Question: Does anyone know which scenes Nick Castle is playing Michael Myers? I know he is Myers when Laurie tries to shoot him through the window and the after credits breathing was his. But is it him any other times?
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Answer: Based on multiple things that I've heard, those are the only two times Nick Castle is on screen. He was mostly just there to help James Jude Courtney get the mannerisms down.
I had read in and other Michael Myers Instagram accounts that I follow, that was Nick Castle in the closet when the baby sitter Vicky opened the door.
Question: Was only Deckard pardoned at the end of the film and not Owen? Or was it just not necessary for Owen to accompany his brother in returning baby Brian to Dom?
Answer: Since Deckard helped in saving the world, he may have been given one or the government keeps him on a short leash. Work for us or go back to jail.
Question: Why did it matter so much to Ali's father that Daniel's from Reseda?
Answer: Ali and her family are very well off and are from a nicer part of town. Reseda is a lower income area. It's a typical "wrong side of the tracks" situation. Ali's parents would be happier if their daughter dated someone more well off. The theme of "never judge a book by the cover" permeates throughout the film and this is one of several examples. Daniel is a kind, caring, honorable young man and where he lives has nothing at all to do with his character. Johnny, who Ali's parents are more approving of because of his social status, is controlling, manipulative, petulant, and violent.
Question: Who was the hooded person who shot at the women with the shotgun?
Answer: Florentino, the Mexican member of the Cowboys played by Paul Ben-Victor. Earlier a brief close up of him is seen as he is stalking the Earps and, though only seen briefly as he shoots at the women, his mustache is quite easily recognizable if you pause the movie.
Question: How was Thomas Aquianes able to track down Christine in New York city? He was never told where she was born and for all he knew, she could've been born anywhere?
Answer: The Vatican is aware of the birth, somewhere in the world, of Christine (though not knowing her identity at the time), and the Satanists are present at her birth and know that she is "the one." It's safe to assume that the Vatican, and the Catholic Church in general, has spies/informants in the Satanists' society, and were able, in the intervening 20 years between Christine's birth and the events of the film, to track her down to New York and send Aquinas there (the fact that he was sent by the Vatican is established).
The One With Joey's Porsche - S6-E5
Answer: Since Denise is never seen or heard by any of the other characters; since Phoebe abruptly stops mentioning her immediately after this episode; and since Phoebe is, to put it gently, a little weird, I think we can safely assume that yes, Denise was made up.
Question: Why do the toys not want people to know they're alive?
Answer: Because they are supposed to play out the part of a toy, that's their purpose. They want to be there for a child as a toy.
Ok, but what are they afraid might happen if people knew they were alive?
I don't really know how you want to look at this but if you look at it realistically I think it's quite obvious what they are afraid of. If it became publicly know that every toy ever made, including all teddy bears, remotely controlled cars and even etch-a-sketches are sentient, then you could probably expect a reaction comparable to that of Sid. Fear and panic.
Also, wouldn't toys risk being experimented on, imprisoned, or destroyed if they revealed to humans that they were alive?
Exactly what happened to Sid. He found out and freaked out.
Answer: They're not necessarily afraid, it's just part of being a toy. Woody even mentions "breaking rules" when they move in front of Sid. They may just accept that it's something they're not supposed to do.
But they did reveal themselves to animals like Scud and Buster though.
How are dogs going to tell anyone? Besides, they don't care since they are animals.
Answer: I think it's safe to assume that, unless a toy makes a conscious decision to reveal their true nature, they automatically default to inanimate toy mode. Otherwise, Buzz would have easily revealed himself within the first hour after Andy got him. With that in mind, since it's apparently something they have to work to do, I would propose that it's not that they have a reason not to want anyone to know their true nature, but that they have to have a real reason to reveal it in order to do so, like Woody had to save Buzz.
But Buzz could just as easily make the conscious decision to move whilst Andy was there, he thought he was the real Buzz lightyear after all, and not a toy. Then again, in the plot it's kinda stupid Buzz doesn't think he's a toy even though Andy plays with him. But if Woody can move whilst a human is in the room, then any toy can do that. Therefore, it's a decision not to do so. Buzz most likely got asked by the other toys to play the part and he obliged since he needed them till his ship was fixed, but still.
I said it appears they have to make a conscious decision to reveal their nature. Buzz not knowing his true nature makes that kind of impossible for him so he reverts to toy mode when Andy's around. Probably without even being aware of it.
That's a possibility. But then the question arises how the other toys became self-aware and why they are self-aware in the first place. It appears this is the first time they meet a toy that doesn't know he's a toy. On one side you have toys that are aware they are a toy and want to play by its rules and on the other hand you havee toys that don't believe they are one but magically never reveal their sentience.
Who said this was the first time this has happened? For all we know, Woody could've thought he was a real cowboy before realizing he's a toy. We just don't see his or any of the other toys' backstories.
Yet Buzz could also believe he's on a secret mission from Star Command, hence why he freezes. He didn't even believe he was a real toy at this point. Not a plot hole and not confusing. Also, toys can somehow "sense" when people are nearby and only move if either A), there's no people around or B), nobody's looking. Notice how all the toys go back to "toy form" any time this happens? They're very careful, not stupid.
