes LE is nudged to put one case over others and solve it quickly (i.e. very public cases to save their reputation). These have to be exceptions and not the rule. It is expensive to house together (real labs are much bigger than seen on the show and there are many more scientists who all specialize in an area). It can also cause contamination if labs are open to more people and makes mistakes easier to happen. Not to mention if the scientists work that closely with the detectives, they could be biased and get the cases dismissed. If it's independent, this isn't an issue. They also need to work on several cases at once rather than focus on one priority or it'll cause heavy backup, which is not fair to other families/victims. Any time LE is nudged to go quicker than usual, it only backs up other cases and creates a bigger risk of a case not being properly solved. All cases should be treated with care.

Question: At the start when Katniss sang that song for Prim, how does that calm her down since the reaping is still going to happen?


Answer: Because it's something that is familiar and soothing for Prim. It does not completely wash away all the fears and anxiety, but it helps calm her down a little. It is not only the song, but also Katniss being there and comforting her sister, assuring Prim that her chances are practically zero of being chosen, though that turned out to be wrong.


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