Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Whatever happened to the little girl that Cal pretends is his daughter (I think) so he can get into the lifeboat? I didn't see her in the lifeboat with Cal in later scenes.

Answer: In one of the deleted scenes it shows an extended version of the Titanic survivors getting on the Carpathia. As you watch it you see the little girl being carried aboard. You can check it on youtube. I think its something like Titanic deleted scene extended Carpathia sequence.

Answer: In the montage scene after Rose is rescued when she looks up at Lowe waving the green light there's a shot of Cal accepting a flask, the woman he handed the girl to when getting on the life boat is still holding the girl as she sleeps. Presumably she stays with that woman.

She does. She appears in the steerage section on the Carpathia.

Answer: On the Carpathia both in the deleted scene and in the regular cut you can see her in the steerage section when Cal comes down to look for Rose. But I believe she looks slightly different from earlier because I believe it was the sister of the original actor playing her at that moment.

Answer: Jack and Chrissy are two of the three main characters from "Three's Company." They, along with their roommate Janet, always got into weird situations, mostly involving misunderstandings about what was going on. They always came up with completely off-the-wall ways to get out of the situation.


Question: What is the name of the song playing when Will and Anna are walking through the private gardens?

Answer: It's "When you say nothing at all" by Ronan Keating.

Christoph Galuschka

My Cake - S4-E6

Question: What exactly was the point of Cox taping Dan's head to the wall? It just seemed odd and random to me.

Answer: Dan was drinking beer and Cox feared that Dan might get so intoxicated he would fall asleep and drown in the tub.


Question: During the fight scene with Dooku, Obi-Wan is knocked down and Anakin stops Dooku from delivering the fatal blow. My question is this: when Obi-Wan picks up his lightsaber and throws it to Anakin, Dooku is standing right over him, why not just reach up and stab Dooku and end it all right there? Is there any reason for him not to do this?

Answer: What, you don't think that Dooku would sense that coming? He's a powerful Sith Lord, considerably above either Anakin or Obi-Wan in power at that time - he'd easily be able to sense it coming and deflect it. Obi-Wan would know that - better to give his lightsabre to Anakin to give his uninjured cohort a more formidable attack.


Question: I know this is probably one of the most asked questions ever in the Star Wars universe, but I can never get a straight answer. Why doesn't Chewbacca receive a medal at the end of A New Hope. I mean, he was there the entire time Luke and Han were (who did receive medals).

Answer: Star Wars wise, Chewbacca did receive a medal, but his was not presented publicly. Film wise, it was felt that adding Chewbacca to the scene was too cumbersome and detracted from the main characters.

Darius Angel

Question: I realize how much the wedding ring must have meant to Mae Braddock, but I don't see why she would not have pawned it, rather than send her children away or become sicker because they could not pay for the heat?

Answer: In that case, you apparently don't realise how much the ring means to her.


Question: Why would they use real leeches? Isn't that a danger to the actors?

Answer: Leeches are not dangerous, just disgusting. While fairly easy to remove, leeches will fall off by themselves when they are full. They are not known to transmit any diseases though the wound can get infected just as any other scratch might.


Question: Is Keaton really as bad as Kujan says? Did he really kill all those people and set up all those deals? He didn't seem so bad to me.

Answer: While mostly accurate, there is one non-applicable element to the Chosen Answer on this one: everything Kujan says about Keaton is not part of Kint's fairy tale, as he is in the real world.

Answer: What we're seeing in the film is a Keaton who's trying to reform, inspired by his relationship with Edie Finneran. Kujan has no particular reason to lie about Keaton's earlier exploits and it certainly seems from what's said in the film that Keaton was a major criminal in his time. True, many of these statements are taken from Verbal's tale, so they cannot be taken as being definitive, but they must contain a reasonable element of truth or Kujan, who is clearly familiar with Keaton's file, would have picked up on it.


Question: What is the song that is being played with Quentin Tarantino as he is first appeared in the bar. (Mostly the lyrics in it are "ohs" and "ahs").

Answer: It is called "Pass The Hatchet", and it is written by Ray Theriot, Roger Leon Jr. & Earl Stanley Oropeza. It was performed by Roger & The Gypsies. If you buy the soundtrack CD, it is on there, too.


Question: Before the last battle between the Predator and Dutch you see them both preparing for themselves and their equipment for battle. Why does the Predator shine his laser on his knives which makes them glow red? What's this supposed to do?

Answer: He's sharpening them.