Also a possibility, sure. Just to be clear; I'm not against the idea and thought process behind the plot. It's just a animated movie for kids. I just like to argue.
Answer: I questioned this to myself; even at Pizza Planet, before Buzz learns he's a toy, he gets picked up by Sid in the claw machine and turns back into an inanimate object which means by some sort of unconscious decision he becomes a toy again.
The One With Ross's Wedding, part 2 - S4-E24
Question: What band plays the music at the wedding?
Answer: The Hormones are playing at Ross and Emily's wedding.
Question: Did they not already know that Jack-Jack had powers after what happened with Syndrome?
Answer: What happened to Syndrome happened high in the air, Elastigirl mentions she can't see whats going on and panics. They never actually see what Jack-Jack is doing and think Syndrome is hurting him.
Question: The opening scene, as well as several others, shows Kaiju skeletons lying on the beach. In the first film, Kaiju bone power was $500 an ounce, used as a aphrodisiac. If that is the case, why is there 10s of millions of dollars just lying on the beach deteriorating?
Answer: The film never addresses this, and in fact the kaiju black market is never even mentioned. Any answer would be speculation. You could argue that it has been a decade since the events of the previous film and in that time the kaiju black market could have collapsed for any number of reasons (lack of demand, procurement costs, government regulation, etc). We must also consider that the writers were not concerned with consistency between this film and the previous film. Since Hannibal Chau does not appear in this film, nor is he mentioned, the idea of a lucrative kaiju black market appears to have been dropped. Since this film focuses instead on a jaeger black market, it might have been a conscious decision by the film-makers to ignore Hannibal Chau in this film to avoid confusing new viewers who didn't see the original film.
Question: After the subway ghost shows Sam how to move things, he gets angry at Sam's question about his death, making him kick a cigarette dispenser. After kicking the dispenser, why does the subway ghost suddenly not recognize Sam?
Answer: The subway ghost was a paranoid schizophrenic who committed suicide by throwing himself in front of the train. As a ghost, he still has extreme mood swings that range from denial to grief to anger and even violence, and he apparently suffers short-term memory loss, as well.
The subway ghost told Sam that somebody had pushed him.
As I said, the subway ghost was a paranoid schizophrenic who is in denial. He insists that he was pushed; but his odd insistence implies that he actually committed suicide.
Question: On the Russian vessel, shortly after Ryan boards via the airlock, there's a readout in English concerning oxygen. Shouldn't the readout, and indeed virtually everything on that ship, be written in Russian?
Answer: The International Space Station is serviced and manned by representatives from several countries. It stands to reason that because of this, instructions for spacecraft and equipment would be printed in several languages. As the movie shows, in the case of an emergency it would not make sense to have spacecraft and equipment be effectively "locked out" to those who don't speak a particular language when that problem can be easily solved by printing instructions in multiple languages.
Question: Why is the title of this movie just "Raiders of the Lost Ark" instead of "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark"?
Answer: The original title was simply "Raiders of the Lost Ark" because George Lucas and Steven Spielberg didn't anticipate the lead character exploding into a cultural icon. After this first blockbuster film, they added "Indiana Jones and..." to the title of every sequel, and "Indiana Jones" became a marketing trademark for a deluge of licensed merchandise (most of which was directed at kids and young adults). Years later, in subsequent releases on Blu-Ray and DVD, Lucasfilm actually went back and retitled the first film "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark," in order to keep the collected films under the umbrella of the "Indiana Jones" trademark.
Question: If Gizmo is not allowed to come in contact with water, then how is he so clean? Since they can't wash him, wouldn't he be smelly and covered in grime?
Chosen answer: In the original script it was mentioned that mogwais could not reproduce if the water was below 25° (which is why the snow doesn't cause them to multiply). So it's feasible they could be washed with ice water. In addition, there are other methods of cleaning that don't require water (e.g. dry cleaning).
Answer: There's a possibility that Mr. Wing, Gizmo's first caretaker, used dry shampoo to keep him clean.
Answer: Google "dust bath" it's something a number of small animals do to keep clean in the absence of water (pet animals too, like chinchillas).
Question: What's the name of the episode where Drew and his friends dress up as the main characters from "The Wizard of Oz"?
Answer: "Drew and the Gang Law", s05e03.
Question: Why does Luke agree to train Rey just cause R2 showed him Leia's message to Obi Wan?
Answer: Rey states that she needs to train in order to help Leia and the Resistance. The message reminded Luke that once he too came to the aid of Leia, and in doing so changed his life forever. It also sparks a pleasant memory for Luke, he loves his sister dearly and the message reminds him of this.
Question: How did Santa, Anya, Donner and Blitzen get to the North Pole if they passed out?
Answer: They were magically transported there.
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Answer: You didn't mention the opening scene; I'm sure you know it's him up till he gets his mask back, right?
No, it's not. That's James Jude Courtney playing Michael in the unmasked scenes.