Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Chosen answer: "San" is a japanese term of respect. Sort of like the english "Mr.", however "Sir" would be a little closer to what it means in japanese. They attach the "San" at the end of someone's name, rather than at the begining like english speakers do.


Question: On Yahoo movies, the description of this film says "including a climactic stunt of immense insanity." Now I have seen the movie, but I can't figure out just what stunt was the "climactic one". They all seemed quite climactic and very insane, so I'm wondering if anyone actually knows what stunt they were talking about, or if anyone has a good idea of which one it was.

Answer: Yes, there is a very lengthy and intricate stunt done called the Perfect Ending or something like that. You have to view the extra features on the Jackass DVD to see it.

William Bergquist

Question: Whistler introduces himself as 'Abraham Whistler'. Could there possibly be a connection to Abraham Van Helsing in the original Bran Stoker writings, who also fought vampires?

Answer: There could be but there doesn't really seem to be any information about where the name came from. The Whistler character was invented by Marvel for Blade's appearance in the Spider-Man cartoon show in 1996, but there he was simply called Whistler, the first name - Abraham - came with the Blade movie. Now there has been more than one character with the last name Van Helsing in the comic books and Abigail in Blade: Trinity was originally also a Van Helsing (until the producers found out about the Van Helsing movie). So yes they might have chosen Abraham as a subtle reference to Van Helsing.


Question: Do you know where I could find the lyrics to all the songs in this film?

Answer: Lyrics on Demand. Link provided:


Question: In the trivia, it's said that the animals that were in Naboo, where Anakin falls off of, were in the asteroid battle with Jango and Obi Wan and in the arena battle running and on fire. I'm just wondering where and when do both of these things are seen.

Answer: I've never seen one in the asteroid field but the second can be seen after the clones arrive at around 1:56:29 - look to the bottom-right of the screen.

Question: How old was Blade's mother when she gave birth to him back in 1967?

Answer: Blade's mother was 23. Its hard to see but if you pause the DVD at the beginning where the wallet drops, zoom in and the date of birth says 2/16/44.


Question: When they were showing Hell's Angels in the premiere, when there was a crash sequence, the explosions were in color, but the planes in the background were still in black and white. How is that possible? Why they didn't make the explosion in black and white too?

Answer: They did this by hand to te explosions to add effect.


Question: Throughout the movie, what songs were E.D.I. playing?

Answer: Most of them were new songs from the band Incubus.

Jane Doe

Question: At the end, a tripod collapses after behaving erratically for an hour, because the aliens inside were dead or dying. If so, wouldn't the tripod just stop moving and stand there because the aliens were too sick to operate it?

Answer: Or they had a mental link with the tripods.

The tripods are a mech suit for the aliens.

Answer: Depends on exactly how the disease affected the aliens. They might have entered a state of dementia and started piloting erratically, or even just have muscle spasms that knocked the controls around inside the cockpit.

Gary O'Reilly

Answer: Remember, when the tripod is spotted acting erratically, a cloud of birds are seen swarming the vehicle (presumably feeding on the dead/dying aliens inside). We can speculate that, although the aliens inside were incapacitated by disease, the tripod itself was probably functioning on auto-pilot with no precise operator control. Vulnerable, the staggering tripod was then an easy target for the military rocket-propelled ordnance, which easily brought the tripod down.

Charles Austin Miller

The birds weren't feeding on the dead aliens. Ray noticed that they were landing on top of tripods, showing that the force fields that had protected the machines and were impenetrable to military weapons were no longer operable. The military could then destroy them.


In the original H.G.Wells story, it is plainly stated that the birds were feeding on the dead aliens. So, the aliens are already dead, even though some of the tripods were still staggering around on autopilot.

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: Its theorized the tripods are bio-mechanical (half organic half machine) and so the system itself can get infected.

Answer: In the original H.G.Wells story, it is plainly stated that the birds were feeding on the dead aliens. So, the aliens are already dead, even though the tripods are still staggering around on autopilot.

