Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: When Mary and Steve are in Mary's apartment, after they meet her ex and she gets drunk, she says that she is a "magnet for unavailable men". Who is she talking about other than Steve? It can't be Mossimo because he is single and actually pursuing Mary.

Answer: Her ex... who was not available since he was in love with another woman and not Mary.


Answer: While it obviously cannot be completely discounted, there is currently no evidence to suggest that this is anything other than coincidence.


Question: When Uncle Buck is going to the party to get Bug, he is stopped at a red light and there are two parents in the car next to him. The father says, "don't go in there with that hat on, they'll kill you". Why would someone be killed for wearing a hat?

Chosen answer: He's being sarcastic, as Buck says in the beginning some of his hats anger a lot of people, which probably connects to when his hat gets taken by one of the teenagers at the party.

Buck is actually referring to his aviator style hat in the earlier scene about people being angered by it. He's wearing the fedora style hat in the scene en route to the party. But I agree the guy was being sarcastic about teenagers.

The black purse bedside to the possible 'pile of bunched-up blankets' looks like Chanice's from later scenes; suggesting the writers or Hughes changed the script after the bedroom scene was shot to Buck's simpler but delightfully funny half-conversation with her on the phone.

Answer: The Uncle Buck movie was made in the late 80s, near the end of the Cold War. And Because the hat resembles the Russian ushanka worn by Russian soldiers in that time, it can be said that wearing it might anger some, especially young Americans opposed to world events at the time.

Question: I was told that some of this movie was actually shot in Rhyl (North Wales). Since the credits on my downloaded movie were cut, I was wondering if you could help me find an answer to my question. Thank you.


Chosen answer: According to IMDb, the movie was shot in Vermont and Rhode Island. No international locations were used.

Shannon Jackson

The ice cream scene (when Irene kicks Hank in the face) is the Ben and Jerry's factory in Waterbury, VT. The train station fight scene at the end is in Burlington, VT.

Question: The Millennium Falcon can be seen landing on Coruscant, as it says in the trivia section here. Does anyone know who is supposed to be flying it, seeing how Han is about five to ten years old at this time (and Lando is probably around the same age)?

Answer: According to the book Millennium Falcon, which details the history of the ship, at the time it was known as the Stellar Envoy and was flown by Tobb Jadak and Reeze Duurman, two operatives of a covert group of Senators and Jedi who were concerned about Palpatine's actions in control of the Senate and were seeking to restore Senatorial authority.


Question: Why is the hydra able to spit fire, when it suppose to be a water creature?

Answer: Water creature? The Hydra is a MYTHOLOGICAL creature, with many different variations in different stories. She lived in a swamp, had bad breath. This is just another different interpretation of the same Greek myth.


Question: How can Percy and his friends play all the games in the Lotus Hotel casino, when they are still teenagers and the legal age to gamble in Las Vegas is 21?

Answer: Because it's not a real casino. People are lured in then are trapped and drugged by eating the lotus cakes.


Question: Why does Maggie's mother and sister call her Miriam?

Answer: Because Maggie's name was Mary Margaret Fitzgerald, Maggie for short. Her family was calling her "Mary M", with a thick Missouri accent.

Question: Is the actor who played Andy in the first two Toy Story movies the same actor in the third movie?

Answer: Yes, John Morris has reprised his role as Andy for Toy Story 3.


Question: Is it true that George Lucas will not let any Star Wars books/media reveal Yoda's species, last name, etc.?

Answer: Yes, it's quite true - for reasons that he's never explained, Lucas has always maintained a strict policy of not allowing any information about Yoda's species to be included in any publications. While he has allowed some details of Yoda's personal history to be revealed, details about the species as a whole, what they call themselves, where their homeworld is, their history and so forth, have been kept under wraps.


Question: How does Phil end up in the hospital? They said it was in the pictures but I didn't see anything, just him in the hospital.

Answer: In the pictures, it is Stu that is fighting with Wayne Newton. It could be assumed that Phil got involved afterwards, but it is never shown.

Answer: They show Phil in the pictures hanging out the with Carrot Top and getting punched by Wayne Newton; the fight with Wayne landed Phil in the hospital.

