Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: In the very beginning of the series Zach, Lisa, Screech and Mr. Belding all live in Indiana and attend the same junior high. Somehow they all end up in Malibu, California attending the same high school. Does anyone else find this a little odd?

Answer: The show that took place in Indiana that you are referring to was titled "Good Morning Miss Bliss." This show only lasted one season. The kids on the show, however, were popular so they decided to create a spin-off titled "Saved By the Bell," that aired on Saturday Mornings. I'm sure they changed the location because they thought the California setting would make the show more fun and watchable for pre-teens and teens.


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Question: I have always been confused by the kitchen 'door' behind the table as it appears to lead nowhere. Characters are always coming in and out of that door from elsewhere in the house. But as far as I can tell the door leads to nowhere else in the house, and based on the layout of the other rooms, it certainly doesn't lead to either the living room or the upstairs. (In stage terms, I'm referring to the door 'downstage', not the three 'upstage' which lead outside, to a food cupboard and to the living room respectively). Does anyone know where the magic door leads?

Answer: Since they don't have a door there in the living room but they do have a door there in the dining room I assume it leads to the dinning room and the door upstage is probably straight to the living room while the door downstage goes to the dinning room and then through more doors you get to the door in the the living room. Hope that made sense.

Question: Right when Marty gets back to Doc before he goes back to 1985, he's praising his dad's actions of the night. One line that's bothered me ever since I can remember is "My dad laid out Biff. He's never stood up to Biff in his life." And then the Doc pauses for a second and gets a strange look on his face and says, "Never?" To that, Marty says, "No, why?" and the Doc shrugs it off saying, "Nevermind." What's Doc thinking? The best I can come up with is that he's wondering what effects it'll have on the future, but that's a rough guess. If anyone out there knows, I'd be happy to hear it.


Chosen answer: I think that is *exactly* what he is thinking. He realizes that by standing up to Biff, George may have irrevocably changed his personal future, and therefore affected Marty's future as well. This is exactly the sort of thing Doc was so eager to prevent by refusing to hear any information about the future.

Phil C.

Answer: It would have had to be something that would have happened anyway without the interference, otherwise Marty wouldn't have originally existed.

terry s

Answer: In the novel Marty adds that George is also thinking about college now. Doc says that this might delay Loraine and George having kids for awhile and adds that Marty might find himself like 10-14 years old when he gets back to 1985.

In Excelsis Deo - S1-E10

Question: This is as good a place to ask as any. In various US TV shows (including this one, and this episode), someone says "I could care less", when they always seem to mean "I couldn't care less", ie. they have no interest in what's going on. Surely if they COULD care less that means they actually care a reasonable amount? Is there any logic to this, or is it just a really annoying innate lack of sense?

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: A really annoying innate lack of sense. My friends and family say the same thing all the time, and I'm endlessly trying to correct them. I think people just don't know any better and (ironically) couldn't care less that they're speaking incorrectly.

Answer: It's an endlessly annoying dropped negative, and it's been a common colloquialism for far too long. I believe it comes from an original (and now omitted and merely implied) "As if" preceding the statement. "As if I could care less." (Meaning "As if it were possible that I could care even less than I do.") But there's really no way to know.

Question: On the DVD (UK, not sure about anywhere else) there is a feature called 'the secret of esrever', which tells you to look for very subliminal hidden images in the film - I have looked so many times and there is still one I can't find - does anyone know where the 'water' one is? The only thing I can see is what looks like an owl's head made out of the trees in the scene where the woman is drowning a baby in the lake. If this is it how does it relate to the film? Also is there a message in the images? There are a few words but I can't make a sentence out of them.

Answer: In the scene where the baby is submerged in the water, watch the lower right-hand side of the screen. You'll see the shadow of a stickman emerge and come higher into the frame.

LuMaria 1

Question: Does anyone out there speak German? What does Nightcrawler say in the cathedral when he's 'porting around the rafters?


Chosen answer: Ich bin der Bote des Teufels. Die Ausgeburt des Boesen. Ich bin ein damon. I am the messenger of the devil. The spawn of evil. I am a demon.

The One With Joey's Big Break - S5-E22

Question: When they are playing the game I dont even understand half the questions, maybe they are American-based, for example who are Simon and Garfunkel? Any explanations would help.

Answer: Simon and Garfunkel were singers Art Garfunkel and Paul Simon, and they were a folk/rock duo popular in the 1960s and early 1970s. They sang "Bridge over troubled water" and "Mrs. Robinson," but split up due to personal and creative differences. They had since rejoined with a recent tour together. A quick Google search would probably tell you more.


Answer: She makes a copy of the tape and shows it to someone else within the seven days. This is the only way to avoid dying.


Question: When Aragon and the others were a day's journey behind the Uruk-hai in the canyon, and one of the Uruk-hai was able to smell "man-flesh", so how is it that the Riders of Rohan were able to sneak up on the Uruk-hai while they are camped by the forest and the Uruk-hai not smell them?

Answer: We don't know that they didn't smell them. We just know that the riders found the camp and that there was a fight. If you read the books, it says that they knew the riders were coming, but there was no way they could outrun them on the plain; they headed for Fangorn Forest, hoping they wouldn't follow, but the riders caught up with them just outside of it. Obviously, some things are skipped in the movie, so it's a little less fluid. Check out The Two Towers, ch. The Uruk-Hai, about 1/2 way into the chapter.


Question: When Neo and Trinity are flying towards the machine city, a sentinel hovers in front of the hovercraft and flies directly into the windshield. In later scenes the glass is not broken so it couldn't have gone through the ship (no physical damage either) but it flies through Neo in the "Matrix vision" and it obviously affects him. I don't understand what happens here.

