Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: There is a scene where Parker is telling Grace that the piece of ore he is holding, called "unobtainium", is why they are on Pandora. This same ore was used in the 2003 movie, "The Core", to build the manned drilling machine to bore through Earth, to the core. Was the use of the same ore name in Avatar, done with permission from the earlier movie? Or was it a mistake?

Big John

Chosen answer: The Core didn't originate the name - it's been used since the 50's and even has its own Wikipedia article at There it's described as "any fictional, extremely rare, costly, or impossible material, or (less commonly) device needed to fulfill a given design for a given application."

Jon Sandys

Show generally

Question: I understand that the show won the Emmy for Best Made-For-TV Movie or Miniseries. And, yet, the show has had more seasons. Just how do the rules for that category work and what made Downton Abbey eligible to be considered a miniseries?

Answer: Yes, because at the time it was not sure if it would continue and since it was short it could be seen as a miniseries. it also depends on where the producers decide to submit it. However since it continues on it is no longer a miniseries but a full series and thus cannot be submitted in the miniseries category anymore.

luke f

Question: At the end, what made Gene and the Nicelanders trust Ralph better and decide to treat him more nicely? (01:41:00)

Answer: By getting locked up and treated like a criminal Felix finally understood what it was like being Ralph and treated like a bad guy for no reason. When he and Ralph came back, Felix probably told the others what had happened and told them to be nicer to Ralph. Felix never seemed to dislike Ralph personally, rather worried that Ralph would wreck something by mistake. When he realised his behaviour was making Ralph sad, he stopped doing it.

Answer: The Nicelanders realised how important Ralph was to the game when he wasn't there to do his part. This is evidenced by their reaction to seeing their game put in "Out of Order" status, i.e, "Without Ralph, we're doomed!"


Question: Can someone please identify the names of these villains: the purple rhino and the female creature with the dark hair and red dress? (01:41:00)

Answer: The purple Rhino is the final form of Neff from Altered Beast. The woman is believed to be Mishaela from Shining Force.


Question: At the beginning, it is shown that some of the video games in the arcade, such as Tapper's, have been moved to different locations throughout the years. Is it possible that any of the characters whose video games have been moved could still return to their games after evacuating once their games plugged in again, even in spite of which extension cords their games get replugged in? (01:41:00)

Answer: Theoretically, yes. as it is shown that the surge protectors serve as a sort of train station. So they could possibly make the transition from one to the other.


Question: If Tony's suit (Mark II) is powered by the miniature arc reactor in his chest, what powers War Machine?

Answer: Stark has constructed independent power sources for his older suits, presumably on the off-chance that he might need to use Rhodes, who he has given voice access, as backup, or possibly because, as he believes himself to be dying, he would want somebody he trusts to be able to access the suits after his passing. That power source is used when Rhodes takes the suit to battle Stark at his birthday party, and is subsequently used to power the upgraded War Machine armour.


Chosen answer: No it isn't. Brinkley has three kids. One born in 1985, one born in 1995 and one born in 1998. Vegas Vacation was made in 1997. This was before her third child but 2 years after her second child. The kid in the car is shown as a baby, not a two year old.

oddy knocky

Question: If Vanellope is supposed be on the same candy cane tree Ralph's medal fell on then how come she can't be seen on that tree when we get a close-up shot of Ralph looking up at it as he tries to retrieve his medal? (01:41:00)

Answer: She could have been glitching or glitched her way up there while we weren't looking.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: When Vanellope is seen in the dungeon, she is locked to a chain, and the cuff says it is glitch proof. If it is possible, how did Ralph get her loose from that chain? (01:41:00)

Answer: Ralph most likely got her out of the chains the only way he knows how. By wrecking them.

Question: When Jarvis comes back on, he says to Tony "I do quite well for a _____, but at the end of a sentence I say the wrong cranberry." What was he saying?

Chosen answer: He says "I seem to do quite well for a stretch, but at the end of a sentence I say the wrong cranberry".

Question: Can someone explain the exact function of the ARC reactor in Tony's chest, because it seems to vary from movie to movie? Sometimes it powers the magnet keeping the shrapnel out of his heart (1,3 & Avengers), which is why he throws it away after surgery. However sometimes it appears to be powering his heart directly (1), yet he can go for short periods of time without it (2). Mainly, however, isn't it required to power the suit (1 & 2). The Iron Monger needed one (1), Whiplash & War Machine both needed one (2), but Tony's suits in 3 & Avengers appear to work even when he's not in them?

