Question: Why is the other tribe traveling through young Jaguar Paw's tribe's forest?
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: During the war council, when Schrute shows up and starts harassing Bernardo, why does Riff look upset? If he hates the Sharks he should be enjoying that. Am I correct to see some hidden meaning, or am I overthinking it?
Answer: As Riff succinctly put it the rumble challenge is for, "All out, once and for all." After Riff and Bernardo have already agreed to the terms and shook hands, that's when Schrank shows up. So when Schrank makes the comment about a "stinkin' pigsty" and Bernardo angrily jumps up, Riff and Ice help restrain Bernardo and his temper in order to benefit their own interests. Riff would not outwardly show that he is enjoying anything that Schrank is saying. Riff's motivation is to eliminate the Sharks from their turf permanently, and he believes the next day's rumble will accomplish this, so they cannot have Bernardo get into it with Schrank (who is shown to make nasty disparaging comments to members of both gangs). Note that before Bernardo leaves he straightens his jacket, and turns around to face Riff, who subtly nods to him.
Question: Why was Cera so mean to Littlefoot?
Answer: Remember her father tells her that the three horns never play with longnecks, so she probably just wants to be with her own kind.
Question: Where did Splinter get the turtles their weapons since they live in a sewer?
Answer: While never really adressed, the most popular fan theories suggest that either: 1. Splinter manufactured the weapons with materials he found in the sewers or 2. Splinter scavenged for the weapons at a local dump or 3. They were ordered online (only applies to the 2014 version). Fans admit these explanations are kind of a stretch but certain scenes across movies and/or series lend credibility to one explanation or the other. 1. They seem to know how to improve or even craft their weapons meaning that someone taught them (Splinter). 2. They seem to be troubled when a weapon goes missing or breaks meaning they have limited access to spares. 3. Money doesn't seem to be an issue considering all the pizza that is consumed (in some cases the Turtles have been seen holding down jobs like tech support or birthday party mascot). The original purchase could've been made with money scavanged in the sewers and delivered to a P.O. box Source:
Question: How does Mr Freeze get placed in Poison Ivy's cell, and why does her floral throne turn on her?
Answer: As to the first part of your question, Mr. Freeze was temporarily placed in Poison Ivy's cell while his own cell was being remade into a lab for him to continue his research.
Thanks, in the book version of the movie he bribed the guards with diamonds used to power his suit. That and everyone forgets she's a victim like him, not asking to be turned into a monster, so it just seems unfair.
Question: How does Neal pay for the train tickets after they have just been robbed at the motel? Remember that Gus switched credit cards when they checked in. (00:35:50)
Answer: Gus only switched only one credit card. Neal has other credit cards. After the car fire, Neal tries to use several cards to pay for a hotel room. By then, the cards were all burned, but getting the train tickets was before the fire.
Answer: Neal didn't pay for them. Del mentioned a friend of his who works for the railroad owed him a favor so it's assumed the ride was complementary from Del's friend.
Del asks Neil for his address, so he can pay for the train ticket, Neil replies, "It's a gift" There was no mention of what favour Del was owed by his railroad friend.
Del asks Neal for his address specifically to pay for the train tickets.
Answer: Of course it's also possible that Del's friend guaranteed he'd make sure seats would be available but maybe still said they would still have to be purchased and NOT complimentary. It's a movie so any storyline here is a possibility.
Question: After CJ went to the party with Shane, the police arrest CJ and let the others get away. It's kind of ridiculous. Why would they catch her only?
Answer: Just because they only caught her doesn't mean that they didn't get anyone else. She was there at the party so she may have been able to tell the police who all was there that night or give descriptions of people.
Question: During the war council when Krupke shows up, how does he know where the gangs were? They didn't have cars, so how did he track them down?
Answer: Officer Krupke and his partner pulled up in the squad car in front of Doc's earlier that night and asked the Jets why they were all there blocking the sidewalk, then mentioned that he knew they were cooking up something at the dance, and warned that he's coming back. Later, during the war council it's Lieutenant Schrank who shows up at Doc's. So how did Schrank know to show up there? Krupke could've told Schrank something may be going on at Doc's involving the two gangs.
Question: Did August's dad know he had a son? And did August figure out who his parents were at the end and did he see them at the concert?
Answer: The answers, in order, are: "No", not initially but "yes" later; "Yes" and "yes." Their plan to meet the next day didn't work out, so August's parents ended up having a "one-night stand." When August's father - as well as his mother -heard the music that August was conducting, they were drawn to it like magnets. With his back turned against the spectators, August got the feeling that his parents were there. When he turned around to look, he saw his mother and father. The mother and father instantly knew that August was their son and August knew they were his parents.
