
Show generally

Question: I am still only in season 1, but have noticed JD and a few of the other new doctors sometimes wear black scrubs. I feel like at times it was used to code which of them was trusted most at the moment, such as Episode 7 where being the "top intern" seemed to be JD's main focus in the episode. Am I reaching or do the black scrubs have a meaning?

My Cake - S4-E6

Question: What exactly was the point of Cox taping Dan's head to the wall? It just seemed odd and random to me.

Answer: Dan was drinking beer and Cox feared that Dan might get so intoxicated he would fall asleep and drown in the tub.


Season 1 generally

Question: In one episode (I think it's My Balancing Act) Dr Kelso is trying to scare the interns, so he pulls his face off and 'becomes' a guy with crazy ginger hair and a very annoying loud voice. I'm a Brit so that's maybe why I don't recognise this guy. Is he supposed to be someone famous?

Answer: This is an American comedian called Scott Thompson, more widely known by his stage name of "Carrot Top".


Show generally

Question: Does anyone know if Robert Maschio's (The Todd) 'DOC' tattoo is real? If so, is there any known meaning behind it?

Answer: No, it was a fake, they used a stamp.

It is real.

My Old Friend's New Friend - S4-E1

Question: Why would Carla and Turk come straight back from holiday with their luggage and in their normal clothes? Wouldn't they drop that off first? Carla still has her suitcase while Turn and JD are trying to get together?

Answer: I don't think there is really anything mysterious to them not going straight home and dropping off their clothes. Turk was pretty keen to see JD again and perhaps decided it was easier to catch up with him right then, then go home and come back to the hospital. Maybe going to the hospital was on their way to going back home, no real definite answer.


Answer: Eight days a week by the Beatles.

Show generally

Question: Did anyone in the hospital ever find out it was one of J.D's interns that gave Ms. Wilk her fatal infection? I know it's unlikely but I had to ask anyway.

Answer: No, no one ever finds out that Cabbage was the one responsible for Mrs. Wilke's infection. This information is known only to the audience.

My American Girl - S3-E1

Question: I'm not sure I've got the right episode, but I believe it's the episode after Dr. Cox clogs Dr. Kelso. When JD comes to work Dr. Cox is mad at him for referring to him as Dr. Cox in front of patients. Why is he angry over that?

Answer: In this episode Doctor Cox tells J. D. That "When they find out my actual name, they tend to page me with questions when they realize just exactly how inept you really are." He doesn't want the patients to know his name because it allows them to page him, which he finds annoying.

Show generally

Question: Why does Dr Cox wear a white coat, yet J.D. and Elliott and the other residence just wear scrubs?

Answer: Dr Cox is an "attending" doctor, and as noted early in the first season he is required to. JD was able to wear one when he became an attending doctor, but chose not to.

Answer: "Driving Down the Darkness" by DevilDriver.


Show generally

Question: In "His Story III" (I think it's a Season 5 episode but I'm not sure), JD barely appears at all. The Janitor kidnaps him at the beginning, then right at the end releases him from some kind of water tower. Since JD normally has a fairly major part and there's no real explanation for why he isn't in this episode, I figured there was some reason like Zach Braff was unavailable for filming or something? I know he's been in a couple of films recently, is this why? A definite answer on this would be appreciated. Thanks.

Answer: From what I can find out there does not appear to be anything definitive to say that Zach Braff was unavailable. But a number of things would suggest that he wasn't unavailable. First of all most actors on TV shows will film their episodes over a period of time and commit to that project until the show has wrapped up for the season. Secondly it was only one episode. Most actors that have been absent from a series (e.g. Jesse L. Martin from Law & Order, Kelsey Grammer from Frasier) generally will miss more than one episode if they have other commitments. Finally the show might generally revolve a lot around JD but many of the other characters are featured quite prominently. The fact they have done more than a few episodes where other characters have narrated the show and focused on them is partly proof there is interest in more than just JD's character.


Show generally

Question: There's an episode in which Elliott is staying at JD's and they're not going out, but he comes into the bathroom and carries her to the bed and they take each other's clothes off (she's wearing red underwear). At the end, Elliott says, "Merry Christmas," and the camera pans over a Christms tree with presents underneath it. I want to know the name of this episode, and more importantly the name/artist of the song playing over this whole end bit. Thanks.