Grumpy Scot

Not Sharpening but Tempering as the lasers heat up the wrist knives thus making them stronger.

Question: If Vader wants to kill the current Emperor, and become emperor himself, why does he not let Luke kill him? I am thinking he needs the Emperor to convert Luke to the dark side.

Answer: You are correct. Vader wanted to kill the Emperor but as a Sith he would need an apprentice. He wanted his son Luke to be his new apprentice, but he knew he needed Luke to kill the Emperor in order to completely turn to the Dark Side.

Mark English

Question: In the scene where Will Ferrell is talking to his wife he says "They were running around like whirling derbishes, and I don't even know what that is" or something to that effect. What is a derbish and why does it whirl?

Answer: An actual dervish (not derbish) is a member of any of various Muslim ascetic orders, some of which perform whirling dances and vigorous chanting as acts of ecstatic devotion (hence the term "whirling dervish"), though in general 'a whirling dervish' is used for anyone who moves with an unfocused, almost frenzied energy.


Question: Is there any truth to the breathing fluid used in the high pressure suit? Is that a technology actually used and is it really possible to breath and survive like that?

Answer: The technology does exist, yes. Read for details.


Question: Does anybody know what city or state this takes place in?

Answer: Covington, Pennsylvania. They live in the middle of Covington Woods.

Question: How accurate is the portrayal of the Untouchables, when it comes to names and numbers? Were there actually only four of them? Do Garcia, Connery and Smith play actual people or fictive ones?

Answer: It's about 50% truth and 50% fiction. Ness, Al Capone, and Frank Nitty are real, of course, but the characters played by Connery, Garcia, and Smith are fictional. Ness started out with 50 candidates for his 'Untouchables' force. This was whittled down to 15 finalists and from that he selected 9 agents (none of which has the same name as the characters played by Connery, Garcia, and Smith). It's true that Capone was convicted for tax evasion. He was sentenced to 11 years in prison, but received an early release because he was in the last stages of syphilis. He died shortly after being released from prison.


Capone lived for 8 years upon his release from prison. The 8 years being slightly longer than the actual prison time he served, which was just over 7 years. He died, having the mental capabilities of a 12-year-old.

Question: What did Dolarhyde mean in his letter to Lecter that if Lecter responds next time Dolarhyde will send him something wet?

Answer: It means he will send Lecter a fresh body part from one of his victims.


Question: I'm very confused about the opening scene with Raoul and Madame (Meg?) Giry at the auction. Which one is it? Meg or Madame Giry? At one point on the corrections page for this movie it says that it is indeed Meg, yet on the questions page it says that it is Madame Giry. Is there any absolute idea to who it is?

Answer: This keeps going back and forth with arguments on both sides. I'll present them both and readers can make up their own minds! 1. It is Madame Giry. Andrew Lloyd Webber and Joel Schumacher said it was her. If you look really closely you can see the appearance is the same, just wrinkled. Besides, Raoul and Meg barely interacted so to make it that Madame Giry and Raoul are seeing each other again makes it more powerful. 2. It is Meg because Madame Giry would be dead, considering the fact that she and the Phantom were about the same age. Considering the fact that Meg and Christine were the best-est of friends, she would know why Raoul was bidding higher than Meg was. The monkey was yet another symbol of love between the Phantom and Christine and the monkey was a dear artifact for Raoul and Christine. Since Raoul was older during that scene, so would be Meg, when, they too, were about the same age.

Question: They're nearly sunk and killed when trying to get through Gibraltar, but through some miracle they make it anyway. Then suddenly they're heading back to La Rochelle. If it was so impossible to get in to the Mediterranean, how come it was so easy to get out?

Answer: They don't make it into the Mediterranean, but sit on the bottom for a long time. The depth of the Straits is about 300m which is 100m deeper than the submarine was rated for. Getting through the Straits was a death trap for German submarines because the Straits of Gibraltar are only about 14km at their narrowest point. Also the Med was dangerous for subs as the waters of the Med are quite clear and even submerged submarines can be spotted from the air. This is why the crew was dismayed to learn they were to go to the Med.

John Elwen

Question: I'm posting this as a question since I'm not sure, but everything I know about Ermac is that he is multiple people in one body, so he refers to himself as "we". In the movie right after Shao Kahn kills Rain, he refers to himself as "I". Is there a reason for this, or is this a mistake?

Answer: This could have been a mistake but then again it could have been one of the people inside of him just stepping up and saying it to keep Shao Khan from throwing them over with Rain.

Rollin Garcia Jr

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