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: It's a vehicle. If the driver dies or begins to die and is unable to control it properly, it's not going to be a smooth ride. Just like someone might drive erratically when sick or incapacitated, the tripods are going to movie a little "wonky" due to what's happening to the drivers.

Question: How old was Melanie when she married Jake?

Answer: We can assume 17 or 18. Jake tells Andrew that she 'got pregnant and married some loser right out of high school'.

Show generally

Question: What was the chronological order in which there were new male employees working at Gentleman's Department after others had left the show? Was it Mr. Grainger, Mr. Lucas, Mr. Tebbs, Mr. Spooner, in that order? Or was it another way and who where they replaced by?

Answer: The Gentleman's Department went as follows: Mr. Grainger left after series 5 and was replaced by Mr. Tebbs, who stayed until series 6. He was replaced by Mr. Goldberg for series 7. Meanwhile, Mr. Lucas also left in series 7. Mr. Goldberg left after series 7. Temporarily there were only two employees in the department. At the start of series 8 Mr. Spooner started working. The "third" position was filled first by Mr. Grossman then Mr. Klein. Incidentally, Young Mr. Grace stayed for the first 7 series, replaced by old Mr. Grace. Mr. Mash was on for the first 3 series, replaced by Mr. Harmon.

Jason Feng

Question: Where can one pick up the 2-disc Special Edition of Garfield: The Movie? I found a review here - - but it does not give info on how to order it. I cannot find it online or in stores. Is it exclusive to the UK? And if so, is there any way an American like me can still get it?

Answer: You can order it at they ship for free worldwide. But it seems to be exclusive for region 2, so you should make sure that your DVD-player can play region 2 and your TV can handle PAL encoded movies before ordering it.


Question: In which House was Moaning Myrtle? It's not stated in either the book or the movie, but she does have a crest on her cloak, can anybody identify it?

Answer: Her robe only had the Hogwarts crest on it, but J.K. Rowling has said on her website that she was a Ravenclaw.

Question: At the bowling alley Johnny says he's going to cure Paulette of her disease. The guys ask what disease, he says "emphysema" and they all go "ooh." Well I don't get it. Can someone please explain?

Answer: Johnny says she has "nymphomania" not "emphysema". According to, nymphomania is defined as "excessive sexual desire in and behavior by a female."


Question: Anyone have any idea what kind of drink Budd was making in his trailer for him and Elle?

Answer: I believe he was attempting a frozen margarita.

Stacey Kotlarczyk

Question: I've tried to look for this in the books but I still don't get it. When future Harry and Hermione come back to the hospital wing after they went back in time and saved Sirius, then their selves should have just left again to do the same thing. What happens to them, since it was already done? Where do they go?

Answer: Time travel is very complex. They are going back to fix things, but from out point of view, they already have! But, if you consider when our Harry and Hermionie leave, the previous Harry and Hermionie would enter the room, it might start to make sense. Basically, an infinite number of Harry and Hermionie travel back to change the past, but we only follow one.


Question: Perhaps I'm a little dense, but why does John still kill Crow after realising he didn't actually kill his son. Was it because Crow wouldn't tell him the name of the person setting him up? Because I'm sure a little more interrogation would sort that out.

Answer: Anderton didn't kill Crow. His remarkable self-control made him want to arrest him instead (as you know). Crow then grabbed Anderton's hand as it was holding the gun and either forced Anderton's finger to pull the trigger or wedged his own finger inside his hand to pull the trigger himself.

Matty Blast

Question: Do Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson do their own singing in the karaoke scene? The first time Murray sings it sounds a lot better than the second, and Johansson's singing sounds nothing like her speaking voice, which is why I'm curious.

Answer: Yes, according to IMDb both are credited with doing their own singing for this movie.


Answer: TARDISes are generally available for properly authorised use on Gallifrey; they're not usually assigned to a particular Timelord on a long-term basis. The Doctor stole his when he left his homeworld.


Question: Why was it Queen Latifa who sang "I move on" at the Oscar show, when it was Renee Zellwegger who sang it in the movie (during the credits)?

Answer: Because Renee Zellwegger didn't want to perform at the Oscars.

Jane Doe

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