Question: Why did Noah stab Lucas?
Answer: Noah stabs Lucius (not "Lucas") because he's jealous. Noah is in love with Ivy, but Ivy and Lucius are in love and are together. It's also important to note that Noah also has a severe mental handicap, and thus doesn't know how to handle his anger, so he lashes out and does terrible things.
Question: So does Rita Repulsa die when she goes into space? It seems unlikely she could survive mainly without oxygen.
Answer: No, she's not dead. This show seems to be following similarly to the original TV show. In the show, she was in a stasis like state trapped in a "trash can" on the moon. After she escapes this prison, she sets up her evil base with Lord Zed on the moon and continues to attack Angel Grove and the Rangers from the Moon. So her being blasted towards the Moon at the end of this reboot is a set up for her establishing a similar base of operations like in the show in the sequels. If the sequels ever get out of development hell.
Question: Given how organized she's supposed to be why didn't she sign those papers prior to going home for Jake's signature? That and why not tell her boyfriend the truth? He looked like he'd understand.
Answer: Melanie didn't sign the papers because, deep down, she still loved Jake, and probably, subconsciously, hoped they'd get back together. She didn't tell her fiance' because she mostly was in denial about the state of her feelings and her marriage. She'd fooled herself into believing she had signed the papers.
Answer: If Melanie was happy, why did she take her engagement ring off when she stopped by Jakes and it's obvious he was still her everything seeing as she went there first before her parents.
Answer: Also the director made a point it was never about rediscovering herself or Jake, it was choosing between what she had planned and what she truly wanted. The director also talked about how she did not pack enough clothes, so she wore her old clothes, she was supposed to be there for a long weekend but she wanted to be there, so it was obvious she wanted to stay.
Answer: She didn't sign the divorce papers on purpose. That is why Jake never signed them because then he might have to face the fact that it was over. That is why Melanie never went home, she might have to accept that it was over and Jake might have moved on, that is why she said yes to Andrew's proposal. Also when Melanie did not sign the papers at the wedding, when she dumped Andrew, that was the first time that Melanie was honest to herself and the people around her about how she felt and what she had longed for, for the last seven years.
The only reason Melanie said yes to Andrew's proposal is because she did not know that Jake felt the same way. The reason that Melanie did not sign the papers at the wedding because she had to be honest with herself and the people around her about how she felt and what she had longed for since she left.
Question: Why does Liz put up with all the craziness? She couldn't quit and work on another show?
Question: What happens to Harold? We go from him killing a classmate to present times where he works as an intern in a hospital. Surely he'd have been in juvenile hall then prison or in a psych ward.
Answer: It is never explained but the implication is that he has somehow escaped justice for his earlier crime and is using a new identity.
Question: Why did Herb bring on a new player?
Answer: He did it to motivate his players and to bring them together. He was hoping that they would tell him they didn't need him, which is why he agrees to send him home when Mark Johnson says that they're a family.
Question: Why did Suzanne Cullen lie to Michelle about her not being at Terry Maslin's house the day and night before he was killed when she did?
Answer: If it was ever found out that she was at Terry's house before he was killed, there's a possibility that a lot of people would have begun to suspect her of murdering Terry. By claiming that she wasn't, she was hoping that people wouldn't accuse her of the murder.
Question: Why did Principal McGee look so upset during ChaCha and Danny's dance?
Answer: They had mentioned as part of the rules that any vulgar dancing would result in disqualification, so I think her reaction wasn't just displeasure about the dance moves, but she's stressed and on the fence about whether or not to step in and disqualify them.
Answer: They were dancing in a very suggestive manner, and it made her uncomfortable.
So what? She could've had it broken up, them tossed out but logic's not used in musicals.
Breaking them up and tossing them out, that was not as easy as you make it sound. Before the contest started, McGee even said rule #3 was "tasteless or vulgar" dancing will be "disqualified," however she was not judging the contest. Despite McGee's uneasiness with Danny and Cha Cha's very suggestive dance moves, she chose not to have the popular pair disqualified. Rydell's dance was being televised, and at that point Danny and Cha Cha were the only two dancers left on the floor, surrounded by everyone else's exuberant enthusiastic support.
She was not judging the contest nor was she enforcing the rules, thus making her powerless in this situation.
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Answer: They are refugees, fleeing war in their homeland.