Question: In several mistakes on this page, there is a reference to a Predator dubbed Celtic. Which one is Celtic, anyway?
Questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Where would Andy have been able to get the $10 necessary to buy the rock hammer?
Chosen answer: In the original novella it is revealed that Andy smuggled $500 into the prison inside of his rectum. During an interview in 2004 Robbins incorrectly quoted the amount as being $100. The narration up until Red's release is provided as Red writes his account of the events while still in prison, and employs the same method to smuggle the story out. But since the issue of Andy smuggling in $500 into the prison isn't addressed in the movie, we should assume that he smuggled it in. In addition to this, the wardens scams are described as "near slave labor." From this we can assume that it is possible the inmates are getting paid (an incredibly small) wage. Perhaps Andy, with his financial knowledge, knows how to haggle, barter and stretch a dollar. One last (but not as likely) scenario is that Red allows some sort of lay by system to inmates.
Question: Whatever happened to Donna's little sister (I think her name was Tina?) She was mentioned during the first season and we even saw her once, but I haven't seen or heard of her since then. Have they ever explained where she went?
Chosen answer: Even though they appear in certain episodes, Tina Pinciotti and her other sister, Valerie, were written out of the series, much like Chuck Cunningham on "Happy Days." They are neither seen nor mentioned again.
Question: In the UK Extended DVD, Aragorn's rousing speech at the black gate seems to finish a little differently. The line, 'This day we fight' sounds different to me from what I remember from the cinema and as I don't own the theatrical version I can't check. Can anyone confirm my suspicions and if so, why did they change it?
Answer: It's not different from the theatrical cut, but a significantly different take on the line was used in the trailer.
Question: When Mrs. Clackett tells Flavia that the bed hasn't been aired, Flavia says, "I'll get a hot water bottle." What is the hot water bottle for?
Chosen answer: Hot water bottles were used to warm the sheets and take the "staleness" out of sheets that have not been used in a while.
Question: I know that the musical being called 'Lease' is a reference to 'Rent', but what's the joke behind the song being called 'Everyone has AIDS'?
Chosen answer: The musical "Rent" is based on the opera "La Boheme" in which the main character Mimi dies of consumption (tuberculosis). In the updated story for "Rent", the disease is AIDS rather than TB. Several characters in Rent have AIDS or are HIV positive.
Question: When Scotty gets email, it says "mail muthafu**a." Is this something that they did just for the movie or can you get this somewhere?
Chosen answer: It was made for the movie but you can now find it all over the 'net. Try a Google search.
Question: When Brad Pitt lays nude with two women, was Brad Pitt and the two women really nude?
Chosen answer: I can't answer for certain, but I know that usually actors wear 'modesty clothes' in scenes like this: very small, flesh-coloured underwear. This is most likely in this case, as Brad Pitt's 'nakedness' was not actually seen on the camera.
Question: What is the name of the song playing towards the end of the episode where carrie is a model for the day? the chorus goes "my love is your love."
Answer: It's called "Got To Be Real" by Cheryl Lynn.
Question: Why was the password "kronos" written in the underwater cave? And how did Mr Incredible know that was the password?
Answer: It was written there because Gazerbeam had used his powers to carve it into the wall before he died; that's why Mr. Incredible had to align his point of view with the dead man's. When he got to the password screen, he just assumed - correctly, as it turns out - that Gazerbeam would have found it out, and used his last dying moments to leave it behind for someone else to use.
Question: Why was old Biff seemingly in agony when he returned to 2015 after stealing the almanac? Did this have to do with this not being his future anymore?
Answer: There is a cut scene of old Biff disappearing after returning the DeLorean.
Answer: I saw a behind-the-scenes special about this, and it said the intention was that after giving the book to himself (thereby changing his future) something then happened to Biff after 1985 but before 2015- possibly being killed by Lorraine while they were married. This is why, after changing his past, Biff shouldn't exist in 2015. This incident was never scripted or shot, but that was the idea. Something similar happened to Marty in the first movie. As he faded from existence, he became sick and weak.
Question: Can somebody please tell me all of the celebrity cameos throughout the film and where?
Answer: David Hasselhoff plays the coach of the German dodgeball team. William Shatner plays the host of the game. Chuck Norris plays the third judge. Lance Armstrong plays himself, and he was actually afflicted by cancer in the way he describes. I believe he says in the film he won the Tour de France 5 times since - that's now increased to six. A real dodgeball player, Tobias 'Sniper' McKinney played for the German Blitzkreig team.
Question: Where is the bone that is suppose to contain the easter egg, it is not in the deleted scenes menu.
Answer: When you are at the Main Menu, go left of the "Play Movie" selection.
Question: When the two troopers are showing their rifle to the kids does one of them say it's made by Beretta (makers of the M92F and the M93R pistols)?
Answer: No, the subtitles show the soldier saying "It's a fully automatic Morita."
Question: What is the song that Christian is singing during the Roxanne dance scene? I recognise the words, but I think it is to a different tune.
Answer: Christian is not singing Roxanne, just the Argentinian. I believe Christian's words are original and not from a previous song.
Answer: The words are from "Roxanne" by The Police, and the tune is "Le Tango du Moulin Rouge".
Question: I know it's an answer to a previous question, but I've just been so confused about the answer I had to ask again: Can Dracula's Werewolf Antidote work after 12 times of midnight on their first full moon? If it could, why did Van Helsing order Carl to kill him? If it couldn't work, why would Dracula even have it? Can someone please answer this question who is 100% sure they have the right answer?
Answer: Dracula's antidote would turn the werewolf into a normal human but only if they recieved the antidote before the 12th chime of midnight. If they were too late he would not be able to turn back into a normal human. After seeing the picture in the house they were staying at Carl discovered that only a werewolf could kill Dracula, so when Van Helsing turned into a werewolf he told Carl to kill him if they were too late so that he would not remain a werewolf and do to people what he had spent his life fighting against. But Dracula also knew that was the only way for him to be killed, so he kept an antidote so if a werewolf turned against him he would be able to cure them and save himself.
Question: What was the total worldwide gross of Predator 1, and then Predator 2? Sorry but imdb doesn't have worldwide takings for either.
Answer: Worldwide Gross for Predator 1 is $190,534,137, and Worldwide Gross for Predator 2 is $57,169,413.
Question: In one scene, Kazan is lead into a corner of a room to relieve his bladder. After three days, it would seem that all of them would have had to indulge in similar relief. How come no one was electrocuted through the urine stream, or there was no apparent damage done to the electrical systems of at least that room?
Answer: The designers would anticipate that people might be in there for a long period of time - they presumably insulated the systems in the cubes against that particular possibility.
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Answer: Celtic is the second predator to die in the big fight. His death comes at the hands of "Nethead" (aka Grid) when he attempts to kill the alien with some sort of ceremonial knife while it was subdued with the net. He can be described as having an unusual mask because it displays some additional protrusions around the mouth, possibly as a re-breather of some sort. Celtic also has a scratch on his mask which he got when fighting the alien.