Answer: In all of the movies, it is keeping the shrapnel out of his heart. In the second one, he is suffering from poisoning, a side effect from having palladium in his chest. The reason he can go for a short period without it, is because the shrapnel won't sink into his heart immediately when he takes it out. The discomfort he experiences in 1 when it's removed seems mostly do do with the fact that Pepper removes something she shouldn't have. The power of the suit is a different story. The suit in the first movie (Mark I, II and III) are all powered by the reactor in his chest. The Mark IV is difficult to guess, but the Mark V (suitcase), VI and VII (Avengers) all have a separate power core, and the suits in Iron Man 3 are all powered independently as well.


Question: How exactly did Vanellope learn to control her glitching power before crossing the finish line? I still don't quite understand. (01:41:00)

Answer: She just focused on controlling the glitch. when fighting Turbo she just stopped, focused and she put herself in control.


Question: This makes no sense at all to me. Exactly how did Chris survive her very first encounter with Jason? She tells Rick about how he grabbed her by the ankles and was dragging her off when she fainted from fear and then woke up in her room at home. What exactly happened in the time in between? It's been mentioned that Jason raped Chris after dragging her away or at least he attempted to rape her. The Jason character does not rape. Period. Are we really supposed to believe that the murderous Jason just suddenly felt bad for her and brought her back to her home of his own free will? (00:48:30 - 00:51:45)


Chosen answer: Chris never said anything about rape. As for what happened to her, no one really knows. Maybe she reminds Jason of his mother like in the new Friday the 13th movie.

Question: This shouldn't be bothering me as much as it is, but somewhere within the first twenty minutes of Back to the Future when Doc wakes Marty up by calling & ask him to pick up his camera, what does Marty begin to eat?

Answer: Marty eats a piece of chocolate - you can see on his nightstand a bar of chocolate with a chunk on top. It's this chunk he eats when Doc calls him about collecting the video camera and meeting him at Twin Pines Mall.

Heather Benton

Answer: Marty is eating chocolate cake.

Question: After the scene Ellis was killed in McClane talks to Powell and stands up. After which he meets Hans at the roof, why did he go to the roof at the time?


Chosen answer: McClane had gone to the roof where he could get better transmitter reception when he made the emergency call to police. Hans, meanwhile, had gone to the top floor to inspect the work that was being done to wire the roof with explosives. McClane ran into Hans on his way back down.


Question: In the 2009 Star Trek movie, the young kirk is driving his step father's car, and passes someone about his age on the road, Johnny. Who is Johnny and what is his significance to the storyline?

Answer: He's just someone Kirk knows, and Jim is showing off, and doesn't care who sees him. The actor was originally cast as George, Jim's brother, but all of his other scenes were cut so they redubbed the line and eliminated the character to avoid confusion.


Chosen answer: Start at the entrance to Goo Lagoon. Keep walking horizontally (don't turn around). Then jump on the floating wheel above the later about a couple meters later. After jumping the floating wheel, walk until you get to a Summon Sea Creatures super power pad. Activate the pad and the sea creatures will be summoned. Jump on the clams and make your way to the higher ground. Keep walking and try to avoid the giant muscular zombie about 4-5 meters after jumping on the higher ground. Turn left onto another road and keep walking until you get to another higher ground level. Cross the higher ground and keep walking horizontally. Jump onto another higher ground level and cross that. Keep on walking until you get to a Super Strength super power pad and Waterball power pad. Active the Super Strength power pad and pick up a box (keep on going to the left of the Super Strength pad). Bring that box over to a higher ground level to the right of the Waterball pad. Jump on that higher ground and keep walking towards a Super Strength pad. Try and take out the massive whale guy first. Use the pad to pick up a box to the left of the pad and take it to the higher ground level to the right of the pad. Jump on the box and rise onto the higher ground. Before doing that, activate the Waterball pad and take it with you to the higher ground level. Angle the Waterball and shoot it at the mast. This will deflect it to the Barrier opener directly below it. Go back and walk through the Barrier and keep walking. Stop at a Summon Sea Creatures pad. Activate it, walk up the stairs and cross the clams. Keep walking and you will reach Sandy soon enough.

Casual Person

Chosen answer: Rock Bottom was featured in the episode "Rock Bottom".

Casual Person

Chosen answer: The Kelp Forest was shown in the episode "Club SpongeBob".

Casual Person

Chosen answer: The Industrial Park appeared in the episode "Pre-Hibernation Week" as one of SpongeBob and Sandy's "bike rides through the park".

Casual Person

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