Tricia Webster

Answer: He got kicked in the ribs from the tiger, dry humping it in the back of a stolen police car.

Question: In the book version the character Lex has short hair that's pushed under her cap. In the film version she has a longish plait. I know that the film makers change many things for many reasons, but does anyone know why they changed this?

Answer: Probably because there was no reason in the plot for Lex to have short hair. It simply did not matter whether it was long, medium, or short; if the actress playing Lex had longer hair, then the film makers must have felt that fit the character just as well as a shorter cut.


Question: I'm fairly positive that one of the African-American female terminated employees, who has a very small but significant role in Up in the Air(trying to avoid spoiling the plot), is Elise Neal. Elise Neal was D.L. Hughley's wife in The Hughleys and also starred in Hustle and Flow. Any reason why she is not credited on the film? and other sites do not list her as a cast member.

Answer: It's not Elise Neal, it is Tamala Jones.


Answer: It is not unusual for actors to appear in films in uncredited cameo roles. There's many reasons. Their appearance is not significant enough to warrant a film credit, it is a surprise for the audience, they do it for fun or as a favor to the director or producer, it avoids contract obligations, and so on.


Question: Do someone know where can I get a clear picture of Elektra's charm? I want the pic or a replica of the charm that she wears that is in Braille. Please help me! Thanks.


Chosen answer: There is a replica of the one she wears at these two websites: Also


Question: SPOILER: Is Eli blind or just visually impaired? There are many signs that he's not in fact blind. For example, in the first house he finds, he wakes up just as the sun hits his face. He also knows his way around unfamiliar territory all too well for a blind man - well for a sighted man, in fact. He's able to follow the road without a cane. He's also able to tell the difference between day and night. If he were completely blind he could travel at night and need less water, etc.

Answer: No. Eli is not blind. There are moments where you could construe he was blind only after you decided he was. In the first house Eli holes up in, he looks at the mouse, he roots through his bag, while moving his head to see better into the bag. He looks out the window the next day, moving his eyes to and fro to take in the situation. He can see the Pawn Shop owner's finger on the trigger. He is able to find the Pawn Shop in the first place, even though he's never been there. Eli has several conversations with people while looking right at them. No one reacts as if he is blind. Eli closes his eyes every time he reads the Bible in order to more focus his sense of touch and cut off the visual stimuli. He can see that the pawn shop owner hasn't detached the battery leads. He and Solara exchange a "What the...?" look when invited to tea by the old cannibals. The man can see, at least to a certain extent.

He has normal vision throughout the film. He looks directly at people on several occasions, and his eyes are normal. The point of the story is that he WAS blind (hence his ability to read braille, heightened senses, ability to fight in the dark, etc.), but was given his sight back so that he could complete his task. By the end of the film, he's completed his task and is dying, and so he returns to being blind, and his eyes are cloudy.

He wakes up in the morning because he feels the sun on his skin and it's warm. Not because it's bright. He found the pawn shop because when he open the door we see and hear the bell ring. Your eyes moving are involuntary reflex. You notice he does not look at the mouse until he hears the mouse.

With all due respect, the whole point of the film is that he was blind. In every situation where he it appears he navigates through trouble as a sighted person would, there are clues (usually audible clues) that he uses. I can't list them all but there are several articles online that explain how he gets through each situation. Eli is most definitely blind.

He is blind. God gave him his sight until he completed his task.

Answer: He can see, but not by light. He walks by faith, and not by sight.

It's a correlation to the bible. Making the blind see. He walks by faith, blind faith.

Answer: He is blind or at least partially blind. He mentions he can smell the salt in the air and mentions that Solara's mother's perfume smells nice when he was a foot away from her; when you lose one sense, such as sight others become stronger. If he could see, he would write the bible that he has memorized, himself instead of making the old man write it for him. He literally quotes "we walk by faith, not by sight" which is definitely some obvious foreshadowing. Also he doesn't see the 'no trespassing' sign at the cannibal's house because he literally can't see. There are many other indicators in the movie that prove he has visual problems if not fully blind.