Answer: The episode in question is My Monster from season two. The song played over the final scene is Dreaming Of You by The Coral from their 2002 self-titled album.


Chosen answer: There has been no mention from Disney (Studio who makes Scrubs) when the first season is to hit DVD shelves. Zach Braff's website had put the release as early 2005 but many believe it will be released in the US around Spring 2005 (I believe that would make it around May or June).


Show generally

Question: Why is it that Carla always wears different coloured scrubs, she's always in red, pink, purple, orange etc. Also, how is it that her scrubs are the same but in different colours yet other nurses throughout the show sometimes wear a floral top, which Carla has never worn?

Answer: In many hospitals these days, your scrubs are entirely a matter of choice. The hospital will provide you with a limited number of pieces in a specific (uniform) color, if you desire, or you can provide your own. If Carla chooses to keep a collection of matched tops and bottoms in various colors, or if the other nurses choose to wear floral patterns (and she doesn't), that's entirely up to them.

Rooster of Doom

Chosen answer: "Absolutely Wasted" by Sporting Riff Raff. Sample lyric: "I wanna get rinsed / get off my face / wanna have a party now in this place / get plastered, pasted, absolutely wasted."

Michael Albert

My Old Lady - S1-E4

Question: In this episode JD, Elliot and Turk all have a patient that dies at the end. JD's dies from old age/refuses treatment. Elliot's dies due to the risky nature of the treatment given, if I remember correctly, however I never understood why Turk's patient dies. He's there for surgery, during surgery the surgeons find something, but they never say what it is. The young man is prepped for surgery again in a late scene and Turk tells him what is happening but we don't hear it. He then dies on the operating table. What was it they found inside the patient? And why did he die so quickly when undergoing surgery for it?


Chosen answer: When they were in the operating room the first time, they saw a black mass that wasn't the hernia. At that point they don't say anything, but when Turk is on the phone he's talking to David's dad and says it was a lymphoma. Which is basically a cancerous tumor. They don't mention in the show, but lymphomas can go undetected and spread and the longer they remain, the less chance of survival. Given the way the rest of the Turk/David scenes play out, David's cancer just went unchecked too long and spread too much where there was nothing the doctors could do.


Show generally

Question: In trivia and other places on the web people mention that JD accidentally called the Janitor by his real name, Neil Flynn. If this is true, which episode and when does he do this? It's not in the episode where he watches The Fugitive cos he doesn't mention his name then and he doesn't definitely say he was in the film. Thanks.

Answer: There is no such episode. JD never called the Janitor by his real name.


Answer: What you're likely thinking of is the confusion that occurred when people realised that Neil Flynn actually WAS in The Fugitive. People checked the credits of the movie, and deduced that that was his real name in the show. It wasn't, Lawrence confirmed the janitor's real name was truly Glen Matthews.

Show generally

Question: In general, the colour of scrubs indicates job. So what do the people in yellow scrubs do?

Answer: Blue seems to be reserved for internal medicine doctors and green for surgeons. I've noticed the orderlies seem to wear maroon as well. Nurses seem to have more variety in scrub color, and usually it seems they are colors considered to be more feminine like purple and pink. The only character named I can think of to wear yellow scrubs was Nurse Birdie, the petite nurse used for the joke "a little birdy told me..."

My Occurrence (1) - S1-E22

Question: What's the name of the song that's played just before JD gives Ben the bad news at the end of the episode? It's when he's having a flashback about retesting Ben's sample.

Answer: I believe it is Hold on Hope. The only artist I have seen for it is Guided by Voices. but you may find Various Artists as the artist title. It is on the Scrubs soundtrack.

Show generally

Question: Does anyone remember an episode where JD is wearing a T-shirt that simply says "meh" on it? I saw someone on the TV somewhere (Film or TV show) wear it and I can't remember who. Most likely Scrubs. Please help, thanks.

Answer: Not aware of this shirt being in a Scrubs episode, but it is worn by Roy in a second season episode of The IT Crowd.


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Trivia: The janitor's nametag actually says "Janitor" emphasising the mystery surrounding his name.

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