Answer: He felt its 'consciousness', or rather its life force. When the Sentinel was destroyed, its machine essence remained suspended, and Neo felt it.


Question: Near the beginning of the film when Edward Norton and Meatloaf are hugging Edward's character says something along the lines of "things like this make me grow a big rubbery one". What does he mean by this, exactly?

Answer: Sharing of feelings and hugs and crying are the antithesis of arousal. While something erotic or bad-ass might cause him to have an erection, this scene causes the opposite: a rubbery one would be a flaccid, unexcited penis, flopping around like rubber (not stiff). A mood killer.

Question: In an interview in the Extended DVD Peter Jackson says at one time that they had cast the character of Aragorn "a little too young" and changed their decision to Viggo Mortensen on pretty short notice. Just wondering, does anyone know who they had originally cast as Aragorn?

Answer: Stuart Townsend was originally cast as Aragorn but after filming a few scenes it was deemed he was a little too young and Viggo Mortenson was cast as Aragorn.

Answer: The Angel of Death can only kill those who look directly at her/it, therefore closing their eyes killed only the Nazis and Belloq.

Answer: To add to the previous answer, technically, the Angel of Death can kill anyone if choose to, but simply chooses to kill those who don't show proper respect by closing their eyes.

Question: Why is the Black Pearl able to sail so fast (let alone faster than the Interceptor) with tattered sails? If the ship is cursed like the crew, then you'd think they'd only look tattered in moonlight. And even still, it's hard to settle why a cursed ship would be faster than normal. The curse means the crew can't be killed, not that they're superhuman. So how does the "supership" come into it? It might have been the crew using the oars, but the Pearl sails just fine even without the oars. With those sails, it shouldn't be moving hardly at all.

Answer: First of all, the tattered sails are only to make it look more the part of a ship or a cursed crew. While still technically a mistake, it is intentional. Secondly, the curse has nothing to do with the speed of the Pearl. It is the fastest, as it is the best built ship of the time.

Question: What happened to Jason? I know Stryker said he died but it sure didn't seem like that.

Answer: Of course he died! He was left in the collapsing/flooding cerebro, which Professor X was only barely rescued from safely.

Question: I don't know if this can be answered, but does Rose die at the end? And why does she throw the necklace into the ocean at the end of the movie? I have a feeling it was left unclear so everyone has different interpretations of the movie, but I was hoping someone may have information to give a definite answer to these 2 questions.

Answer: Rose does die at the end. She dies above the wreck of the Titanic and returns to the ship (metaphorically) with all those who perished on. I think she throws the necklace into the ocean because people should be interested in what happened and feel sorry for those who died rather than to look for treasures (my interpretation).


My interpretation is that she threw the diamond into the ocean giving her heart and the heart of the ocean back to Jack or the Titanic.

Answer: According to director James Cameron, what happened to Old Rose is ambiguous so that people watching the movie can decide for themselves if she is still alive and having one more dream about Jack or if she had finally died and is now reunited with Jack. According to the actual screenplay, "We PAN OFF the last picture to Rose herself, warm in her bunk. A profile shot. She is very still. She could be sleeping, or maybe something else."

Answer: The ending is left ambiguous. After lying down in the bed she either, a) has one more dream of Jack or b) has died in her sleep and is now reunited with Jack.

Answer: My interpretation is that Rose dies. Prior to Jack's passing, he makes her promise that she will never let go of the will to live. He tells her how she will go on to have a few babies, live a life full of adventure, and die in a warm bed at a very old age. He makes her promise that she will never let go of the will to live no matter how hopeless a situation may seem. After telling her story of Jack, we see her in a warm bed surrounded by photos of her life. The photos are of her family, a glamour shot from her time as an actress, a photo of her by an airplane, and lastly, one of her on a horse, at the beach, by the Santa Monica Pier. As she has fulfilled her promise to Jack, while also returning the diamond [as Mr. Lovett now sees the real value is that of life and no longer has any interest in it], she passes away in her sleep. The final scene shows her back on Titanic, which may also represent her afterlife, marrying Jack as only the people who perished in the sinking are featured.


Question: What is the name of the style of the Merovingian's tie knot? How is it done? He also has a different mystery style in the dinner and fight scenes in Reloaded.

Answer: In Reloaded the knot always looked to me as if it's a regular necktie, tied in a windsor knot, only backwards. At a lot of angles it's tricky to see, but the narrow end of the blade is at the front, and the wide end is at the back. Tie a windsor and turn it around, you'll see. One method to duplicate the Merovingian's knot from Revolutions is to first tie a normal Windsor knot. Then with the small blade of the tie from behind, wrap it loosely around the base of the knot twice, tucking it through the loop you've just made down the back again.

Question: This is for all 3 of the movies. I know that they are filmed in New Zealand but are they filmed on the North Island, the South Island, or both?

Answer: Both. See, for example,


Question: Often when Gollum is in the middle of a sentence, he will cough the words "Gollum, Gollum". Why is that? It does that in the book too but I don't understand it.

Answer: It is not known exactly why he makes this noise only that it started after he recieved the ring. Since any people that knew him are now dead or have forgotten his name, the sound he makes (gollum,gollum) is what people now call him.


Question: Why was the videotape made? I don't think it was ever explained.

Answer: The tape was never made as such, Samara projected the images onto the tape when the college kids tried to record the football match. In the original novel she is trying to spread her curse across the country - each person will see it and pass it on to another person, or two other people to be safe and so on until everyone is infected. There is no reason given - she is just angry with the world after her mother's death.


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