Answer: I believe he is physically blind, but he "sees" through faith. His faith helped him to find a "way" to achieve his mission. Eli found a "way" to compensate for his blindness by immensely heightening his other senses, predominately hearing. Other evidence of blind behavior I observed during the film include his occasional bump into a table or other obstacle here and there; and most significant to me, his light kick to locate the step at the entrance to the cannibals house.

Answer: He is only blind at the end, where he is channeling the words to be written.

I agree he can see. He looks at his reflection in a bowl of water then disturbs the water as if not liking his reflection. Not to mention the constant eye contact.

Question: When Buzz is first being introduced to the other toys, Mr. Potato Head says that he is from Playschool. What does Rex say after this?

Answer: Rex says "And I'm from Mattel. Well, I'm not really from Mattel, I'm actually from a smaller company that was purchased in a leveraged buyout."


Question: We're told that Davey Jones, himself, cut out his own heart, unable to withstand "that which vexes a man's soul, a woman." Will Turner's father, Bootstrap, savagely removing the heart after he is already dead doesn't make any sense. It is repeatedly said that the Dutchman must have a captain, but what about the moments just prior to? And why did the crew come back to life? It is only told that Bootstrap would be free and that Will would sacrifice eternity as Captain. And how did he "honeymoon"? It hasn't been 10 years. He hasn't ferried any souls yet. Right on? Unnecessary. I agree with audience. Confusing. Please explain.


Chosen answer: Will stabs Davy Jones' heart (with assistance), which, as far as can be determined, gives him the captaincy of the Dutchman at that moment. Exactly why Bootstrap has to cut out his heart isn't clear - presumably something about the ritual Jones used years before makes it a necessary part of the role of captain. The crew don't come back to life, because they're technically not dead - their lives are tied to the Dutchman. Their aquatic appearance is because of Jones defying his orders - with a new captain at the helm, one who will do the job properly, they revert back to their human appearance. As for Will getting his "honeymoon", couple of possible reasons. Technically the job hasn't started yet - could be that, as Will's still in the real world, he can get his day on shore before he goes off to ferry souls. Probably more likely is that Calypso wanted him to have his "honeymoon" - he did, after all, take on the captaincy under less than ideal circumstances. While Jones chose to take on the position, Will had no real choice in the matter. Calypso's something of a romantic, so it would be entirely in character for her to allow Will and Elizabeth to consummate their marriage before he has to leave for ten years.


Answer: Will also mentions, whilst on the island with Elizabeth, that it's almost sunset. This suggests that his role as captain didn't begin until sunset that day. So he was able to honeymoon that day only.

Question: At one point, Carl asked Russell why he called Phyllis (Russell's mother) by her first name. Didn't Edward Asner, the voice of Carl, say this a lot on some old show?

Answer: Yes, it was a running gag on the Mary Tyler Moore Show (1970). Ed Asner played Lou Grant, who always asked Bess (played by Lisa Gerritsen) why she called her mother Phyllis (played by Cloris Leachman) by her first name.

Question: Pixar usually shows Pixar characters in the next Pixar film into the films (like the Nemo in Monster's Inc, The Mr. Incredible doll in Nemo). Is there anything from Toy Story 3 in Up?

Answer: Yep, there is. As Carl's house initially flies away, there's a shot from inside a child's bedroom where they watch the house flying away. In that shot, next to the bed on the very far left of the screen, there's a small pink-ish teddy bear, who's a major new character in the upcoming Toy Story 3.


Question: In the Iowa bar where Kirk meets Uhura, he says something about her being from another world. Is Uhura from another planet, other than Earth? I can't remember anything from the original series that states this.

Answer: Kirk's never met Uhura - he wouldn't know where she's from. When he asks her name, she says that her name is "just Uhura" - Kirk's expecting to hear two names, first name and surname (just as he introduced himself as "Jim Kirk"). As such, his first question is to ask whether they don't have surnames on whatever world she comes from. As it happens, she is from Earth, she just doesn't want to tell him her full name; he doesn't know that, so he's making assumptions that are, in this case, completely wrong.


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